BT23 Autopilot

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i. Flight Director Systems Functional tests:

a. Flight Director
• Provides pilots and/or autopilot with computed lateral & vertical steering
• To fly aircraft along a desired lateral & vertical flight path
• Like a pilot’s NAV tool box
• Presented on the lateral & vertical command bars (magenta) on ADI/EADI

b. Operational test of DFCS – Flight Director System (TASK 22-11-00-740-801)

i. Does a quick check of the serviceable condition of the DFCS
ii. Uses no external equipment
iii. Electrical power & hydraulic power – the only power sources
iv. Test from CDU
v. First test – check of FCC software PN
vi. Current Status Quick Test (ADIRU, A/T, DME, RA, LNAV, VOR)
vii. After Autopilot test, then proceed to FD
viii. Library Test Name
o Interactive
• MCP Pushbuttons
• MCP F/D switches
• MCP Speed select
• MCP Bank angle limit
• MCP Altitude select knob
o Surface
• Flaps

c. Functional test of DFCS – Flight Director System (TASK 22-11-00-740-802)

i. Does a check on all of the DFCS interfaces
ii. Ensure DFCS operates correctly
iii. Test: Flight control computer option pins test (program pins FCC)
iv. Test: BITE Library test

ii. Auto throttle systems experience and functional testing:

a. Typical auto throttle system components
i. General
• Computer-controlled electromechanical type designed
• To control the thrust of engine within specific engine design parameters
• Throttle position is controlled to maintain a specific value of thrust
• In terms of N1, EPR or target airspeed
• Operates from takeoff to go-around/touchdown
• A/T system controls engine thrust in response to mode requests from the flight
• Through DFCS MCP & flight compartment switches (control stand) & FMC
• Part of the FMS, includes DFCS, FMCS & ADIRU

ii. A/T System Components

• A/T servomotors
• Thrust lever angle (TLA) resolvers
• Gearboxes
• A/T brake assemblies
• A/T ARM switches & mode select switches on MCP
• Thrust lever takeoff/go-around switches
• Thrust lever A/T disconnect switches (no aural alerts when disengages)

b. Auto throttle operating limits and control

i. Operating Limits
• FMC calculates thrust N1 limits & N1 targets for each flight phase
• Data goes to DEUs & display limits on engine display
• DEU send targets to the EECs
• EECs calculate equivalent TRA (Thrust Lever Resolver Angle) targets to send to
A/T to set thrust
• FMC also sends N1 target directly to the A/T
• Takeoff, climb & max thrust go-around the FMC N1 targets same as N1 limits
• Reduced thrust climb & cruise operations FMC N1 targets less than N1 limits
• A/T uses ADIRU data, calculating throttle lever rate commands during changing
flight conditions
ii. Control
• A/T sends thrust rate commands to the ASM
• ASM uses this rate command to control the dc motor rotation
• ASM connects the output shaft to a gearbox & sends rate feedback to the A/T
• A/T system controls engine thrust in response to mode request from flight crew
through DFCS MCP & FMC
c. Auto throttle engage / disengage interlocks

• Located on control stand

• A/T disconnect switches (on the both handles)
• TO/GA switches (located on the stand)

d. Auto throttle basic modes

• Arm Mode
o No active mode selected
o Enable & ready to receive command

• Throttle Hold Mode

o During takeoff ground roll
o A/T removes power from ASMs, so A/T cannot move the T/L during
takeoff roll & initial climb out
• Retard Mode
o A/T moves the T/Ls to the aft stops
o Descent & Flare
o Descent occurs during descent from altitude
o Flare occurs during flare to landing
o Show RETARD on the FMA on PFD

