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SN SAS r - Ss Pw FT We vtseseB GG GKDECKBAEM A Meuwitztaew (f.06.22 Applied Stahiates endo Variable: A rondo ae) L oR (om variate whieh— rem L! en otic the outcom2—? periment ore event. Jf ys. — esos which is detlenent Eee o thesbriel, expemirrcxl, orr “he event _jg_srepedited where varied oh _have- hte “Values which Canné=- know ta _advened..ratnes ied -dépeodt on_chanac, then the vamiable ig time] as Randont—— _veniable. The _comeep}—o}- chance ld wrxlated te the eam — Prebaboility ae variable [6 known a2 Bee amiable oP Chance veriab get uso. upper “Cane Gtoroy z__ete to eal eae veriablor. Jet _X be fi _yaenclom. serickla, 7 then il ams be wed _ the Allowing eee te © FO 70 inl _O =PrXy=4 Rua esl @lypes Akan vartobla_:. EMIS NANI O Catinsous revel “arichle A ~tndlom vanialle- -e ; ace (Rey Beanscinne ote eb —Rawe some isolated Valuer or — 9 the value, sa a a4 ove the speci fie nar ta va sey a aandlown psoia aoe QPdiserete acne eaaioblg A col cs oO courta rok a D ors © ( que ge - Slay SACO | 4 roy example : the tukeopan Nebey > « of, head» We rtuo ncdeaatilc| paacoebilaoy ola fee foe _coin EOncinsees Feordsm venlale- Peravelyr,. _ Vani abe whucle falien eR an _ uncountable Yuumbera of walucn ory The 5 within a ange ig celled a cartinuces yancenr— Variable. Tt Is —detir Over a— Q@mtinuowr samp b__spaces err Ceamyth-: beiphl_ Hr — & Thee Clase ond ae a venithh- AO OD OPBPVLLROL AM OemoBe Beanscsnne Cf faba Dictvar buon . Whe. sel fs oll p> te valtion edie aendanrd Seaasiuhla Liter wilde Ake are! d prokebilites scl called a froberbitity dicta bucleoue: Ltt x he a Randy ve-voriahle, whieh of jhe valuer% Xn wilh wes pective/ ahociated — rw bilities POV a, PQG)o25 Py) “ Such thet . Pa)20 Whew—j=4,,n.and_ ZPlx)-= 4 Therqhe probability clisiibatore is. written ar Fore example: Tf an ombined die bsse4 OMCe and —%—he—a—_ endo vacsighha Win Hite erobabitty dich batho, i¢ written as @iahebitity fretion, | Discuta|frelabht fonction [ Rrobedsil'*y Mary fenelion / Yo amelhemalical formula of Poobalalitv, of Polaoble Value of or dicnalo. random veniahle. ts athe (eoboblliy foretiorr + . Beanscsnne fee eli pen! aly vente vais eters : CPt Pe) 6 called a Sct Bhi wore, — flowing “alton i. EP) ze —B2pb)-4 —— [ne i weet sat 1c pre obebalit L __. TPELRAVIRH PAH RECARE & LER PEE 2 OR. 20.05.35. = : + : Joint Reabaliltg Disbysibohion P(A). _P@ne) ra) oint FrchabilittRefiniton let tH rand variable % har Hee ~velue Mw YU 2 Mn ste nll Craton Psi): b= 23 <5 We and anothery Pande Variable. ri her valusr Were yy res eae pepe) Ls Yen walla, al ray probobity frelon of Simed tr cane, Ocemuentc_ of x and 4 5 kenewn ar pint probability fone. ond dlencted by Play) Pore, bette Wee vnc verledrle_ % andy Lb on tha Fame Sample Space. Bronscamer 2 cee Pw 4) ba cont probebiliey Anétion, thon, @ P(%4) 2o @ H == ee —1 hee ne ate cescrele | | eeneles ler us an unbicned dye dhe and a fair Coin @re— | based tgethors / simullanceusly, Tren te Sample Space| is Die | Coin. 123 4 5 6 | ST H Hoth Wg He He Hy | TilrTe6e 4 ee Atorenatively Sia, H2 WHY He ye . a TL Tz, 13,74 75, T% : The- Gein probabil bretinais Y , a4 | AO) 5 Od Yrea a ong | Beanscsnne 3 Men, Wee joist Grobe bil detpbution. an be. eurablon2 QD fillows - | fe ft a 74 Wo 23 4 5/6 “ate Ms pas i. 3 YT | lee fk fae fe 2 2am | j } | i fe He] ee tse fie i | a Yeni ] Column te jtit jt] % a | | Tted J oben ta | | | Marginal frobabillty nation. Suppose, “Wa Set Prokobility fate, ae wal | dierate yendorn. variables % and. 4 6 | | Plo, qj), whee 6-12 -0.m, und freon | | then, | | The marginal probability fration oD Tr spondem Varichle w is Pb.) = Feet) Beanscinner be | alse, the. rrecginal probe me of the Pando venice is PLY) - = Plax, 45) Condit Fs Boe ae “zy - = Aly Fl MG)! Seppese. a joint prabablicy frelon of boo and me Variables r% and q & diven o: - + oe Fea) ph wean gens © oO. | Gee at Weston: vert snow ioe ft Poti fn Foes re = ply fretion is an fellows: | Plow) * oer Cee Bcanscamer Dru tak the piven fineton iso Fobst pcb — forction « @_ Find tee renginal. nts foation oS Vie Parr variable. I en 4 reg) = ES 5 = 6,12 =o1 Tren, He MPF of the pendem vartelsle Lo eRY Poy = r “f - j MAO yt Merl a a Stet 2 tie. mpl the Pando werialhe 4 ig Det 2 ee PLp= “Xe0 S ae 1 Se ty Wer Beanscinner venif ec lien 6 a pe the Valuer in the merpttnnl Prebble Ponchong = Py) Gun 3 fe ie = Poy = ee =3 | _veritied _ Seppoce te. Joireh Cet fnetion of tee dares, todo Variab[e w enep is Pls, BA ikele, it ¢ és) C= [253 594 2m ame the momaingl pre babii Cnatten of He two chisercl and Jrlag-. Pandem Vemiable re and f ae P (xi) and PCy) Ch Per pctioclay, Thon tre Somitinsl probaly fonetion of xe geen 4 "Uy is Plrel 4. iE ats &) cf I 45) Play? ea Giro eo