Manual Project 2022

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Harrod’s Market Fresh Area Team

Member Training Manual Created by: Ryan


Figure 1 Title

Table of Contents iii

List of Illustrations……………………………………………………………v

Chapter 1: Dress Code Policy and Equipment…………………………3

1.1 Hygiene and Look…………………………………………...3
1.2 Dress Code…………………………………………………..4
1.3 Clocking in…………………………………………………..5
1.4 Equipment……………………………………………………5
Chapter 2: Starting the day/Culling & Cleaning Checklist………………6 ,8
2.1 Culling and Date Checking……………………………………6
2.2 Cleaning Procedure and Checklist……………………………...8
Chapter 3: Processing Donations/Stocking Fresh Area…...........................9,10,11
3.1 Processing Donations…………………………………………...9
3.2 Stocking Produce……………………………………………….9
3.3 Stocking Deli and Meat…………………………………………10
3.3 Stocking Bakery and Dairy……………………………………..11
Chapter 4: Stocking and Back Stocking CNS……………………………..11,12,13
4.1 Stock/Backstock Produce………………………………………………11
4.2 Stock/Backstock Dairy and Meat………………………………………12
4.3 Stock/Backstock Frozen………………………………………………..13
Chapter 5: Produce Ordering and Bibliography………………………………14,15
Table of Contents.


The Pandemic and Quiratine completey turned the Buisness world up side down
and the retail section was no exception. From remote working to cleaning
procedures everything had to be changed to fit the new normal, so after some time
and meeting with our CEO and President Bruce Wayne we have redesigned the
training for our team members so we fit the Covid Guidelines and continue to give
our guests the best shopping experience that we can provide.
To better help our current and new team members understand this, we designed our
new manuals to fit certain areas in the store so focus is on the area they are in and
not another. For example if someone is hired to work on the Checkouts and Guest
Service that is a lot of information that you need to know and understand so having
to you don’t need to learn how to check-in a vendor in the backroom or how to
backload one of our trucks. This manual is designed for our fresh area team
members to assist them in the day-to-day running of fresh, from cleaning and
Culling to stocking and ordering this new redesigned manual will set our fresh
members for success.
Team members who wish to learn other areas in the store to gain more knowledge
and responsibilities that is always encouraged.
Please read each section and if you have any questions please reach out to your
Human Resources Members and Welcome to Harrods Market.

Chapter 1: Code and

Dress-Code: “What to Wear”

At Harrods we always are doing everything to drive our buisness in every aspect
dress and appearance is no different, we want to keep a professional standard but
that doesn’t mean you can’t be comfortable as well. All team members must be
clean and ready for the days/nights buisness and must wear appropriate clothing
that has been approved by our company
standards. The following clothing is what is

Figure 3.1

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All Team Members are expected to clean and practice proper personal hygenie so
we do not upset our fellow team members and guests. Also member must wear a
collard red shirt to work everyday polo’s are approved however they MUST not
have any labels on them. Harrods will provide you two shirts to start with and we
cover all sizes in men and women please provide your size to the HR department.
The Following is NOT exceptable attire:
 T-shirts of ANY kind
 Any shirts with Labels other than HARRODS on it
 Stains, Rips, and holes are also unexceptable
 Hoodies are also not premitted due to POTENTIAL safety concerns

Our Team Members who have tattoos can show them off as long as they are NOT
inappropriate or offensive to others. For Freash Area’s Aprons will also be
provided along with sweaters and coats for our coolers and freezers.

Figure 4.1

Blue or Black Jeans and Pants are permitted to wear

and skirts past the knee are exceptable as well on the
Footwear is important you must be confortable when
working on your feet for long periods of time tennis
shoes are encouraged for the fresh area you would want
to conceder wearing NON-SLIP footwear. Boots are
This Photo by Unknown Author
is licensed under CC BY-NC fine but you will be on the floor walking and standing
for long periods of time so although aren’t permitted
they are however discouraged.

Figure 4.2

 Jeans with rips or

holes are not
 Shorts are okay
when working
outdoors knee
high Khanki,
Blue, or black
 Open toe or Crocs
are NOT
 Harrods logo hats
can be worn

Equipment: is also needed and provided to you, as a team member you will need
the following:
 Handheld Scanner
 Portable Printer
 Box-Cutter
 Walkie-Talkie
Some items depending the area you work some extra equipment will be needed.
 Sharpe Black Marker/Pen
 Orange Vest
Once you have your gear and ready to go clocking-in and out is the next step our
store has a digital clock that you will use to not only clock-in and out for the day
but will also allow you to sign-in to your palm scanner so you can complete your
work. When you approach the time clock you type in your seven digit pin number
and choose to clock-in, clock-out for meal, clock back in form meal, and finally
clock out for the day.


