Psy - Docx 512 Genfer

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Gender issues in psychology-512


Maria believe in Identification- Rationale-
mainstream feminism. This is a form of liberal Liberal feminisim is most
She said it is one of the feminism. popular and successful
movements in west.developed
main branch of feminism. countries almost achieved the
It is applicable and seen in equal rights for men and
many developed societies women.
where male and females According to my point of view
have achieved equality Liberal feminisim is playing a
through political good role in achieving equal
and legal reforms by rights for the education of men
and women and supporting the
staying in the framework
agenda like equal pay and equal
of liberal democracy. In work.better working condition
short, she believes in equal in workplace ending of
rights for male and female harassment and improving the
in all walks of life. justice for the rights of men and
Sana does not agree with Identification- Rationale
the above-mentioned This perspective describe a According to cultural feminism
perspectives; she holds the form of cultural feminism. man and women have different
approaches to see the
view that men and world.and women approach is
women have different more superior to men.this fact
approaches across the is not true.both men and
globe. If society will women have different biological
cumulatively place value as well as personality traits.and
on feminism, the change most important both have
can be implemented. In different areas of
responsibilities.when they have
fact, she even said that
different areas of responsibility
females’ view of looking and men is better in their area
at the world is superior to and and women is better in
men’s. their we cannot say
4. that the one approach to see
Raza holds the the world is more superior than
perspective, which states other.if their areas of
that Identification- responsibility is same then we
This scenario lies in socialist draw a comparison that who is
males and females should
feminism. playing the better role.
pursue equality together
and cumulatively should
work on social and 4,
economic justice.
Socialist feminism is focus on
economics and politics. gender
inequality is linked to
According to my point of view
both men and women should
be given rights and facilities to
nurture their economic
status.and this is possible only
when we start providing the
economic means to better earn
and improving their lifestyle to
both men and women equally
without any
discrimination.demands and
needs of men and women
should be equally fulfilled.

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