A Codex On Spirit Communication

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A Codex on Spirit Communication

Magick Unveiled, Volume 4

Albertus Crowiey

Published byAibenus Crowley, 2019.




While every precaution has been taken in the preparation oftl’ils
book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or
omissions, or for damages resulting from the use ofthe infor
mation contained herein.
First editionu December 1;,zero.
Copyright © 2019 Albertus Crowley
ISBN: 9784386521464
Written by Albertus Crowley.
Table of Contents





Understanding§pirit Communication

is It Safe?

You and the Spirit Worid

The Techniqu_e_5_
To Abelia

Magick Unveiled: A Codex on Spirit Communication is an occult

codex that teaches the magical secrets and techniques of cone
tacting and communicating with spirits. Learn to connect to the
belngs and entities of the Otherworld and establish lasting
friendships. As amagical practitioner, it is only right that you
learn to connect with the unseen spirits since you also work in
the astral dimension. It is also noteworthy that these magical bee
ings and spirits can help you achieve a higher level ofspirituality
and empower your magical faculties.
Magick Unveiled: A Codzx oh Spirit Communication reveals eflecr
tive methods and techniques of contacting the spirits of the
Otherworld, as well as entities of magick. This codex is the key
that will connect you to the world ofspirits and meaningful mag
ick. As |always advise my students, always walk the path ofmagr
ick with love and kindness in
your heart.
in the whole Maglck Unveiied series, magical teachings and rare
instructions as well as magical laws and theories are openly
shared. The only requirement is that you learn and practice the
magical arts with love and kindness in your heart. At any point
that you feel that love and kindness are waning, stop and just
relax. Wait until you regain this positive equilibrium, and only
then can you resume your practice. This is more important when
you engage in active contact and communication with the invisr
ible ones. Never contact anything unless there is love and kind
ness in your heart, Remember the magical axiom that likes attract
Magick Unveiled: A Codex oh Spirit commuhicatioh shares only
genuine and legitimate techniques of spirit contact and come
munication. Many of these practices have been used since ans
cient times, and there is only one reason why they have survived
the test oftimeibecause they work.
Do not be afraid to connect and communicate With spirits. Let
me share with you a little secret that you should realize: Do not
be afraid ofspirits foryou are also a spirit.
Let me now welcome you into this wonderful world of magick
and mystery, Meet spirits from the Otherside and even form lasts
ing friendships with them. Not to mention, you can also learn
many things from spirits and other creatures of magick. Now is
the time to immerse yourself into another magical univefskti'le
place ofspirits, magical beings and entities, and simply pure and
raw magick. May this path be an enlightening journey for you.
And, again, always remember to walk this path with love and
Blessed be!
Understanding Spirit Communication