Chapter 2: Starting The Day

Starting the day in the Fresh Department is alittle different than stocking in any
other area of the store. It is not harder you just have to take some extra added steps
because you are dealing with food and food safety. Fresh area is broken up into
different areas bakery, frozen, produce and dairy when you are the opener you
have to setup the area or as we call it P-Fresh, starting with the coolers you have P
three coolers and one freezer because they need to be seperated for safety and
temperature reasons. All coolers must be kept at below 40 degrees and the freezer
at below 10 degrees and box items must be seperated from raw foods. Once you
have verified, you head to the floor and start the culling process.
When it means to cull, it simply means going through the
freash area and getting rid of any food that is damaged or
expired. Now when you cull sometimes it is not always easy to
see what needs to be removed, of course anything damaged or
expired needs to be removed but you really need to look at
what isn’t so obvious at first glance. When you cull think to
yourselve “Would I buy it” and if you do that than you will
start to see things better.
Examples of Items that should be culled:

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed
Figure CC BY-NC-ND

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed

under CC BY-NC-ND
Figure 6.2

Figure 7.1

These are just acouple of examples of what to look for when you culling, sell by
dates will NOT always be in the top right hand corner. They will be in different
areas on different products but they will always be able to read. Keep in mind even
if something is NOT out of date if you wouldn’t buy chances are the guest isn’t
going to buy either.
Cleaning and Checklist: Once you have gone through you’re the department and
culled you will need to go through and clean the area sweep the floor and with our
multi-surface cleaner wipe down the department. This prevents the spread of any
food bourne illnesses. Once all your cleaning and culling is done you will have a
weekly checklist that you MUST intial everyday and MUST be verified by your
team lead everyday.

Chapter 3:

As part of Harrods continous out reach to the community program, we are always
looking to help those who need it. The Pandemic has caused a lot of disstress to
many families all over the country; weather it’s emtionally, physically, financially
or all the above we have NEVER detail with such a widespread problem. Harrods
has always donated food, clothing, etc. to non-profit organizations such Feeding
America, but to better assist our local areas our donations have expanded to local
church’s, schools, food banks, and shelters. Our process is very simple and all you
need is your scanner and follow the instructions below.
Donations Process:
 Sign-on to your scanner and scan the barcode or PLU
 “PLU” are numbers that are placed on fruits and vegetables to identfy
them for purchasing EXAMP: Bannas are 4011
 Once you have scanned the barcode or typed in the PLU you will scroll
down to the selection that says ITEM REMOVAL IN PINK
 After choosing ITEM REMOVAL you will select the reason for the removal
 There are different selections to choose from damaged, expired, or
 Once you have chosen which one you must choose what do you want to do
with it either Throw-away or Donations: “You would choose Donations”
 After that you would put in How many you want to scan out.

 With the Bananas or Meat we sell some by POUND so you will have
to use our scale to weigh for the exact amount to donate.

 Finally you will box up and until pick-up the items must be place in the right
area. Page 6

 Meat must be place in the freezer and everything else will go in the
produce cooler both areas have designated carts for and are labeled
Stocking Fresh
Once you have Culled, cleaned, and process donations for the day now it’s time to
fill the shelves. Fresh Area product does not come in on the normal trucks because
of they need to be kept frozen or cold at under 40 degrees. Deleveries are made on
Monday’s, Wednesday, and Friday’s at 8:00 am, in this market we are the first stop
on the delevery route.
 Once the truck arrives you will always unload produce and dairy first, frozen
will be last to unload.
 As you pull each pallet out you will use a digital theremoter to temp each
one to make sure they are at the appropriate temp.
 Dairy and Produce pallets must be between 35 and 40 degrees
 Freezer must be -10 or less if it is at zero that is fine as well
 For an accurate temperature you must place the thermotur in the most
center part of the pallet.
 Once unload has been completed you must down stack your pallets on to a
cart one at a time.
 When you are stocking fresh you must only work one cart at a time and you
must keep track of the time on the floor because every minute items are not
in a cold area the potential for going out of temp is a real concern.
 Dairy and Produce normally can be on floor between 15 to 20 minutes and
frozen can be pushed to about an hour.
 Understand that guest traffic and the temperature in the store have to be
taken into account.

