Bala Aditya CH: Full Stack Developer

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Full Stack Developer |716-508-7799


 Over Seven plus years of experience in Analyzing, Designing, Developing, Deploying and Supporting enterprise
level multi-tier and Single-page web Applications using HTML5, CSS3, JAVA, J2EE, Webservices in Banking,
Insurance, Health care domains.
 Developed UI modules using AngularJS, ReactJS, Redux, Node.js, JavaScript, Ajax, Bootstrap, JSON, jQuery, CSS3
and HTML5.
 Deep understanding of Angular and React frameworks.
 Expertise in using inbuilt and custom AngularJS directives and filters to add functionalities to the web page
 Experienced in developing Angular Directives, React Components & Redux reducers
 Implementing responsive ReactJS components for different solutions and performing the server-side validations
using NodeJS Framework.
 Proficient in developing Enterprise Applications using J2EE technologies (using Core Java, JDBC, Servlets, Java
Beans, Hibernate, Spring Framework).
 Very good experience to finalize and use design patterns(MVC, Facade, Delegate, Adaptor, Factory and
Singleton.), coding standards and frameworks.
 Excellent experience in using Spring MVC (Controller, Validators, sending data to Model) to develop web-based
 Strong experience on various J2EE Design Patterns such as DAO, DTO, Front Controller, Business Objects.
 Experience in building N-Tier Web Enabled Applications using Spring Boot, Spring Core (IOC, DI), Spring AOP,
Spring Transaction and Hibernate.
 Expertise in object modeling and Object-Oriented design methodologies (UML).
 Experienced in implementing Microservices, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with XML based Web Services
(SOAP/UDDI/WSDL) using Top Down and Bottom Up approach.
 Good Experience in creating REST Web services using Spring Boot (Rest Controller, JSON, Mappings, Data
Formats, Hateoas, Swagger, Filtering, Versioning, Authentication, Data JPA).
 Expert in coding using core java concepts like multithreading, collections, serialization, synchronization, exception
handling and database connections.
 Experience in database modeling, design and development of PL/SQL stored procedures, packages in relational
databases: Oracle 10g / 11g/12c, SQL Server 2005/2008, DB2, PostgreSQL and MySQL.
 Strong experience with MongoDB development (reports, schema design, map reduce functions) and migrations
from SQL relational databases to NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra.
 Excellent experience in using IBM Application Server (Websphere console, Datasources , EAR/WAR Deployments)
and Tomcat.
 LAMP administration for large websites (load balancing HA Proxy/ELB, web server (Nginx/Apache)
 Experience in working with web servers like Tomcat 8, WebSphere 8, Jetty, JBoss7.1.0 and WebLogic 10.0.
 Experienced in Middleware persistence frameworks like Hibernate/JPA Entities for mapping Java classes using
Hibernate Query Language (HQL), HSQL Named Queries, Criteria, and Projections.
 Very good experience in using IDE and Tools (Intellij, Eclipse, XML Spy , SQL Navigator , SoapUI).
 Good working experience in operating systems like Unix, Linux and Windows.
 Built Continuous Integration(CI) and Continuous Deployment(CD) by building custom build and deployments jobs
in Jenkins.
 Designed and Developed Enterprise Monitoring Dashboards using Kibana, Splunk, New Relic and Potomac for user
activity logging.
 Designed, built, and deployed multitude applications utilizing components of the AWS stack (Including EC2, R53,
S3, RDS, IAM, VPC) with primary focus on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling with Cloud watch
 Good experience in developing server less Micro Services using Lambdas.
 Experience in using Log4j (Logger Level, Appender, NDC, MDC) for logging.
 Have good experience in testing frameworks like Junit/Mockito for unit testing.
 Expertise in using Cucumber for integration testing, Jmeter for performance testing.
 Experience in using MAVEN for building deployable artifacts, such as WAR & JAR from source code in application
 Experience in various configuration managing tools like GIT.
 Experienced in automating deploying applications on Apache Tomcat, WAS.
 Experience in handling/executing projects using Agile methodologies (SCRUM) along with Test Driven
Development techniques.
 Good experience in working with off-shore and near-shore teams.

