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Band director

Jessica Smith

Mr/mrs/ms, Principal

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the BLANK Middle School Band program! My name is Jessica Smith, I am the new Band
Director. I graduated from Stetson University with a bachelor’s degree in Music Education in Fall 2022. I was
born and raised as a Buckeye from Columbus, Ohio. However, I now consider myself a Floridian after studying
in central Florida for high school and college. I have a passion for working with students through making music.
For this, I give credit to my musical family and a lifetime of summer music camps. Outside of school, I enjoy
exploring, Disney World, and my beach of choice, Siesta Key.

This handbook has been written to familiarize you or refresh you with the many aspects of the program, and to
ensure an enjoyable and educationally rewarding musical experience.  I realize you are overwhelmed with
reading material from the school at the beginning of the year, but PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ ALL
OF THE HANDBOOK!  After you have read this handbook, sign the last page, detach the forms, and return
them to me. (There are also several forms at the end which need to be returned ASAP.)  Band students will be
held accountable for the information contained in this handbook so please keep the rest of the handbook for
future reference.

Band is an ELECTIVE and a SELECTIVE course. We are considered Co-Curricular. It differs from the general
music class, or any other elective course, in that we seek to develop greater proficiency over a longer period. It
involves learning math concepts and applying them (rhythm), learning, and applying new systems of notation,
developing fine motor skills, developing the ability to listen critically, and becoming sensitive to the sounds we
make, to the conductor, to the sounds others make, and to the musical demands in our literature. It requires
cooperation with a conductor and a large team of musicians working together toward a common goal.  It also
requires practice at home, occasional after school rehearsals and performances, and investment in an instrument
and the proper maintenance of that instrument. 

Band involves a responsibility and commitment to the group. The sound each student makes changes the sound
of the entire group. Most students possess the musical and mental skills necessary to be good student musicians.
Success is most likely if the student has the desire to learn to play, the parents and students understand what is
required for success, and the parents share responsibility whilst providing encouragement for their child’s
musical development. A few ways you can get involved with our program is participating in band boosters to
help with fundraising, school board meetings, and chaperoning field trips. You will find more details about all
things band on our website which is linked below. The best way to reach me is through email. I hope that this
handbook will be a guide to lead you and your child towards a successful experience in band. I look forward to
providing an exciting and rewarding band experience for you and your child!


Ms. Smith
BLANKMS Music Director, B.M.E. Stetson University

(740) 513-6305 

Google Sites Link to band website 

Course Descriptions
Beginning Band (M/J Band 1)
WHO can join?
Beginning Band is open to all students during the 1st 9 weeks of each year with parent permission.
Previous musical training and music reading is of course helpful, but not necessary.

Instrument Selection
Beginning Band students will have an opportunity to try out several instruments. Selection of
instrument is based upon student interest, physical characteristics (formation of lips and teeth),
rhythmic coordination (percussion instruments), and instrumentation requirements (the number of
students playing each instrument must be kept within reasonable limits in order to be able to
perform the music written for the modern band).

Instrument Assembly, Care, and Maintenance

Proper assembly and care are necessary to minimize repairs and frustration caused by an
instrument malfunction.

Tone Production
This includes all of the elements necessary to produce a musical sound on a wind or percussion
instrument. Embouchure (the way the lips and facial muscles are used and applied to the
mouthpiece), use of air, and concept of correct sound for a given instrument are learned.

Articulation involves the correct use of the tongue in playing an instrument. It is very similar to
pronunciation in speech.

Music Reading
After students can demonstrate basic tone production and articulation concepts, music reading is
introduced. Students are introduced to notes and rhythms gradually. Students only learn notes
and rhythms they can play and apply. New notes and rhythms are added as control improves.
Music reading involves learning the name of the note, the sound of the note (pitch), the duration of
the note (rhythm), and the fingering of the note on the instrument. It is essential that students
practice daily, to avoid getting behind. Each skill builds on the last skill, so progress depends upon
keeping up.

Ear Training
The ability to discriminate pitch, to play in tune with others, and to hear a musical line is a skill
that can and must be developed by music students. Students can learn to play in tune, understand
and appreciate good tone quality, and learn to blend and balance their sound with their fellow
musicians. Most students have quite good natural pitch perception; musicians develop an above
average awareness of the sounds around them by learning to listen critically.

