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Subrahmanyam jamisetty


 Extensive 14+ years of IT experience in working with all aspects of design, implementation and
deployment of web-based n-tier applications on Unix/Windows platforms.
 Expertise in supporting enterprise based distributed applications over a wide range of operating
environments across several web applications having secure transactions and Web services.
 Hands on experience in developing, deploying, implementing, testing and support of full life cycle
implementations of various Angular JS, Node JS, npm, Spring Boot, on a wide range of distributed
 Very proficient in working with AWS, LAMBDA, EC2, SPRINGBOOT, GIT, JENKINS, AUTOSYS, TAM,
spring boot integration with OAuth2 Authorization server

 Java/springboot/microservices: technologies like JSP, Servlets, JDBC, JNDI, Struts 2.0, Spring IOC and

 Good Experience in designing GUI using Angular 2, Angular4, Angular JS, JavaScript, zeplin, vs code,
node js, CSS3, HTML5, Ajax, XML and Bootstrap.

 Experience in designing and developing Web Services using SOAP, REST and WSDL.

 Experience in Database Design, DB Modeling, writing NO SQL, SQL Queries, PL/SQL Stored Procedures.

 Working experience with SQL and no SQL databases like mongoDB, mongoDB chef, MySQL, Sybase,
Oracle and DB2.

 Proficient in creating web-applications using Responsive architecture MVC design patterns and other
J2EE Design patterns using specific implementation of J2EE Framework.

 Experienced in all aspect of software development lifecycle (SDLC) starting from collecting business
specifications, Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and implementation of project using Agile/Scrum

 Developed application under different server environments like WebLogic, JBoss application server and
Apache Tomcat.

 Experience with integration and build automation tools like Webpack, package.jason, spring boot
profiles, Maven

 Implemented unit testing using Karma, JUNIT, TestNG.

 Hands on experience in using IDE like Webstorm, Visual studio code, sublime, Spring STS, eclipse mars,
juno, IBM RAD.

 Ability to understand new technology quickly.

 Experience working in a complex computing environment.


 Bachelors of Engineering from Nagarjuna Uinversity ( Guntur, A.P, India 1989-1993)

Programming Languages Java 1.8, 11, springboot 2.5.3, microservices, spring
batch, Angular 2, Angular 4, express JS, Angular JS,
Node JS, Spring Boot, Angular 10, Java, C++, COBOL,
Operating Systems Linux, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, Windows 8, Ubuntu 13.04
Frameworks Spring Boot 2.5.3, , Spring 3.1, Struts 1.3
AWS cloud and PCF AWS, S3, EC2, Cloudwatch, cloudTrail, ECS, spinnaker,
cloudbees, elk, bigPanda, springboot admin server,
Lamda, PCF, cf cli
Databases MongoDB, postgres, redis cashe, Oracle XE 10g,
MySQL 5.x
Web Technologies Angular 8, nodeJS, JSP, Struts 1.3, CSS,
Database Query Languages SQL,HQL, no sql
ORM Tools Hibernate 3.6
IDE Visual studio code, web storm, sublime, Eclipse
versions Mars, Luna, Spring suite STS,
Spring Initialzr, WebStrom, RAD, sublime
Markup Languages XML, HTML, bootstrap CSS
Scripting Languages Angular 8, Node JS, AJAX, JQuery, JavaScript
Testing JUnit 4.0, mockito
App Servers & WebServers NodeJS, Springboot, WebSphere 3.5,4.0,5.x,6.x,7.*,
8.8 WebSphere, WebLogic 10.3, Oracle WebLogic 12c
, Apache http, IBM WebSphere 8, IBM installation
manager, apache Tomcat
Repositories GIT, Subversion, TortoiseSVN
Operating Systems Windows 8, linux, Solaris
Networking TCP/IP, Basic Routing Protocols
Build Tools ANT, Maven
Issue Tracking tools JIRA
Most Relevant API’s JPA, JTA, JMS, JAXB, Reflection, Criteria, JDBC, JNDI

