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In Respect of Land measuring approximately 4.173 Hectres (10.311 Acres)
situated at Ilesa , Aro Town Ilesa East Local Government Area of Osun State.


No. 20, (2nd Floor),
Ilesa, Osun State.
Tel: 09076543218

THIS DEED OF ASSIGNMENT is made the _______day of ________2007
OLAMIDE IKUYI (hereinafter called “THE VENDOR”) which expression
shall where the context so admits include their heirs, successors in title, personal
and legal representatives and assigns of the one part.
MR. JACOB IKUYI (hereinafter called “THE PURCHASER”) which
expression shall where the context so admits include his heirs, successors in title,
personal and legal representatives and assigns of the other part.
1. By an Acceptance of offer of grant of right of occupancy Reference No.
MIE/AT/KB-107 of 15-06-2007, the VENDORS MRS OLAMIDE was
allocated a Plot of Land described and known as Plot No. 114 situate within
Aro Town within Ilesa, Osun State, covered Acceptance of Offer of grant of
right of occupancy Reference No. MIE/AT/KB-107 And which by virtue of
a Deed of Assignment executed between the allottee and the PURCHASER,
MR. ABRAHAM DRE dated the ______day of__________2007, the same
passed over to the PURCHASER.
2. Mrs OLAMIDE wants to assign their unexpired residue of the lease to the
PURCHASER. The place is used and occupied therewith subject to the
terms and conditions contained in the said Acceptance of offer of grant of
right of occupancy.
3. The VENDORS are seized of the property herein described free from
encumbrance and has agreed with the PURCHASER for the sale thereof to
4. The VENDORS have agreed with the PURCHASER for the assignment of
the unexpired residue of the lease.
5. The requisite consent of the Commissioner has been obtained to the
Assignment hereby made.
6. In consideration paid by the PURCHASER to the VENDORS (the receipt
whereof the VENDORS hereby acknowledge the PURCHASER as the
beneficial owners hereby assign unto the PURCHASER, ALL THAT
property described in the schedule thereto and TO HOLD unto the
PURCHASER for all the residue now unexpired of the term of years
created by the acceptance of the offer of grant of right of occupancy
7. The VENDORS covenant that the PURCHASER performing and
observing the several covenants on his part shall peaceable hold and enjoy
the property without any interruption or disturbances from the VENDORS
or any person or persons rightfully claiming under or in trust for them.
8. The PURCHASER hereby covenants with the VENDORS that henceforth,
during the continuance of the term of the assignment to pay the rents
premiums reserved thereby or revised there under and to perform and
observe the covenants conditions and stipulations contained in the and on
the VENDORS’ part to be performed and observed and to keep the
VENDORS indemnified against all actions, claims and demands arising on
account thereof or in any way in relation thereto.
9. The PURCHASER further covenants that during the continuance of the
assignment not assign this land or transfer title of the land to a third party
without the express permission of the vendor
10.That covenants implied therein by reason of the VENDORS being
expressed to convey as beneficial owners shall not be deemed to imply that
any of the covenants on the part of the VENDORS contained in that said
allocation have been performed or observed would put the property hereby
assigned into a state or condition other than in which it now is.
11.The VENDORS agree at all times hereafter to indemnify and keep
indemnified the PURCHASER against all costs, damages, loss and or
expenses incurred or to be incurred in consequences of any actions, loss or
anything done by any rival claimant or any defect in the title in respect of the
demised property.
12.The VENDORS shall on the execution of this deed deliver all original
copies of the title documents, receipts and all other documents relating to the
property to the PURCHASER.
That piece of Land lying within Ilesa East Local government Area of Osun state
consisting of the Plot No.114 is located at Aro Town Ilesa East Local Government
Area of Osun State and area is 1,400 square metres and Reference No.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties have hereunto set their hand and seals
the day and year first above written.
In the presence of:
Name: ________________________
Address: _______________________
Occupation: _______________________
Signature: _______________________



In the presence of:

Name: ________________________
Address: _______________________
Occupation: _______________________
Signature: _______________________