CamScanner y | Wan, Hie. condhlional Peak bite foretiin_of gee | GS io = I fe | : PC, 4. | Pligg 4) - POs a) Geto | | Peay’ at fn cords, without replicerent Tha everts ate independert- the. probebilitey GE “apf two events ane independent , beth of tam | | happening togethers will leo “the mudlliplica hin p | shit d af | | of theiye, ipods Beanscinner Conatons fore conditional probability foretion « Fe sheold satis the fellowing” Condibiores Bg. OY) 20 6 (Gir) oo @® FF pla jy) - ¥ OS PAG) -1 ond 2, Pl ix) =4 a qiven Fram ple: Eoppese. Wie Sjont probability firsts tos srk ok sole ony be Play)- rl %=OL2 and gre @ find Whe. mronginal probability frestion. of 4p ond @ Find tre condinel probability of fretior. of * qnven- | @ Find -thie condita Probability fondion Py aver nw QB camscanner Beanscsnne on 10 |@— Slaton: Pau oat @O plyir . ae Foag - Ploy) | Neviffce ten, cation. Px ly Beanscsnne | 24.0622 Leclme 4 For independent ve als; P(2% 4) = PO) 4) P(ava) - PUPA) Plato) Prebebiting BiG Fonction él Feb bitty Mean lonetion 1 Mer Whe TH X is c& continuous pancdom veriablo » pabaelly oretioh {(~ @ of the Conttinsoes pandem vanisbfy vis called (robb lems Portion, iC i) Allows “We Fimving riding O f&) >0 hr all we and on Peovole Os {dphe- 4 J ramp: — ghow'thal foxy 3f (Pr03 adnep ig co. Probability density retixy and find “he velua 9/ flrs) Continuous Bronscamer =e 7 re enti OFS clean tral fey (219) > atl How ps © fr 2 R sucht Tht for arg sup A €K?- we have, ie = Sct oF peal Tombs Plorsy A) = SY fens Beg OE ren tie. foretisn Foy) a called the Spit Probably devoitey fonction. if Frey) Ie splat prskobills) cewait tondion, then o foryso fer hl & yy) ER and Ov fou) dedy=] Sy ERT -~o 4oR Beanscsnne 1 ¥ Show heel fey) « a oO I4 444 | OFKEl ant cyan 4 dRerwiga— ade AR2 fad! Soil rele bilite ra sity foret ioe | OLD fer day = P°S' GE sap ty bal Lee Peele Bronscamer fox | 3u%, 02% 2) fs : f ° otherwise prove. treat stnis is a probebility density dnéton. First condition: | TF is clears tha— £9= 32s 0 fare oZke) | Second. Condition: | = 3a. udu 13 7]! ae [4 | A Beanscinner 1G | Since fo fife f bain te Conditions Tic, | probabiltg aes fonction. | ‘ Mega Babel ty Es The. regina pyraiit, lens fonction of % is obtecned from ta pint Probl density Kineton 2%, Hin, , ~ 1% a) an fellows + lo te £09 Se = fw "y %) Sart 1%, 7d a 7 fonetion if (4,1 iu “ey | in othery words, rempinel oy | | density finetion of i Is ota by ite. “ng goin paebeshiliy density fonetti “Hin with Soa (al variable, execpt xj Beanscsnne (oar ey Bou | 2 | Toirr} Probably fonotion. Marainal Pacbecbility fonction oS 4 (in case of dicen QW= EE glega), e incase of continuous vattable_, MPF of « y ay “SS aceae) dz de dy mers OSS oeuades, Let flay) ‘ x eH on 02, 142. and Zz 0 otherwise a abe | Tha merminal pro bebilty density fonction of x ; is obtairud bay integrating Hie. zpint Prbability clemsity foretion with eespect ts 4, when ogre Beanscsnne Beanscsnne Tepoeted Nolu = cr Valua] 19 casumes of Central “Tendeney ip a. Random Veriahle. Mathematical Expectation i. “Ihe. centadl ~walua. of a prele billy, dialribution Expeeted value of a random. veriable_ let the. ppsnden soriablo heving n values NG, Oy My WK Theivo Connespondting— probabilition POs), P02), 8 Pn), Ton he epedtiel value. of The Pande Varitle Xi | defined by, E(x) = X/ PCD + % P(e) +o +-% Pn) = = Kj Poa) ist Suppose a die is tossed the wm fmt 2 3 4 8 at ee ee Pl») Gt ew Gale SG, Beanscsnne 20 Then, E00) 2 toX$t aed l jar p ieee be = (I 24310954) xZ = 2) 6 = S65 Covceteorstics Pole, ore Laws of Epcetction, Th 3 be a@ random variable O E@-¢ where @ is w Consiggt @—Elax) eae te @ F@x)= 2) @ ECs) = Ee) ta @OEC4- Fy-g ®e (ax+b) = aE (r) 1p © Fety = FWs EW) @Hf x and Y are indope relent BG D> Ebay, FO) > (E(xy> ey Beanscinner 2) Daheorertigl Aspecla will bo. here] Fon a Prebabilily devsily fration:’ of (a Parclom Neviablo x jig given Weal. Tox) ? Be! Of% 4lo Find EF (x) > TF foo is probity ia Imation of. random variable % then Ina epecled value is EQY= Sx fey dre fs E(x) Sf fog dre x lo 2 3 ay a ZI / 4a POR” = 150 g (0? - 7) CamScanner 22 | | Quedion: TT 4 : . . | iseelles ele it Pans a yaneedt deabrr con Cam Tk. Br pn oe pee dey If Vtg doespA Yan, he faces @ hese of Tk. ooo per cay. What ic his expectation if the probsbilivy op ree tn ls 0.05? E(x) == x P(x. = 5000 0.05 4 (~1000 ) 0.95 = 250- 950 = —700 (loss) LA question -marpho there whore a perifelio is giver and youll need to make @ decision Beanscsnne 23 [S106 22 TE x be a random vepiable with he, epectet waluo E(x) , ten tne variance of “a Jrvendom variable x 1¢ defined. bey. Vins (2)- (F)* Exempla xX =] 0 ; > Pix) = | +], E(x) = =x P(x) E(t). 