Team Lead - Full Stack developer

Quant Systems inc – Western Union Next Generation Pricing Project

04/2021 to present

 Designed, developed, tested, deployed restful microservices for pricing for various money trasfers
programs, experiment services
 Designed and developed s3 cloudTrail triggering springboot application reading from large S3 files using
spring batch and writing to redis cache
 Implemented sonar qube for code quality and vurability mitigation, spring admin server for logging
configuration for various environments
 Actively worked on running and deployment of resful microservices to AWS ECS clusters using
 Worked on configuring rules on elk for exceptions in various applications and creating alerts
 Deployment of the docker image from Jfrog artifactory to ECS cluster using spinnaker
 Tested api calls uning jnuit Mockito
 Developed curl calls on jump servers to hit fargate clusters
 Using postman for calls to F5 on aws region
 Actively involved in CAB implementation during prod release
 Extensively used JIRA, servicenow
 Designed and developed business events writing into kafka topics for every api call to be consumed by
snowflake etl database
 actively involved in grooming, architecture and design runway calls

 Technical Environment: : Java, AWS, S3, EC2, Cloudwatch, cloudTrail, ECS, spinnaker, gitlab,
jfrog artifactory, docker container, cloudbees, elk, bigPanda, springboot admin server

Infosys - Conduent Multi Tenant epic Platform Project

12/2019 to 03/2021

 Part of development team in payments systems for unemployment insurance, EBT cards
maintenance application
 Developed several API’s for different applications and programs
 Worked on stored procedures, sqls, file processing
 Developed batch processing using spring batch
 worked on prod support L3 tickets for various application in the java legacy space and as well as
modernized application space.
 As a part of development team worked on UI angular 10, backend springboot Java
 Developed unit tested java backend code.
 Worked with Gitlab repository and jenkins CICD pipeline

Infosys - Charles Schwab - - ADDLINK 2.0 09/2018 to

Team Lead - Full Stack developer

 As a part of development team worked on UI angular 4.0, backend springboot Java.

 Worked on Link and Delink of Master and Sub accounts in ADDLINK and Schwab compliance
Technologies applications.
 Developed unit tested, anugular components, java backend code.
 Worked with Bitbucket repository and bamboo build automation CICD pipeline
 Worked extensively on PCF and clud foundry CLI
 Configured jvisualVM with PCF using remote SSh to monitor applications during performance and
endurance testing for class loading/unloading, heap, cpu utilization
 Worked on Vercode trouble shooting of triage flaws
 Updated the workspace setup documents for both backend and front end

Wipro-Capitalone, VA

Team Lead - Full Stack developer

Credit card Fraud Resolution 09/2017 to 09/2018

 Worked on the data model, api design for existing chordiant(pega) and created the database and
mapped all API services
 Worked on UI model design with designers
 Worked on a Capitalone framework which is a UI and orchestration layer called churro framework
 Developed unit tested, ATDD tested the anugular components.
 Worked on chai mocha and protrator unit and end to end testing respectively.
 Worked with GIT repository and build automation using dockers and Jenkins CICD pipeline
 Created the workspace setup documents for bot backend and front end
 Worked on css, html, typescript angular 2 components, chia mocha testing, protrator ATDD e2e testing
 Worked on trouble shooting package.json, config.json, default.jspn on both feature set as well as
orchestration layer.
Starter-card Application: 04/2017 to 09/2017

 Implemented Startercard Services with AWS Lambda, EC2, Springboot

 Worked in complete Agile Environment
 Designed and developed the Database, JPA repository, rest API, Service Layer and JPA integration
 Implemented Test driven environment using ATDD, TDD process as part of the development
 Maven install, local amazon setup to use the AWS resources using tokens.
Configured springboot profiles using for dev, QA and prod environments and
implemented spring security using pom.xml
 Involved in integration of the Application using End to end process of the Full Stack.
 Maintain the Sources code with GIT and Build integration and Deployment using Jenkins. Configuring
Springboot in DEV, SIT, UAT and PROD environments
 application.
 Configured springboot profiles using for dev, QA and prod environments and
implemented spring security using pom.xml, application.yml
 Involved in integration of the Application using End to end process of the Full Stack.
 Maintain the Sources code with GIT and Build integration and Deployment using Jenkins. Configuring
Springboot in DEV, SIT, UAT and PROD environments

 Created deployment plans for all environments
 Writing angularJS javascript, html, services on single thread NodeJS container, developed restful
webservice using springboot. Used angular js Routing services for routing mechanism
 Debugging in chome using postman, watchers, scope, digest features.
 Developed and tested Freddie Mac JDK upgrades, Sybase upgrades, DB2 upgrades, Tomcat, apache,
Weblogic upgrades as part of Factory team.
 Design and implementation of Webservice end points.
 Modified and tested Autosys Jobs, creating new instances, in different environments and testing the
whole application using SFTP, SCP, firewall, tam configuration, migrating accounts
 Involved in Mac-vault and CyberArk migration implementation in Multifamily team.
 POC in spring boot microservices and spring aws


Anthem, Virginia Beach, VA July 2013-june2015

Java developer

Anthem provides different services to members, including , managing and securing members personal and
health related information, making required payments to medical Service providers(Doctors, Health Centers)
according to members insurance contract , to facilitate those critical responsibilities, Anthem has already
established a robust and reliable information management system with several teams and a ton of IT engineers
with many years’ experience. As part of this system I have participated and still participating in two core projects
and small minor enhancement projects.

