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Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:31


Using groundwater quality index and concentration duration curves

for classification and protection of groundwater resources: relevance
of groundwater quality of reserve determination, South Africa
S. M. Nzama1  · T. O. B. Kanyerere2 · H. W. T. Mapoma3

Received: 31 October 2020 / Accepted: 26 March 2021

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

Water quality assessment for water resource protection and management is key towards sustainable provision of potable water
supply and in meeting sustainable development goals (SDGs) linked to clean water and sanitation. The spatial and temporal
aspects of groundwater quality in the Nseleni catchment, South Africa (SA) was investigated, its suitability for domestic
use was considered, and required protection measures were established. Using a hybrid approach methodology based on
multiple water quality resource assessment techniques such as groundwater quality index (GQI) and concentration duration
curves (CDCs), 72 groundwater samples collected from 1994 to 2017 were analysed for physico-chemical (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+,
Cl−, SO42−, NO3−, F−, EC, pH) parameters. Approximately, 33.3% of groundwater samples in the Nseleni catchment were
found suitable for drinking when compared to South African water quality guidelines. The use of a hybrid approach method
showed that overall groundwater quality in the study catchment was classified as excellent for domestic water use when
the groundwater quality index was calculated to be 39.11. Groundwater quality reserve limits for groundwater resources
protection were determined for the nine water quality parameters using CDCs. The study concluded that using groundwater
quality index and concentration duration curves, it was feasible to classify groundwater resources for improved groundwater
quality of reserve determination in the South African context. The study recommends the application of the hybrid method
in various catchments of similar characteristics to the studied catchment for setting groundwater quality limits that would
contribute towards achieving the goal of groundwater resources protection in other catchments.

Keywords Concentration duration curve · Groundwater quality index · Groundwater resource protection · Hybrid
methodology · Sustainable development goals · Water quality class

Introduction growth, land-use changes, and anthropogenic activities

threatens the water resource systems reliability and resil-
Global availability of sufficient good quality water is impor- ience (Elmhagen et al. 2015; Dlamini et al. 2019; Morris
tant in meeting agricultural, domestic, industrial develop- 2019). Achievement of societal driven sustainability pros-
ments and environmental requirements to ensure sustainable perity such as sustainable development goals (SDGs), espe-
food security for all (Cole et al. 2018; Masindi and Abiye cially targets 6.1 on achieving universal and equitable access
2018; Gomez et al. 2019). However, recurring population to safe and affordable drinking water for all, depends on the
availability of adequate water of acceptable quality to protect
public health. Given that water is a crosscutting indicator
* S. M. Nzama required for the realization of the SDGs as well as fulfilment
for basic human rights, and therefore, the need to institute
Reserve Determination, Department of Water and Sanitation, water resources protection measures and not pollute valuable
Pretoria, South Africa freshwater resources is vital.
Department of Earth Sciences, University of the Western Groundwater is an increasingly important source of
Cape, Bellville, South Africa water supply for agriculture, households, industry and it
Department of Physics and Biochemical Sciences, The has been used for centuries to sustain not only human life
Polytechnic, University of Malawi, Zomba, Malawi but also aquatic environment (Ahring and Steward 2012),

