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Group No.

1 Technocratic Paradigm (Environment)

Date Submitted: November 26, 2022

Group Members:

Group Members Step 1 (WS 1 & Step 2 (WS 3, 4, & Step 3 (WS 6)
2) Discussion 5) Discussion Discussion

1. Alenton, John WS 3

2. Catiil, Ivan WS 6

3. De Los Reyes, WS 4

4. Dumanon, Alexa WS 1

5. Glova, Andrea WS 2

6. Bacas, Freidrich WS 5
Step 1 Experience and Seeing the Lived Reality

Worksheet #1 OBSERVE: Our initial experience of encountering the “Issue”

Total Score: 9

1. What did you observe? (Write down any key details/facts answering the basic who,
what, where, and when questions assisting with recalling the details of the experience).
Strictly answer in five simple sentences only. [5 points].

We were able to observe that the Technocratic Paradigm conveyed the truth on how
rapid development of technology brings about good and bad impacts to our lives. It
created good influences for it has been utilized for a good purpose such as the
discovery of advanced health treatments and creation of better communication signals.
On the other hand, technology also has its downsides, for instance wherein upper class
people used it for their own benefit and left nothing for the ones who barely have
anything in terms of power and control. Technology certainly gives us countless
possibilities and offer, nevertheless, it is also a threat to humans and the rest of God’s
creations. As what we have experienced, it was often abused that led to devastating
consequences to our lives and environment.

2. What did you learn? What did you find particularly interesting or any (at least one)

supporting data or statistics, etc.? Strictly answer in two simple sentences only. [2

We learned the significance of appreciating the true value of God’s creations by utilizing
it appropriately for good causes, rather than treating those abusively as the sources of
gratification to serve our immediate needs. According to Amos (2020), too much focus
on creating technology can cause a depletion of the world’s natural resources.

3. Identify two key points of intersection and/or divergence in this encounter/experience

with your own life experiences. Strictly answer in two simple sentences only. [2 points].

Most of us encountered the negative consequences of this issue in terms of the

pollution that we currently witness around us that greatly affected our overall living state
and to all other species. With that, we experienced numerous man-made disasters that
left us clueless before on how to resolve such issues right away due to the increasing
abuse of nature.
Worksheet #2 Post-OBSERVATION: Identifying your feelings and the social “Issue”

Total Score: 8

1. How do you feel after this experience? Describe a feeling that this encounter has
surfaced in you? Strictly answer in two simple sentences only. [2 points]

We are saddened how the technocratic paradigm has shifted to a more harmful cause
that benefits us all, especially the environment. Through this encounter, It especially
gave us the courage to do more good for our environment even in simple ways to
counter the effects of the destruction brought by technology.

2. Identify two things about this encounter/experience that you find particularly
interesting, compelling, shocking, problematic, has raised additional questions for you,
or raises wrongs within the story/experience that disturbs or upsets you. Strictly answer
in two simple sentences only. [2 points]

It is problematic to think that the technocratic paradigm has a predisposition to view the
entirety of reality as an issue that needs to be solved only through science and
technology. On the other hand, we have agreed that in order to overcome the
technocratic paradigm, one must rediscover or restore the value of the human being as
a person.

3. Name at least two perceived injustices or conflicts with your values? Strictly answer
in two simple sentences only. [2 points]

Environmental degradation and economic injustice are against our values yet these are
rooted because of our poor understanding of what “Creation” means.The best way to
end poverty is through economic growth, yet this growth also puts detrimental effects on
the environment.

4. What two potential counterarguments or varying viewpoints/perspectives on this

issue? Strictly answer in two simple sentences only. [2 points]

We have finalized the idea that the Technocratic Paradigm is not to be against
technology but rather, it means that one is advocating that technology serve the
interests of all people and, to ensure that the world is still habitable for both humans and
other species, because of this, solving environmental issues entails more than just
introducing technology to reduce air and water pollution, it also entails addressing the
underlying mentality that leads to this pollution.

Step 2 Brief Social Analysis

Worksheet #3 JUDGE: Challenge of Social Analysis to look beneath the surface.

Total Score: 18

1. Name the Social Justice Issue: Strictly answer in one simple sentence only. [1 point]

The Social Justice Issue is the Technocratic Paradigm (Environment) which has a
tendency to view the entirety of reality as a problem that needs to be solved through
science and technology, leading us to believe that we can eventually become strong
and intelligent enough to use our power to solve all problems.