2x7 Fle = oP reg 42 = 1S ow 2 Re ieee a eis oe QB camscanner 24 = 0.5 16 = ye N(x) = E(x?) a (a) [EW = + Example: 154 unbiased die are thrown finef He. mean and. ~eriance_ 6f the pear o Me oltre Members of the tap faces. | 2 | | | 3 a Mt 9b fue yu fae [es [ea eae | + 1 i i rer em 3 iar [32 | 33 (44/25) ae pee | aes | Be Les + | | | 5 |e lee |e ie 65 | £6 el Ga ae | co |e Se) late CamScanner 2s “Now, “Hie probeb ili cishwibution 1s x’ |. | | I, | 213 [als |clelelo |i. Wa |. t|/2/3)4 [8 ]€lela {o> Pie) = % | Be | 3¢ ie [ese [Bt 13¢ i ey Now, Mean ” =} Ts find tite ~erian 1 El) bE x A(x) be = 2% aCt2 Et ee yp py it % 36 CO LAR Tee — EG) 2x x> pix) ‘2 sh+zt hy gr 3k = 243; TB. S044 "3g t.. eRe ad Tem, VOI= FO) Eee ya Bcanscamer 26 Ty For «probity deity Keeton © Fa» Je fey dr x El) = for fegdy Ox) = E(x) ~(Ftx))> lenction Bomple: re. Probability chro of a pind ~wriable_y o is given oy fore! ue ocn ey Otherwise Find the meen ard Nerlance_. Sitio” Mean, 4, Elele Srefee =f. %X(2-2wWdu = fp! Gn-2)dy Z AY ye? 7! - [2 yo 2 2]! Beanscsnne 27 We know Vanjan ee, VX) = E(?) - (Elo) Newlnaras ou, FUD= fx fey dy, ~ if eiewdia = J (20-237) dr eae 12) Pd 3° F 4 pis QB camscanner 22 | let fo4) bea joint Prokecbility kasi, Loree yore of tke arden Sapiclbley et and (Q) be a Marginal Fake Poroft fretion d ‘ Then Conditional pdf of is aver $i foayy « Foe). to where % 4) = fay) JJ fen) che oy andl 3%) ~f tony ce | Frparion of vorionee: @ Ve =o @ vO) = ¥O9, Vwa)= V(X) [ote) =e YOO] @ Very - voor vOGy = VOY + vg) CB canscanner 29 ty Gveriones | Cov(as 4) = £6 Ely) F) *(y) OF - 06 - 2022 letice 7 Binomial Dist butiy. A pred distnibetin dasonlbe, to. leehavior veh o Péndom Vorichla> Me wandyn ortabla— anrocited wit THese exeeniments have @ grr “ype oF probability distmibution- Se i Cam BC represented hn te sila fomila. These Tyee of sigh Crmale about “te behavior fa rand. venibb 16 denown ae Probability dist brtion - “Me protablliy dimibution. “of a discndl render, ariahle ‘thet anison from. some Stabicting ’ expeniment & known @ disercle Pobabiilty dlistribution- Beanscsnne 2D 30 The oh Wrote ane diserele probabilice cliseibulions I: Binomiad Distribution 2: fission Didn'bytion QB. Neral Dste bution. Berreoll Berra Frial When inte tials of a encom expenimat. each Friel is inckpordent amd in ‘esch umber af possible outcome are dlichotemas (on tuo) , then the rials are called Berrudi; tpigl. Let; p deneta “the Pree lity of Secess, “thay q cenele the Preba bly of fedure, i piq= 2 and Poi-q qrir CO) Tode - events Requirements 6 Beypulli_ © “Wie osteemas h Teich a Bcanscamer 2) The probability Ametin af Boni’ variahe 7% can be uyalln a e+ P= pear; 1 -0,) 0, otherwise whew 7 q=1 and p= prokebllily of sucess Biromiol “Vial and Bnamvial Didnibitin. Binomial Funetion. Disdebstion Is the extension. of the Bepnall trig ; f Binermint Tha Pander exparrment where Hee number of “Tricks is finite. General mumbo of rid 122°. A binomial experiment Sheld. have The Hsing? Proportion; @ tha expenimey! — Conmriste, Sn Pepeated trl hit @) “he rick is independ of each other Beanscsnne ray), HORI BE [ Gi) he pre of Svecony on flee eran eonstart from tek te tial Binomial Distr’ bution. , Sad A dice. random variable 7 is neette have a binomial distribtion. if ite Probably fnetion is caer a, % gre W=0,1,2, Me" Where, qe FP, Ww is the uembor of Hh.) pis proboblity of suceery 04 rel hey 4, ¢ Ci =4 2 ,= Cnn Mean, Varienes, and Standard Pevinlion of a Bineigh a Distr boltore- Let Beanscsnne v let, ye be @ binomial anita wilh porcnmeler mn and r. “tren, “Ine probebility Sordin, nr % 5 wah PO) = "Cae px qr and, $= 1-P Now (Mean, E(x) - 2 Hee CY Trpertevrt] “1 MPO) = 0: Ppp! PUL) 2P(2)4 3°) « 2 GPA ba PAA 4 MC, PMG? nO) ory ny (n-2 sa eae, 33 pgns., + nen Nn) p%qn2 4 Oe) p74 n-2 t -¢ner mes Ty @-) Pw"? for) p2qn> oy png PERE. BY =npq™'4 = rpg! y [Motes Grby” + any nap, mows 2) Fp = om Te Gey) ah Pp 4 Crabb 9 py Grp. Bronscamer ak = ap é G+ my = YPy PHI =I =e Nerionees v(x) = E0)— (F(e))> = E (#4) +4) ~ Gp = E(x (-)) FE(x) — npr = E (xl) + np-n%e- Now (= }OLW, F (x1) iu aaa vel yn "C,. r* qn x=0 = Ofo+t2,™ qn ape qe 5 37 2RaP FL reeayer V1) P" ae 7 . np np eo CamScanner 5 Gt) M2 amr dt 2) Qed en Vexj= E(O) +np= pr 2) Narianec of Binornial Dietrrbetie j = TS pM + np- n*G7 = "pj time, frrmta Beanscsnne ab OF. 06. 22- .