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as a result, groundwater has been used to augment munici- Nelson et al. 2016). There is a pressing need for protection
pal water supplies worldwide. Safe drinking water is vital and monitoring of groundwater systems to establish whether
for public welfare and is an essential driver of a healthy they are excessively depleted or progressively polluted due
economy (Glavan et al. 2019). However, groundwater pol- to current regimes of withdrawal for municipal water supply
lution remains a threat to sustainable water supply, globally and other various land use impacts on their quality (Bhaduri
(Masoud et al. 2016; Brouwer et al. 2018; Bodrud-Doza et al. 2016; Gupta and Misra 2018).
et al. 2020; Singh et al. 2020). Studies agree that ground- The South African legislation mandates the protection of
water contamination induced by anthropogenic activities the nation’s scarce water resources by prescribing a series
will reduce its availability, and aggravate water crisis in of measures such as determination of water resource reserve
the arid and semi-arid regions, hence several concerns have to achieve its protection while at the same time acknowl-
been raised with regards to the quality and sustainability of edging the important role of water resources in supporting
drinking water supplies (He and Li 2019; Wu et al. 2020). local social and economic development (Seward 2010).
Therefore, groundwater quality and use is a pressing issue Determination of water resource reserve involves setting
in global water management with many analysts emphasiz- of water quality reserve limits that can be used as baseline
ing the role of the state in groundwater resource protection water quality conditions to prevent water resources quality
(Meinzen-Dick et al. 2016). It has been argued that continu- deterioration for the continued provision of clean water and
ous increase in groundwater dependence without proper pro- sanitation. Groundwater resource quality reserve limits are
tection measures put in place, may lead to overexploitation established using the South African water quality guidelines
and degradation of the resource (Vainu and Terasmaa 2016; and national standards such as the quality of domestic water
supplies: assessment guide (WRC 1998) and the South Afri-
can National Standard for drinking water (SANS 241:2015).
The guidelines are comparable to the World Health Organi-
sation (WHO) guidelines for drinking water quality. The
guidelines are most appropriate in the establishment of water
quality status and water quality classification of groundwater
resources ranging from class 0 to class III depending on the
degree of water quality deterioration at the point source.
Such assessment provides insight on whether water from
such groundwater resources is suitable for basic human
needs such as suitability for drinking purpose, and in cases
of unsuitability treatments processes are recommended
before consumption (WRC 1998).
Despite the applicability and extensive use of the national
water quality guidelines and standards for water quality
classification assessment, the results from such processes
are benchmarked against a point source of assessment
(site specific). Outcomes of such assessment differentiate
between acceptable and unacceptable water concentrations
for individual chemicals, and the worst water quality class
of individual chemical concentrations is considered for the
establishment of a point source water quality class. Although
actions at the local scale to meet basic human water needs
may trigger influence at a larger scale (Bhaduri et al. 2016),
which is relevant to water quality management interventions.
However, when spatial aspect of chemical constituents from
groundwater resources within a catchment is considered for
water quality assessment, the up-scaling of the current water
quality classification approach to capture for many point
sources within a larger catchment to derive an overall catch-
ment water quality class becomes a limitation. Such limita-
tion of the approach becomes a challenge in water resources
Fig. 1 Locality map of the study area protection when considering an entire catchment instead of
a point source. Furthermore, the traditional approaches of

Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:31 Page 3 of 11 31

using only one technique in assessing water quality is chal- determine groundwater quality reserve limits for individu-
lenging because such approaches only provide information ally selected water quality parameters.
on the water quality status of a water resource without fur-
ther recommending and providing insight on intervention
measures required to either maintain or improve established Materials and methods
water quality status of a water resource.
Several models such as Water Quality Index (WQI) and Site description
Flow Duration Curve (FDC) have been used for overall
water quality assessment and for setting water quality limits The study area which is the Nseleni catchment is located
in several countries such as Canada, United States, and India in the Sub-Saharan Africa on the southernmost part of the
(Varshney and Jamal 2018; Dlamini et al. 2019; Nguyen African continent within the borders of SA in the KwaZulu-
and Sevando 2019; Pham 2020). Although FDC has been Natal Province (Fig. 1). The catchment forms part of the
extensively used mainly for river management operations fourth-order catchments of SA and it covers an average sur-
(Requena et al. 2018; Fouad and Loáiciga 2020), however, face area of about 485  km2. Prominent settlements include
such method has not been tested in groundwater manage- Aquadene, Hillview, KwaMbonambi, Macekane, Matshana,
ment, simple because the method was conceptualised for Makhwela, Ntseleni, Ntwezi, and other smaller settlements.
riverine operations. In terms of groundwater quality assess- The catchment receives an estimated 1038.5 mm of Mean
ment, WQI is complementary to other water quality manage- Annual Precipitation (MAP), which serves as a major source
ment approaches such as health risk assessment and it has of groundwater recharge estimated at 36.35 Mm3 a−1 (DWAF
also been used as a cost-effective tool for assessing ground- 2006). The aquifer types found in the study area are inter-
water quality and its variability at a larger scale (Su et al. granular and fractured (weathered and fractured), Fractured
2016; Jha et al. 2020; Wu et al. 2020). In South Africa, the and Intergranular. Secondary fractured and weathered aqui-
use of WQI is to present a summary of information about fers are found in a major part of the study area. Weathering
the water quality status of a catchment’s water resources. gives rise from low to moderately yielding aquifers where
For example, Dzwairo et al. (2015) reviewed methods and groundwater is stored in the interstices in the weathered sat-
aspects to consider when developing ecosystem-specific urated zone and in joints and fractures of competent rocks.
WQI for basin management. Namugize and Jewitt (2018) Intergranular aquifers covers a major portion of the catch-
assessed sensitivity for water quality monitoring frequency ment and they are characterised by borehole yields rang-
in the application of a WQI for the UMngeni River and its ing from 0.5 to 2.0 L s−1. Fractured aquifers with potential
tributaries in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. The study con- borehole yields of between 0.1 and 0.5 L s−1 covers a very
cluded that although WQI is a useful tool for water quality small portion of the study area. The water supply sectors in
management, its use should not be a substitute, but rather the study area consists mainly of bulk industrial, urban (resi-
complement other water quality management approaches dential and light industrial), and irrigated agriculture where
(Namugize and Jewitt 2018). Using the concept of FDC, human settlement areas such as Macekane and Ningizimu
concentration duration curve (CDC) was developed for are primarily dependent on groundwater for water supply.
groundwater quality assessment in the current study. There- Should anticipated growth, potential mining and industrial
fore, in the present study a hybrid methodology of the development materialise in the vicinity of the study area,
national water quality guidelines, WQI, and developed CDC the current water sources are likely to come under stress in
was used for groundwater quality classification, assessment, the future (DWS 2014). Such economic activities constitute
and setting of water quality reserve limits within the Nseleni potential sources of contamination for both groundwater and
catchment in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal, SA. surface water bodies.
The present study was done to understand groundwater
quality status within the study area, establish water quality Data collection
class for the entire Nseleni catchment, and to set ground-
water quality reserve limits and baseline conditions for the The study used both primary and secondary data sourced
purpose of groundwater resources protection and sustainable from field investigations and national databases. Field data
water utilization for various purposes such as clean water collection was conducted between February and Novem-
supply and sanitation. Therefore, the objectives of the study ber 2017. The study used standard methods as outlined in
were (i) to use the national water quality guidelines for site- Weaver et al. (2007) to collect data directly from the field
specific groundwater quality assessment, (ii) to evaluate experiments.
and classify groundwater quality for the entire study area Briefly, groundwater samples for physico-chemical analy-
using WQI, and (iii) to apply CDC to better quantify and sis were collected from groundwater sites (boreholes) using
a bailer after boreholes had been purged and water quality

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Table 1 Target water quality Parameters Units Class 0 Class I Class II Class III
ranges per water quality class
for domestic water use (WRC 1
pH pH units 6–9 5–6 & 9–9.5 4–5 & > 9.5–10 < 4 & > 10
1998) 1
Electrical conductivity ms m−1 < 70 70–150 150–370 > 370
Calcium as Ca mg L−1 < 80 80–150 150–300 > 300
Magnesium as Mg mg L−1 < 70 70–100 100–200 > 200
Sodium as Na mg L−1 < 100 100–200 200–400 > 400
Chloride as Cl mg L−1 < 100 100–200 200–600 > 600
Sulphate as SO4 mg L−1 < 200 200–400 400–600 > 600
Nitrate as NOx-N mg L−1 <6 6–10 10–20 > 20
Fluoride as F mg L−1 < 0.7 0.7–1.0 1.0–1.5 > 1.5
Parameters are considered as general indicators of water quality in domestic water use as per the South
African water quality guideline (WRC 1998)
Parameters may commonly be present at concentrations of aesthetic or economic concern in domestic
water use as per the South African water quality guideline (WRC 1998)
Parameters are commonly present at concentrations which may lead to health problems in domestic water
use as per the South African water quality guideline (WRC 1998)