Project 1: Pre-Authorization Fax Notification System

An automated information management system is an integrated management system which facilitates the data
flow between service providers and Anthem. With the help of this system physicians can easily request any
medical service for insured patients upon need, and when decision made, the system sends back a denial or
approval fax response asynchronously to them.

Responsibilities and Accomplishments

● Have written and designed System requirement documents for different component of the application
● Implemented Service Layer using POJO and Spring.
● Have used JUnit for unit testing
● Have designed a performance testing dashboard using HTML, JavaScript, SQL and Data Sources
● Have used different standard Java API’s including Java Mail
● Design and development of webservice soap, rest based api using JAXB maapings.
● Worked on Spring batch, Unix AutoSys configuration for batch extensively.

Project 2: Electronic Data Interchange Systems

The main purpose of this application is to maintain and manage the EDI based message exchange system
between Service providers, BCBST and other BCBS sister companies. This enables to effectively and securely
manage Patients Eligibility Benefit and Patients Claim Status .Even though this system existed for many years, I
have participated and still working in certain modifications, testing and maintaining of the application.
Activities and accomplishments
As member of this project, I have developed different supporting and testing utilities and involved in maintaining
different API’s of the system. Including
● Have understood and researched about HIPPAA compliant EDI system
● Designed and written different enhancement System Requirements Documents for existing console
applications and web applications
● Modified and maintained existing Jobs(console applications ) which process 270 eligibility benefit
requests, and 276 claim status requests, applied core Java and SQL
● Worked in Struts 2 based web tier to implement and fix existing functionality in UI layer..
● Utilized SOAP and REST services API to build Eligibility benefit data
● Used Hibernate to upgrade old java/jdbc system into ORM Entities

Technical Environment: Java 1.6, J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, Struts 2, SOAP UI, WAS, IBM RAD, IBM DB2, AIX, Git ,
Clear Tool, Clear Case.

Geico Insurance, Chantilly, VA

June 2012 - May 2013
Software Developer
Front End System for online order entry
Designed and built an application that is used by customer service representatives at their call centers to receive
order entries for products. The application provides functionalities to open, store, retrieve, cancel and close
orders when a customer calls over telephone for an order. The application is well integrated with “products”,
“distribution”, “shipping” and other related applications.
 Used CSS sparingly to improve UI.

 Used AJAX to add data to page without refreshing page.

 Used the Struts 1.3 logic, tiles, html and bean tags to structure and render JSP pages.

 Used JavaScript to validate user input and return errors whenever applicable.

 Used Hibernate 3.x as ORM tool for data access layer.

 Utilized Spring IOC to loosely couple java class through XML files.

 Utilized Oracle 10g XE data source on a WebLogic 11g Server, used WebLogic 11g Server web console
interface to configure data sources.

 Used ANT as a build tool to compile Java code, pack the code into an executable jar

 Used DOM to parse XML files and interpret their contents.

 Used Apache Subversion to check in code.

 Used Log4j to log to log files, so that they can be reviewed independently on runtime.

 Used Java Mail to send emails of orders.

HCL Technologies CLIENT USAA – San Antonio, TX (Oct. 09 to May 2012)

Websphere Consultant
Membership Service Representative Portal
Funds Transfer Management
Bill Payment Application
Message Broker

 Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle

 Used Agile Methodology, Scrum framework for the development of new and existing module.
Developed application business components using java
Used the Struts validation in the presentation layer
Developed user interface using JSP, JSP Tag libraries and Struts Tag Libraries
Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
Develop web application using Struts Framework.
Used Spring Framework for Dependency injection and integrated with the Struts Framework and
Implemented the Singleton design pattern
Worked on Relational databases & SQL programming, including database schema design and data
Created various tables required for the project in MY SQL database
Performed unit testing using JUnit and did code review.