* For ex .binemial distribation. of a birernigl wornte 2% lend We Poramdters n and P | | frobability frmetisn poy = "Cue PV™ ; Bx Olan | ; i | a Man, Us mp pone | 2, Vomiomes VO) = nq, stendard devishion, 8 =>] 099 | 4. Co-eflicicnet- of skewnacs] p - Ue le. Comment, if “y) a @ B-o, “thin the didi bution is Symmetric. @ Bo, then the distribution is ersiteely dead | (i) @ <0, thon ‘the dictmbotion is regatoely chewed | TCe-efliciertt of skewness kurtlosts, Rr 34 an Comment if, | O B-3, therthe distribrlion 1s Mesolartic. | © B 0>3, then the dismibationig — leptileurtic D E63, Then tre demibition is place konto Beanscsnne oie Ke peabsbiliy thak o. Bab all fal belpe- 400 hoor ig 0.2 Bulbs fel aaitte Th 1G bbs ana Liability « Prowin + Cetiger sokd fer Whe lagi what is the probability tha ‘tha rumba of Sailurey hofere 400 hoor coos exred 3 Peo2, Q= 1-02) neice - 08 Fx 2 3)> "CP* 9 We Be pe be pig tt, So pr!2, I = =o, Pais le 9 't4"%, p7q'?, Meyer B= 1x1 x99 4S 0-2 xO 9)14 1056-2 %Eo)!4 466, Oud%ér 0.6482 Beanscinner Preriovom 7 FE 38 —— - fT |4.06.22 a, wo @Mliosiretin. 33° Guprq Are irtinenee sabespepson, 306 polcin 6 Smen MW of Wem are at identicnl aie and in the Same a reall. Aesording te Ha. Aetvarial table, The fealty. teat man of thus forticalan ge ull be olive fn 30 yeems ig 3. Fined the Probability [ia im BO years. 3 | @ All five men | @ Al bat: Bron. i 6) Altateck Vrnenr willbe olin Oey eer andes = Ix B)5(L? = 0.1347 Beanscsnne a) @® Pweg lads be =a) rebe9 @ P (wel) = % EPO, EGU +%5-GPGy £0 £0. BL 245 + 343% Sap (2% Wyte i, (Ae au we , go y £2 + —— ey + Et ae P nT a A it a) = vO 2 0.29959 > cA x GC (( 243) ye 29 Cionn))) Beanscsnne Lyd 16.0622 Bission DiBteibation A binomial dictoi bation wll bo< eanvertid te Po'scign. distribation if w is weg lenge. number (ie, 2 o9) and pratabilsy of success, P is vou lows , Let; 1c be a diserste. Vendor variable, ther the Poiscion dismibstion of te Yrandoy Nemiable is defined an Q “me here, Bs Po) =e" m wen, FE OL2, a) oe 7m! mis he rrcen value of yy | deinibulon. | mn Called ay Peremetery nee, se 2: 7, ach 4 ' 31 4I all Lies [ i 1 / tr t+ CA sq7— Hh @ ' = -h lero 720 = ortesSha- 7p aor -T | = Brinct, | Damete, Abdel Azic Dd fission variate. A-vandom ~eriable- X 15 Called & poission Nomicelg - if ite ari frostion s gen: by Play Sant Mean and Nerionce of o fRiesionr Distributions We bnew tie Knetion of Riccio didnibation |g | Play = 2" nee ‘I “aM, 2 HP Mean, E(x) « B ¥ PH) ey Sm “=e a] Bebe % -“m ' = ake fe en ap 2: ellen | =. 2m i 2! ier ae = Fem t eEM mr, EMM? , 2 e-Mm mm, Mm | m3 fu Hi 2a) san % oe = Om. me = m Beanscsnne At Ne Newiere, NO)= E(x) - (6e))> = E( ube) ta) =m “Ed =m " E bebe0) 4EQ)- mm f « E(*O)) gm Now, oe EteLei= SO rCry POO Kao |. ON 3 em, 2 - = D0F042, Sp ae $49 2 mt . 4 x = em 4 @ 2 em 4 2! Be oe = em a aig ee m3 2) +34 a) Bronscamer yw EB (x01) ¢m-mo = ww him 8 Beanscsnne (F. 06.22 fay Whee ane Pee ameemyations of a poission Alsieibition? | Goerton: | A -wernufactuvros whe produces medicine battler, | fody twat 0-1 porcorl of Te battler ara | fective. “WRe bottler one packed! in boven cuetasning Soo bottler. “OA dng ‘ninguna deans bottle buns }00 boxer from tre ari amatneifactingr., Veing poission distal bolion. Find how many” boxer will contain: @ No chfeatives @ Atleadt fess okfectiver QB camscanner as | Arp: How, the prohobility af defective boltler, P= ory. = 0.00} Newbero of boitle? iin borer e n= 500 Number of boxer, Al = 100 Sines, = 00730 [ustifiotion of poicsion ciclo be So, we are vse poission distpibotion to Solve “Hic | problem. Let x densa ‘Tha number of fotler whieh ig a poission wanicte: | “Then, P(x) - ee | mt ML 1 3 H= O12, + Oe Now, “Ihe parameter, 5 _ np = 500%0.00] = 0.5 Then, We probability fnction, e-°5( J os P(x) = Bt 5. kenny, Beanscsnne yao re! nie | L > aes} 4 > ow G-0 | © No defectives je, ~=0, “then | | Ple)= 2°" (0.5)° ol - 0. 6065 Wie expected ywerber= af bores, Np (x=0) = 100% 0.6066 = 6065 @M leot tuo dekeliven, ie, P(~z 2) P(%22)- Pl) + P(>)4 PLAY». I- £ Ploy Py} = |- t 0. 60 664- 8.2093 = 0.0902 he expected number of boxeer hravinay cf leent— two dfectiven » Nop (%=0) = 1004 0.09 03 2? (eax!) Beanscsnne fs | Example: The Pacbebiliy thet a person suffewr froma speeifie ciseme ig 664 0.003 or 0.37. Let x be | te number of persons whe sffer fron “the. diseaso. | Ja a saample of 500 palienls , find tip prsbybiy | “thal (D No one is surg , P(x=0) | (Ak amost 2 ic colt be(x £2) At leot A is sehlering, | | () P(22%44) Solution: ——— P(r24) Hexe, P= 0.003 y= 500 ci . . then; Sinee, yy _ 500> 30, Prission dish batten. Should be used heme | Patomelor wm = ap = 500 # 6.00% =z 18 Beanscsnne pd sil : P(x) - e 0 sy% sae jb M2 OLY, ow Tw ple) = ot? (re) ol = 6.223) oO pes 42) = Pl«=0) + (x=1) - P(x-2) =) 9.2231 + 0.3 D474 40.2510 = 0. 