LN 4 and 5 Geography

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1. What is natural resource?

a. Any matter or energy derived from the environment that is used by living things
including humans is called a natural resource.
b. Natural resources include air, water, soil, minerals, fossil fuels, plants, wild life etc.
c. Based on the availability natural resource are classified as Renewable and Non
renewable resources
d. Renewable resource- air, sunlight, water
e. Non Renewable resource- coal, petroleum and minerals
2. What are minerals and how are they classified
Mineral is a natural substance of organic or inorganic origin with definite chemical and
physical properties
On the basis of chemical and physical properties, minerals are broadly grouped under two
categories. They are metallic and non-metallic minerals.
Metallic minerals – iron, copper, aluminium
Non metallic minerals- gypsum, limestone, mica etc

3.What are the different iron ores ?

Ans. Magnetite, Haemetite, Goethite, Limonite and Siderite

4.What are the major iron ores in India

Haemetite and Magnetite

5.Where are the largest deposits of Manganese found in India?

Odisha, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Goa and Andhra Pradesh

6.Where are the largest copper reserves found in India?

Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh

7. Write a short note on Mica
a. Mica has be come very popular with the development of electrical industry.
b. It is translucent, easily splitable into thin sheets, it is elastic and incompressible.
c. It withstands high voltage and has low power loss factor .
d. It is a non conductor of electricity and hence is extensively used in electrical goods
e. The major deposits of mica are found in Rajasthan, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and
8. What is the use of Gypsum
Gypsum occurs in the sedimentary rocks such as limestone, sandstone and shale.
It is used in the manufacture of cement, fertilizers, wall board, plaster of paris and in soil
Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Uttarakhand, Tamilnadu and Gujarat are the major producers.
9. Name the important Thermal power centres of Tamil nadu.
Neyveli, Mettur, Thoothukudi, Ennore
10. Write about the automobile clusters of India
Delhi, Gurgaon and Manesar in North India
Pune ,Nasik , Halol and Aurangabad in West India
Chennai, Bengaluru and Hosur in South India
Jamshedpur and Kolkata in East India
11. What are the products of heavy electrical industry?
a. Heavy electrical industries manufacture equipment used for power generation,
transmission and utilization.
b. Turbines for steam and hydro power plants, boilers for thermal power plants,
generators, transformers switch gears
c. This Industry covers a wide range of products including television sets, transistor
sets, telephone exchanges, cellular telegram, computers and varied equipments for
post and railway, defence and meteorological department.
12. Name five centres of IT Parks in India
The main centres of IT Parks are located in Chennai, Coimbatore, Thiruvananthapuram,
Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Noida, Mohali and Srinagar
13. What are different types of mining?
The process of extracting mineral from the earth is known as mining
. The mines near the earth crust are known as open pit mines . Lignite is obtained by this
kind of mines
while the deep mines are known as shaft mines . Copper, iron mines are deep shaft mines
14. What is energy resource?
The resources from which the electricity generated are called energy resources.
15. What is CNG?
a) Compressed natural gas (CNG) (methane stored at high pressure) is a fuel which can
be used in place of gasoline, diesel fuel and propane/LPG.
b) In comparison to other fuels, natural gas poses less of a threat in the event of a spill,
because it is lighter than air and disperses quickly when released.
16. Write short notes o solar power
a. Solar Power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using
photovoltaics (PV) or indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP).
b. Concentrated solar power systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking system to
focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam.
c. Photovoltaics convert light into an electric current using the photovoltaic effect.
17. Where is solar energy ised?
Solar power is used in water heaters, refrigerators, drying, street lighting, cooking, pumping,
power generator, photovoltaic cells, salon parts etc.
18. What is Bio mass energy?
a. Bio energy may be obtained through biodegradable materials like animal dung,
kitchen wastes, water hyacinth, agricultural residues and city wastes etc.
b. It is clean and cheap source of energy.
c. Energy derived from biomass is mostly used for domestic purposes.
19. Why are textiles industries concentrated in and around Mumbai?
Presence of black cotton soil in Maharashtra, humid climate, presence of Mumbai port,
availability of hydro power, good market and well developed transport facility favour the
cotton textile industries in Mumbai.
20. What are the major challenges of Indian industries?
Shortage and fluctuation in Power Supply.
• Non- availability of large blocks of land.
• Poor access to credit.
• High rate of interest for borrowed loan.
• Non- availability of cheap labourers.