2. Why does this situation exist and continue to persist in our community? Strictly
answer in five simple sentences only. [5 points]

This situation exists because we do not know how to balance technology with nature,
and tend to seek technology for solutions. Technology isn't necessarily good or evil; it
relies on the thinking we make and how we use it. The paradigm is how humanity has
utilized technology, and it mostly abuses science and technology. This continues to
persist in our community because we tend to look more and get astounded at the
advantages of technology and disregard its disadvantages and its negative effects to
the environment, especially when it's used with abuse. The environment is suffering as
a result of this model's imposition on human and social reality as a whole.

3. Identify some of the deeper structural causes (answer 1 factor that corresponds to
the issue assigned to each group [required] + 1 nearest factor = 2)

b. Economic factors: Answer/Source (APA)

What are the economic factors at play in this situation? 1 sentence

Answer: The economy tends to profit from technology.

Who controls the situation? 1 sentence

Answer: The government and with higher power controls the situation because
technology is a business that they can profit from.

What is the resource(s) involved? 1 sentence

Answer: The resources involved are manpower, capital, and energy from the

Who benefits most from the present situation? 1 sentence

Answer: The oligarchs benefit from the present situation.

Who pays the cost? 1 sentence

Answer: Everyone who lives and depends on earth pays the cost.

Why? 2 - 3 sentences

Answer: This is mainly because everyone will be affected by the issue. This includes
climate change which could lead to a domino effect like droughts and extreme weather.

g. Environmental factors: Answer/Source (APA)

How is the environment considered in the decision-making process? 2 sentences

Answer: The group believes that the powerful consider the environment as an asset and
not as a place that should be taken care of. This is because the people in power would
extract resources from it without thinking about the consequences.

What are the impacts on the environment? Is environmental sustainability fostered or

hindered? 2 sentences

Answer: The biggest impact on the environment is the emission of greenhouse gases
which would result in extreme weather conditions. Hence, the group believes that
environmental sustainability is hindered due to the effects of the Technocratic Paradigm.

Who is speaking for/against protection of the environment? 2 sentences

Answer: Pope Francis is speaking for the protection of the environment. The Pope then
addresses his concerns to every person in the world and invites them to take part in
their duties as children of God.

Why? 2 sentences

Answer: He speaks for the protection of the environment mainly because of two things;
we are tasked by God to protect it and we are experiencing its impact and the worst is
yet to come if this issue is not addressed. The world is our common home thus we must
take care of it.

Worksheet #4 JUDGE: A) Challenge of Scripture to look with the eyes of faith.

Total Score: 8

1. What two values that you can associate with this experience and issue? Strictly
answer in two simple sentences only. [2 points]

Care, because given the wide range of technology and the need of protecting
Mother Earth, it is crucial to consider how best to use them to cause more good than
harm. Sustainability, because despite how much technological advancements are
available the main objective is to preserve a balance between economic growth,
environmental care and social well-being as much as possible, and not abuse

2. How does this issue relate to Jesus’ (Allah) life, ministry, and the Good News
preached through word and deed? In other words, what would Jesus/Allah (if there is a
Muslim in the group) do? Provide source from the Bible/Quran (Example: Mk 1: 1-8).
Strictly answer in two simple sentences only. [2 points]

The Bible demonstrates that tools and technology can be used for both good and
evil, even if a technology was designed with evil intention, it is not evil itself but what is
sinful is not the technology but how people choose to use it. So given this issue, Jesus
would advise the world to balance the usage of technology for our own good, and the
good of others, especially since it has a great impact on the environment. (1 Corinthians
Worksheet #5 B) JUDGE: Challenge of Catholic Social Teaching (CST)

Total Score: 6

1. Identify two principles from the Church social teaching (CST) that can be helpful lens
in examining the issue. Strictly answer in two simple sentences only. [2 points]

(Go to
klet.pdf pp 10 - 11)

The two principles from the Church social teaching are solidarity and dignity.
Solidarity is the pursuit of justice and peace and for Dignity, human dignity can be
protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected
and responsibilities are met.

2. Is the Church speaking on this issue or has it ever addressed this issue in the past?
What two CST documents (Encyclical or Pastoral Letters that come to mind and could
be a resource? Strictly answer in two simple sentences only. [2 points]

Yes, Pope Francis rails against the technocratic paradigm for its tendency to
warp our perception of reality and thereby lead us towards making mistakes both moral
and technical in our interactions with the world. The technocratic paradigm tends to see
all of reality as a problem awaiting an application of scientific and technological power,
thus deluding us into thinking we can become powerful enough and wise enough to
apply our power to all things.

