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• Rewrite the sentences using the Reported Speech

1. “I’m going to postpone the examination”

Bob said he was going to postpone the examination.

2. “Does Jim know what he is doing?”

I wondered if Jim knowed what he is doing.

3. “Don’t go out without an umbrella”

My dad told me not to go out without an umbrella .

4. “I don’t want to go”

Zack said he didn’t want to go .

5. “Can you come to my party?”

Tom asked me if I could come to his party.

6. “Anna will buy the tickets for you”

Christian told me would buy tickets for me .

7. “I finished my project yesterday”

Peter said had finished his project the previous day.

8. “Sit here”
The teacher told me ________to sit here . ____________________________

9. “Mr. Adams can’t be able to visit you tomorrow”

Patrick told me couldn’t be able to visit you tomorrow.

10. “What will I do next week?”

Lucy wonders what she would do the following week.

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