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 Weather such as Summer and Spring can make a store hotter so
inside might be warmer than normal.
 On Fridays, Saturdays, Sunday’s, and Holiday’s Gueust traffic
will be increased.
 To help prevent the potential of going out of date when down
stacking the pallets put like items together so that you can work
in one area without having to walk back and worth so much.
 Like loading up all the ice cream together on one cart and
working that together so your working in one section or one
 Some items especially in bakery will not have use by dates already on them
so you will have to label them.
 We do that by using a date gun you click the month, date, year and label
each item.
 Some bakery items go out of date sooner than others so take
that into account for example all bread must be dated SIX days
from the day it was put on the shelf
 And with meat it is FOURTEEN days
 Because that there are limits to the amount you are alowed to
put on the shelf the amounts are printed at the top right hand
corner of the price label on the shelf.
 And lastly when your are stocking all fresh areas when it is “FIRST IN
FIRST OUT” you must rotate all product that way the ones that will go out
of date sooner are at the front and the ones furthur out are in the back that is
the moto all fresh area members need to remember.

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This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

Figure 11.1

Chapter 4: Backstocking

Once you have stocked the area you need to take care of the backstock or
overstock and the process needs to be followed because some things need to be
placed in certain areas.
All coolers and freezers have waco bins those bins are designed to place the single
cases that you have or we also call them partial cases like it your stocking milk the
case has six and you can only put two out what do you do with the other four. You
place them in the wacos in the correct area dairy items go in the dairy cooler,
frozen to the freezer, etc. Whole cases are labeled and put at the top of the racks in
the coolers. The Produce and Meat coolers have extra racks because they need to
be seperated from the box stock.

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Raw Meat Racks:
 One for poultry and one for beef and pork
 Never mix the two on the same rack
 Ground meat MUST be separated from the weighted type
 Example: Ground Chicken gets placed on the bottom shelf
while chicken breast get put on the top
 All raw meat boxes MUST have labels facing out and USE BY
DATES circled

Figure 12.1

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Figure 13.1

Chapter 5: Food Order

Food Ordering:
At the end of the day once all the stocking, cleaning, and processing has been taken
care now it’s time to do the Food Order. Most CNS items replenish itself through
the system by your on-hands and how much the warhouse currently has instock, so
it is up to the Opening P-Fresh Team Member or Team Lead to place the 24 before
the next delivery. At first it will be hard to anticipate what you will need to keep
those shelves full, the more time you work in the area you understand more and
more what your needs are. The following steps are how to place a produce order,

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Produce is the only area you place orders for Meat,Frozen,and Dairy the system
will replinsh for you.
Food Ordering Process:
 At the bottom right hand corner of the Home Screen colored in RED
is the section called Food Order.
 Once you are in the Food Order Screen you will the selections for
Starbucks and Harrods Market.
 You will choose Harrods Market then Produce it is the only option
 You will see a list of Fruit and Produce options to choose from.
 When you scroll through what you need pay close attention because
some options are ordered by eaches others by cases so make 100%
sure you are ordering accurately.
 Example: Bananas are ordered by eaches “How Many do you
Need” and Heads of Lettuce come 24 to a case so if you wanted
24 bananas you order 24, and if you wanted 24 heads of lettuce
you order just 1.
 Make sure you leave enough time to go through the order process
 Once you have finished do the order finalize your order by pressing
finalize and then your done.
This does seem a lot to take in and understand but with time and repition you will
be get all of this done faster and faster, always remember we are a team at Harrods
so you do NOT have to do anything alone because the only way we succeed is by
the training and professionalism of our members.

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Target Inc. “Organics Recycling for Composting”

Target Inc. “Food Safety Fundamentals”

Target Inc. “Team Member Handbook Highlights”

Target Inc. “Continuous Learning for Food and Beverage”

Microsoft “Pictures Downloaded from Microsoft Word Bing”

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Index: Illistration

Figures: 3.1,4.1,4.2,6.1,6.2, and 11.1 Microsoft Word Online Pictures

Figures: 7.1,12.1,13.1 Photos taken from Iphone 12

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