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I’ve learned a lot from this subject. I learned about the concept, relationship
and the importance of politics, governance and government. This subject taught me
that politics is very important because it determines what governance means. Far
beyond the role of government, at any level, politics determines how we manage our
own world and the world around us. I find the some activities are quite interesting.
Introduction to world
religion and belief system


Quality World Religions was a great opportunity for me to learn about other beliefs in
different countries. Before this class, I was unaware of many of the religions that had been
discussed. It was fascinating to learn about the various religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese
religion, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The Buddhist religion was one of the most interesting
to learn about, however, it was even great to learn more about a familiar religion, Christianity.
There was a lot of information on each of these religions and it was enjoyable to learn the
similarities and differences between each of them.
Creative nonfiction
As a student the brainstorming sessions in class creative nonfiction were
very useful in the search for suitable subject matter. Writing an excellent paper
appeared to owe it’s uniqueness not only to the writers ability, but also to the subjects
and points on which they choose to concentrate. When I went over draft of any of
the essay again. I took every comment carefully, weighing it against the overall goal
I had in mind for the work and it’s relevancy. I almost always include corrections to
the spelling and punctuation, but I would accept or leave corrections to word choice.
Take the word “japed” for example. Before the class, I’d never heard anyone call it
a “racial slur” because it was “a racial slur”. Words like that take on new meanings
or lose their original meanings all the time in the English language and unless I used
it in the context with other things that appeared to be of the same racial bias, an
intelligent reader might take offense. However, because my usage of it did not imply
anything, I decided to keep it regardless of how one or two readers might feel about
it. I prefer to disregard them because they should realize it’s just a word to me if it’s
not given in context.


The form is described by the words “creative” and “nonfiction.” The term “creative” refers to the use of
literary craft, the techniques writers use to tell stories about real people and events in a compelling, vivid,
and dramatic manner the “nonfiction” part. The goal is to communicate a piece of the real world a personal
experience, a scientific discovery, a history, a place, or a person in a way that sings on the page, informs
and changes readers, and has an impact. The term “creative” has been criticized in this context because
some people believe it implies that the writer can make up facts, exaggerate, or embelish details. This is
completely false. It is possible to be honest, direct, brilliant, and creative all at the same time. “Creative”
does not imply inventing what did not occur or reporting and describing what did not exist. It does not
imply that the author is free to lie. The literary genre known as Creative Nonfiction can be defined in a
variety of ways. It’s a genre that goes by a variety of titles, depending on how it’s packaged and who’s
defining it. Literary Nonfiction , Narrative Nonfiction, Literary Journalism, Imaginative Nonfiction, Lyric
Essay, Personal Essay, Personal Narrative, and Literary Memoir are some of the terms used. Because of the
way writing alters our understanding of a subject, creative nonfiction is sometimes mistaken for another
form of fiction. As a fan of this art form, I prefer to define it as broadly as possible. It’s what I call memory-
or fact-based writing that incorporates aspects and styles from fiction, poetry, memoir, and essay. It is
writing about and from a world that includes the author’s life and/or the author’s perspective on the lives
of others. Memoir, personal essay , meditations on ideas, literary journalism, nature writing, city writing,
travel writing, journals or letters, cultural commentary, hybrid forms, and even autobiographical fiction can
all be found under the Creative Nonfiction umbrella. Memory experience, observation, opinion, and various
types of research are all used in this form. The form can sometimes do all of the above at the same time. It
can also be more selective at times. What links all these forms is that the “I,” the literary version of the
author, is either explicitly or implicitly present, the author is in the work. This is work that includes the
particular sensibility of the author while it is also some sort of report from the world. Be it a public or a
personal world. Be the style straightforward like a newspaper feature, narrative like a novel, or metaphorical
like a poem. Being creative helps you become a better problem solver in all areas of your life and work.
Creativity helps you see things differently and better deal with uncertainty. Studies show that creative
people are better able to live with uncertainty because they can adapt their thinking to allow for the flow of
the unknown. Individual creativity empowers children to be themselves and stay true to what they love.
People who are given the opportunity to express themselves continue their creative interests as they mature.
Successful people find unique solutions to situations or problems; creativity creates avenues for success.
Facts are the underdogs of creative nonfiction, accused of simply presenting information.
Community engagement,
solidarity and citizenship

The most important aspects of community engagement are community

leadership and service. Being actively involved in the community in which you
reside is critical to its growth and development. It is critical because there are those
in our community that require assistance. Being involved in the community
guarantees that everyone’s work together to solve issues. I cannot expect the change
I want to see in my town until I participate in the advancement of my community.
Having the skills to be an effective leader is relevant to all aspects. As a leader grows
and develop with the community the individual within the community must do the
same. There are many attributes that I think are the most important for community
leaders include being engaged within the community, leadership, qualities are
essential. I may also apply what I’ve learned to become a well more well-rounded,
knowledgeable individual. Knowledge is definitely power, as this course has shown
me. When you grasp the characteristics of cultural competency, for example you are
more likely to understand their backgrounds


The “entrepreneurship” subject help me to think more critically, to be more

advanced, and to believe in myself enough to sell those things without disguising
my face. I was also able to establish acquaintances and get to know some of my
classmates through this subject. As a human, student and an entrepreneur, I had seen
their strength and shortcomings. Entrepreneurship is taught to serve as a training
ground for students and to allow them to learn about the real world of business. It
also acts as a foundation for any similar courses we might pursue in college. Not just
theories, memorization, and familiarization, but also through application such as
problem solving and real life decision making, is the greatest way to teach kids.
Because I was able to experience all of these, I feel myself fortunate and grateful. I
sincerely and honestly acknowledge that balancing my academics, family, and
business is difficult, far more difficult than I anticipated, but here I am alive and
writing my reflection. Since then, I’ve never truly wished for everything. However,
after entering this unit, my perspective on entrepreneurship has shifted. An
entrepreneur is someone who is prepared to take risk by establishing a new business
does not exist in the market or by starting their own firm in order to profit or take
advantage of a business opportunity. Entrepreneurship is the willingness to accept
risks in order to develop, organize, and manage a business venture in a continuously
changing global economy. Pioneers, innovators, leaders, and inventors are all
characteristics of entrepreneurs.
Disciplines and ideas in
social science

Social sciences are academic social science disciplines, professions, and

occupations that seek to imply basic social science knowledge, primarily from
sociology, economics, and political science, but also from psychology, social
psychology, and anthropology, to make a difference in people’s lives. Applied
social sciences are academic social sciences disciplines, professions, and
occupations that seek to apply basic social science knowledge, primarily from
sociology, economics and political science but also from psychology, social
psychology, and anthropology to make a difference in people’s lives.
In learning of this subject it raise the social science to a practical science to
address personal, family, group and community problems by helping individuals
develop their capacity to fit well in the environment and by challenging the
environment to become better for individuals to flourish.

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