Spirit communication is an old practice, it was used by our

ancestors, by the ancient shamans and witches of the old Day
According to ancient and sacred writings, long ago, there was a
time when humans and spirits had a mutual relationship. Spirits
walked the Earth and made friends with humans. That was until
humans started to dense their way of "modernization". The
faeries started to doubt the kindness ofhumanity and flew away
into their own kingdom away from human sight. Worse, there
were people who destroyed magical kingdoms and enslaved
spirits who used to be their friends and allies in life. it was a
shift, a dramatic change in humanity, which many wizards refer
to as the downfall ofman and the breaking ofthe bond between
the visibleandtheinvisible.
Regardless of the evils that happened, the good news is that
every man is still a spirlt, Being also a spirit, one can connect to
the Otherworld and once again reawaken the meaningful and love
ing bond that we once had with the magical folks and beings.
To communicate with spirits is to speak with the soul. You
should also understand that spirits are everywhere. The have
only moved away from the physical plane but they are well alive
in the astral plane, a plane that coexists with the physical or
material plane.They are as alive today as they were centuries ago
during the time when magick was very much alive and accepted
in theworld. in fact, back then, magick was a natural part oflife.
When you communicate With spirits and magical entities, you
should be aware that you are the soul that reaches out to another
soul. It supposed to be a strange occurrence, Sadly, the
is not
modern world has taught people to shun away their psychic
senses and not know the love of the spirits around us, Many
people are misguided to focus only on the physical and remain
blind to the beauty ofthe spiritual universe, As a magical practi
tioner, it would serve you well to be open to the world of spirits
and to rekindle the bond that we once had. it is also well to note
that you can learn a lot ofspiritual belrlgs,
There should be no division. Whether you have a physical body
or not, the soul knows another soul, As a human being, you
naturally exist in both realms, visible and invisibie, A common
mistake is to be present only in the physical plane and forget that
you even have a soul. As i always tell my students, you should
stop for a moment to realize the truth behind this teaching: Do
not be afraid ofspirits because you are also a spirit.
The term “spifi is a broad or general term and it refers to any
soul, being, or entity in the astral realm. It refers to both good
and bad spirits. After all, the terms good and bad are also
relative. For example, a spirit can be good in one aspect but bad
in another. it is just like any other person. in fact, a human being
is a good example ofa spirit since
you are already a spirit. How
ever, it should be noted that in the spectrum oflife, humans are
gifted and blessed by the Divine that we are close to the angels,
Unfortunately, such spiritual gifts bestowed upon man also
come together with the risk of creating evil. As a magical pracllr
tioner, it is up to you to balance the power and to always do what
is good, it is also worth noting that magical creatures like the
faeries, especially the benevolent ones, are find of working with
magical practitioners who are truly kind and loving,
Today, in a time of modernization, machines, i'llgi'lrflse build
ings, and chemicals, spirit communication is probably a long
long practice. However, it is still here, and you can practice and
rekindle the beauty of this ancient and sacred practice. Use it
well and only for good. Use it to form lasting bonds offriendship
with spirits, Be open and experience the great magick ofthe urlic
Is It Suflz?

When it comes to spirit communication, a common concern is

Safety. is it Safe to communicate witi’l Spirits.> IS ti’lere a risk that

you might get possessed by a spirit? The answer is: yes, it is safe
as long as you know what you are doing, Now, do not worry, be
cause this codex will provide you with all that you need to know,
including safety measures, to ensure your safety. However,
generally, it can be said that it is safe to communicate with spifc
its. it is just like communicating With another person.
But, how about evil spirits? It is true that evil spirits do exist just
as there are also people who are bad and commit terrible things.
However, encountering an evil spirit is one thing, and having
something bad happen to you because of an evil spirit is an
other. it is also worth noting that ifyou have love and kindness
in your heart, you will rarely encounter an evil presence in a spirit
session. This is another reason why you are strongly advised to
only take this practice if you have love and kindness in

When you practice spirit communication, you must open your

heart to love. It is only suggested that you work With good spirits
and stay away from malevolent entities, Use your intuition. Listen
to how you feel. The good news is that if you have love and
kindness in your heart, then the law of attraction works in your
favor because you will most likely attract only spirits who have a
positive vibration.
of course, although spirit communication is relatively safe, you
still have to be responsible and cautious of your actions. The
good thing is that it is very easy to ensure one‘s safety. Simply
observe the easyctorioliow instructions in this codex, and you
will be able to enjoy spirit communication safely and as much as
you want.
You and the Spirit World