field parameters [temperature, pH, electrical conductivity results from the chemical analysis were captured into the
(EC)] had stabilized. Water samples were then transferred national Water Management Systems (WMS) database for
into full capacity sterile 250 mL polyethylene sampling bot- further use.
tles to minimise headspace volume (to avoid loss of target
compounds) and labelled accordingly. One ampoule of mer- Data analysis
cury chloride (HgCl) was added into each sample bottle to
preserve samples from microbiological activities that could Water quality data were populated and analysed on Micro-
result in changes in chemical constituencies and concentra- soft Excel 2013 spreadsheet using descriptive statistics. Ana-
tions within a water sample. Samples were placed into a lytical precision, as per the principle of electro-neutrality
cooler box filled with ice packs (to maintain low tempera- (Younger 2007), ensured the reliability of the analysis. This
tures) and transported to the laboratory for analysis. All the was achieved by calculating the percentage of charge bal-
sampling bailers used were intensively rinsed with de-ion- ance error (% CBE) using the following formula in Eq. 1.
ised water, and the use of powder-free nitrile gloves during �∑ ∑ �
the sampling period was ensured to prevent contamination. cations − anions
%CBE = �∑ (1)
Samples were taken to the Resource Quality Information
∑ �
cations + anions
Services (RQIS) National Laboratory of the Department of
Water and Sanitation (DWS) where they were stored in a In this study, only samples with % CBE falling within
dark cooler room at a temperature below 4 °C until further ± 5% were considered for analysis. In this case, 72 sam-
analysis by the laboratory. The chemical analyses were done ples complied with the criteria, while 8 samples that did not
by following approved standard laboratory methods using meet the prescribed criteria were excluded from the analysis.
techniques namely Flammable Atomic Absorption Spec- Water quality parameters considered for analysis includes
trophotometry (FAAS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma- common major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+), anions (NO3−,
Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES). Thereafter, the Cl−, SO42−, F−), and system water quality parameters such

Table 2 Water quality Classification according to Water Quality Classification according to the South African guidelines
classification using Water Index
Quality Index and South
African water quality guidelines WQI level Definition Water quality class Definition
(SANS 241:2015 and WRC
1998) < 50 Excellent water Class 0 Ideal water
50–100 Good water Class I Acceptable water
100–200 Bad water Class II Tolerable water
200–300 Too bad water Class III Unacceptable water
> 300 Inadequate water for Class IV Completely unacceptable water

Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:31 Page 5 of 11 31

Table 3 Summary of EC (mS m−1) pH Ca Cl F Mg NO3 Na SO4

descriptive statistics for
studied groundwater chemistry Maximum 582.00 9.58 231.50 1784.10 1.03 162.90 20.73 1006.70 336.00
in the study area compared
Median 108.00 8.12 37.65 200.05 0.30 20.56 32.74 175.25 28.25
with SANS 241:2015/WRC
1998 standards (all values for Minimum 31.20 7.01 3.300 33.80 0.11 0.50 0.02 25.70 5.00
chemical parameters are in SD 82.61 0.41 38.88 261.32 0.21 22.70 5.00 136.98 46.18
mg L−1) SANS 241:2015/ 170 5–9.7 150 300 1.5 100 11 200 250
WRC 1998
Compliance (%) 87.50 100 97.2 69.4 100 98.6 90.3 68.1 100

