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Basic Association Profile

Date started:
Number of members:
Operational hours:
Products offered:
II. Basic Demographic Profile
Years of membership:
III. Introductory Questions
1. How was the association formed?
2. How much was the estimated start-up capitalization?
3. In what government entity is the association registered?
4. How is the productivity of the association going?
5. How are the members doing so far in the association?
6. What made you decide to keep the association going?
7. (For selected members) What made you decide to join the association?
8. (For selected members) How are you doing in the association so far?
9. (For selected members) How did the association help you?
III.  Interview Proper
A. What is the profile of the association in terms of Management and
Organizational Aspect, Marketing Aspect, Technical Aspect, Financial
Aspect, and Socio-Economic Aspect?

Probe Questions:


1. In what designation does the head of this association belong?

2. What type of ownership is this association?
3. What are the skills required?


1. What pricing strategy is used for your products?

2. What are your promotional activities?
3.  Are your products sold directly, through online or consignment?
4. Where do you get your raw materials?


1. How are your products being produced?

2. What are the variations of your products?


1. What is your source of funds?

2. Income before, during and after pandemic?


1. Does your association engage in CSR activities?

B. What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the

Probe Questions:


1. What do you think is the reason why this association is still going up to this
very moment? (Also to be asked for selected members)
2. How skilled are your members? Are the fishermen in the association
skilled or well-trained fishermen? How many from the fishermen in the
association are skilled or well-trained?
3. Do your members have other skills and expertise that benefits your
4. Do you have exclusive relationships with suppliers or distributors?
5. Are your products offered well known?
6. Does your association have accreditations or certifications that give you
7. Are your equipment and machinery enough? (Also to be asked for
selected members)
8. Do you use big nets or small nets in fishing? Does it catch baby fish/fry or
hatchling? What do you do when you catch a baby fish? Do you release it
back to grow mature or include it in your catch? 
9. Do the association’s profit margins and other financial indicators compare
favorably to industry benchmarks?
10. How did the association cope up during the pandemic? (Also to be asked
for selected members)
11. What are the current policies of the association? Do all of the members
understand the current policies? Were they able to implement and abide
by the policy?
12. (For selected members) What are your skills/expertise that is needed for
the association? 
13. (For selected members) What are the things that other people say you do


1. What areas does your association need improvement on? (Also to be

asked for selected members)
2. What complaints do you frequently hear from your members and
customers? (Also to be asked for selected members)
3. What objections do you frequently hear from prospects?
4. Is the business distribution limited? (Also to be asked for selected
5. Does the business location have weaknesses? (Also to be asked for
selected members)
6. Are the business’s technology, equipment and machinery outdated? (Also
to be asked for selected members)
7. Does the association have adequate members?
8. Do your members lack skills or expertise in fishing?
9. Does the business suffer from the cash flow problems? (Also to be asked
for selected members)
10. Are the business’s profit margins and other financial indicators poor
compared to those of competitors? (Also to be asked for selected
11. Does the association have excessive debt?
12. Would the association have difficulty accessing additional capital?
13. What are the things you need to avoid? (Also to be asked for selected
14. What areas do your competitors have an advantage on? (Also to be asked
for selected members)
15. Is your customer base too low? (Also to be asked for selected members)
16. (For selected members) What limitations do you struggle with as a
member of the association?
17. (For selected members) Are there something you asked for or suggested
that was not noticed by your chairperson?


1. Are there potential new sources of financing that could help the
2. Are there upcoming local or regional events that could present
opportunities for the association?
3. Is there something members and customers are asking for that the
association doesn't provide but could add?
4. Do you think technology can help in endorsing your products? (For
selected members)
5. Do you consider us, the researchers, as an opportunity for you to be
recognized? (For selected members)
6. With regards to government entities, do you think that the BFAR (Bureau
of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources) provided the association enough


