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Waterproofing Systems


T I T L E A R T I C L E | PAGES 2 – 4

Concrete repair –
stop concrete
damage in its tracks

O N S I T E | PAGES 5 – 6

a waste water tank
Mould –
a threat to health

Concrete repair is one of the focal points

of this issue. Concrete and steel re-
inforcement frequently suffer damage.
The causes can be KÖSTER Betomor® Multi A
manifold. However,
whether the damage Concrete repair:
arises from natural
aging, from environ- Quicker with an all-in-one...
mental influences,
from overloading of
The importance of the repair of
the statics, incorrect
structurally damaged concrete and
planning and applica-
reinforced concrete structures is
tion procedures or
increasing, because during the last
faulty design, in order
twenty, thirty years the use of con-
to retain the value of a building, dam-
aged and corroded parts of the structure crete as a construction material
must be professionally repaired as soon has increased. In order to guaran-
as possible. tee the success of the repair works,
care must be exercised during the
This requires the appropriate products. planning and execution. Plain Clearly visible:
For decades, the innovative develop- “concrete cosmetics”, which due to Concrete maintenance is due here
ment of new systems has been our
the influence of time- and cost-
strength in the construction chemicals
pressure, are applied all too often, ling of the steel volume. This
market. Via close association with users
do not provide a lasting solution – causes a blasting pressure which
and planners, we work from the per-
usually such measures have to be destroys the structure of the con-
spective of “What comes out of the
repaired using more elaborate and crete structural member.
market, goes into the market”.
expensive methods. KÖSTER BAU-
A development from this partnership- CHEMIE AG has introduced a new Repair objectives
like collaboration is described in this product to the market that makes
Waterproofing Report: KÖSTER Beto- the reliable restoration of concrete Once damages develop, the repair
mor® Multi A – a product that stands simpler and more efficient: KÖSTER of the affected concrete structural
out because of its excellent technical Betomor® Multi A. member should take place imme-
features. It is another step towards long diately. In Germany, the construc-
lasting restoration of structural mem- Causes tion material requirements for
durable and reliable repair are
The quality of our products and systems Of the various causes of damage specified in the DafStb1 repair
is confirmed by numerous certificates and damage mechanisms, carbon- guidelines and defined in the
from independent institutes. And now ation and moisture are the main guideline “Schutz und Instand-
another test certificate was gained: for driving forces. One fundamental setzung von Betonbauteilen2”:
the product KÖSTER Crisin® 76. It guar- structural damage of concrete
antees a reliable horizontal barrier by structural members arises princi- ■ Repair of the protection of
way of unpressurized injection even in pally from frost weathering the steel reinforcement
cases where the moisture content is caused by porous and open sur- ■ Replacement of the structurally
greater than 90%. faces as well as from the absorp- weakened concrete areas
You will see other new achievements of tion of carbon dioxide (CO2) from ■ Sealing of the structural
our daily work in the products KÖSTER the air and moisture. members
Level G and KÖSTER AMS, a system for ■ Visual restoration to the origi-
dealing with mould. We also report on Whether from moisture or car- nal state.
them in this issue. Enjoy the reading! bonation – in both cases, the steel
inside the concrete is attacked. It Previous methods
Best wishes from Aurich
reacts with carbon dioxide and
water to rust. This process, which On the basis of the repair guide-
is accelerated by poor concrete lines, several work-steps are
Günter Betten quality and cover, leads to a doub- required in order to repair the
Head of Sales, Germany
1 Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton or ‘German Commission for Reinforced Concrete’
2 Protection and maintenance of concrete construction components

damaged concrete construction


1. Removal of the damaged con-

crete down to the sound and
stable concrete-substrate-layer,
including cleaning of the steel
reinforcement (degree of purity
SA 2 1/2) and cleaning of the
surface of the damaged con-
2. Application of a corrosion pro-
tection system
a) mineral-based (two-layer appli-
cation of cementitious systems)
b) synthetic resin-based (mainly
with epoxy-resin systems)
3. Application of a bonding bridge
(predominantly mineral-based)
4. Filling in the missing concrete
parts with a coarse repair mortar
5. Smoothing of the repaired sur-
faces with a finishing coat
6. Visual surface treatment, e. g.
Cleaning the steel
Gypsum-free all-rounder: reinforcement and
KÖSTER Betomor® Multi A concrete by sand-
In order to optimize the required
work-steps and to shorten the
unavoidable waiting times saving. The result is a multi-func- ■ high degree of admixture of
between them, comprehensive tional mortar which combines synthetic materials
series of tests were carried out in the required work-steps and ■ cement-based
the research and development sequences 2 to 5 in one single ■ gypsum-free
department of KÖSTER BAU- product: KÖSTER Betomor® Multi ■ fast curing
CHEMIE. Their aim was to offer A. Its properties meet all of the ■ chloride and carbonate-free
concrete repair technology that stated requirements: ■ compensation of the shrinkage
is reliable in design and time- ■ high alkalinity