as electrical conductivity (EC) and pH. The selected water a catchment, thus providing policymakers and the public
quality parameters are important in drinking water quality with water quality relevant information that is usable and
assessment as prescribed by the national standard (WRC easy to understand (Banda and Kumarasamy 2019). To get a
1998). Inclusion of less important water quality parameters comprehensive picture of the overall groundwater quality in
increases uncertainty (Jha et al. 2020). the study area, the WQI methodology was used to calculate
the groundwater quality index (GQI) of the study area. In
Site‑specific groundwater quality assessment calculating GQI and setting of groundwater quality reserve
limits in the present study, the South African water quality
In assessing groundwater quality at the point source level, guidelines WRC (1998) and SANS 241(2015) for domestic
median values determined from all datasets obtained from use were taken into consideration. A five-step procedure was
a borehole were compared to the water quality guideline followed in undertaking the process of determining GQI.
(WRC 1998). Water was then classified per substance based The first step involved assigning weight (wi) to the selected
on the water quality classes from the guideline (Table 1). water quality parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity,
The overall water quality class for a point source was deter- calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, sulphate, nitrate, and
mined by considering the worst class of all water quality fluoride according to their relative importance for domestic
parameters included in the assessment. water use. In the second step, a relative weight (Wi) for each
of the selected water quality parameter was calculated using
Groundwater quality index Eq. (2).
WQI is a tool aimed at simplifying and reporting scien-

Wi = wi∕ wi (2)
tific water quality information that reflects on the com- i=1
posite influence of different water quality parameters into
The third step involved calculating and assigning a quality
a single-digit score that describes overall water quality in
rating scale (qi) for each parameter by dividing the concen-
tration of each water quality parameter (Ci) by its respective
South African water quality standard for domestic use (Si).
In the case where WRC (1998) guideline was used, numeri-
cal limits for class I were considered, and in the case where
SANS 241(2015) standard was used, numerical limits as
specified in the standard were considered. The results were
converted to percentage using Eq. (3).
qi = (Ci∕Si) × 100 (3)
Sub-index (SIi) for each water quality parameter was cal-
culated in the fourth step using the formula in Eq. (4).
SIi = Wi ⋅ qi (4)
In the fifth step, GQI for the entire study area was calcu-
lated using Eq. (5).
Fig. 2 Location of groundwater sampling sites and site-specific water
quality classes within the study area

GQI = SIi (5)

31 Page 6 of 11 Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:31

The calculated GQI values for the study area were clas- where P = the probability that a concentration will be
sified into five types of water quality ratings (Srinivas et al. equalled or exceeded (% of time); M = assigned a rank num-
2017; Alhadithi 2018; Karakus 2018) related to water qual- ber; n = the total number of data set recorded on each water
ity classes (WRC 1998) as indicated in Table 2. quality parameter for a period of record.
The CDC was plotted with calculated P values on the
Concentration duration curves X-axis (% equalled or exceeded) and corresponding concen-
tration values on the Y-axis (mg L−1), and mS m−1 in case of
Using the concept applied in FDC analysis, CDC analy- electrical conductivity.
sis was employed on the collected groundwater quality
data which was used to establish water quality trend in the
Nseleni Catchment, and data were analysed based on the
Results and discussions
temporal variation. FDC is known as a graphical illustration
of the percentage of time (duration) a particular stream flow
Groundwater quality suitability for domestic use
equals or exceeds a given value over a historical period for
a particular river basin. Such illustration uses time-series
The results from the analysis of 72 samples for physico-
data recorded at a selected gauged site (Chouaib et al. 2018;
chemical parameters of groundwater in the study catch-
Requena et al. 2018). In the present study, a method by
ment compared with SANS 241:2015/WRC 1998 standards
CDFW (2013) was followed to create CDCs and establish
are provided in Table 3. Site-specific water quality classes
percentage of time a concentration level of a particular water
within the study area are in Fig. 2. As shown in Table 3,
quality parameter is met and sustained in the study area.
the relative abundance of the major cations in ground-
The CDCs for each water quality parameter (Ca, Mg, Na,
water samples follows the order: Na + > Ca 2+ > Mg 2+,
NO3, Cl, SO4, F, EC), were generated using the recorded
and the relative abundance of major anions is as follows:
historic groundwater quality data, which was ranked in an
Cl− > SO42− > NO3−. The concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+
ascending order for the total of n values in Microsoft Excel.
are relatively low as they range between 3.30 and 231.50 mg
However, ranking recorded historic data generated CDCs for
L−1 with a median of 37.65 mg L−1 for Ca2+, and between
pH in a descending order for the total of n values for lower
0.5 and 162.90 mg L−1 with a median of 20.56 mg L−1 for
limits, and in an ascending order for the total of n values for
Mg2+ (Table 3). The concentrations of the two cations fall
upper limits. Each concentration value for each of the water
within the target limits for acceptable water suitable for
quality parameters was given a rank (M) starting with 1 for
domestic use, with 97.2% of samples falling within the target
the lowest value of concentration. Exception for pH, where
limits for Ca2+ and 98.6% of samples being within the target
concentration value was given a rank (M) starting with 1
limits for Mg2+. Na+ in the study area ranges between 25.70
for the lowest value for upper limits and starting with 1 for
and 1006.70 mg L−1 with a median of 175.25 mg L−1. Only
the highest value for lower limits. The equal or exceedance
68.1% of samples falling within the target limits. In terms
probability for each concentration of water quality parameter
of anions, concentrations of Cl− ranged between 33.80 and
considered was determined using the formula in Eq. (6).
1784.10 mg L−1 with a median value of 200.05 mg L−1, and
) only 69.4% of samples being within the target limits. Con-
P= × 100 (6) centrations of F− range between 0.11 and 1.03 mg L−1 with

