TS 3 2022 MFP1

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Prof. (Dr) Vinod Yadava-MED-MNNIT Allahabad- Course Coordinator, 8853065463 (M), vinody@mnnit.ac.

B. Tech. (V Semester Mechanical) Subject: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-I

TS3/2022 (Bulk Metal Forming Processes)

1. A 6 mm thick steel strip having yield strength 280 MPa is rolled to a thickness of 4 mm using steel
rollers of radius 150 mm at a rotational speed of 200 RPM. Determine (I) Biting angle and length of
contact zone (II) coefficient of friction for unaided biting (III) Backward slip and forward slip in entry
speed is 200 m/min (IV) the location of neutral plane for minimum coefficient of friction condition
2. A wide strip is rolled to a final cross-section of 200 mm X 6.35 mm with a reduction of 25% without
back and front tension. The rollers radius is 500 mm. The yield strength of metal is 98 N/mm 2.
Determine (I) angle subtended by the contact zone at the roll centre (II) minimum coefficient of
friction between the workpiece and the rollers for an unaided bite (III) contact length (IV) backward
slip and forward slip (V) maximum draft if coefficient of friction at roller and sheet interface is 0.085
(VI) roll pressure at the entry plane, neutral plane and exit plane (VII) roll pressure at the entry plane,
neutral plane and exit plane if back tensions of 0.2 times the yield strength and front tension of 0.3
times the yield strength are applied (VIII) roll separating force and power required
3. A continuous hot rolling mill has eight stations in series for rolling starting slab of dimensions
thickness =75 mm, width = 38 mm, and length = 3 m to final thickness of 7.5 mm without changing
width at any station. Roll diameter at each station is 900 mm and RPM of roller at station one is 30.
The entering speed of slab at station one is 80 m/min. It is assumed that percent reduction in thickness
is equal at all stations and forward slip is equal at each station. Determine: (I) percent reduction at
each station, (II) RPM of rollers at each station from station two to station eight (III) forward slip (IV)
draft at each station from one to eight (V) length and exit speed of the final strip
4. A cuboid block of dimension 50 mm wide, 200 mm long and 24 mm thick is forged between two flat
dies to the thickness 6 mm with negligible variation in length. The yield strength of material is equal
to 70 N/mm2. The co-efficient of friction on the interface between die and material is equal to 0.25.
Determine (neglecting strain hardening) (I) Final forged width of the strip (II) Pressure at the middle
of sticking length and sliding length respectively (III) Total forging load and maximum pressure in
the forging operation (IV) The value of coefficient of friction for which whole contact zone will be
sliding (V) Total forging load if the strain hardening is accounted as:  y  70  30  0.35

5. A cylindrical block of diameter 300 mm and height 50 mm having yield strength 70 N/mm2 is forged
to a disc of height 25 mm by open die forging operation having circular cross-section dies. The
coefficient of friction between the disc and die surface is 0.25. Determine (neglecting strain
hardening effect) (I) Final forged diameter of disc (II) Pressure at the middle of sticking radius and
sliding radius respectively (III) Total forging load and maximum pressure in the forging operation
(IV) The value of coefficient of friction for which whole contact zone will be sliding (V) Total
forging load if the strain hardening characteristics is given by  y  70  30  0.35
Prof. (Dr) Vinod Yadava-MED-MNNIT Allahabad- Course Coordinator, 8853065463 (M), vinody@mnnit.ac.in
B. Tech. (V Semester Mechanical) Subject: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-I

6. A 20 mm X 20 mm X 160 mm copper plate is forged between two flat dies to a final size of 10 mm X
40 mm X 160 mm. The coefficient of friction at die-workpiece interface is 0.3 and tensile strength of
material is 196 N/mm2. Determine (I) Minimum and Maximum die pressure (II) Total forging load
(III) Length of sliding zone (IV) Condition for entire contact zone behaves as sliding
7. Aluminum rod 20 mm diameter and 100 mm length is extruded to 17.5 mm through a flat face die
with dead zone angle of 500. Calculate the extrusion pressure required. Assume that the coefficient of
friction is equal to 0.15 and the mean yield strength of aluminum material is 147 MPa. Also calculate
the maximum possible reduction.
8. In a forward extrusion process, a circular bar of 50 mm diameter and 75 mm length is extruded to 25
mm diameter through a conical die of 600 die angle. The co-efficient of friction on die and cylinder
surfaces is 0.1 and yield strength of material in compression = 450 N/mm2. Determine (I) the force to
be applied by the ram (II) Change in extrusion pressure if the semi-die angle is changed to 200
9. A steel wire of 5 mm diameter is to be reduced to 4 mm diameter by drawing through a conical die of
semi-die angle 90 and land of length 2.5 mm. The coefficient of friction at the interface is equal to
0.06. Yield strength of material in tension is equal to 260 N/mm2. Determine the drawing stress and
pulling force at the end of conical section.
10. A 12.5 mm diameter steel wire, having tensile yield strength of 400 N/mm2, is reduced to 10 mm
diameter using wire drawing operation in a single pass at a speed of 100 m/min. The die used for wire
drawing operation has a conical portion with semi-die angle of 50 and a land portion of length 5 mm.
The back tension applied is 50 N/mm2. The coefficient of friction between dies and wire surface is
0.15. Determine (neglecting the strain hardening effect) (I) Drawing load and Power (II) Stress in the
wire at die diameter 11.5 mm (III) Maximum possible reduction

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