Mix, apply and smooth – done quickly with KÖSTER Betomor® Multi A

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■ Layer thickness can be up to calculation of the materials neces- And the waiting times between
60mm sary for carrying out the repair the individual work-steps are
■ ideal development of the work is simplified. Construction reduced to a minimum.
compressive strength logistics are accelerated by the
■ Bonding bridge, reprofiling use of Betomor® Multi A.
mortar and fine filler in one
Outlook The steel reinforcement in the concrete is passivated
by a thin oxide layer. This layer is protected by the
This new all-rounder simplifies alkaline pH value of the surrounding concrete. As a
the design and execution of con- result of the absorption of atmospheric CO2, this pH
crete repair in key areas: After value decreases. In a neutral or acidic environment, the
cleaning damaged areas, all of the oxide layer is no longer stable and the passive corro-
required work-steps can be carried sion protection is removed. On interaction with mois-
out using one single mortar. The ture, the steel begins to rust.


The fast mineral floor screed

for inside and outside
it can be used in almost all areas ■ Layer thicknesses between 8
of application. and 20 mm are possible
■ Moisture content 24 hours after
The following properties make application is below 4%
KÖSTER Level G stand out:
KÖSTER Level G is mixed only with
■ Applicable inside and outside, water using customary mechani-
also suited for use in locations cal mixers. When using combined
stressed by moisture or con- mixing- and feeding-pumps, high
stant wetness laying performance can be
■ Useable as an industrial floor achieved.
screed according to EN 13813,
fire resistance classification A1 KÖSTER Level G has already been
■ Can be walked on after only used for many industrial applica-
approx. 3 hours and be used tions in which a rapid recommis-
after approx. 24 hours sioning was required and in which
Time is money – especially so in the ■ High wear resistance high value was placed on a long-
construction industry. For this rea- ■ Highly capable of flowing lasting floor coating. For example,
son, we developed KÖSTER Level G. ■ Can be used in areas stressed in warehouses, water reservoirs,
by frost and de-icing salts motor vehicle repair shops and
The binding agent matrix of (In Germany: exposition cate- factories. It is also applied in pri-
KÖSTER Level G are mineral bind- gory XF) vate housing construction, e. g.
ing agents based on high-grade ■ An extra bonding bridge is not access balconies, basements,
cements. Since no chloride, gyp- necessary, since it is already garages and balconies have been
sum or calcium sulphate is added, integrated successfully renovated.

Concrete repair

Repair of a brewery wastewater tank exposed to

heavy chemical stresses
The problem The repair concept addition of KÖSTER SB Bonding
Emulsion “Concentrate” to the
The concrete of a brewery waste- After comprehensive technical whole surface
water tank was showing exten- laboratory testing, a durable pro- 5. Final sealing of the surface with
sive damage from chemical and tection system was developed KÖSTER Polysil® TG 500 by
mechanical stresses. In some that pays special attention to the spraying the material onto the
areas, the concrete had been dam- strong fluctuations of the pH surface.
aged so that the steel reinforce- value.
ment was visible which had lead
to a significant interference of the Work-steps on the base slab
operation. The wastewater fed
into the tank consists both of 1. Substrate preparation: thor-
acidic (pH 2.5) and of alkaline (pH ough cleaning of the surface by
12.5) liquids. The diameter of the sandblasting and preparation
tank is approx. 9m and the side- of a sound and stable substrate
walls that have to be repaired are with a minimum adhesive
about 3m high. tensile strength of 1.5 N/mm2
2. Application of the surface-
The job strengthening primer KÖSTER
Polysil® TG 500
The tank has to be repaired using 3. Coating of the entire surface
a mineral repair- and coating- with KÖSTER Level G with a
system that is durable and able to minimum layer thickness of
withstand the liquid media 10mm (depending in some
present. places on the roughness of the

Work-steps on the walls

The result KÖSTER Level G is
1. Surface preparation: thorough applied as the final
cleaning of the surface by sand- The severe damages of the con- coating to the base
blasting and preparation of a crete were repaired and protected slab. The wall sur-
sound and stable substrate with a durable and secure mineral face has already
with a minimum adhesive ten- coating system. Shortly after com- been sealed finally
sile strength of 1.5 N/mm2 pletion, the tank could be used with KÖSTER Poly-
2. Application of the surface- again as normal. sil® TG 500. Done!
strengthening primer KÖSTER
Polysil® TG 500
3. Filling in of rough areas with Credits
KÖSTER Repair Mortar with the Object: Brewery wastewater tank
addition of KÖSTER SB Bonding
Implementation: Henkenötter Fußboden-
Emulsion “Concentrate” technik GmbH, Paderborn
Before repair: On the wall and in the 4. Application of the mineral coat- System partner
fillet the damage is clearly visible. ing KÖSTER NB 1 Grey with the “Die Abdichter”