 Technical Environment: : Java, J2EE, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap,
Eclipse, : IBM WebSphereV5.x, 6.x, JUnit, Agile, JSP, Servlets, Maven, Oracle, PL/SQL, JDBC,

BMJ SYSTEM CLIENT - MCLANE – Temple, TX (Oct. 2007 to Aug 2009)
Project: Distribution Management Services

Interacted with clients and business analysts and completed user stories on a Distribution Service
software. Extensive amount of algorithm development was performed using multiple data structures
namely Hashset, Treeset, Linked List and Hash Tables.
 Used JPA and JTA for database interaction.

 Wrote business logic while consulting with business analysts.

 Used JBOSS Server for deployment.

 Used ANT as a build tool to compile Java code, pack the code into an executable jar
 Used Web services WSDL and SOAP for getting credit card information from third party.
 Implemented various design patterns in the project such as MVC, Business Delegate, Data
Transfer Object, Data Access Object, Service Locator and Singleton.
 Used Hibernate extensively in data access layer to access and update information in the Oracle
10g database.
 Designed and developed various Oracle database Simple and Complex Queries, PL/SQL
procedures, Stored Procedures, Trigger and Functions.
 Used JAXB XML parser for data retrieval.
 Designed and Developed application using struts based MVC framework.
 Created tile definitions, struts-Config files, validation files and resource bundles using struts
 Used the Struts validation and Tiles Framework in the presentation layer.
 Identified action forms and action classes, based on struts framework, to handle pages.
 Performed unit testing using JUNIT framework and used Struts Test Cases for testing Action
 Used ANT scripts to build the application and deployed on JBOSS Server.
 Used SVN repositories to keep synchronized with the teams.
 Used log4j for logging.
 Used Java Mail to email clients financial statements.

Environments: Struts 1.x, JSP, Java Mail, Log4j, SVN, JPA, JTA, MySQL,JBOSS,ANT,

Senior Software Consultant, Citigroup –Harrison, NY. Oct 04 – Mar 06

Senior Developer Customer Profitability

 Developed Service API for different existing systems for automating the batch and update load process.
 Developed the entire GUI, Middleware, and backend Data access layers. Used Command, DAO, Façade,
Service Locator, Delegator patterns
 Developed the metadata process engine, application which contains struts action classes, Jsp’s, Servlets,
html, EJB’s

 Developed the Data access object layer for the clients with different databases
Configured Datasources, Servers, Deployed in 5.1 WAS app servers
 Apache’s log4J Framework is used as a logging mechanism.
 Developed and tested on WSAD 5.0
o Tested using Junit framework

Environment Oracle 11i, stored procedures, Toad 6.0, Webspehere Studio Application Developer 5.1, BEA Web
Logic Server , Apache Struts framework, XHTML, Junit.

Senior Software Consultant, CGS– Verizon Wireless, NJ. Apr 04 – Oct 04

Senior Developer for Self Provisioning and Self Serve Applications

 Team lead for a team of three.

Involved in Project Management, resource allocation, analysis and design for he above applications
 Developed Stateless, Message Driven bean using WSAD 5.1.1
 Using JMS Api created, configured queues using WSAD and Web sphere Application server 5.0 –5.1.
 Configured Datasources, JMS Queues, Deployed in 5.0, 5.1 WAS app servers
 Developed electric XML parsing for toXML and fromXML for the Event Notification.
 Developed Stateless, Stateful Session Beans WSAD 5.1.1.
 Developed Jsp’s, Servlets, Html pages
 Used WSAD Refactoring techniques namely extract Class, method, sub-class, Interface for selfServe
 Used distribution transaction Websphere App server capabilities for BMP’s and CMP’s
 Used WSAD Refactoring to extract methods, varables, constants
 Used WSAD Junit for unit testing .
 Worked on JMS messaging api to send receive objects from JMS queue manager in WSAD, WAS
 Part of the Job profile also involves, gathering Business Requirements, doing configuration management,
conducting User meetings to resolve and discuss any new feature requested by the User on an
 Rational Rose is used as a preferred tool to document class, sequence and collaboration diagrams.
 Apache’s log4J Framework is used as a logging mechanism.
 Test SIT, QA, STG using JUnit

Environment Oracle 9i, stored procedures, Toad 6.0, Webspehere Studio Application Developer 5.1, Websphere
Application Server 5.0, 5.1, Apache Struts framework, XHTML, Junit, Message Driven Beans, Stateless Session
Beans, WML, XML, Java Messaging Service, Apache log4j, Openwave 4.1.1, 5.1, 6.2.2

Senior Software Consultant, Citigroup, Rutherford, NJ. June 03– April 04
Senior Developer for Ultra High Speed DMA Monitoring Project, Geo Trader(Global Equities Trading Application

 Team lead for a team of two.