8083 pPlx>3)= t{(Ple)+P()4 Pe)3 ~ J- 0- 8087 a O19I2— wy P (22% 24) = PA) + ALB)+ P(4) = 0.25104 91255 40.043) = 90-4236 Beanscsnne wer 4? plbchee Normal Dishaibution Tf the namben of trials Gn) is Ney lage, Le, nz 00 | and te Probabiltiy of success and fatlna ano | appronimaely equal of a binomial experimer!, “Ham re binomial variate tend> fo normel. variate. fh yormal variate is a conlinoous random ~Neaniate. A emiinovs ppandem Vanicle is said to ho normal vaniede if te probability density Kineton is Urn -4 (22% me m ete Ji -wex 200 I too ~ oe Normal Dishaibution = ee A eortinuove ‘random venicblo % is sad ts have \ sonmal didnibution if its two parameter and » itthaa Prokedatity dervily function on follows. Beanscsnne where, KB = yearn qr= B-lAle e = 2-4 828 ete. Cordilions of a dalmbution fo be normal: = Ss @ Number of tric Gn) is very lonee , , Le, > oe @ Probability af ‘Sbeedss ‘and Yorlere. OPP tore | equal, Ge, Pxy Ten Lim nae P49 Plo) = Normal disheibetion, Beanscsnne @ e9 lege @ n23o0 nee fie diserate Fagor 68.24 Ur20= 95.46% “fee BO = 29-737 e,. Normal Dishabation. =a, O % is Continuous ’ fot @ Pag N- > co GD wis disercto_ Ha Th Graphicel axpresentation of fox) = they Unlerown Rrermctes. is culled Conclaal Ramer Tr cme of rormal distribution SS Se Dr YH f-1 v=4 Wen, 68277 ligy betueer, 62x21 Bcanscamer gL Reoperstien of Normal. Dishibition Curve (@ Bell shaped and Symmetric. about. fe @ Skewnese Puzo Gi) The values of mean, ynedian , and mode. are equal T= Me = M, O We area under “he vor curve represent tie pre portion fequercies 4 @ Te wwe extend, to infinity on eiWWers sido of Tie mean 1D Te preperstions of ance ee Hing between org fit20, ond F430 are 6.277, 25.48%, and 99-43% “respeelively il Beanscsnne Cheraetinistion of Normal -dlister bation O “the tetal area under the ewe fo 1 | Tre eunve of a rowel dsmibvton is bell shaped and symmetrical abot Tree ordinds = oft Ac tz value of ~ increares sasonail foxy deerecre veep after point um He @ Ve Maximum ordinal? Isat x= ft and bay bie Yo D Bitte of inkxion Ve O9ei distanat rom tha sneay, @ “Wie onithynetia mean, Median ang nog, é | a nevmal disheibition Coineide at a pointy 1) AN odd meme moments choot meay, | (os carlineh Ynoments, ane emp ond: | B-9; P2=3 Beanscsnne ON ep GD Lincars combinalion ‘of vormal ‘variates Is also a normal variate. ix) The ume extend, to tne on eile side of the. xrean @ Area Preperrty PA-cex 2 tis). 0. be2y P(H-20 4% 2 Et 20) = 0.9546 Pl Bare nef +39) =0 3973 For Slamdayed' normal. vaniate, where, dine, SEB, pay te 7 6 P(-1.9¢ 42 £1%) 0.95 G) p(-2582 @ £2.59) - 0.99 Bcanscamer eo % Th Slamdorel Nommal- Venials are Slamelored Rerimal_ Distai bution » lero be a random vaniale hestng rope distribution with mean # ae Tren tthe Variable z= t is) Called a. Stamdord Yonmal veriale and. @nd Namience, gz ite distribstoy ig known a2 Stemdard vovmal distaibation. Th 2 ko any Standard yormal Variate~ ten tts probability clemily felon is tart ep an, [ -$ 22 i {@- ova q j. TP 4E L090 Beanscinner 5b ese Cox fondiitions) @iiwhat ane te amepPiions of poission distribationa | Dtissed te lectnes hone whieh will ho. covered in the net | Sections after Tedages class. 23.06.22 Stondard Normal Distribstion, loq_8 Low B= _e8 3 | Ge? la g I = Ge 0° Ing B 10 x Ht ve Gher vaniate— @ 2= Beanscsnne Br Hie given variate we Mean, E(uj= fe ond vorianeo , V(x) = 7% lel @ be the Slander normal erik, then a. me or thy wean for Standard norma veniate, E(2) = EG) “FEO - Ze) El] aft -#} ~ —_1*e = = Oo + B(z) =o Beanscsnne 5® ] ; | Variance, It vlad 10) | aii v(=*) (arts) = av (x) ? | | - (= v0) | ae oe | il Ge = 1 Brarple tke Taft of Goo Stidertts are vorrmally dicim'boted ite “tre mean 62 inches, rd Standard clevlin Binehes. @ How yrany Stodenb, hance — helg’et- icon Pan F2 inches @ at katt 66 inches | Beanscsnne % ea Nene, anny Now, “the vers Bconscamer Pore Nw, ples 1.9333) Foor te toble- of veo! dictaibution, "" 0.5 - P(e= 1-333) Peyam 0. 40¢2 " 0-5-0: 4e2 v 0, 0918 Expected umber of student , NP (2.1.23) = 300k 0.0918 = 28 persory @® Nw 2. S568 3 s-4 Since, “265, So, B2z-1 Now P(z>-1)- P12 7 <9) 4 Plo, ; ; 3%) 0. 2413 40.5 = 08413 Then, expected number of Students , NP( 2>-))= Boo #094)3 = 252 pemons Beanscinner x‘ £\ "BP 06. 22 Trdene Numbers Ara index vwemboye Con he defined a1 a wlitive wreasue— sceibin We cuereies changes in any” gent over time: Im others word, an index numbore greenurey WWE chong value af prieos » quertiities er overs a period of tine, ine pelilon fe ib, viluer ak come fred point in ime Celle A bene perio! ee fide rumba = Auererct rind Value Ads ° bere period value A@ortity Index: A queertity index yreaswte the ae Chee ie quent kenel of * prow ore bonket- of iteams Comumed ox Prduecd Such as aamicuttaral on industriel production import and eepepprt-, betiueon bee time period - Beanscsnne ab Ole Sworn 7 [a Value Seder: A vale index meanes He nelotive change in tated rmondary worth of on item. Such 07 inverterien, Sales, or fooeyre Trade batueon tne. Cumert and base poniod . Tha. value Ff an itom is delormined be lpg its unit” pica by lee the quantity wre considerate. fea Onevepphted Piao Tidex : OSeale- friee Tndese: A sihe. unwewhtid price index num bop reasune, he Pee carclage, change. in prieo