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Fall 2022

STR128 Promotional Writing I - Alter


DATE 10/2/22 Email Cell 847-893-0707

Governor Holcomb Proclaims March as Disability Awareness Month in Indiana

Indiana’s first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion event supporting those with a disability.The
annual event that promotes inclusion
for all people with disabilities
Governor Holcomb proclaim March is Disability Awareness Month in Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS – March 2020 marks the 30th Anniversary of Disability Month Awareness in
Indiana, sponsored by the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities. Disability
Awareness Month is set aside each year as a time to recognize and promote the
independence, integration and inclusion of people with disabilities, representing one-fifth of
Indiana’s population.

This year, the Council will be featuring its campaign, “People, not Punchlines,” to promote
Disability Awareness. INDIANAPOLIS – Among the media and society, people who do not
share “normal” traits – particularly those with a disability, tend to be ridiculed by others.
Unfortunately persons with disabilities are sometimes turned into objects of ridicule. That’s
why this year’s Disability Awareness Month campaign feature the theme, “People,
Not Punchlines.” Rather than being the centerobject of a joke, guest speakerseach person
in this yearsyear’s campaign uses humor to open a conversion and will highlight ways in
which we can all understand each other better, by seeing those with disabilities as real
people who want to live, work, play and engage in their communities just like everyone

March 2020 marks the thirtieth anniversary of Disability Month Awareness in Indiana,
sponsored by the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities. Disability
awareness month is set aside each year as a time to recognize and promote the
independance, integration and inclusion of of all people with disabilites because they are
people to.=

“By creating inclusivity utilizing humor in this year’s March Disability Awareness Month
campagnecampaign, the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilitiesty’s Deputy
Director, Chad Crowe, emphasize thatemphasizes that people with disabilities are our
community neighbors and valuable members of the community and society. said Chad
Crowe, Deputy Director of the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities. “We
hope everyone’s will joineveryone will join us in recognizing and connecting with our fellows
Hoosiers disabilities by creating a welcoming environment conducting an activities in their
own communities.”

Lead by the Indiana Governor’s Council for people with disabilities, Disability Awareness
Month promotes the independence, integration, and inclusion of people with disabilities,
represent nearly 1/5 of Indiana’s population. The Council develop a unique theme for this
annual event and produces campaign materials free of charge that are available to Hoosiers
who want to help make a difference. To learn more, or to download or order free Disability
Awareness Month materials, visit

Fall 2022
STR128 Promotional Writing I - Alter

Aabout the Indiana Governor’s Council forwith People with Disabilities

Since it’sits founding in 1980, the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities has
focused on advocacy and leadership training. It has They have flourished in the many
areas, advocating of systems changefor change, advocacy, self advocacyself-advocacy,
groups, pPartners in pPolicymaking, grassroots efforts, community leadership, public
policypolicy, and civic engagement. For oOver nearly forty40 years, it has empowered tens
of thousands of Hoosiers with disabilities to create positive changes throughout the state.
For You can get more information, visit at:

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