Uttam D Professional Summary

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Uttam D

Professional Summary:
 Extensive 7 Years’ experience in Android Application development with Kotlin and Java Technologies.
 Experience in applying System Development Life Cycle SDLC for applications including Requirements Analysis,
Design, Development, Testing, Maintenance and Enhancements.
 Clear understanding of Android Application Development Life Cycle, Clear understanding of Agile Software
Development Methodologies.
 Solid understanding and expertise with MVVM architectural pattern, Functional Programming, Rx Java,
Dependency Injection Frameworks like Dagger2 and Android jetpack components like Live Data, Datastore,
CameraX, Navigation, Work Manager.
 Proficient in object-oriented design, data structures, problem solving, complexity analysis, and debugging .Well
versed with creating custom UI components, Memory Management, GPS and location based services, Data
Binding, View Binding, Android WebView, Bluetooth BLE, Bottom Sheet, Dialog Fragment, Shared Preferences,
Material Tabs, Navigation Drawer, Android Multidex etc.
 Proficiency in Kotlin Multiplatform, Kotlin Coroutines, suspended functions, Higher-Order Functions and
Lambdas ,Kotlin DSL.
 Strong C/C++ knowledge and Android NDK
 Expert in Multithreading , Looper , Handler, and Handler Thread Thread Pool Executor ,Runnable, Callable,
Future, Executor etc.
 Experience with the Android Material Design Interface Guidelines ,Android UI including Constraint layout,
custom views, Surface/canvas, Motion Layout and property Animations, Experiences in designing and
developing adaptive UI components, Constraint layout, Widget for Android phones, different versions of
Android, and how to deal with different screen sizes.
 Experiences in using database storage in Android like SQLite, Room, Realm, Sql-Cipher.
 Good experience in Object Oriented Design OOD , Analysis OOA and Programming OOP in past projects.

Technical Expertise

Methods Material Design, Agile/Scrum

IDEs Android Studio, Visual Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ

Bug Tracking DDMS tool, ADB, Leak Canary, Firebase Crash reporting, Crashlytics

Version Control JIRA, Jenkins, Git, SVN, GitHub, Bitbucket

Architecture & Design Patterns MVC, MVP, MVVM, Singleton, Dependency Injection, Builder,
Factory, Proxy, Command, Observer

Programming Java, C++, C#, SQL and Visual Basic, Object Oriented Programming

Database Firebase, MySQL, SQLite

Java Swing, Ajax Swing, GWT, C standard Library, MPL and MECL
Java & Android libraries, Ksoap2 library, Jersey Library, open source libraries, Google
Maps API, Volley, Junit, Google Places, Retrofit, Recycler View
Animator, Location Services, Floating Action Button, Google
Messaging, Schematic, REST, Bluetooth Low Energy,
Nine Old Androids, Job Schedule, Push Notifications, Espresso,
Google Play Services, Async Task, Intent Service, Handler, Handler
Threads, Loopers, Loaders

Custom android views classes and components, Android adapter

UI/UX views like Listview, Gridview and Gallery, Customized List views,
Gallery widgets

Fabric, Glide, Google Custom Search, Samsung SDK, Logger, Spork,

Third party Dagger, Mosh, Answers, RxJava, RxCache GSON, Robolectric,
EventBus, LeakCanary, VidEffects, Robotium

JavaScript, XML, JSON, GSON, SOAP, AJAX, Google API, Twitter API,
Webc& API FaceBook API, LinkedIN API, Payment APIs, PayPal API, various third-
party APIs.

 Bachelors of Science, Information Technology, Franklin University, Columbus OH

Engage Healthcare Business Services, Columbus, Ohio Jun 2021 – March
2022 Role: Android Developer

 Worked on the Android development team with Android developers, front-end designer, QA testers, and
worked closely with the Product Manager to ensure the product met requirements and vision.
 Developed the Android app in both Java and Kotlin using Android Studio.
 Participate in DAILY SCRUM to discuss the progress in the sprints.
 Following the lean agile methodologies.
 Developed unit test for testing specific functionality and logic.
 Worked on bug fixing as documented by QA team.
 Effectively communicated with business owners to explain limitations and provide feedback.
 Have used Webviews to load the Urls and implemented deeplinking.
 Proposed and took personal ownership of converting application architecture using the Model View View Model
(MVVM) architectural design pattern.
 Regularly interacted with client to get the requirements.
 Worked with Node.js on several projects and with Electronjs, have also created 1 page applications with
Javascript with React.

American Regent, Columbus Ohio Oct 2017 – Jun 2021

Role: Android Developer
 Implemented improvements in performance and maintainability through Android JetPack components.
 Proposed and took personal ownership of converting application architecture using the Model View View Model
(MVVM) architectural design pattern.
 Made use of various design patterns such as Singleton, Façade, Abstract Factory.
 Transitioned the Android code base from MVP to MVVM architectural pattern to better manage the different
functional modules and views.
 Managed consumption of RESTful Web Services with Retrofit and RxJava, managing back-end threading and also
parsing of JSON objects with Moshi.
 Worked in a Test-Driven Development environment using GitHub repository for version control and Bitrise.io for
continuous integration.
 Implemented Push Notifications through Firebase Cloud Messaging.
 Added JetPack Room over SQLite for a more robust database with data persistence.
 Added JetPack ViewModel - to manage UI related data in a lifecycle conscious way.
 Used JetPack Slices and Fragments in UI elements and composition.
 Managed Android background jobs using JetPack WorkManager.
 Followed Agile Scrum process with daily Scrum, Sprint meetings and I helped assign tasks and followed up on
backlog and issue tasks to make sure they were completed.
 Particpated in code reviews and mentored developers on Android best practices.
 Oversaw Android app testing and replaced older testing framework with Espresso automated testing.
 Worked with Node.js on several projects and with Electronjs, have also created 1 page applications with
Javascript with React.