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KÖSTER Anti-Mould-System

Mould –
a threat to health
Mould seeds, referred to ■ KÖSTER AMS 2 Liquid Film:
as spores or conidia, are Solvent-free air – but not water
classified as a cause of – permeable coating. Applica-
the most diverse respira- tion is also done using a paint-
tory illnesses including brush.
asthma. If the decision
to fight the mould is ■ KÖSTER AMS 3 Special Plaster:
made, it becomes evi- Capillarily inactive, highly alka-
dent that, due to their line special plaster which is
poisonous content, many exteremly absorbent due to its
anti-fungus-media are large pores. Application is done
not much more benefi- using a finishing trowel.
cial to human health
than the fungus itself. Due to the thin layer composition
After removing the visible mould... of in total only 2.5mm, the KÖSTER
The KÖSTER Anti-Mould-System Anti-Mould-System can also be
Every day, five to ten litres of functions without biocides and applied in small areas. In combi-
water evaporate in an average fungus-killing poisons. It consists nation, these layers act like a huge
apartment due to cooking, of three components which build buffer which absorbs the moisture
bathing, washing and breathing. on each other and are simple and accumulating in the room and
This leads to an excess of air inexpensive to apply: thus prevents the masonry from
moisture in the rooms. Suddenly, AMS 1 Primer, AMS 2 Liquid Film absorbing moisture. Because of
dark dots appear on the walls and AMS 3 Special Plaster. this, the moisture is released more
which slowly develop into bigger quickly than it would be in the
spots: mould has developed! The secret of the KÖSTER Anti- case of a conventional plaster.
Mould-System lies in the layer
Now prompt action has to be composition: The application of the KÖSTER
taken because besides the Anti-Mould-System guarantees,
unsightly optical appearance and ■ KÖSTER AMS 1 Primer: Solvent- proper heating and ventilation
the creeping deterioration of the free moisture barrier with very provided, dry surfaces without
building substance, the endanger- good adhesion improving prop- impairment of the room climate.
ing of the room climate should erties for all mineral substrates. Thus, mould finally is – once and
not be underestimated. The material is applied using a for all – a problem of the past.
wide brush.

...the KÖSTER AMS 1 Primer ... the KÖSTER AMS 2 Liquid Film is ...the KÖSTER AMS 3 Special Plaster ... and – once it has just started to
and at least 15 minutes later ... applied. After 1 hour curing time... is applied uniformly thin... set – leveled with a trowel

KÖSTER Crisin® 76

New test certificate confirms the reliability

of the horizontal barrier again
KÖSTER Crisin® 76 is extremely installed using unpressurized
effective as a horizontal barrier. injection – even in cases where
Following comprehensive tests, moisture penetration levels are
the independent Dahlberg-Insti- above 90%. While the untreated
tute for Diagnostic Investigation test pieces had to be considered
and Maintenance of Historic “permeable to water” or “water
Structures e.V., Wismar has con- absorbent”, they can be consid-
firmed, that the product guaran- ered “water-repellent” after the
tees a secure horizontal barrier – treatment.

New: The Green Pages of Construction Chemicals

All KÖSTER systems, all KÖSTER
products– and a whole lot more:
Our new, completely revised sales
catalogue has become a
practical reference book
for waterproofing. On 85
pages, all areas of appli-
cation are presented
extensively. Summarizing
tables with the specifica-
tions for tenders lead
quickly to the needed prod-
uct for every waterproofing

Order your copy!

You can order “The Green Pages of
Construction Chemicals” directly from
us using the fax-sheet on the back
page of this Waterproofing Report
or by e-mail to:

KÖSTER WaterproofingReport | 6/7


1 | 2007

Dieselstrasse 3 – 10
26607 Aurich

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If you would like to know more about the topics discussed in this issue,
please copy this sheet and send it to us by fax or send us an e-mail to: ■ our website at

Yes, I am interested in these topics:

Concrete repair with KÖSTER Betomor® Multi A

Application technology Sales

Mineral floor screed with KÖSTER Level G

Application technology Sales

Treatment against mould with the KÖSTER Anti-Mould-System ■ the planning folder, with all of
the master work-schedules and
Application technology Sales
technical guidelines for trades-
men, architects and civil engin-
New Test Certificate for KÖSTER Crisin® 76 eers
Application technology Sales
■ “The Green Pages of Construc-
tion Chemicals” – our sales
Please send me “The Green Pages of Construction Chemicals” catalogue, with its extensive
information part

Other You can order the planning folder

from us by writing to us to:


Dieselstrasse 3 – 10,
26607 Aurich, Germany
About us
Company Publisher
Dieselstrasse 3 – 10, 26607 Aurich
Telephone +49 49 41 97 09-0,
Meinders+Winter Werbeagentur GmbH
Telephone Fax Meindersstrasse 1, 33615 Bielefeld

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