• Go-Around Mode (RA less than 2000 feet)

o During approach, push TO/GA once, A/T give a reduced thrust go-
around command
o FMA shows GA
o During GA, push again switch second time, give a MAX thrust GA
command to FMC GA N1 limit
o From GA to N1

e. Auto throttle BITE

i. Op test: To do fast check of the system
ii. Use FMC CDU
iii. Select Maintenance page, then select A/T
iv. System test: Ensure system operates correctly
v. Use FMC CDU
vi. Test: Mode Annunciation, Disengage/Warning, Servo Motor, Torque

f. Auto throttle functional test

i. Same as BITE

iii. Automatic flight modes experience and functional testing:

a. Typical auto flight system components
i. MCP
ii. ASA
iii. Aural Warning Module
iv. PFD
v. FCC A & B
vi. Ailerons & Elevator actuators
vii. Stab Trim Electric actuators
viii. Rudder servo actuator
ix. Control Colum & CWS transducers
b. Typical auto flight control panel features

Modes of operation (Features)

A/P (Autopilot Engage Switch) B737 to engage the autopilot (Both Switches
illuminate when one is selected)
A/P DISENGAGE BAR (white bar) B737 Disengages the Autopilot and all of the AFDC’s
A/T ARM B737 arms the engine for autothrottle control
A/T or SPEED B737 Activate autothrottle
CLB CON, VNAV, FLCH, V/S, ALT HOLD, APP typical AFCS Vertical Mode
LNAV, HDG/TRK HOLD, LOC/APP typical AFCS Lateral Mode
IAS/MACH, HDG/TRK and V/S/FPA Switches control what is shown in the windows. Altitude
in feet is always displayed
F/D ON/OFF B737 selects display the Flight Director Bars on the
Primary Flight Display (PFD)
IAS Window and Select Knob B737 sets the Target Airspeed or Mach No for the
autothrottle when not in VNAV when the
window is blank
CLM CON 2 engines running autothrottle thrust reference
to Climb (CLM). With one (1) engine running to
maximum continuous (CON)
VNAV B737 Vertical Navigation Information from the FMC
L NAV B737 Lateral Navigation Information from the FMC
FLCH / LVL CHG B737 a target altitude (Flight Level) is set pressing the
FLCH Switch will move the aircraft to the new
set flight level
HDG Window and Select Knob B737 sets the target heading and the bank angle
selector to AUTO or from 5°to a maximum of 25°
HOLD / HDG SEL B737 will hold the Heading that the aircraft is
currently on.
V/S Window and Select Wheel B737 sets the Target Vertical Speed
V/S B737 Will hold the aircraft at the set target vertical
LOC B737 selection is a Localizer Only Approach
APP B737 selection will use both the Localizer and
Glideslope Signals are available

• Autopilot can also be controlled through CDU

• If the autopilot is disengaged automatically or by the aircrew it will produce an audio
and visual warning.
c. Automatic (AFCS) Flight Modes (typical) and their Annunciation Location (typical)

Typical Autopilot Modes of Operation

i. Heading & Altitude Modes with A/T Mode

a. Target heading
b. Target altitude
c. Target speed
d. HDG HOLD & ALT HOLD pressed, aircraft maneuver to bank & climb/descend to
obtain target HDG & ALT

ii. LNAV & VNAV Modes with A/T Mode

a. Use information from the AFCS, produced by FMC
b. Produce steering (LNAV) & Altitude (LNAV) for autopilot to control aircraft
c. Autothrottle maintaining the Target Speed

iii. Approach Mode (Captured Localizer) with A/T Mode

a. Selected as airport has the ILS (LOC&G/S) signal capability
b. Include DME
c. Aircraft approaches airport, HDG hold selected for the correct entry point of the
localizer beam
d. Localizer signal is captured, HDG mode is replaced by LOC mode
e. Allow autopilot to steer aircraft to the runway heading
f. If no ILS glideslope facility, LOC on MCP is selected

iv. Stability Augmentation systems experience and functional testing:

a. General Description of Rotorcraft Autopilot system
i. Inherently unstable & subjected to disturbance about its 3 axes
• Pitch – lateral
• Roll – longitudinal
• Yaw – Vertical
ii. AFCS 3 configurations
• Two-axis
o provides stabilization about Pitch & Roll using cyclic control only
• Three-axis
o Provides stabilization about Pitch, Roll & Yaw using cyclic &
pedal only
o Collective to Yaw crossfeed
o Yaw heading HOLD & Turn Coordination