1. In terms of climate change, how do you think the association is going so

far? Does it affect the members?
2. If the pandemic is still ongoing, do you think the association can still
manage to get back on its feet? (Also to be asked for selected members)
3. As a member of the association, what possible threats have you
encountered? (For selected members)
4. Do you consider the government as a threat to your association?
5. Since most of you live beside the sea, do you think that the sea is also
considered to be a threat to you as residents of Ladol? (For selected
6. How might current and projected economic trends negatively affect the
7. Could local changes such as regulatory restrictions or agreements can
negatively affect the association?
8. During the pandemic, how much financial crisis did the association have?
9. Do the fishermen have adequate tools and equipment to fish effectively
and efficiently? Does the association have a building or place to market
their fish? Is it rented or owned?
10. What area are you only allowed to fish? (For members)
11. Are you working for a financier? How much is your basic pay or salary?
What is your work arrangement? Do you work from 8-5PM? or do you
operate by reaching a quota per day? Do you have benefits like SSS,
PAG-IBIG and PHILHEALTH? Does the financier demand more of what
you should actually do? 
12. Are there other fisherfolk associations beside you in your area? 
13. What limitations did the association just face when the pandemic
happened? (Also to be asked for selected members)

Concluding Statements

1. Have you heard about the KMME program? Are you willing to participate?
(Also to be asked for selected members)
2. What can you suggest to help the association become more effective and
efficient? (For selected members)
3. Do you have something you would like to ask the government about the
support/assistance you need? (Also to be asked for selected members)
4. Is there anything else you would like to ask? (Also to be asked for
selected members)
5. Is there anything else you would like to say about our discussion/topic?
(Also to be asked for selected members)
6.  Can I see you in the future in case I will need further clarifications about
your response/s in this interview? (Also to be asked for selected
7. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
I. Basic Association Profile
Date started:
Number of members:
Operational hours:
Products offered:
II. Basic Demographic Profile
Years of membership:
III. Introductory Questions
1. How was the association formed?
2. How much was the estimated start-up capitalization?
3. In what government entity is the association registered?
4. How is the productivity of the association going?
5. How are the members doing so far in the association?
6. What made you decide to keep the association going?
IV. Interview Proper
B. What is the profile of the association in terms of Management and
Organizational Aspect, Marketing Aspect, Technical Aspect, Financial
Aspect, and Socio-Economic Aspect?

Probe Questions:


7. In what designation does the head of this association belong?

8. What are the skills required?


10. What pricing strategy is used for your products?

11. What are your promotional activities?
12. Are your products sold directly, through online or consignment?
13. Where do you get your raw materials?


14. How are your products being produced?

15. What are the variations of your products?


16. What is your source of funds?

17. Income before, during and after pandemic?


18. Does your association engage in CSR activities?

C. What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the


Probe Questions:


19. What do you think is the reason why this association is still going up to this very
moment? (Also to be asked for selected members)
20. How skilled are your members? Are the fishermen in the association skilled or
well-trained fishermen? How many from the fishermen in the association are
skilled or well-trained?
21. Do your members have other skills and expertise that benefits your association?
22. Do you have exclusive relationships with suppliers or distributors?
23. Are your products offered well known?
24. Does your association have accreditations or certifications that give you
25. Are your equipment and machinery enough? (Also to be asked for selected
26. Do you use big nets or small nets in fishing? Does it catch baby fish/fry or
hatchling? What do you do when you catch a baby fish? Do you release it back
to grow mature or include it in your catch? 
27. How did the association cope up during the pandemic? (Also to be asked for
selected members)
28. What are the current policies of the association? Do all of the members
understand the current policies? Were they able to implement and abide by the


29. What areas does your association need improvement on? (Also to be asked for
selected members)
30. What complaints do you frequently hear from your members and customers?
(Also to be asked for selected members)
31. Is the business distribution limited? (Also to be asked for selected members)
32. Are the business’s technology, equipment and machinery outdated? (Also to be
asked for selected members)
33. Does the association have adequate members?
34. Do your members lack skills or expertise in fishing?
35. Does the business suffer from the cash flow problems?
36. Does the association have excessive debt?
37. Would the association have difficulty accessing additional capital?
38. What are the things you need to avoid? (Also to be asked for selected members)
39. What areas do your competitors have an advantage on? (Also to be asked for
selected members)
40. Is your customer base too low? (Also to be asked for selected members)

41. Are there upcoming local or regional events that could present opportunities for
the association?
42. Is there something members and customers are asking for that the association
doesn't provide but could add?
43. With regards to government entities, do you think that the BFAR (Bureau of
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources) provided the association enough assistance?


