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Weeks 6-9: Puzzles and Riddles

Which number should replace the question mark to form accurate equations,
knowing that three numbers are shown per row (i.e. two of the numbers form a two-digit

Answer: 6
Explanation: Because based on what I have learned in the discussion about the
concept of the lesson, when we multiply the answer when we add 3 and 2 by 2, the
answer is 10, just like this (3+2) x 2 = 10. Next, when we multiply the answer when we
add 1 and 9 by 2, the answer is 20, just like this (1+9) x 2 = 20. Then, when we multiply
the answer when we add 0 and 8 by 2, the answer is 16, just like this (0 +8) x 2 = 16.
Finally, when we multiply the answer when we add 7 and 5 by 2, the answer is 24, just
like this (7+5) x 2= 24. Therefore, 6 is the number that should replace the question mark
to form accurate equations.

A carton contains some apples which were divided into two equal parts and sold
to 2 traders Anna and Elsa. Anna had two fruit shops and decided to sell an equal
number of apples on both shops A and B respectively. Tanya visited shop A and bought
all the apples in the shop for her kids. But one apple was left after dividing all the apples
among her children. Each child got one apple, find the minimum number of apples in the
Answer: 12
Explanation: Because we allowed the number of children to be X, the answer is 12.
Tanya purchased (X+1) apples, which is how many. A=(X+1) apples in the store as a
whole. Trader Anna bought a total of 2(X+1) apples. There are 4(X+1) apples total in the
container. Now, let's calculate the minimum number of apples in the carton. We'll
assume that X is not equal to 0; X is not equal to 1 (Tanya has children, but not just
one); X equals 2 (Tanya has at least 2 children).
When X = 2,
4( X + 1 )
= 4( 2 + 1 )
= 12
Therefore, a minimum of 12 apples is the answer.

A monkey is trying to climb a coconut tree. He takes 3 steps forward and slips
back 2 steps downward. Each forward step is 30 cm and each backward step is 40cm.
How many steps are required to climb a 100cm tree?
Answer: 50 steps
Explanation: When the monkey tries to climb: Upward Climbs = 3 X 30 cm = 90 cm
(takes 3 steps) and Slips Downward = 80cm x 2 x 40cm (takes 2 steps). Each forward
effort requires a total of five steps, which equals three steps plus two steps. Effectively
raises the object 10 cm (90 cm - 80 cm = 10 cm). Then, 100 cm/10 cm = 10. Therefore,
the monkey must climb 50 steps (10 steps multiplied by 5 steps) to reach the top.

Each firework (A-F) contains 6 stars. Which firework has not been launched,
knowing that each gives off 1, 2, or 3 stars of its corresponding color?

Answer: Firework C
Explanation: There are nine yellow stars altogether in the fireworks, but only six are
visible in the sky. If you calculate the number of fireworks (9- 6 = 3), you will discover
that 3 yellow stars have not yet been launched.
The sum of a daughter and mother's age is 55. The age of the daughter is the mother's
age reversed. Find the age of the mother and daughter, if the age of the mother is
greater than 40 years.
Answer: Mother is 41 and daughter is 14.
Explanation: Let X represent the mother's age's first digit and let the mother's age's
second digit be Y. The mother is XY years old and the daughter’s age is YX. Always, the
mother is older than the daughter, so let's assume X > Y.
Equation: Age is supplied as a sum.
( (10X) + Y) + ( (10Y) + X ) = 55
11X + 11Y = 55
So, age ranges that are possible are: mother is 32 and daughter is 23 and mother is 41
and the daughter is 14. Mother is above 40 years old, as stated in the question,
therefore we choose the second answer.


As I explained the provided answers and applied what I have learned in the
lesson, I have realized that students' interest in and aptitude for mathematics are
developed through the use of math riddles. Math puzzles can be difficult issues with
difficult answers. We are able to think creatively by using these application-based
questions. They will assist us in raising their IQ and academic standing.


10 math riddles with answers. Cremath. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2021. Retrieved

Game, Pin.d.). 20 best math puzzles to engage and challenge your students. Prodigy
Education, (2021). Retrieved from:

Jones, M. (2027. September 2). 30 math puzzles with answers to test your smarts.
Reader's Digest. (2021). Retrieved from:
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