Languages: Java/J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL, HTML, JavaScript, UML, XML, JQuery,AngularJS, Angular 7/8,
React JS
J2EE: JDBC, JNDI, JSP, Servlet, Filter
Databases: Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, Postgre SQL
Web/Application Servers Apache Tomcat 7.x/8.x, IBM WebSphere, J-Boss 6.x/7.x,
IDE’s and Tools Eclipse, Intellij, XML Spy, SQL Navigator, Visual studio Code, Putty, GitHub
Web/App Servers: IBM Websphere, IBM Data Studio, Apache Tomcat, Nginx
Frameworks: Spring 2.x/3.0/4.x, Hibernate3.0/4.0, Struts, Jenkins, JIRA
Operating Systems: Windows, Unix, Linux
Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall
Cloud Computing: AWS

Professional Experience:

Capital One Financial Corporation, VA (Jan 2021 – Till Date)

Full Stack Developer [ Java, UI, DevOps, AWS]

Capital One Financial Corporation is a bank holding company specializing in credit cards, auto loans, banking, and savings

Project : Referral Platform

Description: Referral Platform is a feature or a capability that can be leveraged by customers across Capital One where they
can refer their friend to earn rewards if a friend applies for any program and gets approved. It is a Java Spring boot
application that runs on tomcat sever server and hosted on AWS cloud.

Responsibilities: UI and Service Developer

 Involved in the analysis, design, coding, development and testing stages of the application using Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
 Designed and developed front-end components using HTML5, CSS3 and ReactJS
 Implemented lazy loading with routing techniques for each component to improve the performance of the
 Used JSON mock server for mocking the backend dependencies for seamless development.
 Worked on testing frameworks like JEST for testing the front-end components.
 Used Java 8 Lambda expressions along with Streams for creating internal iteration and performing chain operations.
 Involved in application design and developing individual modules using java and j2ee design patterns (presentation,
controller, and Business, Service and DAO layers), java coding standards.
 Experienced in Server-Side programing and Creating Custom Http Services, and RESTful services using Spring BOOT.
 Designed and developed the REST based Microservices using Spring Boot.
 Experienced in e2e testing using protractor and used Jasmine framework for feature testing.
 Involved in writing unit test cases, implement test classes using Junit and Mokito.
 Integrated whitesource for our repositories to make our code stay compliant from all the High, medium, low
 Implement and support the databases such as PostgreSQL and AuroraDB
 Designed and developed the serverless lambda in AWS using Java and Python.
 Identify gaps, document and advocate cost effective process that changes the EC2 instances in dev and QA to be more
efficient in AWS.
 Good experience in working with AWS services like S3, EC2, ECS, IAM, Lambdas, Route53, Cloudwatch
 Created cloud formation templates for mappings such as Security groups, subnets, IAM, Splunk, cloud watch
 Developed splunk dashboard to monitor the health of applications and good experience in troubleshooting issues
using the splunk logs.
 Used Docker for containerization, Jenkins for CICD.
 Involved and performed production releases on a weekly basis as part of the feature deployment.
 Used GIT for Version Control, Used JIRA for issue tracking and confluence for documentation

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring Boot, SOAP Web Services, Maven, Apache Tomcat, Postgre SQL, Log4j, JUnit, GIT, AWS,
Splunk, Kibana, Hercules.

Anthem, OH ( Feb 2020 – Dec 2020)

Full Stack Developer [ Java, UI, Production Support]

Anthem, Inc., is a provider of health insurance in the United States. It is the largest for-profit managed health care company
in the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

Project : Plan Configurator.

Description: Plan Configurator application is used by Enterprise Business Admins across Anthem to create and maintain
plans. It is a Java Spring boot application that runs on WebSphere application server and accessible through web browser.