fear o-single iting, Single pric index jra period py fan fas tere, (2 i the price por unit of an 4 bie m iB iq Te Wien orig the Puce pers anit of’ em Hom jn the Beanscsnne \ @ 7 - leo ji =R @ Myregel Price index — 160 whew, . ‘ Fe Unit price of Cavraned in tha, eurent- Period oF inrtorecf— Re in he howe years Excomple: Unit Rico Gomomodity ach 2020 © 2022 Mille (1 Litee) 60 So qr (1 dozen) 20 us Botter(1e4 ) G00 ooo fread (50° an qo loo index TEP Gleutete. The Simple Giguere price for 2022 using toro 02 bene. yeaa Ry = 126.96 Bronscamer f A , as vera Prion Indew iz, a f dio n Grmmodit £ ——| ae t. mile é fy ° Buea Brn . : es 5 oe Bconscamer Expensen on Food Pert oy Faeroe Migetllanzoua, y Aegegae Elle index, P, =e 65 Paice in. Paice inp act oe . Pe L Yoo 2,000 . rug ovo 1200 Iam 900 00 , [285 4100 Foo 1250 —be — eee Zp = 3900 Zl- 440 | rede zie Pe - # 100 ZR = y.94 Arerase. of price index, fev Beanscinner 66 30. 062 Wejted Tredex Wumbers: Q Lespyners rt taba et Method : ZR ¥ loo Lespyrers frieo Indore = = % Let P; he the price inte ewment period 4 [6 Te quarter Corriumey be ty Tie eusnertt period P, iothe priee » bane Period 0% is ne quertiity consumed in the baie. ferivd, | @ Freche French's. Tide . ZS | ZRY, @ Der bish. and Powtorps Price. Indore = = | aft 1 =x RG . | 2 et Sh *” an ERG, loo Bronscamer | (&) Fishers acal Price’ In 4 @ Morshral Fdunvth Price “Tndew = Zt) f _ Eeemple: — Gmpute tee Fie Alain tobe dex = $F Zi % 2 ZA Za =p% * | SS = Gah % 100 Aecoyn cin tc the Alowing table Compote all of the_ Gloowe priee index: Bare Period Gornmedity P do 4 Conent Revie Ried foe f 4 4 320 Ibo 6s eae 500 So 1S #50 600 20 25 4oo oo ZA 4 = RD = 20F0 = 1660 Beanscsnne 68 = 124, 7 ©) Prasehes Index. ZA =r 4 #loo Zhe x9 Sn! Seg =e | im | _ Ray lang | —S = @ Powhos — Dovbish Fndex= $f | 2 # We i = 123-26 QW) Fehers Index = ]eteme — = 123. 24) Beanscsnne | | | | Mid | @ Trtreduction ia “Waomy @ Patex Gladior rthed © Analysts ( At leet 50 QD Gnelosion de Poses) 3p 7 eS Rrsduct 15 Spece, Then Nlaew Romeag Beanscinner | 05.09.32 Vglaa. Tock =Ry Ve Zhh Saag * | Th ti values aw given okineclty, ~then “Wie valuo index (pw bers is qrer be i ; | = Ne, Where J, Valuan af be. yours Ma aluwn ecb concert pre | Example : 2000 20g Comerodity Pree Tenet Paice soy A 2 TH 4 25 i lai 4 Ido | é 7 4o 6 33 ia i in 16 60 Ee 12 Fo 1 | —> Find value index Beanscsnne 7 Here, =P d= 2649 =P4,- 2209 11, = 2392 3049 Thine L N= es LNT Problem with, “tne values Zhi bt she. yslem yeenans = _3049 weap * 10° tee Same! = 164 Beanscsnne Sacmplin | | The process of Selecting a sample from o- | poprlation Is called sempling: Chapter 1. of Guplirs Book | | Boyz. “7 Geep oP somplng” and Consus \> Adveatagen consus meliod ? toy seomplng is needled (> Diseuss The principles ft Sampling. = Dilfereet Tp of Sonping eae Mair menity land domerils ls trator rere [Diy ‘ha adventagey ang ivrtalaony of” Sampling | oS ane er semelng Prey) > Central limit Ahzorem 1 Beanscsnne RMN M | Central Linitr Ticomern (Comets) | @ Pisteibution of Rpvlation. @ Distribulion of Scample- | a fopolation Pemametsn Jer, ge Semple Sidlictie £ vn Bcanscamer qs = 2 = Go, oF Yn, arn u-e Z= -o _. Ge) C49 Ox me 44 : | Somptog distri bution of the difference: between | Beanscsnne TS se Tivstrrection: 10 ; A Fi = 1400 gr = 200 ® E= Pl200 Or= Joo Sample. N= A= 126 Solution: —— 2 a Ete = |, 400 —1,200 = 200 Je G Sig Fe * 1 r ms oS { (oo) if Goo)? = N 126 125 = 20 Hens, ee Gir®)- CH-1) amg A) Oma 160 - zoo = Ze = HRs Beanscsnne & P(zz = me : 7 re = P( 242 29) plosacey 04742 +0°5 0.9442 2. GA- G4) Ona Ty 7 " _Bo0 - 2.00 2o a CamScanner #4 21.07.22 # Sampling dismribstion of properton : oO v= ft = wn & Batra discussion To? og Ue naw, # ye i nh, n a whee w80n, te, and stoncland devichion 3 by, are gir Fe=™ , and op = len) n Hien, P-11 2= oq Breonsiames 49 Gupte 82 Tiustpalion 9 Solution: T0038, oo Sy ee and, Tp = mon) _ 0-03(0-97) aa Boo ! = 0. 009g 0:02-6.0% ~ 0-009F, = hoe when p= 0-036 2, . for op 0035-003 - 0098 Then, : P(e 42 4 B2)= P(-lsez Bz 0-5) = 0.54] Beanscinner 79 | Henee, “the Peedi hc ‘the proportion delecine- will be hetueen 0.02 and hese i gen by Bay Thustpection 5: when , 8 Whe “tality 's brown, S d= ool mated when, unlenown 9 Aen ust Tits adjustment ao oe p= 4 Wer) @X.._ 60,000 | Pet se etree ee Joo, 000 0: 04899 x Ate 22FOy soc = 0:0489 p71 05-06 Op 00489 = -2- 045 Beanscsnne So ple -2z- 2-01) = 9. A4493405 : — 0.9493 Sampling chisteibution of the dfferec of tin preportions v spe wean ond Standard abvichon cf the dishribotir, is Hen- Te- he = 01 Obs = 0-05 Ne Z oe o1U-or 05 (1-00 2a) + 0:06 (1-05) ae Bow = 0-022@ (p-#.)