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Name: __________________________________________________________ Score: ____________

Course & Year: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Evaluate the following life-situation problems.

1. A box has the following dimensions: 24 inches x 15 cm x 500 mm. Calculate the
volume of the box in cubic meter(s).

2. Find the volume of a sphere with a radius of 12 inches.

3. A man weighs 220 pounds. His son weighs 50,000 grams. What is their weight
difference in kilograms?

4. A book is measured to be 200 mm wide. What is its width in cm? in meters?

5. A smile is 5280 feet long. How many meters are there in a mile? How many km?

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6. A waffle recipe designed to feed four people calls for 800 grams of flour. How
many kilograms of flour will you use if you wish to extend the recipe to feed

7. Ana uses her hand to measure the width of a table top. If her hand has a width
of cm and she finds the table top to be 15 hands wide, what is the width of the
table top in cm? in meters?

8. A water tank holds 4 kiloliters of water. How many liters is this? How many ml?

9. A certain tree is observed to grow 20 cm per year. What will be the tree’s height
in meters after 41/2 years? After 5 ¼ years?

10. The area of a rectangle is found to be 250 cm2. If its width is 150 mm, what is
its length in meters?

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