Physics 510 - 1 WAKISSA Marking Guide

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KISSHA JOINT MOCK EXAMINATIONS RKING GUIDE anda Advanced Certificate of Education CE August ySICS PS10/1 SECTION A 1. (a)()_ Linear momentum is the product of mass and velocity ofa body. (01 mark) (ii) The total momentum of any two or more bodies interacting is constant provided there are external forces acting. (01 mark) (iii) Consider two bodies each mass m; and Mo moving in the same direction at velocities Vi and V2 (ui>uz). Suppose the two bodies collide and after each moves with velocity. V1 and V2 respectively in the same direction. (In accordance with Newton’s first law of motion)’ m,(V,-u. The force exerted by Mi on M2 =, Fra mg (Va"Ua) t and force exerted by mz or m)(¥j-4;) t (In accordance with Newton’s 2™ law of motion). But F\2 = -F21(Newton’s 3" law) P aiGer eee) mi, Fo = where t = time of impact > my — MmVy + MyUy Rearranging gives miu +m2u = mivitmav2 which is the law of conservation of linear momentum. — (6) () Bending his knees when landing on the ground inereases the time during which ae Se ear aamentin of his body reduces; and the force with whict his legs hit the ground reduces; leading to a reduced pain on his legs. oa marks (ii) W = mg = 490.5 > ~ 50kg From saw? = mgh => v= \2gh 2 (yu) _ $0(7.0- 0) Force F = (04 mar! ow 2. (a) (i) Centripetal acceleration is the rate of ch; ans cctly inelastic collision. gy is not conserved al ip perfe Kinetic ener! ie. Some is lost. Bodies move with a common | velocity (or stick together after collision. ~ Collision between two vehicles that stick together after impact, (03 marks) tly elastic collision Perfee s Kinetic energy is cons erved. Bodes move at different vyelocities(or separate) = Examples collision between Molecules of an ideal gas. (ii) For perfectly inelastic collision: myuyt+m2u2 = (mit+m)V where V= common velocity. @ oy = mt hth ———— i m, +m, Loss inke=Total ke ~ Total ke Before coil after coil. foo od i 2 =— muy +—myus ——(m + ull Ay abe) len m,)V eee 1 =m +ymit ase +m,) Mm, il il 2.2 Aa ab mat + Lim muy + Demy thy + MU a 2 m, +m, 1 ee 2 | = are +72 0.015)" + (0.03) =2.38Nm? (03marks) (c) (i) Coefficient of viscosity is the tangential force acting on an area of Im of fluid which resists the motion of one layer over another when the velocity gradient is 1s" (or tangential force per unit area of surface between two fluid layers in contact per unit velocity. Gradiant) (01 marl (ii) - In liquids, viscosity is due to the existence of intermolecular forces of attraction. When temperature is increased, the molecules move further apart with increased k.c SA EEEneN bis Ok eens 2 pa (dy (b) - Thus the internal Force area weakened; leading to a decrease in vis liquid. A,=15em’=15%10"m’,V =0.5ms" COSity g (03 mj Ay = 3.0em’=3.0x10"m’ Ve from AV) = AoV2, = 15x10*x0.5=3.0«10"4 xy, VY, =2.5ms" 1 Pressure difference, p = ~4(v; -v;) 2 Where £ = density of the liquid. ll zfs -05*) =. £Nm? TOTAL 20 MAR (Elasticity is the property of a material to regain its original shape (size or length) if the deforming force has been removed, (01 m: (ii) Force constant is the ratio of force to extension of an elastic material. Or the amount of force that causes a unit extension of a material. (01 mi Original length =, x-sectional area =A, force constant =k new length = Hx, stretching force =F. stres: (i) Young’s modulus,E = le But F = kx: EAx => F=——e=k 1 OE Ey 1 e i 3 (ii) Finergy stored in the wire = work done to stretch material ie. average force xextension, th x x= Fx Since F =kx. Wee => Werk 2 © WAKISSHA Joint Mock Examinations 2 EA But K=—— LEA , we bi Also ; energy stored per unit vol = "/ai = 4 =% EC? EA/,2 (03 marks) (©) le = 1.0m, de= 0.5mm =0.5 x 103m Is = 0.5m, ds = 0.8m = 08x10 m M= 12kg; W = 12x9.81 = 117.72N FL (i) From extension x = — EA Fic 12x9.81x1.0x4 EcAc Box3.14«(0.5x10") 6.0x10° —— E For copper, Xe = Fis 12x 9.81% 0.5%4 Rocstecl, X= EsAs py x3.14x(0810") 2.93 x10" Es La7x10 1.1710" 1 E E, Fs Total extension, x= xe +38 1.49*10" a 2.93x10" Ee Es 0x10° 1.117x10" (04 mark (ii) Energy stored in the compound wire Weth