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Precedent No.


Whereas differences and disputes have arisen between us, (1) A (name and
description of one party to the dispute) and B (name and description of the other party to
the dispute) concerning a right of way claimed by A for his house situated at .................
over the land of B, and denied by B, and whereas we have agreed to refer the said dispute
to the arbitration of the arbitrators mentioned below;
We hereby refer the dispute as to the existence and extent of the right of way claimed
by A over the land of B to the arbitration of (1) ............... , (2) ............... , (3) .....................,
(names and description of the three arbitrators), and agree to accept as final and binding
on us both any award made in writing and announced by the said arbitrators unanimously
or by the majority of them on or before the......................... of ............... 20.......
For the purpose of convening the meetings of the arbitrators and conducting the
arbitration proceedings we appoint the above-named………………..arbitrator as the
Convener (or the Chairman) of the arbitrators.
Sd. A.
Sd. B
Note.—Other conditions may be added, if so desired, otherwise the conditions
mentioned in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, shall be deemed to be included in
this agreement.

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