Students will learn 7 major scales in Beginning Band. Students will also be able to write and label
each of their scales. Almost all music is based upon scales. Knowledge of scales is essential in
learning to play an instrument. Percussion students learn scales on the mallet instruments, and in
addition learn rudiments- exercises that build coordination and control necessary to play
percussion parts.
Symphonic Band (M/J Band 2/3)
Symphonic Band is open to only the most proficient students who have demonstrated ability
to perform more difficult music. Instrumentation is a consideration when selecting students for
Symphonic Band. In addition, a student must have a proven record of reliability and good conduct
to be considered for Symphonic Band. The skills learned in Beginning and Concert Bands are
refined, and additional scales and more difficult exercises are learned. Private lessons are highly
recommended. Private teachers can help with preparation for All-County Band and All- State Band
auditions, preparation of difficult band music, and selection and preparation of Solo and Ensemble
music for performance at F.B.A. Solo and Ensemble Music Performance Assessment.

Jazz Band (MJ Instrumental Ensemble)

The Jazz Band is a full year class and is open to students in grades 6-8 at an advanced level of
development who are selected by audition. The Jazz Band performs in several concerts each year
and participates in the Florida Band Masters Association District Jazz Band Festival Music
Performance Assessment. Private lessons are highly recommended. Students in Jazz Band must
also be enrolled in either Band 2 or Band 3 as well. Students may have before or after school
rehearsals when necessary for concert preparation for which attendance is required.

Code of Conduct


1. Be nice by giving others eye contact and remaining silent when others are talking.
Students may speak when called on by the teacher typically through a raised hand.

2. Work hard by constantly practicing whether silently during class or independently

outside of class, also by remaining quiet to best participate quickly when instructed
to do so.

3. Be prepared by being ready to play with all class materials like your band binder,
pencil, essential elements, and instrument.

4. Look and act professional by sitting quietly with good posture ready to follow
1. Students should dispose of food and gum before entering the band room.
2. Quiet and appropriate behavior is looking at the director, following instructions, and working
nicely with others. This type of behavior forms a positive learning environment. 
3. Students are expected to enter the band room in an orderly manner.  
4. All backpacks, cases, and materials not related to this class must be put away in their locker
or placed in an approved area, designated by the director. 
5. Students must be seated and set up with a music stand, notebook, music, pencil, and
instrument within 2 minutes of the bell ringing.  At this time, roll will be taken, and those
who are unprepared will be marked tardy.
6. Students who were absent the day prior have the responsibility to request information about
what they missed. 
7. Students will raise their own hand and silently look up when the director raises their hand.
8. Students will be attentive when the director gives announcements before and after class. 
9. Students will sit quietly and only play their instruments when instructed to do so by the
10.Students will play only their own instrument, or one that has been assigned to them. 
Students will only play property that belongs to them, including percussion equipment, the
piano, A/V equipment, or whiteboard unless instructed to do so by the director.
11.Students must have their instrument (and accompanying materials) in their hands daily.  If
an instrument is in the repair shop, the parent must provide a note stating this fact.
12.Students are to bring all band music and band books to class in a folder every day.
13.Students should have a pencil in their music folder at all times.
14.All instruments must be kept neatly in a locker that is assigned by the director during the
school day.
15.Reed players are expected to have a reed keeper and at least 3 good reeds at all times.
16.Being allowed in the band room is a privilege, and it is only available to band members.  Non-
band friends will remain outside of the band room.
17.Band students are expected to practice at home on a regular basis.  A minimum of 100
minutes per week is recommended.
18.When directed, students will pack their instruments and materials quietly, flip their stand,
and sit in their seat until dismissed by the director. 
19.Students may raise their hand to ask a question, comment, or request to leave their seat for
the restroom, etc. Students may use the restroom after 15 minutes into class and before the
last 15 minutes. 
20.Students can come to the band room to independently practice before and after school, and
during lunch. 
21.Students will be silent when there is an announcement over the speaker.
22.In case of an emergency drill, students will remain seated silently, and look at the director for


 **Certain infractions or repeated infractions may warrant a change in the order that these
consequences are issued.

Membership in this Middle School Band Program is contingent upon adherence to the rules
and procedures outlined in this handbook. Any student who continuously challenges these
rules and procedures will be asked to leave the band program

Class Supplies
Below is the list of necessary items for daily participation in the various band classes:

Beginning Band
1) Approved instrument & accessories-determined following music/instrument
2) Black 3 Ring Binder 1” or more for sheet music, calendars, hand-outs, flyers, written
work, etc.
3) Folding wire music stand (for at home use)
5) Sheet music supplied in class (to be returned)
6) Pencils
7) 10 Sheet Protectors
8) Essential Elements Book 1 (yellow) for your instrument

Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band

1) Approved instrument & accessories (See previous page)
2) 3 Ring Binder 1” or more for sheet music, calendars, hand-outs, flyers, written work,
3) Folding wire music stand (for at home use)
4) Method books & Rhythm books supplied in class (to be returned)
5) Sheet music supplied in class (to be returned)
6) Pencils
7) 10 Sheet Protectors

Additional Recommended Accessories for all students:

metronome, electronic tuner
Band Lockers
Each band student will be issued a band locker by the director. The school is not responsible for
items left in band lockers or in the band room. Students are advised not to share their locker.

Financial Obligation
Being in band costs money and brings on certain financial obligations that are the responsibility of
the band member.  Students will be required to provide their own instrument, accessories (such as
reeds, valve oil, etc.), book, uniform, and any other expenses that may arise during the year.  To
simplify the obligation, we ask all participants to contribute a “Fair Share” of $75. This can be paid
for upfront or fundraised and all funds received are used to benefit the program. Please contact the
director if you are having problems meeting these obligations and this issue will be worked out
confidentially. No student will be denied participation in band due to financial constraints.

Rehearsal and Performance Attendance Policy

Band is Co-Curricular; meaning a portion of the student’s grade can come from after-school
activities which include concerts, rehearsals, etc.  Performances are essential to the success of the
band program.  Even one student being absent can turn a potentially fine performance into a
mediocre event.  Performances are major exam grades.  Absences from performances or
rehearsals must be approved by the director in advance.  Notification of an absence to the
director and administrator does not necessarily mean it is excused.  Any absence that is not
brought to the director’s and administrator’s attention for approval prior to a performance or
rehearsal will be considered unexcused. Excuses must be presented at least 2 weeks before a
concert and 1 week before a rehearsal. ATTENDANCE AT AFTER SCHOOL REHEARSALS AND
accommodate students involved in other activities. These will be handled on a case-by-case basis. I
am very flexible when approached early with potential conflicts!

All performances are mandatory, and there are very few – if any – excuses for missing a
performance. Every student is a vital member of the team effort and absences not only affect the
person missing but also those around that person, causing a negative impact performance

Music Performance Assessment

The Florida Bandmaster’s Association (F.B.A.) sponsors the District Solo and Ensemble Music
Performance Assessments or M.P.A., and the District Concert Band Music Performance Assessment.
Adjudicators, approved by F.B.A., rate the performance of bands at Concert M.P.A., and of soloists
and small ensembles at Solo and Ensemble M.P.A. Each adjudicator uses an evaluation form,
which is made available to the director and students who participate. Ratings range from I
(Superior) to V (Poor). Students who achieve a Superior rating receive a medal to wear on their
uniform. All music performed must be from the F.B.A. Music List. Students wishing to perform at
Solo and Ensemble M.P.A. should see the director for help in choosing music of an appropriate
level. Music on the F.B.A. list is graded 1 to 6 (very easy to very difficult). Soloists must have a
piano accompanist. Florida Bandmaster’s Association fees for solo and ensemble, all-county, and
all-state, are set later this year by the F.B.A. Students who choose to participate in any of these
events are responsible for paying their own accompanist fee and must purchase their own music
from the F.B.A. approved list. BLANKMS will cover their registration as part of their band share.

Festival dates are made available early in the year.

District Concert Band MPA is a mandatory event involving only the Symphonic Band.
Special Rehearsals and Performances
An unexcused absence from two rehearsals in a nine-week grading period has the potential of
lowering a student’s grade by one letter grade.

An unexcused absence from one performance in a nine-week grading period has the potential
of lowering a student’s grade by one letter grade.

Grading Policy
The following formula will be used to calculate grades for all band classes:

Formative Evaluations 40% Summative Evaluations 60%

Proper Rehearsal Techniques Formative

Playing & Written Tests Formative & Summative
Rehearsals Formative
Performances Summative

 Proper Rehearsal Techniques: Students receive credit towards this grade by

being prepared for class with instrument, music and
accessories and participating positively in classroom

 Playing & Written Tests Students receive credit towards this grade
based on their performance on playing tests and scores on
written tests.