Fr, +— Fx, = Fx See eee teat ‘ah (d) (ii) (@) (b) 1 . [6.0 = —% 12x 9.81% 10" | — 2 Ec 6.0 1.17 = swonut (52 Js Ee (i) Bemorth’s principle states that in undergoing a steamline flow, the unit vol. and the p.e Per unit vol. ©: an incompressible non-viscons flu sum of the pressure at any point, the is constant. OL the roof causes a faster flow of air above it t below, where the air is almost stationary. ~ By Benouill’s principle the presence under neath is greater than that the roof. The pressure differen: ce this produces an upward resultant force of Toof which consequently lift it and is blown off. A strong wind above SECTION B (®) Heat capacity is the heat required the raise the temperature of any mast substance by IK OL Gi) Cooling correction is the temp. erature that is added to observed max ‘emperature to cater for heat losses to the surroundings. ‘The ammeter and voltmeter readings I) and V; Tespectively are noted. The liquid is collected in a measured time and its mass Per second Mi is determined. The experiment is Tepeated by adjusting the flow rate of the liquid to a value; P is adjusted until the therm Teadings indicated by T; and T2 are as before ie. O, and O,. The new ammeter W ar and voltmeter readings Iz and V> and the mass per of the liquid colle, Cted in the same time are noted, © WAKISSHA Joint Mock Feamin,.. eee ‘The s.h.e of the liquid is then obtained from; C= See (m,-m,)(0, -0,) (05 marks) (ii) This is to maintain the same rate of heat loss to the surrounding in the two parts of the experiment. (01 marks) (iii) Heat capacity of the apparatus is not required. = Cooling correction is not required. - Heat losses to the surroudings can be accounted for by repeating the experiment. - Heat losses are minimized by use of a vacuum. - Readings can be recorded at leisure. (03 marks) (c) 6 =2.0°C, m= 20gs" = 0.02kgs", Pi = 40W mz = 75es! = 0.075kgs"!, P2 = 80W from =mcO+h, 40 = 0.02 Cx 2.0 +h =>40 = 0.04C +h (i) Also 80 = 0.075 Cx 2.0 +h => 80=0.150C +h (ii) Solving (i) and (ii) gives: h=25.45W . heat lost in 5 minutes = 25.45 «5x60 = 7635 J or = 7.635x10°5F (05 marks) d) (i) Latent heat of fusion of ice is the heat required to change the state any given mass of ice into water at its melting point. (01 mark, (ii) When the cold ice comes into contact with one’s hand heat is lost from the hand to the ice, causing a thin layer of water to form on ice due to melting. This thin layer of water together with the sweat in the hand will freeze into the tiny indentations in the surface of the hand. ‘The oxygen and hydrogen atoms in the water molecules in the ice will form strong onde with the hydrogen and oxygen atoms respectively in the sweat. ‘This strong bond will give the “sticking” feeling in the hand (03 marks Ui aaa eee OL TOTAL 20 MARKS the expansion or contraction of a gas that takes place at constant ‘Achiabatic change is the expansion or contraction of a gas that (01 mark take place rapidly to give little time fo (a) (i) Isothermal change is temperature. While akes place at constant heat. - The expansion or contraction of the gas must heat to escape or enter the system. - The walls of the container of the gas must be thick walled and of poor conducting materials. - Frictionless © WAKISSHA Joint Mock Examinations _2 Page9 of (iii) - Transmission of sound waves through air. ~ Rapid expansion of air during a tyre burst. ~ Inflating tyre (2 (b) Pi = 2.0x108 Pa, Vi=3.01 P2=1.0x107 Pa. = 3.0x10%m?, T1=50°C =323k PY, 2.0x10° x3.0x107 RT. 831x323 = 2.24 moles @ From n= Gi) T=? from PrVi= P2V2 14 From V2 =9,5%104m? Also TiVi = T2261 3.0x107 \*" ‘ (5) nem =511.63K (04 (©) (i) Molar heat capacity at constant Pressure is defined as the heat required to raise ‘emperature of one mole of a gas by IK when its pressure is eonsvant 0 (ii) If 1 mole of a gas is heated through A Tat constant vol; AQ=CVAT. Where CV = Molar heat capacity at constant vol. Since AV=0 > Aw =0 fron AQ = Au + Aw => AQ = Au = CvAT If the same gas of 1 mole is heated AQ=CpAT ‘Where Cp = molar ht capacity at constant pressure, => AQ = CpAT=Aut+Aw .. CpAT = CVAT+PAV But for 1 mole; PV=RT @ And P(V+AV )=R(T+AT) (ii) for constant from (i) and (ii): PAV=RAT Pomme © WAKISSHA Joint Mock Fx... through AT at constant pressure; EE" ©. In(*)CpAT=CvAT+RAT from which Cp = Cv +R or Cp -Cv=R F (0S marks) When a gas is composed in a vessel, its molecules bounce off the wall with increased speed. The frequency of collisions between the molecules also increases and this increases the mean k.