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PUTREFACTION OF THE BODY interview of witnesses and the arrest of suspect/s at the

crime scene, the manner the criminal act was executed,

Putrefaction is the breaking down of the complex proteins
and such other things that may be useful in the
into simpler components associated with the evolution of
prosecution of the case.
foul-smelling gasses and accompanied by the change of
color of the body. Take Note: The crime scene is the place where the
essential ingredients of the criminal act took place. It
- Ito yung simula ng pagkabulok ng isang bangkay
includes the setting of the crime and the adjoining places
kung saan may pagbabago sa amoy at kulay nito.
of entry and exit of both offender and victim. Not all
SPECIAL MODIFICATION OF PUTREFACTION crimes have a well-defined scene, like estafa,
malversation, continuing crimes, etc. However, where
a. Mummification medical evidence may be present, like murder, homicide,
Mummification is the complete dehydration of all body physical injuries, sex crime, crime scene is almost
tissue which results in the shivering and preservation of invariably present.
the body. A cadaver left in an extremely dry, hot area will
mummify in about a year and will remain in this condition Methods of Conducting a Search
for several years if undisturbed by animal or insect (Leal,
Before the actual performance of the search, it is
2014 & Lagonera, 2010).
advisable to stand aside and make an estimate of the
- Kadalasan na naoobserve natin sa mga maiinit na situation. A picture of the whole area must be taken, and
bansa kung saan yung evaporation of the body the area must be cordoned, or bystanders must not be
fluid is mabilis kesa kay decomposition allowed to get in. Depending upon the size, terrain and
condition of the crime scene, the following methods of
Mummification is observed in warm countries where search may be applied:
evaporation of body fluid takes place earlier and faster
than decomposition. Death in deserts, like in Egypt, the a. Strip Method — The area is blocked out in the form
body has more tendency to mummify. of a rectangle. The searcher proceeds slowly at the same
pace along the path parallel to one side of the rectangle.
b. Double Strip or Grid Method — This search is a
(1) Natural Mummification modification of the strip search method. The searchers
When a person is buried in hot, arid, sandy soil, there will will traverse first parallel to the base and then parallel to
be insufficient moisture for the growth and multiplication the side.
of putrefactive bacteria (cause kung bakit yung isang c. Spiral Method — The searchers follow each other in
bangkay is naagnas na). The body will become the path in the spiral manner beginning from the center
dehydrated and mummified which is caused by the forces towards the outside or vice versa.
of nature.
d. Wheel/ Ray Method — The searchers gather at the
(2) Artificial Mummification center and proceed outwards along radii or spokes.
The principles involved in artificial mummification are: e. Zone Method — Whole area is divided into
(a) Acceleration of the evaporation of the tissue fluid of subdivisions or quadrants and search is made in the
the body before the actual onset of decomposition. individual quadrants.

(b) Addition of some body preservatives to inhibit What is Autopsy?

decomposition and to allow evaporation of fluid. This is An autopsy is a comprehensive study of a dead body,
made by treatment of the body with arsenic, formalin, performed by a trained physician employing recognized
resinous or tarry materials. dissection procedure and techniques. It includes removal
b. Saponification or Adipocere Formation of tissues for further examination.

This is a condition wherein the fatty tissues of the body Autopsy vs. Post-mortem Examination
are transformed to soft brownish-white substance known Autopsy Post-mortem
as adipocere. The layer of subcutaneous tissue is the Examination
frequent site of its formation. It indicates that in It refers to an external
Take Note: Adipocere is a soapy or waxy material, rancid addition to an external examination of a dead
examination the body is body without incision
in smell, dissolves in alcohol and ether when burned
open and internal being made, although
produces yellow flame. (Leal, 2014 & Lagonera, 2010) examination is blood and other body
conducted. fluids may be collected
Stages of Medico-Legal Investigation
Kinds of Autopsy
1. Crime Scene Investigation
a. Hospital or Non-official Autopsy
2. Autopsy b. Medico-legal or Official Autopsy
Rules in Conducting Autopsy
It is the conduct of processes, more particularly, the
When shall an Autopsy be Performed on a Dead Body
recognition, handling, preservation and documentation of
(Sec. 95 (b), P.D. 856, Code of Sanitation)
physical evidence to include the identification and
a. Whenever required by special laws The cause of death is the injury, disease or the
b. Upon order of a competent court, a mayor and a combination of both injury and disease responsible for
provincial or city fiscal initiating the trend or physiological disturbance, brief or
c. Upon written request of police authorities prolonged, which produce the fatal termination. It may
be immediate or proximate. The manner of death is the
d. Whenever the Solicitor General, Provincial or city
explanation as to how the cause of death came into being
fiscal as authorized by existing laws, shall deem it
or how the cause of death arose.