Anthem, Virgina Beach July 2016 – Oct 2017

Android Developer
 Working on Developing applications in Facebook devices like Portal/Portal +, Mini Portal, Portal TV.
 Involved in Developing a Python triage tool called Doggy for triaging calling Applications on the Portal Devices.
 Extensively working on different stages of application development right from collecting their requirements -
with Team Members, providing guidelines for design, implementation that includes various stages in
development, code signing and release into the market.
 Work Closely with our Product and design teams to customize the Facebook Experience for the Android
 Involved in finding offending diffs[codes] by using Visual studio, Atom.
 Used Android Jetpack libraries, Data Binding, Job Schedulers.
 Implemented MVVM architecture for loosely coupled code and increase testability.
 Implemented Kotlin with Android content providers for implementing features like sending E-mails, SMS, etc.,
from the app and designed suitable GUI for these applications.
 Working experience with Unit testing with JUnit and Mockito. UI testing with Espresso.
 Proficiency in Java and Kotlin (must) languages to write clear, readable, and maintainable code.
 For knowledge sharing worked on a team with other departments within App development. Testing and
debugging on different devices of Android. Used GIT to maintain source code of an application.
 Also worked on WorkManager, Kotlin Flows, Coroutines
 Experience with Java and Python languages and related AOSP frameworks, Multi-Threading and memory
Management specific to mobile devices and with Caching mechanisms.
 · Involved in debugging the issues more on Calling feature and call stability runs.
 Used Kotlin in developing few modules in the application.
 Designed screens using MVVM Patttern for Various devices with various screen sizes.
 Implemented Kotlin for Android Extensions framework.
 Leveraged cutting edge technology like Kotlin, Android JetPack, Retrofit, Navigation, ViewModel, Room, Actions.
 Implementing Coroutines Kotlin API along with Observable objects from Android Jetpack library.
 Worked on Applications like Settings, Home and other 3rd party integration apps like Spotify, Pandora etc.
 Worked on Memory Leak issues and created QUIP document on how to work on these
 Worked on Dogfooding issues raised by Customers and solved.
 Involved in debugging the issues more on calling feature and Call Stability runs.
 Responsible for gathering the issues on call Stability runs, Hourly BVT, Daily BVT [Build Verification tests].
 Integrated memory efficient code in Google maps when there are a lot of subjects on the map.
 Created and used SQL Queries, Scripts and Stored Procedures for data validations.
 · Demonstrated use and knowledge of Unit testing with Junit and mock testing frameworks
 Proficient in creating test data for Business users, Personal users, Commercial users.

Maximus , Virigina. Apr 2015 - July 2016

Android developer
 Contributed to builds using Continuous Integration, to ensure that each subsequent build was stable
 Implemented the RESTful data consumption using Retrofit with an OKHttp, Retrofit Dagger client, a GSON
converter, and a custom interceptor.
 Involved in designing and creating complex and dynamic UI pages on Xamarin. PCL like iOS, Android and
windows tablet using C#.
 Worked on Entity Framework for performance gains via not constantly regenerating SQL.
 Extensive knowledge in React.js for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow,React Native concepts.
 Thorough understanding and expertise in MVC, Singleton, Delegation, Notification, Decoration, Director, Facade,
Adapter, MVVM design patterns.
 Assisted the team in developing the app in cross-platform using XamarinStudio with C# custom layouts and
 Had an Experience on OAuth2.0 implementation with Resource Owner Token2 and Refresh Token2 to keep user
logged In.
 Also Worked on OAuth2.0 implemntation on the client side with custom library
 Worked excessively on core Kotlin concepts like polymorphism, inheritance, serialization, synchronization and
exception handling.
 Used Rx Java in enhancing the level of abstraction around threading.
 For binding the data in the Mobile application used Rxjava.
 Web design and development, application development using Photoshop, HTML, JavaScript, and Angular JS.
 Efficiently consumed and managed RESTful web services with XML and JSON formats.
 Implement modules into node.js to integrate with designs and requirements.
 Experience with centralized version control system such as Subversion (SVN) and distributed version control
system such as Git.
 Completely designed and coded in Flash using OOPS concepts.
 Implemented event-based logger that searches for paired and available Bluetooth devices on Android and
ensured that itworks with other sensor loggers that runs concurrently.
 Create custom JavaScript’s to be injected into production sites with no impact on existing functionality.
 Involved in mobile testing using simulators, emulators, and actual android, iOS, and Blackberry devices.
 Strong experience in Android application development involving User Interface development, Notifications,
Content Provider, Intents, Services, and SQLite.
 Worked on testing the application using J UNIT testing framework.
 Refactored Android mobile app to implement MVP dagger clean-architectural design to improve loose coupling
of objects.
 Strong experience with Android Framework APIs such as Google Maps, Camera, Resource Manager, Fragments,
Location Manager, Notification Manager, Content Providers, Contact Manager, Telephony API and REST APIs.
 Worked extensively on various Testing platforms like Appium, and Espresso.
 Strong learning about Core Frameworks like Map Kit, Core Data, Core administrations, UIKit, Home Kit. Prowess
in MVC design architecture, Cocoa design patterns.
 Modified Bluetooth release package as response to design change requests.
 Implemented code to display all the folders in alphabetical order as well as to display all the files which are
present in the mobile.

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