• Lack of technical and vocational training for employees.
• Inappropriate living conditions nearby industrial estates
LN 5
1. What are the reasons for the uneven distribution of population?
The uneven distribution of population in the country is the result of several factors such
as physical, socio-economic and historical ones.
The physical factors include relief, climate, water, natural vegetation, minerals and
energy resources.
Socio-economic factors consists of the religion, culture, political issues, economy,
human settlements, transport, network, industrialization, urbanization, employment
opportunity etc.
2. What is density of the population?
a. It is expressed as number of persons per sq km.
b. According to 2011, the average density of population of India is 382 persons per
c. The most densely populated state of India is Bihar and the state with least
population density is Arunachal Pradesh.
3. Define
Birth rate - Birth rate refers to the number of live births per thousand people in a year .
Death rate refers to the number of deaths per thousand people in a year
4. What is population change?
Population change refers to an increase or decrease of population of an area from one
period to another period. Population growth is influenced by the birth rate, death rate
and migration. These three make the changes in population.
5. What is migration?
It is the movement of people across regions and territories. It can be internal (within a
country) or international (between the countries).
Internal migration influences the distribution of population in a nation
6. What are the Push and pull factors of migration?
Unemployment and under employment in the rural areas are the push factors and the
employment opportunity and higher wages in the urban areas caused by the industrial
development are the pull factors of migration in the country.
7. What is dependency ratio?
a. The age composition of population refers to the number of people in different
age groups in a country.
b. Population of a nation is generally grouped in to three broad categories.
c. In India, the children who has less than 15 years of age constitute 29.5% and the
people above 60 years constitute 8.0%.
d. So, the dependent population in India is 37.5%and the independent population
(16-59 yrs) is 62.5%.
e. It shows that our country has enormous manpower
8. What is population dynamics?
Human population dynamics is a field that tracks factors related to changes in the size of
population and its characteristics.
Predicting population changes is an important aspect of population studies.
9. What are the problems of over population?
In India, growing pressure of Population on resource base, created many socioeconomic,
cultural, political, ecological and environmental problems.
Some of the major issues created by the overpopulation in our country are
overcrowding, unemployment and under employment, low standard of living,
malnutrition, mismanagement of natural and agricultural resources, unhealthy
10. What is urbanization?
The process of society’s transformation from rural to urban is known as urbanization.
11. What are the problems of urbanization?
The following are the major problems of urbanization in India.
a. „ It creates urban sprawl.
b. „ It makes overcrowding in urban centres.
c. „ It leads to shortage of houses in urban areas.
d. „ It leads to the formation of slums.
e. „ It increases traffic congestion in cities.
f. „ It creates water scarcity in cities. „
g. It creates drainage problem.
h. It poses the problem of solid waste management.
i. It increases the rate of crime.
12. What are the reasons for the rapid growth of population in India?
a. Widening gap between birth and death rates
b. Low age at marriage
c. High literacy
d. Religious attitude towards family planning
13. The sex ratio in our country is always unfavourable to females. Give reason
a. Preferential treatment is given to male child and female children get neglected
due to cultural factors
b. Female foeticide and infanticide are responsible for the declining female

c. Lack of education, poor nutrition,dowry deaths and early marriages are also
other reason for the deaths of the women

14. What are the benefits of Golden quadrilateral?

It is the largest highway project completed in India
The overall length of te Golden quadrilateral is 5846 Km
It passes through 13 states of India and connects the four metropolitan cities of Delhi,
Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai
It provides faster transport network between major cities and ports
Farmers are able to transport their produce to major cities and towns for sale and export
and there is less wastage and spoils.
15. Why is air travel preferred in North Eastern States?
The terrain is rugged in the North Eastern States due to the mountainous areas and
dense forests
It is difficult to build roadways or railways in the harsh terrain
Big rivers also pose a problem of floods . Hence air travel is preferred.
16. Find out the major trade blocs which are useful for multilateral trade.
a. Developing countries benefit the most from this trading status.
b. It increases trade and economic development in the Countries of the trade blocs
through Bilateral and multilateral trade agreements

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