necessary to disinter and take possession of the remains
for examination to determine the cause of death; and
e. Whenever the nearest kin shall request in writing the 1. Immediate (Primary) Cause of Death
authorities concerned in order to ascertain the cause of This applies to cases when trauma or disease kill
death. quickly that there is no opportunity for sequelae or
complications to develop. An extensive brain
laceration as a result of a vehicular accident is an
Persons who are Authorized to Perform Autopsies and
example of immediate cause of death.
Dissections The following are authorized to perform
autopsies and dissections (Sec. 95 (a) P.D. 856) 2. The Proximate (Secondary) Cause of Death
The injury or disease was survived for a
a. Health Officers;
sufficiently prolonged interval which permitted
b. medical officers of law enforcement agencies; and
the development of serious sequelae which
c. Members of the medical staff of accredited hospitals. actually caused the death. If a stab wound in the
abdomen later caused generalized peritonitis,
What is the so called “Negative Autopsy”? then peritonitis is the proximate cause of death.
An autopsy is called a negative autopsy if after
all efforts, including gross and microscopic studies and MEDICO-LEGAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE
toxicological analyses, fail to reveal a cause of death. It CAUSES OF DEATH
is an autopsy which after a meticulous examination with a. Natural Death
the aid of other examinations does not yield any definite
This is death caused by a natural disease condition in
cause of death.
the body. The disease may develop spontaneously, or it
might have been a consequence of physical injury
What is the so called “Negligent Autopsy”? inflicted prior to its development. If a natural disease
An autopsy wherein no cause of death is found developed without the intervention of the felonious acts
on account of imprudence, negligence, lack of skill or of another person, no one can be held responsible for the
lack of foresight of the examiner. The act or omission death.
which may be inadvertent or deliberate may be: b. Violent Death
1. Failure to have an adequate history or facts and Violent deaths are those due to injuries inflicted in
circumstances surrounding the death. Special the body by some forms of outside force. The physical
circumstances surrounding death may require special injury must be the proximate cause of death. The death
autopsy techniques which the pathologist may fail to do of the victim is presumed to be natural consequence of
during the autopsy. Air embolism, drug reaction, vagal the physical injuries inflicted, when the following facts
inhibition may be left unnoticed because of absence of are established:
history. (1) That the victim at the time the physical injuries were
2. Failure to make a thorough external examination — inflicted was in normal health.
Animal bites, injection marks, electrical necrosis may be (2) That the death may be expected from physical
overlooked in a hasty external examination. injuries inflicted.
3. Inadequate or improper internal examinations — (3) That death ensued within a reasonable time (People
Condition of the organs, presence of air in v. Datu Baginda, C.A. 44 O.G. 2287).
pneumothorax or bubbles of air in the circulatory system
may remain unnoticed by the pathologist.
Penal Classification of Violent Deaths
4. Improper histological examination — Tissue blocks
may not be taken in the proper areas, poor preparation of
the microscopic slides and improper lighting during the (1) Accidental Death
process of examination may lead to an erroneous Death due to misadventure or accident. An
interpretation. accident is something that happens outside the sway
5. Lack of toxicological or other laboratory aids — A of our will, and although it comes about through
qualitative and quantitative determination of toxic some act of will, lies beyond bounds of human
materials or its metabolites must be shown. Sometimes foreseeable consequences.
difficulty is encountered by the forensic chemist because Take Note: Under Art. 12, No. 4 of Revised Penal Code,
of the lapse of time and rapid elimination of the drug. any person who, while performing a lawful act with due
6. Pathologist incompetence — The examiner must have care, causes an injury by mere accident without fault or
had vast experience in autopsy investigation and must intention of causing shall be exempted from criminal
have the capacity to distinguish pathological changes in liability.