Project : Group Configurator

Description: Group configurator is used by Enterprise Business Admins across Anthem to create contracts, contracts, and
benefits. It is a Java spring boot application that runs on WebSphere application server and accessible through web

Responsibilities: UI and Service Developer

 Involved in the analysis, design, coding, development and testing stages of the application using Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
 Designed and developed front-end using HTML5, CSS3 and Angular 7/8.
 Accessed model classes in controller using Spring IOC (Constructor and Setting Injection, Singleton bean type object).
 Developed Business components and integrated them using Spring features such as dependency injection for injecting
beans and auto wiring various components such as DAO layers and service proxy layers.
 Used Spring AOP for cross cutting concerns like/for Auditing, Logging, Security and Transaction Management.
 Responsible for implementing DAO layer using JPA annotations to interact with Oracle 11g Database.
 Created and maintained database objects like Triggers, Cursors, Indexes and Tables, Views and SQL Joins.
 Created REST based Web services using Spring Boot (Rest Controller, JSON, Mappings). I used Soap UI and Swagger to
validate webservices.
 Used Log4j (Logger Level, Appender, NDC, MDC) for logging.
 Exception Handling: Logging every exception message in log file and sending information to control and alert system
based on exception priority.
 Security: Used whitelisted IP Address approach for webservices and Used internal application for UI security
authentication and authorization.
 Implemented Microservices architecture using Spring Boot for making application smaller and independent.
 Worked on debugging the Production issues and build the scripts to fix the issues.
 Involved in production deployments using PMWB software to deploy the Models.
 Used UCdeploy tool for automating application deployments in different environments.
 Good experience in working with application monitoring tools like wily.
 Experience in working with monitoring tool like Splunk and designing dashboards for close monitoring of the
 Used Bamboo for Continuous Integration and continuous deployment.
 Used Bit bucket version control tool to maintain the code base.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring Boot, REST Web Services, Maven, Apache Tomcat, Oracle SQL, Log4j, JUnit, GIT, Bamboo,
Splunk, Wily.

BCBS (Blue Cross Blue Shield), FL (November 2019 – Feb 2020)

Full Stack Developer (Java / React JS)

Blue Cross Blue Shield is a federation of 36 separate United States Health Insurance Companies that provide health
insurance in united states.

Project : eEnrollment

Description: eEnrollment is a platform solution for Group sales business especially for Health, Dental, Vision and Life and
FHCP products. This platform supports the ease of doing business, automation, streamlining of sales processes and
ultimately enhancing customer experience.

Responsibilities: UI and Service Developer

 Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirement gathering, modeling,
analysis, design, and development.
 Good knowledge of designing and presenting User Interaction Models, Workflows, Wireframes, Mock-ups and
 Designed and developed front-end using HTML5, CSS3 and ReactJS.
 Developed customized windows print where depending on the user inputs dynamically the results are printed/saved by
the user along with the best match plans of his option.
 Developed the feature where the user will be able to view his enrollment end date using the service calls.
 Expertise in JSX and CSS3 for component layout and styling.
 Developed User Interface using ReactJS framework with redux to develop the SPA.
 Used Redux architecture using complex Object-Oriented concepts in improving the performance of the websites.
 Utilized ReactJS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, plus Redux, Animations concept.
 Used ReactJS for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow, Virtual DOM, JSX, React Native concepts.
 Building stable React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
 Used React JS to create custom components for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format.
 Created React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
 Developed using new features of Java 1.8 annotations, Lambda expressions, Generics, enhanced for loop and Enums.
 Involved in writing Thread safe blocks for Multithreading access to make valid transactions.
 Used J2EE design patterns like Model View Controller(MVC), Singleton, Factory, Data Access Object (DAO).
 Used HQL, Named Parameters, Named Queries and Interfaces such as Expression, Query and Criteria for
implementation of Hibernate template and extensively used Hibernate Cache.
 Conducted thorough analysis of the Business Requirements and created design specification to accomplish and achieve
business needs related to Healthcare EDI X12 transactions such as 835 and 837f
 Worked with several testing frameworks such as JUnit, Easy Mock, Mockito and PowerMock.
 Used Jasmine and Karma for front end unit testing.
 Involved in fixing functional and performance defects to ensure product meets quality standards.
 Followed Agile methodology, Used GitLab for version control and Rally for issue tracking.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JSX, React 16.2.0, React Dom 16.2.0, React-hot-loader 3.1.3, React Redux 5.0.6, Redux 3.7.2,
Redux-Thunk 2.2.0, GitLab, Rally
Capital One Financial Corporation, VA (Feb 2018 – Nov 2019)
Full Stack Developer [ Java, UI, DevOps, AWS]