LAND USE ACT 1978, NO.6 1978
(Building Site)
(hereinafter called the holder/holders, which term shall include any person/persons in title) is
hereby granted a right of occupancy in and over the land described in the schedule, and more
particularly in the plan printed hereto for a term of 99 years commencing from the 15th day of
June, 2007, according to the true intent and meaning of the Land Use Act No. 6 of 1978 and
subject to the provisions thereof and to the following special terms and conditions:
(a) the proportion of rent at the rate of

per annum applicable to the period (if any) from the said cate of
commencement to the thirty-first day of December 20____ within two
months from the date of this certificate; and thereafter-
(b) the yearly rent of
on the first of January in each year, and
(c) the revised rent as hereinafter provided.
(2) To pay and discharge all rates, assessment, and impositions whatsoever which shall at
any time be charged, assessed or imposed on the said land or any part thereof or any building
thereof or upon the occupier or occupiers thereof.
(3) To pay forthwith without demand to the ILESHA EAST Local government or such other
body or persons appointed by the Commissioner on the issue of this certificate (if not sooner
paid) all survey fees, registration fees and other charges due in respect of the preparation and
issue and registration of this certificate.
(4) Within two years from the date of the commencement of this right of occupancy erect
and complete on the said land, the building or other works specified in related plans approved or
to be approved by the ILESHA EAST LOCAL GOVERNMENT (TOWN PLANNING), or other
officer by the Commissioner, or any other agency empowered to do so.
(5) To maintain in good and substantial repair to the satisfaction of the ILESHA EAST
LOCAL GOVERNMENT (TOWN PLANNING) or other officer appointed by the
Commissioner, all buildings on the said land and appurtenances thereto and to do other works
properly maintained in clean and sanitary condition all of the land and surroundings of the
(6) To clear and keep the said land clear of stagnant water, long grass, rank weeds, bush and
accumulations and deposits of rubbish and other unwholesome matter, and to do the same in all
respects in a clean and sanitary condition, and for such purposes to do and execute all such acts
and works as the chairman or any officer authorized by the Honourable Commissioner, required.
(7) Not to erect or build or permit to be erected or built on the land, buildings other than
those permitted to be erected by virtue of this Certificate of Occupancy nor to make or permit to
be made any addition or alteration to the said buildings already erected on the land except in
accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Commissioner and or any officer
authorized by him on his behalf
(8) The Commissioner or any public officer duly authorized by the Commissioner on his
behalf, shall have the power to enter upon and inspect the land comprised in any statutory right
of occupancy or any improvements effected thereon, at any reasonable hour during the day and
the occupier shall permit and give free access to the Commissioner or any such officer to enter
and so inspect.
(9) Not to alienate the right of occupancy hereby granted or any part thereof by sale,
assignment, mortgage, transfer of possession, sub lease or bequest, or otherwise howsoever
without the prior consent of the Commissioner.
(10) To use the said land only for Residential Land Use
(11) Not to contravene any of the provisions of the Land Use Act No. 6 of 1978 and to
conform and comply with all rules and regulations laid down from time to time by the State
Capital Development Authority.
(12) For the Purpose of the rent to be paid under this Certificate of Occupancy:
(i) The term of the Right of Occupancy shall be divided into periods of five years,
and the Commissioner may, at the expiration of each period of five years if the
Commissioner shall so revise the rent, he shall cause a notice to be sent, he shall
cause a notice to be sent to the holder\holders and the rent so fixed or revised shall
commence to be payable one calendar month from the date of the receipt of such
(ii) If any rent for the time being payable in respect of the land or any part thereof
shall be in arrears for the period of three months whether the same shall or shall
not have been legally demanded or if the holders become bankrupt or make a
composition with creditors or enter into liquidation, whether compulsorily or
voluntarily, or if there shall be any breach or non-observance of any of the
occupier’s covenants or agreements herein contained, then, and in any of the said
cases it shall be lawful for the Commissioner at any time thereafter to hold and
enjoy the same as if the right of occupancy had not been granted but without
prejudice to any Right of Action or remedy of the Commissioner for any
antecedent breach of covenant by the holder/holders.

Dated this _____ day of _________ 20

Given under my hand the day, month and year above written
Engineer Kosoko Bankole
Commissioner for Lands, Physical Planning &
Urban Development
Osun state

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