¢ of the molecules. Since mean ke of the moles is portional to absolute temperature, — temp. of the gas increases. (02 marks) TOTAL = 20 MARKS ) (i) A black body is a body which absorbs all the radiations of every wave length falling on it and transmits none. (01 mark) (ii) Stefan’s law- the energy radiated per second per unit surface area of a black body is directly proportional to the fourth power absolute temperature of the body. (ore @ T*- with P and T defined) (01 mark) Wien’s displacement law the wave length at which intensity of energy emitted by a black body is inversely prop to its absolute temperature. : (01 mark) 1 (or Aimax Fa with 2,,,, and T defined (b) (02 marks i the intensities of every wave length _Asthe temperature of the body increases, s : ae ‘he intensities of the shorter wave lengths increase more rapidly a rea temp; there is max. intensity which occurs ata particular wave lengt! i es with increasing temp. Anan. Which decreas cos mars 7. (c) T =3500°C = 3773K, A= 0.42cm? = 0.42x104m? 29 ATS ‘ 29x 5.6710 x0.42x104x(3773) ne (03 marks (i) Apa T = 2:90%10° But Ags? Ut © WAKISSHA Joint Mock Examinations ? Page 11.0 => ~.7 2290x107 fh CT x10" x 3773 2.90 x10" 2.90 10" =3.9x10"Hz. (03 ma, @@ > Atoms in a solid are closely packed together. ~ When one end of the solid is heated, the atoms there absorb the heat energy, begin to vibrate with increased amplitudes about their fixed positions, ~ Since they are coupled by interatomic bonds to the neighboring atom: on their vibrational energy to them; which in turn pass on the energy to neighbors, causing heat energy to be transmitted to the colder end. (03 mary (ii) Metals have free electrons in their lattice that move with high or increased velocities once they gain heat energy from the heated end unlike in insulatg ~ Also, owning to the fact they are lighter, they carry the heat energy which ih Pass on to the positive nucleus of atoms due to collisions in the metal lattice, ‘This makes heat transfer faster unlike in insulators where heat transfer is due atomic vibrations only. SECTION C is the ejection of electrons fron magnetic radn (light) of high en Gi) Stopping potential ~ 1s the minimum negative Potential (voltage) applied to the an {0 stop the most energetic electron from Teaching it. (or to reducing the photo cu zero). (O1 8. (a) (i) Photoelectric emission — m a metal surface when irradiated by an electro jough frequency. (OL m (b) An evaluated photo cell that has Photo emissive cathode C of a Surface area and an anode A is Circuit is connected across a v potential. ~ Ais made negative in potential relative to C. ~The pd Vis increased negatively until the photo current registered by the me zero. - The p.d Vs is then noted from the voltmeter V and is the stopping potential. (05 (©) A= 145nm =145%10%m, We=20y OWARISSHA Joint Mock Examinationg > he () wm V2 ,.= Wo 1 wn cca 6.610" *3,0%10" a => —~9.11*10 XV) = 21.610 2 14510" .Venax = 1.52 x108 ms (03 marks) : w, _2x106x10” (ii) hf = We > f= —*= =4.85x10"Hz (02 marks) h 6.6 x10 (@) (i) X-rays are electromagnetic radiations of very high frequency and short wave length emitted or produced when fast moving electrons are stopped by matter. 