Capital One Financial Corporation is a bank holding company specializing in credit cards, auto loans, banking, and savings

Project 1: Sales Assistant

Description: Sales Assistant is a web-based application which leverages document upload capability for relationship
managers on the field and make their life easier to ingest the customer documents (AP files, Customer Consent forms,
Invoices, Rewards builder reports, Competitor statements) and send it to downstream API’s. This Application was
developed on Angular 7/8.

Project 2: Rewards Builder

Description: Rewards Builder is a web-based application which determines whether a vendor accepts credit cards (called
Cardability). This application is important to financial services as it helps to find the potential customers as well as potential
rewards and earnings potential for large vendors. This Application was developed on AngularJS.

Project 3: Document Upload API

Description: Document Upload API is an enterprise solution which is a CAT 1 API, also an enterprise solution for ingesting
the documents into the Capital one’s ecosystem. Which was developed on Java, Spring boot.

Responsibilities: UI and Service Developer

 Involved actively in requirement gathering, getting down the specifications and designing using the AGILE-Scrum
 Developed a project for automating the process of scripts execution where all CRUD operations can be performed using
spring boot application.
 Involved in development of web UI using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap & jQuery, JSP and Spring Framework.
 Designed and developed application using REST based Web services using spring boot.
 Developed and Exposed Restful web services for downstream application to use Client Onboarding data.
 Used Spring framework to implement the REST service, used Spring Security to implement token-based
authentication, used Hibernate as a persistence provider.
 Building SQL queries, stored procedures manipulating and addition of new features in the Oracle database
 Used Log4j for logging and debugging. Writing manual unit test cases for proper integration testing.
 Used Jira for issue tracking and coordinating with the team
 Used GIT version Control to maintain source code
 Good Knowledge and experience in creating serverless microservices using lambdas.
 Experience in developing python lambdas which calls the external API’s, which uploads the files to S3.
 Developed logic in services to process Relationship managers NPI/PCI (Tax Docs/ PDF/ Excel/CSV) files which is ingested
from our application all the way to downstream eco system by leveraging a jar called apache TIKA.
 Good experience on working with ELB’s , Depending on the availability zone the traffic is switched from one region to
another region.
 Worked on Route 53 to switch the traffic from the availability zones which is from EAST to WEST or vice versa during
the TREX exercise.
 Created Users, policies to grant access to user using IAM.
 Integrated Route 53 with IAM in such a way that which user can have access to which part of Route 53.
 Good experience in creating instances using EC2 based on the desired configurations and images.
 Created S3 buckets and managed policies for S3 buckets and utilized S3 Buckets and Glacier for storage,
backup and archived in AWS.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring Boot, SOAP Web Services, Maven, Apache Tomcat, Postgre SQL, Log4j, JUnit, GIT, AWS,
Splunk, Kibana, Hercules.
Cerner, Kansas city, MO (June 2017 – Feb 2018)
Full Stack Developer

Cerner is a supplier of information technology solutions, services, devices and hardware in health care industries. Cerner’s
mission is to contribute to the systemic improvement of health care delivery and the health of communities.

Project: Referral Management

Description: Referral management system tracks and manages outpatient referrals throughout their life cycle. It deals with
referrals which are sent from our domain to other domain(clients) - outbound referrals and deals with patients inside our
domain - inbound referrals.

Responsibilities: UI and Service Developer

 Involved in all the phases of Software development life cycle.