the body tissues. (Handbook of Forensic Pathology by Elements of the Provision:
Abdullah Fatteh, pp. 254255). (a) A person is performing a lawful act
(b) He performed it with due care
CAUSES OF DEATH (c) He caused injury to another by mere accident
The distinction between cause of death and manner (d) He is without fault and with no intention of causing it
of death
(2) Negligent Death (6) Murder (Art. 248, Revised Penal Code)
Death due to reckless imprudence, negligence, Any person who, not falling within the
lack of skill or lack of foresight. provisions of Article 246 shall kill another, shall be
Take Note: The Revised Penal Code provides that guilty of murder and shall be punished by reclusion
felonies may be committed when the wrongful act temporal in its maximum period to death, if committed
results from imprudence, negligence, lack of foresight or with any of the following attendant circumstances:
lack of skill. If death occurred due to the recklessness of 1. With treachery, taking advantage of superior strength,
someone, he may be charged for homicide through with the aid of armed men, or employing means to
reckless imprudence. weaken the defense or of means or persons to insure or
afford impunity.
(3) Suicidal Death Take Note: There is treachery when the offender
Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's commits any of the crimes against person, employing
own death. means, or method, or form in its execution thereof which
tend directly or specially to ensure its execution, without
Take Note: The law does not punish the person
risk to himself arising from the defense which the
committing suicide because society has always
offended party may make (Art. 14, Par. 16, Revised
considered a person who attempts to kill himself as an
Penal Code).
unfortunate being, a wretched person deserving more of
pity than of penalty. But a person who gives assistance 2. In consideration of a price, reward, or promise.
to the commission of suicide of another is punishable 3. By means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion,
because he has no right to destroy or assist in the shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault
destruction of the life of another. upon a streetcar or locomotive, fall of an airship, by
means of motor vehicles, or with the use of any other
means involving great waste and ruin;
Giving assistance to suicide (Under Art. 253 of
Revised Penal Code) 4. On occasion of any of calamities enumerated in the
preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake, eruption of a
any person who shall assist another to commit
suicide shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor; if such volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic, or any other
person lends his assistance to another to the extent of public calamity;
doing the killing himself, he shall suffer the penalty of 5. With evident premeditation;
reclusion temporal. However, if the suicide is not 6. With cruelty, by deliberately inhumanly augmenting
consummated the penalty of arresto mayor in its medium the suffering of the victim, or outraging or scoffing at
and maximum periods shall be imposed. his person or corpse.
Take Note: Assistance to suicide is different from Take Note: Scoffing or outraging includes doing any act
mercy-killing. Euthanasia or mercy killing is the practice upon the corpse which adds to the mental suffering or
of painlessly putting to death a person suffering from humiliation of the heirs of the victim or which offends
some incurable disease. the public.
(4) Parricidal Death (i) dismembering the corpse by cutting off the head
Parricide (Art. 246, Revised Penal Code) (ii) urinating on it
Any person who shall kill his father, mother, or (iii) putting it on a sack and throwing the sack in a
child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, or any of his garbage pit
ascendants or descendants, or his spouse, shall be guilty
(iv) stripping if off the clothes
of parricide.
Take Note: Assistance to suicide is different from
(7) Homicidal Death
mercy-killing. Euthanasia or mercy killing is the practice
of painlessly putting to death a person suffering from Homicide (Art. 249, Revised Penal Code)
some incurable disease. Any person who, not falling within the
(5) Infanticidal Death provisions of article 246 shall kill another without the
attendance of any of the circumstances enumerated in
Infanticide (Art. 255, Revised Penal Code)
the provision of Art. 248 or Revised Penal Code
Infanticide is the killing of a child less than 3 days old
(Murder), shall be deemed guilty of homicide, and be
Take Note: If the offender is the father, mother or punished by reclusion temporal.
legitimate ascendant, the crime is still infanticide not
parricide, because the basis of the crime is not the
Elements of Homicide
relationship but the age of the child.
(a) That a person was killed
(b) That the accused killed him without any justifying
Abortion vs. Infanticide
● The victim in abortion is still a fetus which is not yet
(c) There is the intention on the part of the offender to
viable (fully developed, that is, it can sustain an
kill the victim and such presumption can be inferred
independent life). In infanticide, the victim is already
the death of the victim
● If the fetus had an intra-uterine life of less than 7
months and it was destroyed within 24 hours after its (d) That the killing does not fall under the definition of
complete separation from the womb, it is still abortion. the crime of murder, parricide, or infanticide.