3. Identify two notable quotes of Catholic Social Teaching related to the issue. 2 points.

“The interests of economic groups which irrationally demolish sources of life

should not prevail in dealing with natural resources” and “Noble vocation, directed to
producing wealth and improving our world”
Step 4 Action

Worksheet #6 ACT: The Challenge of Responding with Faithful Action

Total Score: 10

1. Do you have enough information, analysis, and reflection on this issue to act and
respond faithfully? What do you feel should be addressed first or that you can address?
How could you support the empowerment of those experiencing poverty to be a part of
the solution? What support do you need in responding faithfully? Strictly answer in four
simple sentences only. [4 points]

Answer/Source (APA)
It has been long since news and articles are released continuously all over the
world regarding the detrimental effects of technology to people and nature. The group
believes that pollution and depletion of natural resources should be addressed first,
since it affects the overall function of an economy in the long run. As the years go by,
increased energy consumption – directly leading to more fossil fuels being burned
results in excessive quantities of greenhouse-gas being introduced into the earth's
atmosphere. Most importantly, when electronics are improperly disposed of and end up
in landfills, toxic chemicals are released, impacting the earth’s air, soil, water and
ultimately, human health. The holistic approach as a regular citizen and as a student
that we can take is simply active information dissemination, just by simply informing the
people around us, including those who live in poverty, of the downside of technology
and encouraging simple actions such as planting of trees, recycling, proper garbage
disposal, and minimal to no use of plastics - already have a huge impact to nature and
the world.

Waste & its negative effects on the environment. Elytus. (2019). Retrieved
November 24, 2022, from

Arcadia Power Inc. (2022). Technology's impact on climate change. Arcadia. Retrieved
November 24, 2022, from

Alison, McManus, Vass, & Omond. (2021, November 13). Environmental

technology: Impact of technology on environment. Edinburgh Sensors. Retrieved
November 24, 2022, from

2. How do we/can we respond to this issue? How do we walk the social mission of both
charity and justice regarding this issue? (Answer letters A and B only)

A. identify three acts of direct service and charity that we/you can do to respond to this
issue. Strictly answer in three simple sentences only. [3 points]

Answer/Source (APA)
Through practicing Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, we can conserve natural resources
and landfill space, thus protecting the environment and its people. Also, encouraging
the people around us can maximize the good result these acts can bring since
community participation is the most powerful tool for environmental conservation. Most
importantly, we must commit to these simple acts to have a long-lasting outcome as well
as consider doing the same things but with less use of technology and look for
alternatives that minimize their impact.

B. identify 3 acts that we/you can do to respond to this issue by promoting the general
welfare of people living in poverty, systemic change, and justice. Strictly answer in three
simple sentences only. [3 points]

Answer/Source (APA)
It is difficult to fathom life without technology in today's society because it
dominates our lives and plays such a key part in everything we do. However, we should
try to practice “Ecological Questioning”, “Human Questioning”, and “Cultural
Questioning”. By consciously minding these acts, we may be able to spend much
meaningful time with our loved ones without using technology, also we can reduce the
use of technological wastes that directly impact those who live near dumpsites, and
lastly, we can look and go back to our culture where technology is not essential to have
fun which is important to be taught to younger individuals today that are very much
captivated by gadgets and tangible things.

Alison, McManus, Vass, & Omond. (2021, November 13). Environmental

technology: Impact of technology on environment. Edinburgh Sensors. Retrieved
November 24, 2022, from

Amos, Z. (2020). The negative impact of technology on the environment. ReHack.

Amos, Z. (2020). The negative impact of technology on the environment. ReHack.
Horan, D. P. (2015). 7:

Arcadia Power Inc. (2022). Technology's impact on climate change. Arcadia. Retrieved
November 24, 2022, from

Arnold, M. (2020, September 16). Can the Earth be saved? The Nature Conservancy.
Retrieved November 24, 2022, from

Bibleverses about technology: RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2022, from

Decosse, D. E., & Green, B. P. (n.d.). Excerpts from Laudato si for discussion in class -
santa clara university. Santa Clara University Media Ethics Center. Retrieved November
24, 2022, from

You shall overcome the technocratic paradigm. Enlázate por la Justicia. (n.d.).
Retrieved November 24, 2022, from

The technocratic paradigm [Video]. Eco-Catholic.

The papal encyclical's attack on technology, wealth, and the 'technocratic paradigm'. Big
Think. (2021). Retrieved from:

Waste & its negative effects on the environment. Elytus. (2019). Retrieved
November 24, 2022, from
What does the Bible say about technology? Jason Thacker. (n.d.). Retrieved November

You shall overcome the technocratic paradigm. Enlázate por la Justicia. (n.d.).
Retrieved November 24, 2022, from

Arnold, M. (2020, September 16). Can the Earth be saved? The Nature Conservancy.
Retrieved November 24, 2022, from

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