01 1 , (01 mark) x Shedicem, ‘ el Specrern Go. » Continuous spectrum is produced when multiple collision occur between the energetic electrons and the target atoms. ~ Ateach collision, X-rays photons of different wave lengths are emitted since each electron gives up a different amount of its k.e. = Line spectrum is produced when a highly energetic electron penetrates deeper into an atom of the target metal and knocks out an electron from the inner most shell. The electron transition to the vacancies left results and leads to emission of X-rays of definite wave length seen as line spectrum. - When an electron gives up all its k.e in a single collision, a highly energetic X-ray photon of max. frequency and min wave length Asin is emitted. (04 marks eVa 16x10" x40x10° fe = 9.69 x10" H= (iii) fax = E h 6.6x10" (03 marks Total 20 mark 9. (a) (i) Background radiation — is the natural ionizing radiation present in the environment, emitted from a variety of source to which all humans are exposed to. (01 marks (ii) Main sources. - Cosmic radiation. - Terrestrial radiation. = Inhalation/ingestion radiation. (02 mark (iii) Examples of background radiation: = Cosmic rays from the sun - Gaseous radon. (any 2@ 1 = 02) (01 mar © WAKISSHA Joint Mock Examinations _2 Page 13.0 (>) @) The taw of: disintegrat that time, (or BY, eas y states that for a particular time, the rate ration ia easy pete toheeoata mabe cle, ion is directly proportiona ‘dt SCN — with symbols detined) H CD To show that 27, = in2. from N= Ne" when t = Ty, sNo= NV I si -art Semaataa Vie lina 2 1 1 >- =e? e | ; | Taking loge of both sides: art Ine? =In2 1 > AT—=1n2 a) (mw N. ~At A from N=N, € N= Vy X50 10% Jerome M =[ 3.45 19-6 Na ( x10 M atoms “mass remaining in the N atoms, © WAKissy4 My S20" s3.410" Na M (04 marks) 2) lonizing radiation enters into the crystal of sodium iodide and causes a photon of visible light to be produced, ~ _ Electrons are then released when this light strikes the photocathrode. ~ These electrons are then accelerated towards the first dynode A by a p.d, high enough to release electrons from A. - These electrons are attracted towards the second dynode B, and more electrons are released. - Each dynode impact release more electrons producing a current amplifying effect at each dynode stage. - Atthe find dynode, sufficient electrons are available to produce pulse of current which can be analyzed by the measuring device. (05 marks) (ii) Two advantages of the scihtillator counter over the GM tube; - Its counting rate is very fast; - It can also be used to detect x-rays. er - It is more sensitive compared to the GM tube. - It can detect lower levels of radiation. (02 marks) !) Industrial use - Intracers to monitor fluid flow - Detection of leaks. (any 01) Ganging engine wear and corrosion - Monitoring thickness of metal sheets during manufacture. Medical use In therapy to treat cancer. (any 01) - In diagrosis of tumours and other maligrat growths in the body. (02 marks) Total 20 marks (a) (i) Mass defect is the difference between the mass of nucleus and total mass of the constituent nucleons of an atom. (01 mark) (ii) E = me? where E = binding energy in joules. m= mass defect in kg (01 mark) e = speed of light in vacuum. © WAKISSHA Joint Mock Examinations _2 Page 15 of | to form a heavier stable nu. (b) () Nuclear fusion — isthe combining of two lighter nucle! i Seetenpaniod by relenac of 0) hd a ¥y unstable nuclear into (WO OF MOTE High, = Nuclear fusion is the splitting of a heav3 nuclei accompanied by emission of energy: (in, (ii) High temperature. rgy to destroy and overcome, - This gives the nuclei of atoms enough kinetic ene! i 50 as to fuse. 02 electrostatic force of repulsion between their nuclei so as ‘ High pressure. a inateas igh helps to squeeze the muclei together into a smaller space thereby increasing j, » fuse. (02 density of the atoms and increasing their chances to fuse (02 my (ii) (02 ma 10. (c) Mass of 5 protons = 5x1.0080U = 5.0400U Mass of 5 neutrons = $x1.5087U = 7.5435U Total mass of nucleons = 12.5835U | mass defect = 12.5835U-10.0129U. =2.5706U = 2.5706 1066x10%kg, =4.27x107%kg. 3.843 x10" From E = me? = 4.27%102 x(3.0 x108)? BEE pernucleon = ———~" 10 = 3.843x10°19y =3.843x 19-11 (4) (i Bohr's postulates; SASK) (05 marks + Inan atom, elect ; i Sea aes peat round the nucleus in discrete circular orbits ~ Electrons revolve around the nuel ~ When electron makes a transitio photon is emitted equal to the leus only in an integral multiple of 2. = from one orbit to another of lower enetgy- ergy difference between the two states. _ TOTAL 20 OMAK ona - “amination, > ale

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