(Leonor D. Boado, Notes and Cases on the Revised
Penal Code, Death under Special Circumstances
2004 ed.)
(1) Death Caused in a Tumultuous Affray (Art. 251, or daughter, or that the accused spouses had not
Revised Penal Code) consented to the infidelity of the other spouse.
When while several persons, not composing 10. If death or serious physical injuries resulted, the
groups organized for the common purpose of assaulting accused will be imposed the penalty of destierro, which
and attacking each other reciprocally, quarrel and assault is intended more to protect him from the retaliation of
each other in a confused and tumultuous manner, and in relatives of the victim, than as a punishment.
the course of affray someone is killed, and it cannot be 11. If what were inflicted were less serious or slight
ascertained who actually killed the deceased, but the physical injuries, there is no criminal liability, meaning
person or persons who inflicted serious physical injuries he/she will not suffer the penalty of destiero.
can be identified, such person or persons shall be
punished by prision mayor.
Special Death
If it cannot be determined who inflicted the
1. Judicial Death
serious physical injuries on the deceased, the penalty
Modern methods in the execution of death sentences
of prision correccional in its medium and maximum
have abandoned inhuman, cruel and barbarous means.
periods shall be imposed upon all those who shall
Executions by garroting, decapitation by means of the
have used violence upon the person of the victim. guillotine and by drowning which were common
Take Note: during the medieval days are no longer practiced. The
1. Tumultuous affray exists hen at least 4 persons take statutes of all countries state the legal procedure for the
part in it execution of death penalties. The constitution, like that
2. When there are 2 identified groups of men who of the Philippines, imposes certain limitations to the
assaulted each other, there is no tumultuous affray law-making body as to the method to be established.
3. Persons liable are:
1. person/s who inflicted serious physical injuries Methods of Judicial Death
2. if it is not known who inflicted serious physical
1. Death by Electrocution
injuries on the deceased, all persons who used
A person is made to sit on a chair made of
violence upon the person of the victim.
electrical conducting materials with straps of electrodes
on both wrists, ankles, and head. An alternating current
(2) Death or Physical Injuries Inflicted under
voltage of more than 1,500 volts is put on until the
Exceptional Circumstances (Art. 247, Revised Penal
convict dies.
2. Death by Hanging
Any legally married person who, having
The convict is made to stand in an elevated
surprised his spouse in the act of committing sexual
collapsible flatform with a black hood on the head, a
intercourse with another person, shall kill any of them or noose made of rope around the neck and the other end of
both of them in the act or immediately thereafter, which is fixed in an elevated structure above the head.
or shall inflict upon them any serious physical injury, Without the knowledge of the convict, the flatform
shall suffer the penalty of destierro. suddenly collapses which causes the sudden suspension
These rules shall be applicable, under the same of the body and tightening of the noose around the neck.
circumstances, to parents with respect to their Death may be due to asphyxia or injury of the cervical
daughters under eighteen years of age, and their portion of the
seducers, while the daughters are living with their spinal cord.
parents. 3. Death by Musketry
Take Note: The convict is made to stand in an elevated
1. The spouses must be legally married. If not, the collapsible flatform with a black hood on the head, a
situation may only give rise to the mitigating noose made of rope around the neck and the other end of
circumstance of Passion or Obfuscation, which is fixed in an elevated structure above the head.
2. In the second paragraph, it is not necessary that the Without the knowledge of the convict, the flatform
daughter is legitimate suddenly collapses which causes the sudden suspension
3. Article applies only when the daughter is single of the body and tightening of the noose around the neck.
Death may be due to asphyxia or injury of the cervical
4. Surprise: means to come upon suddenly or
portion of the spinal cord.
4. Death by Gas Chamber
5. Art 247 is applicable when the accused did not see his
spouse in the act sexual intercourse with another The convict is enclosed in a compartment and an
obnoxious or asphyxiating gas is introduced. The most
person. However, it is enough that circumstances
reasonably show that the carnal act is being committed common gas used is carbon monoxide. The convict will
or has been committed not be removed from the gas chamber unless he is
6. Sexual intercourse does not include preparatory acts pronounced dead by the penitentiary physician.
7. Immediately thereafter: means that the discovery, Take Note: The above-mentioned Judicial Deaths are no
escape, pursuit and the killing must all form parts of longer applicable in the Philippines since the imposition
one continuous act of Death penalty was already abolished by Republic Act
No. 9346.
