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MENG375 Machine Element I


By: Assist. Prof. Dr. Babak Safaei

03th November 2022

✓ Mohr’s circles exist for the three-dimensional stress case as well, but a graphical
construction method is not available to create them directly from the applied-stress
data except for the special case where one of the principal stresses is coincident with
an axis of the xyz coordinate system chosen, i.e., where one plane is a plane of
principal stress.

✓ These 2 Eq. are called the plane-stress transformation equations.

✓ The two principal stresses can be obtained by:

✓ The two extreme-value shear stresses are found to be:

✓ Shear stresses tending to rotate the element clockwise (cw) are plotted above the
σ axis.
✓ Shear stresses tending to rotate the element counterclockwise (ccw) are plotted
below the σ axis.

Problem #1
A stress element has σx = 80 MPa and τxy = 50 MPa cw, as shown in Fig.
(a) Using Mohr’s circle, find the principal stresses and directions, and show these on a
stress element correctly aligned with respect to the xy coordinates. Draw another stress
element to show τ1 and τ2, find the corresponding normal stresses, and label the drawing
(b) Repeat part a using the transformation equations only.

✓ As in the case of plane stress, a particular orientation of a stress element occurs in
space for which all shear-stress components are zero. When an element has this
particular orientation, the normal to the faces are mutually orthogonal and correspond
to the principal directions, and the normal stresses associated with these faces are the
principal stresses. Since there are three faces, there are three principal directions and
three principal stresses σ1, σ2, and σ3. For plane stress, the stress-free surface contains
the third principal stress which is zero.
✓ In our studies of plane stress we were able to specify any stress state σx , σy , and τxy
and find the principal stresses and principal directions.

Beams in Bending
The equations for the normal bending stresses in straight beams are based on the
following assumptions:

• The beam is subjected to pure bending. This means that the shear force is zero,
and that no torsion or axial loads are present.
• The material is isotropic and homogeneous.
• The material obeys Hooke’s law.
• The beam is initially straight with a cross section that is constant throughout the
beam length.
• The beam has an axis of symmetry in the plane of bending.
• The proportions of the beam are such that it would fail by bending rather than by
crushing, wrinkling, or sidewise buckling.
• Plane cross sections of the beam remain plane during bending.

Beams in Bending

✓ The bending stress varies linearly with the distance from the neutral axis, y, and is given

where I is the second moment of area about the z axis. That is

✓ As shown in Fig., the maximum magnitude of the bending stress will occur where y
has the greatest magnitude. Designating σmax as the maximum magnitude of the
bending stress, and c as the maximum magnitude of y

Problem #2
A beam having a T section with the dimensions shown in Fig., is subjected to a bending
moment of 1600 N · m that causes tension at the top surface. Locate the neutral axis and
find the maximum tensile and compressive bending stresses.

Thank you for your attention


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