- rm) Te. oor — 0:05 = oS = HI SIS 0°0228 QB camscanner | Tisinetion 6 Ht tects . Pee h32)= 05-0: 4066 = 0.0934 op CO New Chapion l # Chop H PL tee teed Estimator of Prarrctors Rramstorg Sample. Stetttion | poe em a um popotahion Srdisian Rent Ftrnabion Estivmalion Titeeval Fatimadion £ fnoperstion cha bod Estimator (Read reurseif) Beanscsnne 4 S10 12 b+ SE OHE iA 3k = x = | oy arbese = tetel aHernghives Ln, [= ote Ce] rez Taken etatibe => Hah > “2-9 > G7 > %=9 > Xs =lo 27% an a BAG PHP AG = s 6 et Bea 8 6 Beanscsnne With. replacement G6 C8 G, lo GID o& 2[o= an Wie obit el cull Ire ongantee tee dewiatiore ts lens. How much ters is determined by ahviding te uate In Beanscinner Qrlidenee Level For £57. Dor o5y 28 ze value aor 127 baa 164 roe 2 33 2 68 84 Beanscsnne gs [23.07.22 @ P(4H -196 og 224 E41960E 20.95 @ P (Hi zseog 2 za ps2 Seog =0.99 “The ruemborg 2-19 2.59 ele. ane called Confidence Co-efizients ax enitizal values, [The procedure in interval estimaltin. ano @ choose purticulors slectiction (_Meon, Variance, S/n) fir confidence level ( 95, 99, os 98 x) | | —@& Decide |® Fae Slandard enyory H The confidence livmii- ofa unknown mean is Mt Zea (ie T-z.% | x ( nt, 42.0%) | Here. e- On h | ° 2% is Hie lowere. binjf> | “+ ZT js tie lower lini Beanscsnne 8b ee ee of pepulabin mean | TH Cnfidenee love) | O 4a a © eae of, = ’ | 7 om rao >for faite N Tlustration 9 Hew, w= 0499 n joo + \ J: i='0.005 “Then, de 2 oo ee = 0.0005 An Gnfidence leve| =997 “Then, 2. =2.64P0r 2.59 hon, Hie con fideneo. NWlervel is A Se = O42 5D, jeu / = 0.4964 to 0.499q Beanscinner Liwsteation. ‘ \y ‘ at Here, 100 N= 500 i = 7450 th J =|50 CL = 98+ a Men ae intvaval 's Rt te FE Ney _ . 150 5vo-l00 = Pot 233% + 500-| Vio = F504 31.29 wat fe Se 1 cn SN etc eomer Sonf t Statistic. “ Beanscsnne ig ote a JE on 5 re oh ” n Tr, Confidence limit fre pepy labor. Prepertione pee AS T(t on Pt Ze a 2 Tiusteioe? Given, Prporttion of conor, p= a = 0.075 qi I-P = 0.925 Cl~ 25% . Bea 196 Beanscsnne o p> ye i 0.01! thowfone, 95% Conhidenee level ie given hy pee VEE 0.075 + 1-96x 0-011 " V O-OTS HE O.o2I15¢ Gnfidon eo _Sirifeon co 997. 1. 35% BY. IS? 2% Beanscsnne 90 Trt. Gonfidenee limits Kp difleronec. of tov meen) | | | Gxt Ie = 5M | Dlustpetion 6 sas aIONG, 5a = | 4e0 X= [200 G, = |20 KR =o The 295% Conhiden ec limits ane. ghen bey Idore. wU-u_ = 200 Oe, - bn= then s (m- Jt 2 Tem =7 Zook 1:96 X 126 Beanscsnne al IV. Gnfideree limi! of dffeoneo— poe prpotns, G-A)aee 47M, TOR) he yn, | ” Gt) 42. [Be | i 2 | Prohlom Ie [" On 400, | Np = Aoo i ——< zoe ea a Grhobenec kvoh = 957. So, Ze =h96 There re = Ow : Ro, B% = ny f-Pa = ' ya a 0. 031€ “Were the, interval i's (P-R) #2. Ga re Beanscinner ae — } 9 OZDH# bICROOsIE © a ‘O1ae) 4. (0. 2679 | @ Sample see fr peonang = Pepvlition. mean we knew, eenfidenee_ Iwlerval 5, UPB OZ | a a FJ ere o Wen, Fa Ze ins \ETS Bre tien, yi BBoe ; Eas Beanscsnne | usted. in ine = Dy Ver ' Tir as 2-59 al a + ee o n = ——— Ere \ C387 As wa = 10.5, a7 le | year the size of We popilaton 15 knewy, ten Q conffdence interval La am N- see 2c aR EL Tha ze fen me ae greg Mon B= 2) n Ao = Beanscsnne | = GENS DY, PES TON 26% | nN-n | | | | = né n-ne . y - 2G N 2.4 > vE’N-nE Yo > ? F20° ON EBON a>xnfEN-&% \? ( 12"Go) = 2gen >on 2 EN | EYN- EG arg we 2 Now Se Etn Dl ase 4 (Aebrmine— te Sk of The Sample for estimating the Fas usa tT of the. corel Contre’ fer te waivers witht N 5, 000 on Tue Perss f te Ph o jvforvmialuare Beanscsnne 35 ens f . tise trae auer ape weg uTttin 99 7 canfidenee. bowel Soln Hore, N= 5000 ots OTe e/eE=0.8 2. = 2 5° tien, 2 Noe ne (NDE FBG E59) Vy Go00 x(a) = TT Ge 1) (3) 4@ 59 7a = 41267 <4 Beanscsnne 26 HY the Populatian S/22- wen inh ite, ne OR ET (Est) oe | Gy = Abe [ Ae Beanscsnne of 25.04 T= Gonpl See Fon Finan” 7 Folin | Proportion $ (eoer | | £ = ze Jot 4 | E™= ze ft i Zr PF | | Distreition & Here gee, E =0.05 Ze = 196 25 P= “Woo = 025 qai-P = 0F5 ; Dept _ C9) %0.250-765 then, Whne= EY =~ Cog) 2832-292 y Beanscsnne | yo 24 EY wher P=0.5 q=o5 Borvisc 20: Given, P=05 q= 1 O5= 06 Ze= 1:96 E =0-0r Solve 2 p9 = = oF t THe above _ qualia ia onby ho waximizod. QB camscanner Took of ygstnis 1 Procedure. of hy( pothesis aa Aa Stupa loppetiosis Q@Null hepato @ Altermatine hu paths Ho 4 | Kpertesi Accept Rewet Yo ic Treas Hois fella Hy is folsa— 4, istun— | | (2. Set op @ simifcance. level (Corficlenae Level) | + 95% Gpfidence = by, Syrificenee 3. Delermine a bit slatisticy. | 4. Ratorrmine- ortitienL region | wa AccepGd | xis — FA Pa jectid | 5. Deiny” computation Wee Making Decisonds Bronscamer Nee of Enron: - | \He 2 Tue Ht Falaoe | Anne Comnect- Woe TL Ene | \ Avcision : | Dejectad| pel Enver ae | \ : Deebivry | \ | | | Tao tad text | | Tail Aeeerfimed 7 “Tail “i LEP neat Pyeetion tio a i Aree | Latft-ell te of PN Beanscinner lol oo we wll eke all decision on value 2- aif De. epttieal Value, ie hupotenis is | “Tey” gprs abot popline