You are not alone. There are spirits everywhere. Even you yours
selfare a spirit. Spirits are not iust made of people, but all living
things have spirits. The trees have a spirit, the water and the fire
have a spirit, even the air and the Earth are spirits, ofcourse, the
laypeople or those without magical training are not aware ofthis,
but as magical practitioner, you ought to know that all these
things have a spiritand they are very much alive.
There are also the creatures of the eiements, There are the Salas
manders for the fire element, the undines for water, the sylphs
for air, and the gnomes for earth. of course, there are other eler
mental beings out there, The more that you practice communir
cating with the brings of the Otherworld the more that you will
know these magical beings and creatures.
ifyou reach out to the spirit world, you should at least be ready
for the beings in that sphere. Technically speaking, you also be
long to that sphere for you also have a soul. Sadly, the modern
world has blinded the people from this truth.
Now that you want to open yourself up to the world of spirits,
you should learn to see everything and recognize their life. Look
at a flower and know that it is alive. Eeel the water in your skin
and know that it has an entity or being that rules it. Feel the
touch ofsunlight on your skin and remember that the Sun is very
much alive, The Moon is also alive and it knows the eternal sec
crets oftime and magick. The Earth, of course, the great Mother
Earth cares for you and provides you with all the things that you
need, Hug a tree and feel its spirit connect with you. Welcome to
the spirit world, a world oflife, meaning, magick, happiness, hare
mony, and love. You also have a place in this world for you are
also a spirit. By using the techniques in this codex, you shall be
able to establish a connection that was once lost. Be open and
make friends or fellowship with the spirits of the universe. This
is the circle of life. All things are connected. All things are one.
Open your mind and let your heart be filied with divine iove,
Preparatory Steps

The following preparatory steps will teach you basic meditation

to help develop your mind for spirit contact, as well as provide
you with important practices to observe in order to ensure your
safety. Be sure to practice these techniques and apply them
when you engage in any communication with a spirit. Do not be
like the others who rush the learning process, Persevere and you
will soon be rewarded. You do not have to apply all these tech
niques at the same time. The quality of your mastery still mats
ters. Still, you are free to set up as many safety measures as you
want. Do what feels right to you. The more that you practice the
more you will be effective in executing these techniques.
Remember: practice makes perfect, Having said that, let us now
discuss the preparatory steps where you shall be engaged in ace
tual practice:
Basic Meditation
The practice ofmeditation can help develop your magical faculc
ties and even create progress in your spirituality. it also makes
you more sensitive, and so it is helpful in communicating with
spirits. l have discussed power meditation in the other codex in
this series. Still,
you can do basic meditation by following these
simple instructions:
Assurne a rneditatiye position and relax. You can take any position
just be sure to keep yourspine straight. Relax and breathe gently Iris
hale through your nose and exhale out through your nose/mouth.
Relax and breathe. Focus on your breathing. When thoughts arise in
the rnind, gently bring your focus back to the breath. Nothing should
exist in your mind but the breath. Be one with the breath. You are
the breath.
To end this meditation, gently bring your awareness back to your
physical body, move your fingers and toes, and slowly open your eyes
with a smile.

Indeed, this is a simple meditation, but do not underestimate it.

Many great spiritual masters have practiced this meditation
alone for many years. in fact, its power lies in its simplicity. You
should meditate at least once daily. Breathe, relax, and let go.
Bubble Shield
The bubble shield is a basic defensive technique in psychism. it
uses a protective bubble made of magical energy to protect you
from negativity. The steps are as follows:
Relax and focus on your breathing. imagine magical energy all
around you. You may visualize it as pure white light, Now, with
eyery inhalation, see andfeei that you are drawing this magical ens
ergy towards you. Allow it to farm a bubble shield around your body.
Know that this shield shall protect you from all psychic harrn and
negatiyity With eyery inhalation, continue to add more energy into
it into the bubble shield.
Use this technique before you engage in any spirit contact. Be
firmly convinced that the shield protects. Although this is a fairly
simply technique, this shield can be very powerful and effective if
you practice it regularly
Love and Kindness
it is important to always have a heart of love and kindness. This
is also important when you communicate with spirits. Following
the law of attraction, by keeping your heart with love and kind
ness, you will also attract benevolent spirits. Love and kindness
belong to a higher vibration away from negative spirits and erltlr