Performance/Field Trip Policies

A student’s participation in a band field trip or performance is contingent upon that student
meeting criteria established by the director. Some criteria to be met may include:

 BLANK Middle School’s GPA requirements

 Demonstration of acceptable behavior (i.e., not receiving referrals, continuous time out,
detentions, tardiness etc.)
 Past concert or class participation
 Class assignments completed
 Turning in requested materials, equipment, or uniforms

Students will be given a reasonable chance to fulfill these requirements in the time preceding each
event. If a student does not qualify for an event, his/her grade for that event will be determined by
the completion of an alternative assignment, to be determined by the director.
Parent/Teacher Communication

Students will be given calendars and update flyers in class to keep parents informed. In case some
of those do not reach home, there will be a calendar posted on Google Calendar. We will also be
creating an email distribution list. Parents and students can be added to the band distribution list
by providing your email address in the Band Handbook Contract Form on the last page of this
handbook. The distribution list will be used to:
1) Send a calendar of events
2) Send special instructions regarding rehearsals or performances, updates, and latest
3) Assist in asking parents for help with band activities.

Another way to help speed the process and make sure you are added to the list would be to send an
email to this address: providing your student’s name and band level.

Concert Uniforms
Option 1: Basic black tuxedo, white tux shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund or vest, black socks and black
dress shoes. (No other colors) 

Option 2: Floor-length black skirt/black pants (no denim or leggings) and long-sleeved black blouse, or floor
length black dress with no shorter than 3/4 length sleeves (no short sleeves). Black/dark stockings, black dress
shoes (no open shoes or sandals). Excessive jewelry is not permitted. Small stud-type earrings are allowed. 

If a student chooses not to participate in dress attire or their attire is not appropriate, their concert grade
will be lowered on a case-by-case basis. The attire is an important part of the performance grade.
BLANK Middle School Band Handbook Contract

Please Print Legibly

Student Name (First)_________________________ (Last) ________________________

Grade_____________ Class Period____________ Alpha Code ____________________

I am in the (Circle Appropriately) Beginning Band Concert Band

Symphonic Band Jazz Band

Mother’s Name___________________________________________________________

Father’s Name____________________________________________________________

Mailing Address (Street, City, Zip Code)


Home Phone__________________________________________________________________

Mother’s Work Phone ________________________ __Cell ___________________________

Father’s Work Phone ___________________________Cell ___________________________

Parent E-mail Address (if available)___________________________________________

 I have received and will read my copy of the BLANKMS Band Handbook.
 I understand my responsibilities as a member of the BLANKMS Band Family.
 I understand that I must abide by the information contained within this handbook.
 I understand that weekly reports are due on Monday of each week.
 I understand that a band “fair share” of $75 is requested from each student
 Fulfillment of this band “fair share” will earn the student admittance to the FALL Lock-In.
 I understand that ALL of the “fair share” plus the fundraising goal must be paid to attend the
 I understand that there is a $100 rental fee for all students who make use of a BLANK
County owned instrument (at home and/or at school).

STUDENT SIGNATURE _____________________________ DATE______________

GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ________________________________________ DATE______________
Every activity in which the students are involved directly involves the support and help of our
wonderful parents. The Band Program has a reputation of excellence, and the parents are the
backbone of this fine group. Each of you has a gift, and we appreciate you sharing your time to
assist these students who are doing something positive.

Student Name___________________________________

Parent(s) Name ____________________________________________

Band Class (bubble one) ____________________________________________

Beginning Band O Home Phone/Cell Phone
Concert Band O
Symphonic Band O

Student’s Grade Level (bubble one) Availability (bubble all that apply)
O6 O7 O8 O Morning O Afternoon O Both

(Check all that apply)

Committees Guardian Guardian
1 2
Wherever Needed
Office Help
Instrument Transportation
Running Errands

I can contribute in other ways not listed above:

**All volunteers must complete a BLANK County Schools Application to Volunteer. You can contact the
front office for assistance, or visit
Classroom Set-up

This is roughly how my middle school band room will be setup. This puts alike instruments and
sections in the same area. It is also how typical bands perform. If we will be assessed in this set-up,
we should practice what this looks like, sounds like, and the procedures for being in this setup. The
chairs in the rows will have at least a foot in between them to give students space. The forward to
back area will have a large amount of space to give me room to walk through during class.

This “rules and procedures handbook” was created to give many parents and students the same
large amount of information all at once and in one place. This handbook serves as a signed contract
between me, the students, and parents. It allows us to hold each other accountable for the
standards we set in here. It is essential that all students know the rules and procedures so they will
become consistent habits in the classroom. Daily implementation of procedures creates a positive
and effective learning environment for everyone.

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