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11125122, 1203 AM ‘Quiz 8 - Photosynthesis | Schoology Onc me eet ae et ee rs cee E roast Quiz 8 - Photosynthesis [ATTEWT SCORE 14/20 01 Multiple Choice afi Where does the Calvin cycle take place? © Stroma Cytoplasm ‘Mitochondria Thylakoid membrane 02 Fillin the Blank Text wi [fonaa SSS *irat a nich tan ry nt cn nat 03 Multiple Choice afi Which are the products utilized in the Calvin cycle? ADP, P,, NADP* Qpand glucose “© ATP and NADPH Electrons and H* 04 Fill in the Blank Text ost hitpsiapp.schoology comcoursel6088875803/commor-assossmer6451798750 18 11125122, 1203 AM ‘Quiz 8 - Photosynthesis | Schoology PPhotosystom Il takes the electrons replaced by water when it splis in a process called [ughe dependent 05 Fill in the Blank Text oft PGAL stands for [Slyceraldenyde 3-phosphate 06 Fill in the Blank Text ai © False [chlorophyll absorbs white light and isthe most common pigment present in every plant. 07 TruefFalse wi Seaweeds are autotrophic organisms. 08 Multiple Choice at © Carotene © Chlorophyll b Phaeophytin a Which of the following is characterized by yellow pigments? 09 Fill in the Blank Text 0/2 6CO, + Complete the chemical equation below: (USE CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY) [sH20 (csii1206 hitpsiapp.schoology comcoursel6088875803/commor-assossmer6451798750 — +602 11125122, 1203 AM ‘Quiz 8 - Photosynthesis | Schoology 10 Multiple Choice aft Ina leaf of a plant, where do most of the chloroplasts be found? © Spongy parenchyma ‘Stomata Collenchyma 11 Irue/False oft Light-dependent reaction starts when light strkes a pigment molecule in photosystem |, then excites the electrons. © False 12 Fill in the Blank Text ai ‘The Calvin cycle is named after the discoverers of the cycle, Melvin Calvin and [andrew Benson 13 Multiple Choice at Which is the product of the Calvin Cycle? © NADPH 14 True/False wi “The dark reaction stage pf photosynthesis only occurs at night when i's already dark. -ntps:lappschoology.comicoursl6008875803/commor-assessmer¥6451798750 11125122, 1203 AM ‘Quiz 8 - Photosynthesis | Schoology © True 15 Fill in the Blank Text ost “The process of exciting the electrons out of place to a higher energy level by the ight energy is callec [photoelectric etfect 16 Multiple Choice afi Where are the molecules of the electron transport chain found in plant colls? © Inner membrane of mitochondria Stroma of chloroplast Watt mitch 17 Fill in the Blank Text ai i the proces of converting carbon doi and water ino cayoen and glucose with the help of sunlight. 18 Multiple Choice ai Where does the light-dependent reaction take place? © Mitochondria cytoplasm © Stroma 19 True/False ai hitpsiapp.schoology comcoursel6088875803/commor-assossmer6451798750 11128122, 1203 AM ‘Quiz 8 - Photosynthesis | Schoology Rubisco isa fve-carbon molecule, © False -ntps:itappschoology.comicoursel6008875803/commor-assessmer¥6451798750

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