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Activity Sheet in 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Quarter 1 Week 2
Learners Name: Grade & Section: Date:
I. Learning Skills
MELC: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing
an adaptation of these require from the learner the ability to identify: a.) the
geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary history from
pre-colonial to the contemporary
b.) representative texts and authors from each region (e.g. engage in oral
history research with focus on key personalities for the students’
Specific Objectives:
1.) identify the geographic, ethnic and linguistic dimensions of literary
text; 2.) analyze a literary text using the formalist approach; and
3.) appreciate the various dimensions by examining the geographic, ethnic
and linguistic dimension of literary text.

II. Introductory Concept

Analyzing a Text through Formalist Approach
The text self itself provides different information about the literary piece, how
the author describes the setting will give us the geographical dimension of a literary
text, the symbolisms and theme provides us with knowledge on its ethnic
dimension and finally the author’s diction, use of imagery, figures of speech and
symbol contributes to its linguistic dimension. These dimensions can be analyzed
through the lens of a formalist criticism.
Formalist Criticism
• Formalist Critics (or New Critics) focus on the formal elements of a work -
its language, structure, and tone; they offer intense examinations of the
relationship between form and meaning within a work, emphasizing the
subtle complexity of how a work is arranged.
• i.e.: how such things as diction, irony, paradox, metaphor, symbolism, plot,
characterization, rhyme, or narrative technique develop the overall meaning
of the piece.
A formalist reads literature as an independent work of art rather than as a
reflection of the author’s state of mind or as a representation of a moment in
history. Such things as biography, history, politics, and economics, for example,
are considered far less important than the writing’s form. Words and image shape
the work itself.
Applying Formalism in Analyzing a Literary Text
Step 1. The first step in the formalist approach is to read with an active and critical
mind and paying attention to the details of the poem.

Step 2. Next carefully examine how it is written in narrative form, or in stanzas.

Step 3. Note the word that appeals to the senses, more specifically look for images,
similes, metaphors and symbols used in the literary text.
Step 4. Study who is narrating or telling what happens, who are the characters in
the literary piece and how are these characters revealed to the readers.
Step 5. Finally, how these parts work together will tell you the theme and the
message it conveys. It answers the question what it is about.
Guide questions:
>What is the tittle, setting, other elements etc; and to what extent it is symbolic? >What
kind of language does the author use?
>How do various elements of the work reinforce its meaning?
>What recurring patterns can you find?
>What figures of speech are used?

III. Activities
A. Practice Task 1: Winging
Instruction: Study the information below and answer the questions the follow: The
Meaning: Ivatan is derived from Marunong ( Filipino) and Chapatak (Ivatan) which
literally means “someone who knows”
Place of Origin:Batanes
Also known as : “Home of the Winds”
Topographic Description :Northernmost and the smallest province in the country. It
encompasses then chief islands and three of it are
Population :37.657
Religion : Today, the Ivatan are basically Catholic Livelihood : farming, fishing
Famous For : Vakul and kinyaki (headdress), dakay (historical house) Languages :Ivatan,
Ilocano, Tagalog, English
1. Ivatan : Ipangudidi mu u mapya nanawu
English: Carry with you good teaching,
always bear in mind sound advice.
2. Ivatan : Matakaw ava dimu u kasulivan
English : Nobody can steal your knowledge

Photo by: FerdzDecena

1. Choose one geographical information about the Ivatan that excites you to
explore and explain your excitement.
Interesting Information: Ivatan is also known as “Home of the Winds”
Reason: I find it interesting because it sounds like freedom and freshness.
2. Do you agree with the Ivatan’s saying that “Nobody can steal your knowledge”
Express your idea in two sentences.
● Yes, I agree with Ivatan’s statement or saying because other people don’t
know the things that I know. We have different ways of thinking, different
curiosity, different opinions and beliefs. As like what they have said, we are
all different in our own way.

B. Practice Task 2: Taking Flight
Instruction: Read the short poem below from Ivatans. Read it carefully and answer
the questions by writing your answers in a separate sheet of paper.
Whose Face Do I Behold
(Translation by Florentino H. Hornedo from Muyin Paru Ñinu, An Ivatan Laji)
1. Whose face do I behold mirrored
2. Upon the warm water I am about to drink?
3. I dare not drink that the vision I may
4. Prolong!
5. If I die, bury me not
6. at the Cross of San Felix: bury me
7. under your fingernails, that I may
8. be eaten along with every food you eat;
9. that I may
10. be drunk along with every cup
11. of water you drink.
And now answer the questions below based on the poem read.
1. Who is the speaker in the poem?
● The speaker of the poem is Muyin Paru Ñinu and An Ivatan Laji
2. Who is being addressed in the poem?
● The speaker is talking about their perception or views about life.
3. What situation is being anticipated by the narrator?
● The narrator is expecting the delayed circumstance of his vision. On the off
chance that he dies, he would not like to be buried at the cross of San Felix.
4. Describe the irony in the poem done through the images of water. Refer to
Lines 1 and 2
● I think that the image of water signifies life.
5. The cross of San Felix is an example of symbolism. Explain what it
● Based on my research, the cross of San Felix symbolizes danger or
death. It is considered as one of the most desventuradas islands.

IV. Assessment
C 1.Which of these features of a text would a Formalist NOT be
interested in?
a. Structure c. Author’s biographical background
b. Context d. Meaning of words
D 2.Which of the following appeals to the senses?
a. Imagery b. Simile c. Symbolism d. All of the above
C 3. In analyzing how the poem started with a rhetorical question you are
looking at what aspect of the literary text?
a. Form b. Setting c. Structure d. Symbol
D 4.Why does a formalist focus on diction, irony, paradox and narrative
techniques in obtaining the meaning of a literary piece?
a. A formalist considers the history to obtain meaning
b. A formalist wants to examine how the work is arranged
c. A formalist looks at how words shape the meaning of a literary piece
d. A formalist believes that a literary piece is a reflection of the author’s
D 5. What is revealed when imagery, character and setting work
a. Form b. Structure c. Symbol d. Theme

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