Table 4 Calculated groundwater WQ parameter Standard Weight (wi) Relative Parameter Quality Sub-index (SIi) GQI
quality index for the study area limit (Si) weight concentration rating scale
(Wi) (Ci) (qi)

pH 7.35 2 0.063 8.12 110.48 6.960 39.11

EC 170 2 0.063 108.00 63.53 4.002
Ca 150 3 0.094 37.65 25.10 2.359
Mg 100 3 0.094 15.05 15.05 1.415
Na 200 3 0.094 175.25 87.63 8.237
Cl 300 4 0.125 200.05 66.68 8.335
SO4 250 4 0.125 28.25 11.30 1.413
NO3 11 5 0.156 2.74 24.91 3.886
F 1.5 4 0.125 0.30 20.00 2.500

Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:31 Page 7 of 11 31

Fig. 3 a–f Concentration duration curve used to establish groundwater reserve a upper limit for pH, b lower limit for pH, c electrical conductiv-
ity, d calcium, e sodium, and f magnesium

a median of 0.30 mg  L−1, and 100% of samples are within only 87.5% of samples complying with the target limits. The
the target limits. median values for F− are 0.30 mg L−1 with 100% of samples
SO 4 2− concentrations range between 5.00 and falling within the target limits. The pH of the water in the
336.00 mg L−1 with a median value of 28.25, and 100% of study area ranged between 7.01 and 9.58 with a median of
samples falling within the target limits. Although NO3− con- 8.12, with all of the samples fall within the target range. The
centrations ranged between 0.02 and 20.73 mg  L−1 with a pH of the water in the study area can be classified as ideal
median of 2.74 mg  L−1, however, only 90.3% of samples water for domestic use with 100% of samples being within
falling within the target limits. EC ranged between 31.20 and the target limits.
582 mS m−1 with a median value of 108.00 mS m−1, while

31 Page 8 of 11 Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:31

Fig. 4 a–d Concentration duration curve used to establish groundwater reserve limit for a fluoride, b nitrate, c sulphate, and d chloride

Table 5 Summary of groundwater quality reserve limits established for the study area
WQ parameter Recommended Required compli- Key note
reserve limits ance per period

pH (upper limit) 8.2 95 The parameters are considered as a general indicator of water quality in
pH (lower limit) 7.5 95 domestic water use
Electrical conductivity (EC) 250 ms m−1 95
Calcium (Ca) 70 mg L−1 85 The parameters may commonly be present at concentrations of aesthetic or
Magnesium (Mg) 35 mg L−1 85 economic concern in domestic water use
Sodium (Na) 280 mg L−1 85
Chloride (Cl) 350 mg L−1 75 The parameters are commonly present at concentrations which may lead to
Sulphate (SO4) 50 mg L−1 75 health problems in domestic water use
Nitrate (NO3) 8 mg L−1 75
Fluoride (F) 0.42 mg L−1 75

