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1 Past Continuous (affirmative) Past Simple 2008000>n0w Past Continuous. UNIT 20 Grammar Practice ‘See Unit 13 for the pronunciation of was, were, wasn’t and weren't i He | was. | watching television, she |_| working, You listening to the radio, | We | were | sleeping, | They | tt [was [raining We use this tense for actions which began in the past and continued in the past: we do not know when they began or when they ended: At eight o'clock yesterday evening | was watching television, We use the Past Simple for actions at a definite time in the past: At seven o'clock yesterday evening | switched on the television Exercise 1 Say and write what these people were doing at eight o'clock last nightand what they did ten minutes later, as in the example. At. 1g ht0! chock last. magnt, Artin was. filang. in. Ms, poss saupan....Tess.neinutes, laker, he, put it. in hs, ler cone. pocket a) b) °) 66 2 Past Continuous 3 Past Continuous Was | he she you Were | we Was | it watching television? working? listening to the radio? sleeping? raining? were it | was. 1 he she you fe they | i Exercise 2 What were you doing at eight o'clock last night? Write it down, ‘Now ask three friends if they were doing these things at eight o'clock last night. Put a tick ora cross in the columns 1]2[3 eating? doing your homework? watching TV? | listening to the radio? | reading? | If not, what? Spoken form meal He | wasn't | watching television watching television She working) working FYou listening tothe radio not | listening to the radio. We | weren't | sleeping. sleeping They = it [wasnt | raining raining. 67 4 Past Continuous and Past Simple Exercise 3 Read these lists: A 8 wash the car sit in an armehair work in the garden listen to the radio paint the kitehen watch television do the washing up _read the newspaper lean the windows look at some magazines Now practise these conversations with a friend, using phrases from the lists. a) A: John came round to see me yesterday. B: Did he? What were you doing? A: |was (ist) B: Did he help you? A: No! He just (ist 8) b) A: Did Peter (ist) yesterday? B:I'don't know. He certainly wasn't (list A) when I went round to see him ‘A: What was he doing? B: He wasn't doing anything really. He was just (ist 8) We often use the Past Simple and the Past Continuous tenses together: was watching television the telephone rang He was working when | MrSteele came in They were listening to the radio someone rang the bell Exercise 4 Putthe verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous tense. a) Bruce (pay)... 24. the bill while Mary (put) ....W/4S. PCG oo... her coat on b) When she (wash) her skirt, she (find) a pound note in the pocket. c) I(see) Arthur in the street yesterday, but he (run) * for a bus and (not have) ....... Josue time to speak to me. ) When Jennifer (get) home, her parents (have) inner ©) Mycar (breakdown) yesterday while (drive) to work. f) When she (open) the door, a man (stand) onthe doorstep. It (be) her uncle, but she (not recognize) him because he (wear) dark glasses. g) The man (get off) the bus without paying while the conductor (collect) fares upstairs. 5 have to In the affirmative and the interrogative, have to means It is/was necessary (obligation), ke must(see Unit 7, 45). have to is used likea normal verb in present, pepe epee 5 get up early ] a Vou [rovoresio | 9S5FS4% [oy He | shallwil have to | fork tomorrow. They | had to ‘cook the dinner | yesterday. [fs Ty | “get up early | ~] | Doioes Ee [Sn] | revere] eee Le Did they 00k the dinner | yesterday? In the negative, have to means it istwas necessary (absence of obligation), ike needn'tdidn’t need to (see Unit 17, 6). [stone getupearly today. _| You not have to | 99 schoo! a he fa ord They | did took the dinner | Yesterday, Exercise § Use have to in the correct tense in these sentences. a) I'm sorry | was late for work yesterday. |... Aad. €2....... go to the dentist's, b) You not decide immediately, but you decide before next week. c) He usually starts work at 8.30, so he leave home at 7.30. ) There was plenty of time; we not hurry. e) The banks are closed today; we wait until tomorrow for our money. f) ‘The police took my car away last week." you collect it from the police station?” 