 Developed the Inventory, Invoice and Membership modules to facilitate the complete billing cycle, maintain stocks and
customer base.
 Involved in development of web UI using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap & jQuery, JSP and Spring Framework.
 Designed and developed application using Spring Framework-IOC/DI, Spring MVC, Servlets, POJO integrating with
Hibernate framework.
 Developed and Exposed Restful web services for downstream application to use Client Onboarding data.
 Used Spring framework to implement the REST service, used Spring Security to implement token-based
authentication, used Hibernate as a persistence provider.
 Used Hibernate ORM framework to develop Data Access Layer.
 Written SQL queries, stored procedures manipulating and addition of new features in the Oracle database
 Used Java Mail API to auto generate emails for customer notifications.
 Modified Log4j for logging and debugging and developed the pom.xml using Maven for compiling the dependencies
 Wrote manual unit test cases and fixed bugs.
 Used Jira for issue tracking and coordinating with the team
 Used Subversion (SVN) version Control to maintain source code

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring (IOC, AOP, BOOT), Webservices (REST), Maven, Microservices, Log4j, JUnit, SVN, JIRA

Governors State University, Chicago, IL (March 2016 – May 2017)

Graduate Assistant (Java/J2EE Developer)

Application helps the clients to run the payroll of the employee, improve compliance, reduce costs, and get the best out of
their most important assets and employees. Worked on the main portal and handled customer module, Orders and
Employees and Payroll modules. The Project has been developed using Java/ J2EE technologies.

Responsibilities: UI and Service Developer

 Involved in all phases of project development from requirement gathering to deployment.
 Coding and testing software changes in accordance with company and generally accepted standards.
 Developed the UI Screens using HTML5, XML, Java Scripts, Ajax, JQuery Custom-tags, JSTL DOM Layout and CSS3.
 Used various libraries of JavaScript like JQuery, JQuery UI.
 Involved in the application development using Spring MVC modules.
 Application development using Java web-based technologies such as Servlets, JSP, Java Web Service (REST based),
 Developed the presentation tier using Spring Framework that ensures MVC rapid application development.
 Developed account transfer system using Spring beans and developed persistence layer in Hibernate for data access.
 Created Spring Controllers to provide interaction between UI and Model. Access Model classes in Controller using
Spring IOC.
 Developed Business components and integrated them using spring features such as Dependency Injection for injecting
beans and Auto Wiring various components such as DAO layers and service proxy layers.
 Used Spring Framework for Dependency injection and integrated with Hibernate.
 Developed stored procedures, triggers for efficient interaction with MySQL.
 Developed test cases and performed unit testing using JUNIT.
 Used Log4J to capture the log.
 Used GIT for Version Control & Used JIRA for issue tracking.
 Involved in writing unit test cases, implement test classes using JUnit.
 Taking ownership of and responsibility for a business application or project.
 Actively engaging in team-based solution, design, and problem-solving activities.
 Actively proposing and implementing continuous improvements to applications and processes.

Environment: Java, Spring core, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Hibernate, MySQL, JSP, HTML, CSS, JQuery, AJAX, RESTful, SOAP,
Eclipse, GitHub, JIRA.

Galaxe Solutions, Hyderabad (Jan 2015 – Dec 2015)

Java Developer


 Worked on UI development using HTML, CSS, AJAX, JQuery/JavaScript and JSF components.
 Used Core Java, Spring MVC, Hibernate, JavaScript, Maven, Web Service in the development phase of the project.
 Worked on parsing the web services and inserting them into the database.
 Worked on setting up the complete Development Environment setup.
 Software methodologies like Agile were implemented.
 Design, develop and integrate the data layer with the front end and make sure the entire application works properly.
 Worked in a fast-based environment which is prone to changes in requirements.
 Collected the requirements from the product team and developed couple of tools which are useful for the project.
 Developed the code for one of the modules of this application and unit tested thoroughly and delivered defect free
 Responsible for developing test cases and unit testing.
 Actively bring up the issues that can occur in a large web application and provide the solution before-hand to ensure a
smooth development and deployment process.

Environment: Java, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Oracle, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, AJAX, JQuery, Eclipse, Git, Maven, Tomcat.

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