Sustainable Water Resources Management (2021) 7:31 Page 9 of 11 31

It is recommended that water resources assessment and proposed to analyse, evaluate, and recommend target levels
protection must be ensured at the point where the water is of groundwater quality protection. The study shows that the
supplied to the consumers (Jiménez-Madrid et al. 2017). concentrations of the water quality parameters for the major-
However, safer drinking water protection by considering a ity of groundwater sites assessed in the study area do not
larger area for protection than identified from a single unit fall within the target limits stipulated in the South African
is critical for policy implementation and stability of man- water quality guidelines. Such findings suggest that ground-
agement plans over time (Bjerre et al. 2020). Groundwater water in the study area is impacted in terms of water quality.
quality index (GQI) of the study area was calculated and However, when the GQI was established for the catchment,
analysed using Srinivas et al. (2017), Alhadithi (2018), and the assessment showed that the overall groundwater quality
Karakus (2018) techniques from nine water quality parame- in the study area is excellent for drinking purpose which
ters sub-index (Table 4). The GQI was calculated to be 39.11 translates to water that is ideal for domestic use. When the
in the study area indicating that water is excellent according concept of CDC analysis was applied to set groundwater
to Water Quality Index classification (Table 2). Accordingly, quality reserve limits for selected water quality parameters,
the overall water quality class of the study area fall in class 0 the baseline conditions linked to groundwater quality man-
based on the South African water quality guidelines (WRC agement in the study area were successfully established.
1998), which is ideal water suitable for domestic use. Such revelation implies that the CDC analysis technique is
suitable for use in groundwater resources management and
Establishment of groundwater quality reserve limits protection activities. The study concluded that the hybrid
methodology which incorporates complementary strategies
CDCs for each of the nine water quality parameters were for comprehensive water quality assessment at catchment
established using groundwater quality data from 1994 to scale provides a better groundwater resources assessment
2017 (Figs. 3a–f, 4a–d). and management approach. The approach is therefore rec-
The CDCs provided insight on the % of the time a specific ommended for use in other settings to improve groundwater
concentration level for each of the water quality parameters resources protection practices, especially in areas where
considered in the assessment were equalled or exceeded. groundwater quality for domestic water supply remains a
Such revelation is key in establishing levels of water quality challenge.
baseline for groundwater resources protection and expected
percentage of compliance over a specific period as provided
in Table 5. The South African water quality guideline (WRC Authors’ contributions All authors contributed to the study conception,
design, and approval of the article. Material preparation, data collection
1998) considers electrical conductivity and pH as general and analysis were performed by SMN. The first draft of the manuscript
indicators of water quality in domestic water use. There- was written by SMN and all authors commented on previous versions
fore, these parameters are deemed as not requiring stringent of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
conditions for compliance, and thus were assigned a much
more relaxed target level of management requiring a 95% Funding Not applicable.
compliance over a period (Fig. 3a–c). Calcium, magnesium,
Availability of data and materials The data that support the findings of
and sodium may commonly be present at concentrations of this study are available from the corresponding author, upon reason-
aesthetic or economic concern in domestic water use. Thus able request.
these parameters have much more stringent target levels of
management requiring at least 85% compliance over a period Declarations
(Fig. 3d–f). Furthermore, the guidelines (WRC 1998) con-
sider chloride, sulphate, nitrate, and fluoride as parameters Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
that are commonly present at concentrations that may lead interest.
to health problems in domestic water use. Therefore, these
water quality parameters were assigned much more stringent
levels of management requiring at least 75% compliance References
over a period (Fig. 4a–d).
Ahring TS, Steward DR (2012) Groundwater surface water interac-
tions and the role of phreatophytes in identifying recharge zones.
Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 16:4133–4142.
Conclusions hess-16-4133-201
Alhadithi M (2018) Evaluation of groundwater quality using water
In this paper, a novel hybrid methodology that considers the quality index (WQI) and GIS techniques. Iraqi J Agric Sci
use of water quality standards, groundwater quality index 49(2):313–326.
article/view/236. Accessed 10 Sept 2020.
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