rear | @ Testing hapottiens abot population: mean | Hie f= Po | % ~N(H,c) w-H 2 2 Ee. whow- Oe = WE Dwstiection te . ap _ o Ph = 9.9 Oe a nN = 50 _ 93-89 _ le % =9.3 025 aa Tats = 16 = 025 Beanscsnne | _ 9 200-Goor foe 14-14 VGo = 22! oe WA | Test of “ue Metis abet diferonen betaeen tuo” moans: | Hoe, 2 Statistien is quer by | | a G2) -G-1 | n | 1 ne | | Tho rwlh he Peers Is, i Het Hy-fe=0 | i | Hew ae oi 402 n Beanscsnne lod Tiwstiection 9: mrs da = jo" ‘ n, = 50 2 = to Oa ie nz = lvo Then, when the sjprificonas lewel is not mentioned, Hey itis anumed Te ho. 5x Beanscsnne 104 —— ee ———— aewhen clamed Moneta — ng teal teh # when clasmed \ low ay, = & leff Teel Test onting heppeten is abost pepy talion Prepertion: = Porecrrtige. 15 Proportion po a- = Op tubere, of = [eH rn Trt hypctteris abot dlfrenee» betas | pepolation. reper | Hee Wo = Te fea Om) | 2- z | ee I RoR | = Sines, | fet WET Beanscsnne Ae Fe) ; (opal le Maine nan Tee, = 4 Per) Thosncdon Beanscsnne +E Disiribstion When te vse: when he Semple size n 230 > Repres of freedoni Ma + Thin (obubility cistebution — density fonction of the t-dislnibrtion- Io qver be Yo fe) = (#25) Gy [v- S Y, Io eonctant; depending orn 7, Such Hat He, Teteh area Onder tHe eure fe one, VE V-! Ig Called Nam boys of Loree» yf fos ” Froerstion aft. disteibation, G) Ronjes from — 90 tear C@) Like normal distribution: Symmetrical , bell shapod arond tie mean zero: (2) The |p shaper of the € distribution Cheng. ang the nur | . - @ We vonionee of the t- distribution '6 alwayf qn ayn A and ts dofirrced { andy) when, V 23 and vert’) = (35) @ The t-distrpbution Jeg None of : ce | , Plat berrtyee . © te distnibolion he (er dispers/oy, —--— yp at Terk of 1 abort. fo skein mean « A. ¢- SE filows tederps € distibdton n wi vy} doyrass of freceloy | AL= Sample ween YS Fe, Plein meen ne Sample Size | We calevlate 6 by “in Sef C* Shrm Ceti = B)l.62-: n=! | Det pation |? —_— Given, Y= 5.02 nN=10 | 4=0,002—- | | ad | . . | swe! lenou, t wae _ *. Biowa-G | . | , ; | for YeZ toos = } 233 4 the Colevlate | value 16 much higher Hien The table valio_ Tie. pull hepatheris Is vejectid tenes, | ' | # lest of bh potherss of diffenenes, of “tai phage | AD Ip case, of equal. Vorianes | t- OG ~ > | sy mi? hp Where, N)+1,—2- a ee Yen 272 s- JG _ - nt Twstration 2. 2g. OF.2U yy tey = n, th S tn . qen n= I2 Vo =}0 MC, = 1050 = 9L0 A SEOE Se $4 Ss? (4 3 (n,-1) Ls oo a . Vt Ny -2 (2D + Goby EW) x EY) © )2+ (9 -2_ 1050~9¥0 _| xe then, t= — >> x an 0.46 = 2.3] détermingd So, the , value of bE fally to.os,20 = 2-086. : ints tha anca of vegectten. leneo, The hype | is pepectid of Test of hypothien's about difference’ betimer a two Yroany wilh dependent Samples, Wr pit ! t= aS. ) follows t- distri bution uit 1) d.f- where, d = mean of the. difFeron ap, = (a-2dh@~) «lz Ga] ls d% 2dzd4 x(a Tiustralion 6 | | <3 Worle» Bofenes Mier | . ‘ \c . 1g TS RY 4 A Hp erwOd— N vir d= 1, a nn ee = ds 30 TF dn zd t= , ten g— 5 7 nN a “12. 2 \ . we Knew, Zed n@ S= n-| ‘4 Tren, 1d Vw yo ‘ I — [2Vyo i 2898 \ = 1309 Lon ta daphne 9, tebe velua ig 2:262..\- The hy pothasy'c ls ES fe Se, ener no ¢ “riot Tx often -te. Heating F distaiboton: VaR F=- — Sy vee ou Null Papothens ie Hs of go 53 Then Fe oma Sz" . Where We C6-%)> EM, 7%) 1 4 2 = 2 nN 1 n> and n,—l fe)- Ee ‘Yl [HG 49: fi; F-distbution with 1-1 on n,~ degrocr of — Freedom. - 4, we 2 F= wilh df -l and n, ~} Sinificonec SY. and /. _Thostratin 5 tre onge- Numernatn Ss oO Voniane2— te Lan ~~ F- a ar s Bl.OG5 24-3 = lowe df @-1) = 4-1 =73 Gs -1 )-16-) =|4 | | 02. OF. 22 t — —— Oo ve ties Py gday yeas i | He Rnendiute. Test ond Non- Poramdnie lest yh 2 OX, The prbebilty fretion of 6 chi- square tes |- @ ig | ger by, F (uz) -¢ (xy &*D eh) j °4 W200 | # Proporitien of ae (7) Chi- squane—distni bation + Chi- Heane— Text The chi-square test is one of tre. Simplest and nog} wits used vnon- Parccomnetai rie tot in “slactictizgll wore, | “LF melee no essoryations host tree Pei beiny Sampled. | | f | | | The fimula for Computing Chi-squeré (3) 's O-E)2 2 > = 2 FE hee = O= observed chesney / teNote: - | for, agrees of facodem. @ fer data gin in yous Gnd. calumny No. of fows - A | No of Columns= 4 oF deyues cl fresco (2) | t Onions fore a pelicalian= of Chi- quesce tex-— + test of indoperdenec | a expected eel fre neqeencie, are. given be the } ‘ io\ N Te conduct the test 2 ig ealeulected ving nom (oF pao 20 DE Se ' = x4 (= eu on = Bog) — * (Which will fala 2 digi pate. Tsien > —=—— Helped | Hanyned Drv 150 , 30 . ! Gjer Pills 10, 40 ‘ S22 29 Fo" R & C, ) Fue ae | N * | 260x290. | = 500 ! 250x 150 E2) = En = ES ° = 45 : 250xX Jo E,, = | Boe = Sa CF | = 25 vy. GS = @-+)x &4) where C= no. od column with y= no. of rows. 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