• Four-axis
o Provides stabilization about Pitch, Roll & Yaw, plus stabilization
to Collective
o Collective function provides automatic vertical control
o Also limits collective position
o Prevent engine or main gear box from exceeding torque limit
• Collective Levers (Vertical movement)
o Control main rotor blades (Pitch Angle)
o Adjust pitch angle of all main rotor blades collectively
o Situated on Left hand side
• Cyclic sticks (Distinctive movement)
o Control main rotor head (Tilt Angle)
o Move FWD, AFT, Left & Right
o Mixer unit combined cyclic & collective inputs to produce one
common output
o Trim actuators (Pitch & Roll) allow trim to be applied when
• Anti-torque pedals (Directional control)
o Controls the tail rotor blades (Pitch Angle)
o Provides anti-torque force
o As well as variable force for yaw control
• Swash Plate
o Control rotor blade pitch angles
o Lower SP does not rotate & positioned by the servo actuators
via push-pull rods
o Upper SP rotates & control each of the main rotor blade pitch
angles depending on position of lower SP

b. Components of Autopilot and Flight Director inclusive of Control Panel, LRUs,

Switches and Displays
i. Flight Control Computer (FCC1 & FCC2)
ii. Stability & Control Augmentation System (SCAS) Smart Electro-
Mechanical Actuators (Yaw, Pitch & Roll) – Series
iii. Trim actuators (Pitch & Roll) – Parallel
iv. Yaw trim actuator – Parallel

SAS – provides corrective control v. Pedal restrictor solenoid

inputs vi. Push Button Annunciators & switches
ATT – retains the ATT when
selected c. Autopilot Modes of Operation
i. SCAS Mode – basic function of autopilot
CPL – allows selection of Outer ii. ATT Mode – provide pitch & roll attitude hold
Loop modes, coupling with FD
iii. COUPLED – flown with autopilot in the ATT mode. Lateral &/or vertical
HOV – assists HOV at low speeds flight director mode engaged
d. Flight Director Modes of Operation
e. Autopilot sensors’ location and description and type of input to Autopilot
i. Air Data
ii. NAV/Radios & DME
iii. Course
iv. Heading
v. Radio Altitude
vi. Vertical Gyro
vii. Compass Gyro
f. Series and Parallel Actuators description, location and function
i. Collective Trim actuator (Parallel)
o Provide spring force to maintain the collective system
control linkage in a certain position
o To relieve the pilots from strain holding collective control
o Installed under the floor on the copilot side, attached to
collective jackshaft assembly
ii. SCAS actuators (Lateral, Longitudinal & Directional) – (Series)
o Allow the directional control linkages to extend or retract
when SCAS function of the autopilot is engaged
o To correct helicopter’s attitude
o Located on the roof of the helicopter (Lateral &
o Located in the upper section of aft fuselage forward of tail
boom (Directional)

iii. Trim Actuators (Longitudinal, Lateral & Directional) – (Parallel)

o Longitudinal & Lateral trim actuator provide spring force to
maintain the cyclic control system linkage in a certain
o Autopilot engaged, both trim actuators will control the
helicopter’s direction & attitude depending on modes
o Control signals from FCC1&2 to keep helicopters in a specific
attitude & flight path
o Lateral trim actuator located right next to the pilot cyclic
control stick under the floor
o Longitudinal trim actuator located close to the pilot
collective control stick under the floor
o Directional trim actuator provides spring force to keep tail
rotor pedals in certain position
o Relieves pilot from the strain holding pedals in position
o Operation does not change when autopilot engaged or its
mode changed
o Located on the copilot side next to the copilot pedals

g. Autopilot warning, caution and advisory annunciation

h. Autopilot test
i. FCC – Auto-rigging
ii. FCC Operational Functional Test
iii. FCC1 Pilot Collective Grip switch checks
iv. FCC1 Pilot Cyclic Grip switch checks

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