Script Students' Orientation SY 2011-2012

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SCRIPT STUDENTS ORIENTATION SY 2011-2012 Good morning, everyone!

Welcome to the Students Orientation for the school year 2011-2012. To start with, let us acknowledge Gods providence in our midst Sr. Mary Elena Tuazon SPC will lead us to prayer (Prayer) Please remain standing for the expression of our love for our country by singing the Philippine National Anthem

Please be seated

At this point, may we call on our College Dean and Executive Vice President for her welcome remarks and introduction of the faculty members and academic staff of the Tertiary Department .

Thank you very much Sr. Sonia.

These are the persons whom we will be meeting and working with during our stay in this University.

May we call on Sr. Mary Elena Tuazon,SPC, our Christian Formation Officer, to present to us the vision-Mission of St. Paul University at San Miguel

Thank you very much Sr. Elena for giving us a glimpse of the Paulinian Story, Vision Mission Statement and Core Values of our University. May we, Paulinians continously imbibed the Pauline spirit exemplified by Fr. Louis Chauvet and from which our Vision and Mission were created.

SPUSM, as a learning community is governed with defined education and academic policies. Mrs. Zenaida Babas, Registrar and Business Program Adviser, will provide us with the necessary information

Thank you Mrs. Babas.

The Reproductive Health Bill is the hottest issue in our society. As Paulinians we have to responsive with this issue. This morning we are indeed privileged to have speakers who can share marvelous truths on this issue. The first speaker is one of our esteemed professors who is a member of the Philippine Society for Training and Development and was honored by the Alfonso Yuchenco Foundation with the award for exemplary Discipline in the National Level. He has created and conducted programs for GMA 7s GMA News TV, Procter and Gamble, ABB, Emerson, Lenovo, Microsoft-Intel and collaborates as a Political Training Consultant for the Honorable Congressman Arturo Robes. Above all these trainings and accomplishments is his unconventional knowledge, and passion to discard the Reproductive Health Bill, this made him worthy to be the Resource Speaker on Filipino Values vs. RH Bill

As academic community, we are guided by certain rules and policies to maintain order, harmony and academic atmosphere. To present the Norms of Behavior, Generals Rules and Regulations, and Student Discipline. Let us welcome, Mrs. Clarissa Cajucom, Adviser of the Executive Council.

Thank you very much Mrs. Cajucom.

To give us the rules and regulations governing the use of school uniforms, may I give the floor to the president of the Paulinian Student Government, Jerica Jemelyn Quiambao, together with selected students from the different courses to represent the school uniform

To present to us the matters and concerns about school fees and other concerns of the Finance Office, may we call on Mrs. Mayreen Buenaventura

Thank you Mrs. Buenaventura.

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