Involved in Project Management, resource allocation, analysis and design for he above applications.
 Developed C++, Java API for DMA Monitor.
 Developed, Deployed, Tested DMA trading application for monitoring customer orders, applications in
the flow through.
 DMA receives MQ, Socket heart beat messages from various applications(Ticketing, EDTS) and the DMA
GUI is updated with Customer Orders, Application, Server health accordingly. This is an invaluable tool
for Monitoring under a single suite
 Developed, Deployed, tested Geo Trader online equity trading application .
 Used distribution transaction BEA Weblogic App server capabilities for BMP’s and CMP’s
 Developed Event Notification package, socket programming, fail over and retry logic.
 Developed electric XML parsing for toXML and fromXML for the Event Notification.
 Developed Xerces C++ XML parsing for toXML and fromXML for the Event Notification.
 Development is done in single Eclipse platform, Coded all the api’s using Eclipse platform, used c++
plugin for development in c++, J2EE plugin for j2ee development, Sybase Jconnect plugin for PL/SQL and
SQL development,
 Deployment and testing in Persistence’s Power Tier.
 Developed Stateless, Stateful Session Beans using Eclipse platform 2.1.1.
 Worked on MQ messaging api to send receive objects from MQ queue manager
 Part of the Job profile also involves, gathering Business Requirements, doing configuration management,
conducting User meetings to resolve and discuss any new feature requested by the User on an
 Rational Rose is used as a preferred tool to document class, sequence and collaboration diagrams.
 Apache’s log4J Framework is used as a logging mechanism
 Test in QA, STG using Junit. Writing test cases, Test Plan Development

Environment: Rational Rose, UML, java, servlets, EJB, Eclipse 2.1.1, Junit, Sybase, stored procedures,
Jconnect,C++, Xerces XML for C++, Bea Weblogic 6.1, Electric XML for java

Senior Software Consultant, Mci Worldcom, Chantilly, VA. April 02 – June 03

Senior Developer of Consolidated Access Management & Enterprise Optimization (CAMEO).

 Developed Stateless, Stateful Session Beans and Entity Beans using WebSphere 4.0.
 Involved in CAMEO Database Design, modeling and architecture . Assisted in factoring out the
requirements .
 Interaction between Front-end Clients and Enterprise Beans is done by using Command Pattern.
 Developed a common API for Data Source manipulation, JNDI Lookups and an XML/XSLT style sheet
Report mechanism to generate Access Optimization Report, using Xerces1.2.2/xalan-j1.2.
 Extracted data from TCOMS , F&E, NETPRO files and loaded into CAMEO database using COBOL On MVS
 Worked on MQ messaging api to send receive objects from MQ queue manager

 Configured and Administered WebSphere Single Server Edition on development environment. Created
Data Sources, validated and deployed Ear files on Single Server edition.
 Developed DB/2 stored procedures, these procedures are called from java api using DB2 connect api
 Part of the Job profile also involves, gathering Business Requirements, doing configuration management,
conducting User meetings to resolve and discuss any new feature requested by the User on an
 Rational Rose is used as a preferred tool to document class, sequence and collaboration diagrams.
 log4J and JUnit Framework is used as a logging mechanism and for unit Testing respectively.
 Involved in manual testing of the above web Application using Junit.
 Maintained the bug list
 Involved in writing test plans, test logs, test scripts, static reports
 Involved in developing/writing test cases
 Maintaining the builds (Turn Over process)

Environment : JDK (1.1.x/1.2.2/1.3), J2EE (1.1/2.0), WebSphere 4.0, Orbix web3.1c/3.2c, IIS4.0,XML, XSLT, JSP,
Servlets, Oracle 7.x/8i,Visual cafe 2.5/3.0, MQ Series, Rational Rose.(J98), Junit DB2, DB2Connect 7.1, IBM
WSAD 4.0.3, XmlBooster, Win (NT/2000), Mainframe (ZOS).

Senior Software Developer, Mastech, Piscataway, NJ Feb 01 – Mar 02

Telcordia Technologies(SAIC) of Infrastructure Solutions Engineering(ISE).