44. In terms of climate change, how do you think the association is going so far?
45. If the pandemic is still ongoing, do you think the association can still manage to
get back on its feet? (Also to be asked for selected members)
46. Do you consider the government as a threat to your association?
47. Could local changes such as regulatory restrictions or agreements can negatively
affect the association?
48. During the pandemic, how much financial crisis did the association have?
49. Does the association have a building or place to market their fish? Is it rented or
50. Do you operate by reaching a quota per day?
51. What limitations did the association just face when the pandemic happened?
(Also to be asked for selected members)

Concluding Statements

52. Have you heard about the KMME program? Are you willing to participate? (Also
to be asked for selected members)
53. Do you have something you would like to ask the government about the
support/assistance you need? (Also to be asked for selected members)
54. Is there anything else you would like to ask? (Also to be asked for selected
55. Is there anything else you would like to say about our discussion/topic? (Also to
be asked for selected members)
56.  Can I see you in the future in case I will need further clarifications about your
response/s in this interview? (Also to be asked for selected members)
57. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
I. Basic Demographic Profile
Years of membership:
II. Introductory Questions
1. (For selected members) What made you decide to join the association?
2. (For selected members) How are you doing in the association so far?
3. (For selected members) How did the association help you?
A. What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the

Probe Questions:


4. What do you think is the reason why this association is still going up to this
very moment? (Also to be asked for selected members)
5. Are your equipment and machinery enough? (Also to be asked for
selected members)
6. How did the association cope up during the pandemic? (Also to be asked
for selected members)


7. What areas does your association need improvement on? (Also to be

asked for selected members)
8. What complaints do you frequently hear from your members and
customers? (Also to be asked for selected members)
9. Is the business distribution limited? (Also to be asked for selected
10. Does the business location have weaknesses? (Also to be asked for
selected members)
11. Are the business’s technology, equipment and machinery outdated? (Also
to be asked for selected members)
12. Does the business suffer from the cash flow problems? (Also to be asked
for selected members)
13. Are the business’s profit margins and other financial indicators poor
compared to those of competitors? (Also to be asked for selected
14. What are the things you need to avoid? (Also to be asked for selected
15. What areas do your competitors have an advantage on? (Also to be asked
for selected members)
16. Is your customer base too low? (Also to be asked for selected members)
17. (For selected members) What limitations do you struggle with as a
member of the association?
18. (For selected members) Are there something you asked for or suggested
that was not noticed by your chairperson?


19. Do you think technology can help in endorsing your products? (For
selected members)
20. Do you consider us, the researchers, as an opportunity for you to be
recognized? (For selected members)


21. If the pandemic is still ongoing, do you think the association can still
manage to get back on its feet? (Also to be asked for selected members)
22. As a member of the association, what possible threats have you
encountered? (For selected members)
23. Since most of you live beside the sea, do you think that the sea is also
considered to be a threat to you as residents of Ladol? (For selected
24. Do the fishermen have adequate tools and equipment to fish effectively
and efficiently? Does the association have a building or place to market
their fish? Is it rented or owned?
25. What area are you only allowed to fish? (For members)
26. What limitations did the association just face when the pandemic
happened? (Also to be asked for selected members)

Concluding Statements

27. Have you heard about the KMME program? Are you willing to participate?
(Also to be asked for selected members)
28. What can you suggest to help the association become more effective and
efficient? (For selected members)
29. Do you have something you would like to ask the government about the
support/assistance you need? (Also to be asked for selected members)
30. Is there anything else you would like to ask? (Also to be asked for
selected members)
31. Is there anything else you would like to say about our discussion/topic?
(Also to be asked for selected members)
32.  Can I see you in the future in case I will need further clarifications about
your response/s in this interview? (Also to be asked for selected
33. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

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