ties. As you can see, simply by having a heart of love and kind
ness, you get to increase your vibration and keep away from
negative spirits. This, alone, is actually already a strong protecs
tion in the form ofprevention,
it is also a good practice to pray before you engage in any spirit
Contact, ifyou do not believe in God, you can call upon any high
er power that you want. it is always good to ask help and support
from high spirits to help ensure a safe contact with spiritual be
ings. Prayand do it with sincerity and faith.
Other Notable Safety Measures
Other notable safety measures of protection include sprinkling
saltwater on your body. You can also keep a glass of saltwater
beside you, The reason for this is that saltwater is an effective
cleansing agent that gets rid of negative energy. You can also
keep in your possession holy items to help send away any negas
tivity. ifyou are using a ouiya board, remember not to end a ses
sion without
bidding goodbye or farewell to the spirit. Do not
burn your ouiya board especially ifyou are in contact with a Spits
ifthe spirit does not allow you to end the session, simply bid

the spirit farewell and be the one to place the planchette on the
"goodbye“ on the ouiia board. Another practice of protection is
to write divine names on the floor where you are working. it is
also worth remembering that you must never be afraid of the
spirit, especially if you are dealing with a bad spirit. Evil spirits
feed on fear, thereby making them stronger. There is no fear in
love and kindness, but only power and infinite goodness.
You do not necessarily have to observe all of these additional
protections, but if you are worried of your safety, then by all
means use as many protective measures as you want,
The Techniques

Now that you have the knowledge and the right preparatory
foundation, it is time to discuss the actual techniques of spirit
Contactand communication.
pathworking (Spirit cuide)
Pathworking is a way to access the realm of the spirit using
meditation, Eor this technique, you will meet with your spirit
guide, It is recommended to contact your spirit guide to ensure
your safety, especially ifyou are a beginner.
What is a spirit guide? A spirit guide is a spirit that has always
been with you. This spirit guides you in this life. Some people
refer to it as a guardian angel or a guardian spirit, and so on.
Simply put, it is a spirit that guides you in life, especially when it
comes to your spiritual development.
You can either memorize this meditation or record yourself read
ing the following pathworking guide so you can listen to your
recording as you meditate, Let us begin:
Assurne a rneditative position and relax. Be as relaxed as possible.
Now, imagine yourself in a forest, Look around you and notice the
trees and the beautiful sunlight, Walk and explore this forest. Know
that you are about to rneet with your spirit guide. This is the guide
who has been guiding you throughout your me, A person norrnally
has many guides in a lwetime, many ofthern come and go depend
ing on your soul‘s needs, but there is one guide who has always been

with you even before you were born, and this is the guide whom you
are about to meet.
As you explore this forest, you see a clearing sornewhere in the forest,
Walk to this clearing. in the center of this clearing, there lies your
spirit guide. A guide is a spirit so it can take anyform it wants. Does
it look like a human, animal, or both, or something else? Do not

worry, your guide would neyer hurt you and it will not scare you.
Yourspirit guide has always been with you. Approach yourguide and
engage in conversation. Spend tirne with your guide.
When you finally want to return to your body, simply thank your
guide and bid hirn/herfarewell. Do not worry, you can always come
back to this place at any time you want and as many times that you
want, Think ofyour physical body and transfer your awareness back

to the physical world, slowly move your fingen and toes, and gently

open your eyes. Rest assured that your spirit guide is always with
ouija board
The ouiia board, also known as spirit board, is a tool that is used
to contract and communicate with spirits, Many horror movies
feature this board so you are probably familiar with it. it is

board that has letters and numbers with a planchette that moves
over the board to signify the answer. You can easily purchase a
ouiya board from occult shops but it is also easy to make a sim
ple one for yourself
To make your own simple yet also effective Ouija board, write the
letters ofthe alphabet on a cardboard or any piece ofpaper. Also
include the words “yes“, “no", and “goodbye“. You should also
write the numbers oo. As for the planchette, you can use a coin.
Simply place your index finger lightly on the coin, and then foie
low the movement as the spirit communicates With you through
the ouija board,The steps are as follows:
Relax and place your indexfinger lightly on the coin. Move the coin

