05 Activity 1

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Rizal’s Life and Works November 25, 2022

05 Activity 1

Instructions: Answer the following in your own words. Note that PLAGIARISM IS A CRIME
AS 0.

1. Identify the factors that led to the colonization of the Spaniards.

Answer: The factors that led to the colonization of the Spaniards are the 3 G’s. That
was God, Gold, and Glory. God, to express the religion of Catholicism that changes the
views of Filipinos before about God rather than in believing in Anitos. Gold, to expand
their wealth that can give power to them because the Philippines is known for its
resources when it comes to golds. And Glory, to honor their nation which is Spain. It
also says that they came into the Philippines to expand their territories, to have a new
route into the East, and discoveries around 15-16 century.

2. Explain Pacto de Sangre and its relevance to the success of Spanish

Answer: The Pacto de Sangre, or Blood Compact in English and Sandugo in Filipino,
is an ancient Filipino tradition that involved mixing blood from an incision in the arms of
the two leaders who were forming an alliance with an alcoholic beverage that was
consumed by both. In relation to brotherhood, it is about the relationship or alliance
between two people or leaders having the same interest and purpose. The relevance
of Pacto de Sangre to the success of Spanish Colonization was their alliance with
Filipinos to get the trust of them and took the interior of the native Filipinos. Literally,
the Pacto de Sangre is just a big show made by Spaniards. They lied and took that
ritual to fool native Filipinos and make true their real intentions to them and to the
Philippines including to get the golds or wealth of the natives before that leads to the
colonization of Spaniards as they are more interested in the Philippines.

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