9) ° ' make an appointmentto see the doctor?'‘No, you not make an appointment, but you wait for at least half an hour. h) Mary not ut the new books on the shelves, ‘Axthur will do it ') loutmy hand badly and put a bandage on it. |) want to buy this car by instalments. How much deposit I pay? 69 Words and Phrases football pools ‘fotbo:! pu:lz result ‘zalt score draw 'sko “dro: nil nil coupon ku:pon envelope ‘envalaup by post bat ‘poust joy gor interest ‘inteist (have a) haircut “heakat nonsense ‘nonsans. oil al Tohell with Mr Steele! The weather's getting warmer and warmer. Yes, we don'tneed over- coats any more. That shop is closed. Inany case, it doesn't sell milk. How many matches have Rangers won this season? Only one so far. Whataterrible team! !'m not going towatch them ever again 70 transistor radio tren’zista ‘reidiou cake kerk horn horn whistle ‘wish air eo" absolutely ebso'lu:th ak’sartid furious, ‘fvarias mad mad Scottish “skotf (get) red red apologize a'polodgaiz celebrate selibrert to'hel wid and'wo:ma) “emt'mo: in'ent'kers .seu'far “evar a’gen lose luz, notice ‘nootis receive understand canda'staend fill. in film turn. off tan of post oust shout faut Strike strark blow blow kiss kis mend mend jump dgamp begin Ayr United Brentford Bury Celtic Chester “testo” Colchester ‘koult{isto" Dundee dan'di: East Fife isst'farf Hearts : Hibernian Morton ~ Motherwell Northampton — no;'eemptan Partick Thistle ‘pa:tik Oisl Rangers ‘reindgoz Scunthorpe ‘skan0o:p Wordgamet Wordgame 2 Soccer 1 Liverpool is one of the best teams inthe 2 The was awin for Didcot 3 To agoal. 4 He plays infront ofthe the other players in his team, 5 Liverpool, Arsenal and Manchester United are 6 Middleford Rangers are in the fourth 7 When neither team wins or loses. 8 Thetwo__ tossed up. 9 To __thebal. 10 Ifyou win the youll be rich 11 They play matches here. iF 12 He blows the whistle. 18 Fred scored ten of these in six matches, 14 deliberate _ 16 The supporters watch from here. 16 Amatch between two local teams, (z ee |24] 17 The opposite of home’ 48 No goais 19 There are eleven in 2 team, 20 The correct name for soccer. Placenames Can you remember the names of these places? a) Mrs Harrison lives here. ) Drand Mrs Newton live here ©) Bob goes to university here 4) MrLester works here, ) Arthur saw a castle here. 4) Arthur lost his ear here. 19) Arthur drove through here on the way ‘back from the seaside hy Arthur went to the races here, 1). Middletord Rangers played against a football team from here |) Fred Merton came to Middleford from here. n [7 Activity Communication Practice Winning the pools Bolow isa football pools coupon for 12 matches in he fist phase of the 1982 World Cap final tournament a) Either from memory or by guessing, write down in the ‘Forecast’ column what you think the result of the matches will be: use the letters a,b, xr y, according fo the table, ») Now oiscuss in a group what you will do if you win the pools. Ifyou score 15-20 points, you willwin £10,000, and soon. What willyou do withthe money ityouwin? ©) Now look atthe actual results at the bottom of page 22. Write in the goals scored inthe two'G' columns; wnte the correct letter a, b, xor yin the ‘Check’ column, and the number ofpoins,ifany, you have scored for each match. Then add.up the totalnumber of points. How many points have you scored? How much money have youwon? [ acno score draw; 2 points =score draw: | 3 points ome’ win; 4 points way’ win; _ 5 points 21-29 points — £20,000 3041 points — £30,000 42 points (maximum) — £50,000 ‘Home’ ‘Away’ Points team G|team | G | Forecast | Check | Scored tly al | pew Centhowoakia Kawai Algeria Austria England France Poland Canieroon Hungary ElSahador Arena Begum Honduras Sain West Germany Chile Northern rtind | | Yugostva Brat New Zealand Scotland Use Total Points: 2

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