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EAP and Academic Style

Part 1
Understanding EAP

Why should students follow academic style? ✓

Which language is too informal for EAP?

Which language structures are academic?

Why should students follow academic style?

In this tutorial, we will:

• identify what EAP is and who uses it

• exemplify how English varies in style in different contexts

• discuss the importance of replicating academic style

Understanding EAP
Why should students follow academic style?

What is English for Academic Purposes (EAP)?

“As one of the most common forms of English for Specific Purposes (ESP),
EAP is concerned with mastering the style of academic English.”

Specifically, the field of EAP researches:

• the structures that make academic English unique

• techniques for teaching and learning common academic language

• activities that develop and enhance language and study skills

• academic and pastoral support that ensures autonomous learning

Understanding EAP
Why should students follow academic style?

Who uses EAP?

• 1.5 billion people use or learn English around the world

• 200 million students and teachers in higher-education settings

Understanding EAP
Why should students follow academic style?

English for Specific Purposes

• language is flexible and context dependent

• changes in grammar, vocabulary, tone, formality and style

Understanding EAP
Why should students follow academic style?

General vs. Academic English

Although some estimates for the number of people studying the English language are as high

as 1.5 billion around the world (WHO, 2020), the amount of students, teachers and researchers

who are required to use English for Academic Purposes is undoubtedly much lower. While non-

native students of English may have many reasons for studying the language, whether it is a

desire to improve their ability to travel, their job prospects, or their understanding of foreign

movies and music, users of academic English generally all have the same motivation. This is to

emulate the correct and appropriate form, style and register of English that is conventionally

used when submitting, tutoring or publishing successful academic research.

Understanding EAP
Why should students follow academic style?

General vs. Academic English

Nowadays the number of mates studying the English language are like 1.5 billion around this

wide and wonderful world, and the amount of students, teachers and researchers who chat

in English for Academic Purposes is 100% super low. While people who can’t speak good

English may have many reasons for studying the language, whether it’s a burning desire to

improve their ability to travel, the job they got, or their understanding of great foreign movies

and music, users of academic English always have the same motivation. This is to get the

correct and right form, style and register of English that’s the best for submitting, tutoring or

publishing successful academic stuff.

Understanding EAP
Why should students follow academic style?

What defines academic style?

▪ logical and cohesive (with a coherent argument structure)

▪ scientific (using evidence rather than personal experience)

▪ objective (having a balanced and unbiased perspective)

▪ clear and concise (rather than poetic or wordy)

▪ precise (avoiding generalisations and vagueness)

Understanding EAP
Why should students follow academic style?

Why is academic style important?

✓ improves grades

✓ impresses academic tutors

✓ shows commitment to the community

✓ improves organisation of ideas and arguments

✓ conveys complex processes and abstract concepts

✓ provide opportunities to publish

Why should students follow academic style?

✓ English style varies among spoken and written contexts

✓ academic style is required by universities around the world

✓ following academic style increases grades and community acceptance

EAP and Academic Style

• complete our online activities to check your progress

• download the unit summaries for notetaking and revision

• access the unit transcripts to assist listening and comprehension

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