8. The killing must be the direct by-product of the rage
of the accused
9. In case the accused is the husband, he should not have 2. Euthanasia
promoted or facilitated the prostitution of his wife Euthanasia or "mercy killing" is the deliberate and
painless acceleration of death of a person usually
suffering from an incurable and distressing disease. Distinction Between Contusion and Hematoma
Contusion Hematoma
Types of Euthanasia Contusion Hematoma
1. Active Euthanasia — Intentional or deliberate In contusion the effused In hematoma blood
application of the means to shorten the life of a person. It blood are accumulated in accumulates in a newly
may be done with or without the consent or knowledge the interstices of the formed cavity underneath
of the person. Active euthanasia on demand is the tissue underneath the the skin.
putting to death of a person in compliance with the skin.
wishes of the person (patient) to shorten his sufferings. In contusion, the skin In hematoma the skin is
2. Passive Euthanasia — There is absence of the shows no elevation and if always elevated.
application of the means to accelerate death but the ever elevated, the
elevation is slight and is
natural course of the disease is allowed to have its way
on account of
to extinguish the life of a person. Consequently, the
inflammatory changes.
concept of orthothanasia and dysthanasia was adopted.
In contusion, puncture or In hematoma, aspiration
a. Orthothanasia — When an incurably ill person is aspiration with syringe of will show presence of
allowed to die a natural death without the application of the lesion no blood can blood and subsequent
any operation or treatment procedure. be obtained. depression of the elevated
b. Dysthanasia — When there is an attempt to extend lesion.
the life span of a person by the use of extraordinary
treatments without which the patient would have died c. Lacerated wound - tearing of the skin due to forcible
earlier. contact of blunt instrument.
d. Incised wound – wound produced on the body by
What is Death from Starvation? sharp edge instrument.
It is the deprivation of a regular and constant
supply of food and water. Distinction between and Incised wound and
Lacerated wound
Types of Starvation: Incised wound Lacerated wound
1. Acute starvation Edges are clean cut; Edges are roughly cut,
It happens when the necessary food has been regular; well-defined irregular and ill defined.
suddenly and completely withheld from a person. There is no swelling or There is swelling and
2. Chronic starvation contusion around the contusion around the
It happens when there is a gradual or deficient supply of incised around lacerated wound
food. Extremities of the wound Extremities of the wound
are sharp or may be round are ill-defined and
MEDICO-LEGAL ASPECTS OF PHYSICAL or contused. irregular,
INJURIES Examination by means of Examination with a
An injury is the impairment of the body a magnifying lens shows magnifying lens
structure or function caused by the outside force. It is the that the hair bulbs are cut. shows that the hair bulbs
effect of some form of stimulus to the body. The effect are preserved
of the application of force is the production of wound. Healing is faster Healing is delayed
Scar is linear or spindle Scar is irregular
What is wound? shaped.
It is a break or the dissolution in the continuity of the It is caused by a sharp- It is caused by a blunt
skin or tissues of the living body. edged instrument instrument.
Classification of wounds
1. As to severity: e. Punctured wound - wound produced on the body by
a. Mortal/Fatal Wound sharp-pointed instrument (e.g. ice pick, screwdriver,
Wound which when inflicted is capable of nails, and barbecue stick).
causing death immediately after infliction or shortly Take Note: Punctured wound is usually accidental but
thereafter. in rare instances it may be homicidal or suicidal.
b. Non-Mortal/Non-Fatal Wound f. Barotrauma - wound brought about by change of
Wound when inflicted will not endangers one’s atmospheric pressure
life. g. Frostbite, burns or scald - wound brought about by
2. As to the Kind of Instrument Used heat or cold
a. Contusion Wound- an injury in the substance of the h. Gunshot or shrapnel wound - wound brought about
skin, discoloration of the surface due to extravasation of by chemical explosion
blood. This is due to the application of a blunt i. Avulsion- layers of skin torn off completely or only
instrument. flap of skin remains
b. Hematoma Wound - this is the extravasation of blood j. Abrasion -wound characterized by the removal of the
in the newly formed cavity. This is due to the application superficial layer of the skin brought by friction against a
of a blunt instrument. hard, rough object.

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