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Printout 08 November 2022 ws2 gas eta er ih ethene ‘NSE BANKING PERSOMEL SELECTION bumaieg bb hase iy Steele et Common Recruitment Process (CRP) for Recruitment of Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees in Participating Banks- (CRP PO/MT-Xl) Fogistration Number Full Name catagory ‘Are you a petson vith benchmark cabaty of 4% and above ? ‘ype of Disabity ‘Sub-Type of lsat for 10 & Others? ‘Sub-Type of Disabity ‘Sub-Type of Mutipl Disability ‘Are you as per PVBD quielnes lle to uso compensatory time a the tne of examination’? ‘re you slong tom cereal palsy and your vatng speed is affected tes, Do you need compensatory time a the tme of examination? ‘Whener your dominant (Wing) hands afectes Wes, Do you need compensatory me a the tof examination? ‘Are you eligible to use the servos of Serbo as por Government ules & do you wish i use the series of setbe ? ‘1e yu a child family member of those who dled in 1984 Hots? 12e you an BxServeeman 7 ‘Actual sre ender in defence services which may be counted for ‘uaitying ae an Exaerviceman tn Monts) ate of ret tom defence services Have you joined Government job on th ci sie after availing of the bonofte ven as an ex-sericoman ? Religion to which you belong ‘bp you belong to Religious Minority Community? Wher soning in Gow! quasi Govt/ Publ Sector Undertakings Uicluding Natonsizes Barks & Financial Inetuons) > Have you appeared forthe CMEICRP-POIMT. How many attempts? ‘Select the CWEICRP-POMT attempted ealr 2060818173, SHIVAM CHOUMAN sc No. No. No. Nationality / Cizenship ‘StallUTINER to whch cent of examination belongs State code (Conte of Proimnary Examination conte of Main Examination {ete to bring the following ID when appearing forthe examination ‘confirm my name on thi 1D an this aplication exactly match) 10 Proot 1 Proot No Application Fee / Intimation charges Payment In Fees Tax ‘Amount Payment Situs Relerence 10 ‘Transacton Date Personal Details Date of ith ‘Age complied as on 01.10.2021 Gondor 1p you have tin tothe sistr 7 Gender ofthe ti Name of he tn Marta Status Fathers Name Motors Name ‘Spouse's Name ‘Aatress for Corespondence esr 1 atross2 vsiet State Pracode Permanent acess pets 1 tress 2 iter tesian Machya Pradesh 0 Indore Indore ves Voters Card roooonee2 ONLINE 148.30 26.70 0087) 17500 PAD wuR20s88510211 9-11-2021 23 MALE No. MAHENDRA CHOUHAN INDUBALA CHOUHAN 131 B SANGAM NAGAR INDORE 131 B SANGAN NAGAR INDORE nooRe MADHYA PRADESH 452006, 131 8 SANGAM NAGAR 491 BSANGAM NAGAR, INDORE InpoRE State MADHYA PRADESH Piacode 452006, ‘State for GSTinvoieng Permanent Adass (MADHYA PRADESH) Contact Details. Mable No +91 roe7o0as20 ‘Atoratve Numbor +91 7e60031648 (Metie Neanaine No) Ema 10 ‘tivamchouhan8O0S@gmailcom Educational Qualification (as on 10.11.2021) Exam Passed Degree Subject/Stram ——Datoof——Toof Marks Class Grade Passing (Graduation Equivalent BE. Engineering 15.00.2020 721 Frat Cis Do yeu have Operating and working 2 YES noulodge compute systems Detais of Computer Knowledge: + Degree in + Computer language 7 Genial Bank of naa 2Canara Bank 5 Union Bark of nda 44 Bank of nda ‘5 Punjab & Sind Bank ‘Banks in order of Preference 6 UCO Bank 7 Bank of Maharastra {2 Indan Overseas Bank ‘9 Punjab Natonal Bank {0 nian Bane 11 Bank of Borda Other Details For tho safety and wall boing of candidates, Pro- = YES Exam Traning may not be he. In cases possible {held Pre-bram Traring, are you desrous of aking Pre-Exam Teinng ? (Applicable oly for SST Minorty Comat) 11 Yee Centr for Tainng Indore nother any prosecution! detention fnelconvison’ NO sentence against you has been awarded by any court tien fo any oencs? yes, partatrs of he sae . HaNot ves ves ves excust ves ves ves Uploaded Document Details : 4. Left Thumb Impression 2. Hand Wetton Declaration Declaration: ereby declare that, Ihave rea, understood and agreed the terms and condos ofthe Advertisement forthe sald post and alhe ‘aloes made in the appicalion are Tue, Camplte and Corea thebestof my knowledge and bel. understood that nthe event of ‘any inlormaton being founa untue oincoret at ny lage or am not sallyng aro! he eigibly eer sulted, and also n ase of

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