Lesson Plan

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Nama NIM Rombel LESSON PLAN The Identity Subject Class/Semester Time Allocation : IV/1 : 2x35 (1 meeting) : SD/MI

: English

: Arsianti Dewi K.S.N : 2201408124 : (307-308)

STANDAR KOMPETENSI 2. Berbicara Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas. KOMPETENSI DASAR 2.3 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: berterima kasih, meminta maaf, memberi maaf, melarang, memuji, dan mengajak.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY At the end of the study, 75% of all the students are able to:
a. Express thankfulness to their friends in the class. b. Express apology to their friends in the class. c. Give responses from apologizing expression. d. Give expression of prohibition to their friends in the class. e. Give four compliments to their friends in the class. f. Make invitations for their friends.

II. LEARNING MATERIAL A. Expression a. Thankful -

Thanks Thank you Thank you very much b. Apologizing

Sorry Pardon Please forgive me c. Forgiving

No problem Never mind Thats all right

d. Prohibition No cheating Dont be lazy Be quiet e. Compliment Great Well done Good job Excellent Marvellous f. Invitation

Lets go home Lets sing together Lets read

B. Adjacency Pairs a. Thankful

A: Thank you for lending me your dictionary. B: With my pleasure. b. Apologizing A: Im sorry sir for coming late. B: Thats all right, take a seat. c. Forgiving A: Im so sorry for blaming you. B: Well, no problem. d. Prohibition A: Dont be lazy B: Yes Mam! e. Compliment A: Whoa, your dress is cute! B: Thank you. f. Invitation A: Lets go home. B: Okay.

C. Pronunciation

Welcome [welkm] Lending [lend] Take [tek] Late[let]

Forgive [fgv] Blaming [blem] Lazy[lez] Home[hum]

D. Intonation

I am sorry

Youre welcome

Dont be lazy!

E. Vocabularies 1. Verb 2. Noun Dress Seat Home Dictionary Thank Forgive Sing Come

3. Pronoun

I You He She We They

4. Adjective
5. Adverb

Excellent Marvellous Great Good

Today Later Tomorrow Next week Next meeting

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