 Involved in porting the Unitary Login Application to J2EE architecture on BEA Web Logic Server (5.0/ 6.0)
 Developed Stateless, Stateful Session Beans and Entity Beans (EJB's) for Business Objects and
 Used Bean Managed Persistence and Oracle Database for Entity Beans.
 Design and developed a Java RMI based Broadcast application to let user send broadcast messages to
Network Groups or talk one on one with other clients on the network. Client GUI is developed using Java
Swing and Broadcast server is developed using Java RMI and Registry.
 Design and Developed a Unitary Login Interface which uses Servlets on the View layer. Servlets contains
the business logic and JDBC is used to allow clients to login into the User Profile Database and
dynamically update the Web page according to the preferences set by the client.
 Developed interfaces after discussions with downstream products .
 Actively involved in the Detailed Design Flow Through Interfaces, Link Circuit Helper and Element
Management System.
 Developed business components LCH, EMS using Java1.3, JBuilder 4.0, XML,IBM MQ series and Oracle
 Developed some of the interfaces from the Legacy System such as NCON, TURKS, Service Level
Manager (SLM) using Cobol, DB/2 and populating the data into Common database.
 Involved in writing Test data drivers. These test drivers are for complex network data in CDB using
Cobol, DB/2, Java and Common database API.
 Wrote scripts for build using cron, awk, grep, find, Makefiles and other Unix utilities.
 Setup configuration and version control environment using win CVS.
 Worked with Technical Analysts in gathering requirements and documenting Technical Use Cases.

Environment : JDK (1.1.x/1.2.1), BEA Web Logic Server (5.0/ 6.0), RMI, JSP(1.0), Servlets, Swing, XML, XSLT,
Oracle 7.x, Hp-Unix 10.2, Solaris 2.7, Win NT4.0, Netscape Enterprise/Proxy Server, JRUN 2.3.2, JAXP
1.0.1.Cobol, DB/2, Visual Age 3.5

Software Developer, Mastech, client- EDS Dallas, TX Jan 2000 –Feb 2001

Integrated Billing System

 Involved in the design of tables of the Database in Oracle 7.0.
 Involved in designing the code modules using the customized Java classes in the middle layer.
 Designed and developed an Internet based billing application using Servlets as server side Java
 Involved in developing Server Side Java Servlet to capture the posted form data and further process it
on the Server side.
 Was responsible for developing and testing Wrapper classes which calls the underlying PL/SQL stored
 Involved in designing Client screens using JAVA-AWT, Applets and HTML
 Involved in client side scripting using Java Script.
 Designed dynamic SQL Queries and Stored Procedures which improves the performance of the site
Environment: Java, JDK, Applets, AWT, JDBC, Oracle and UNIX

Software Developer, Mastech, client- EDS Montgomery, AL Jan 97 –Aug 2000

Alabama State Medicaid System

 Involved in the Eligibility Module of Medicaid, which creates a detailed qualified programs list .
 Involved in the design and development of interfaces with external systems.
 Invloved in the Design and development of Child Support and Hospise Systems, this is developed using
Oracle C & Unix, the flat files from HP-UX exported to the MVS environment and the data is extracted,
populated into the DB/2 tables on MVS .
 Responsible for writing Database Triggers, Stored Procedures and Back end PL/SQL functions.
 Involved extensively in requirements meetings, held extensive discussions with the Systems Engineers
for the new enhancements.
 Involved in design, coding, testing of Claims Module for its new System enhancements .
 Involved in identifying test cases for unit and system testing

Environment : SQL, Oracle, Unix, DB/2, Cobol, Xpeditor, Jcl’s

Software Developer, HCL Technologies, Chennai, India dec 95 – Jan 97


 Involved in writing test cases and also unit testing several modules.
 Involved in the enhancements and maintenance in various modules of the application.
 Involved Design, coding, unit testing, module integration testing of the FMG module.
 Finance and General Ledger Module receives batch files on a daily, Nightly, weekly, monthly basis and
business rules are applied by FMG module and the DB2 tables are updated accordingly.
 The checks and Balances Module generates GL reports.
 Involved in the Design of the FMG module as per the requirements documents.
 As an offshore team member, the responsibilities include Preparation of Specification for the FMG
Environment : ES 9000, MVS, JCL, VS-COBOL II, DB2, COBOL-370, CICS, VSAM,SDFII

 Enterprise Java Bean Development using IBM’s WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
 Software Essentials : Design Patterns
 Building Distributed Applications with Java and CORBA.

Will be made available upon request.


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