incircles at randorn over the board to get afeel ofit, Take note that
you are deliberately moving the coin over the letters and numbers
just to have a feel ofit and be more connected. However, during the
actual contact and communication, you should not influence the
rnovement of the coin. Now, stop moving the coin andjust relax,
Now, ask, "Is there a spirit here with me?" Relax and repeat the
question gently until you get a response, The coin will move on its
own or you might feel as fsomearle or something is moving your
hand. Simply go with the flow. Take note where the coin lands and if
it is spelling a word. ifthere is a presence, feelfree to ask your dues
tions, There are no rules how to do this butjust be sure that the
tions can be easily answered. The more that you use a ouy‘a board
the more that you can learn to ejflctively communicate with spirits.
Again, practice makes perfect.

Just like a oulia board, the pendulum is another effective tool in

communicating with spirits. What is

a pendulum? A pendulum is
any weighted obiect suspended on a string or chain. You can
purchase a readyrmade pendulum from occult stores but you
can easily make one at home.
To make a simple pendulum, you only need a thread and a nee
dle. Do not worry, this simple tool is yust as effective. After all,
true power comes from the one holding the pendulum, regard
less ofthe pendulum that is used. Creating a pendulum is easy
and quick, Simply tie a needle at the end of the thread. The
length of the thread depends on your personal preference but it
should be long enough that the needle can hang freely and well
balanced in the air. The steps for using a pendulum for spirit
contact and communication are as foilows:
Hold the pendulum and be sure that the needle is still and hanging
freely Relax. Now, say, "Show me yes," The pendulum will move to
signify an aflirmative answer A common movement is a to andfro
motion.just keep your mind open and take note how the pendulum
responds. You can repeat the statement to better take note how the
pendulum responds. Next, tell the pendulum, "Show me no“, Again,
the pendulum will move, this time in a different movement, to sigs
nify a negative answer. A common movement is a circular motion,
Now that you know how the pendulum responds for a “yes“ and
“no“, you can use it to commune with spirits,
Now, use your pendulum and ask, “Is there a spirit here with me?"
Once you get an afirmativz answer, then feelfree to ask questions.
Needless to say, be polite and respectful. Also, since you are using a
pendulum, only ask questions answerable by "yes" or “no“, Do not
forget to bid the spirit goodbye or farewell to end the session. since
this is not a ouiy‘a board, there is no danger of having the spirit
trapped in the board, Hence, to end any contact, just tell goodbye or
farewell to the spirit, and you do not even have to wait for a re
sponse, Again, practice makes perfect!
Open Mind
The more that you work with spirits the more that you can easily
connect and communicate with them. Communicating with spire
its opens your mind to the realization that you are also a spirit.
Once you reach this point, you can simply keep your mind open
and notice the presence ofspirits around you. Once you are cons
nected, you can easily talk the spirits either out loud or telepaths
ically, or both, Since you are dealing with a living spirit, there are
no rules how the spirit responds. As an advice, keep your mind
open since spirits are fond ofcommunicating telepathically. You
may hear their messages like a strong thought or idea or a wi’llSr
per in your mind. Open your mind and let the spirits come to
you, When you use this technique, it is suggested that you use
the bubble shield that we earlier discussed.
Spirit Connect
By now, you should already be equipped with the right knowls
edge and practices to contact and communicate with spirits.
With enough practice, you will soon reach this level where you
do not need tools or anything else to be in contact with spirits.
instead, you will feel one with the spirits. This is the point where
have a realization that you are, indeed, also a spirit, and so cons
necting with other spirits should not be a problem, and you
should also not be afraid of other spirits, it may take time and
practice before you can achieve this level of seifsfeallzation. Do
not worry, the more that you practice and commune With spirits,
the more that your mind will be enlightened. Again, practice
makes perfect! And, remember: you are also a spirit.
Blessed be!
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