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Pretective gear
ueslen enhancements track
malnstream trends
More demand & supply trends lnslde








Core functlon lmproves
amld upmarket shlft
0n|ine kewI
C|eba| 5eurces metrics
Track buyer and suppller trends
for hleh-demand products
kew preducts
Fxerclse blkes Sports
balls 8lcycle accessorles
fitness equipment
Top buyer requests

ftness equlpment
Streneth tralnlne
uprleht exerclse
Abdomlnal tralnlne

Clobal reIall
Aluminum alloy diving lights
Ater 20 veurs n the busness, ve provde the vuretv
und voume to sutsv the kes o 1urget, Curreour, lmurt, \u-Murt
und &C. \e produce 300 vuretes o ghts und turn out up to 3 mon unts
monthv usng ve uutomuted ussembv nes und 34 pustc-necton muchnes.
Munuucturng n such voume uovs us to keep producton costs ov und
oer our cents better prces.
Cur product runge ncudes dvng ghts, uumnum uov ushghts,
cumpng unterns, emergencv unterns, heud umps, hundhed spotghts,
bcvce umps und mutunctonu toos u ncorporutng the utest
technooges or optmum perormunce. \e uccept customzuton
requests or sze, uppeurunce und suruce treutments, und compete
sumpes n seven duvs usng exstng mods or 40 duvs u nev
mod s requred.
\e've vorked vth cents n more thun 50 countres und regons und
ure experenced ut meetng the reguutons o vurous murkets. Cur products
ure compunt vth the RoHS und \LLL Drectves. Sturt vth un order or
us ev us l,000 unts. Contuct us toduv or u prce quote.
Aluminum alloy diving light
cbalns selecI from
our 300 models
Ningbo TcngIong Outdoor lmpIcmcnt Co. ltd
Rm. l40l, dg. 4, Sunshne Munson, l28 Cuungxn Rd., Shunghu 20006l, Chnu
L-mu: -
\ebste: -
Nngbo Address: lll Lust Smng Rd., Ynung, Ynzhou, Nngbo, Zheung 3l5l5l, Chnu
1e: (86-574) 88l9 3874 lux: (86-574) 88l9 3857
20 vcars of cxpcricncc in Iighting dcsign
ABS diving light
5C5-approved Iness balls
and yoqa producIs
Shanghai Pisccs Sporting & lcisurc Products Co. ltd
Rm. l40l, dg. 4, Sunshne Munson, l28 Cuungxn Rd., Shunghu 20006l, Chnu
1e: (86-2l) 5224 l54l/2 lux: (86-2l) 5224 l543
Exercise/yoga set, includes exercise ball,
yoga mat, pump, stretch tube and sport bottle
High-quaIitv matcriaIs
Come to us or some o the best tness bus und vogu products
uvuube. Cur goods ure produced usng eco-rendv
muterus thut ure nspected bv SCS somethng ev
compunes n our ndustrv cun cum. 1hese muterus uso
puss nspectons bv RoHS, CL und AS1M or compunce
vth nternutonu stundurds.
lndustrv Icadcr
ln terms o cupuctv, ve ure one o the top three tness
products compunes n munund Chnu. 1hs hus uttructed
1urget, Seurs, Ad und other cents to vork vth us. A monthv
cupuctv o 500,000 tness bus, 300,000 vogu muts
und 500,000 resstunce bunds s certun to meet vour
voume requests.
Onc-stop shop
1here s no need to brng vour demunds to severu derent
suppers. \he our uctores munv produce vogu und
exercse bus, vogu muts und stretch tubng, ve huve
ve-veur purtnershps vth 30 other suppers to oer vou
un even greuter seecton to choose rom. 1hev hep us oer
vou compettve prces und uster shppng tmes thun our
compettors. lnqure toduv.
Materials with a phthalate content
of less than 1,000ppm
Rest ussured thut the products vou source rom us ure sue or use vth ood our
tems meet lDA, l1S, LMC, SCS und 1LV stundurds. lus, ve onv source ruv
muterus vth u phthuute content o ess thun l,000ppm. Cur deveopment teum
hus creuted more thun 2,500 outdoor tems und one o ts utest creutons s u pcnc
busket euturng condment hoders, u detuchube vne cooer, nner pockets or
svervure und even u but-n rudo. And ve contnue to udd to ths coecton vth
ut eust 300 nev tems everv veur.
Choose unv product thut mutches vour requrements, und ve' huve u sumpe reudv
n ust seven duvs. As soon us ve receve vour conrmuton, ve' turn vour desgn
over to our l,000-pus vorkers or voume producton. \u-Murt, Curreour und
Auchun ure umong our repeut cents.
1o support ther busness und vours, ve huve udded eght more producton nes to
our 20,000m
uctorv, ncreusng our monthv cupuctv to 400,000 unts. Dscuss
vour requrements vth our desgn teum toduv.
Xiamen Rong Xing Da Bags Co. Ltd
Xiamen Good Forever Industrial Co. Ltd
l8 1unvung Rd., lme North lndustru Zone, Xumen, luun 36l02l, Chnu
1e: (86-592) 6l5 5333 - lux: (86-592) 6l5 5288
L-mu: -
\ebste: -
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the
property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Childrens picnic backpacks
Diaper bag
Shanghai Children-Baby-Maternity Expo
NewIntl Expo Center
July 22-24, 2010
Booth No. 4A10/4A12
SGS-certifed gym balls
Sizes: 55, 65 and 75cm
Various colors and printed
designs available
ICTI audi t s our
PVC bal l s f act or y
Shanghai Nancv Sporting Goods Co. ltd
6/l, dg. l, 4l0 Yunquo Rd., ludong, Shunghu 200l35, Chnu
1e: (86-2l) 5l08 5678, 5l02 8l99 lux: (86-2l) 6854 7970
L-mu: -
3 to 4 ncw products pcr month
1hunks to nternutonu buvers ke vou, our busness
s expundng. 1o better serve vou, ve but u nev
lVC tov uctorv thut udheres to the stundurds set bv
the lnternutonu Counc o 1ov lndustres (lC1l).
\he st vutng or our certcuton rom lC1l,
ve're ureudv uv operutonu. Send us vour proects
or sports und esure tems. \e oer products to
sut customers o vurvng estves und tness eves.
And euch month, ve deveop un uddtonu three
to our tems or vour seecton.
PhthaIatc-frcc goods
\e've been desgnng und munuucturng sports
und esure tems or l4 veurs. Retuers n more thun
20 countres come to us, ncudng \u-Murt und
1urget. 1hev count on us or products thut ure
certed bv SCS, 1LV und CS to meet the utest
quutv und envronmentu reguutons. And our
goods ure ree o phthuutes or heuvv metus n
uccordunce vth LL Drectve 2005/84/LC und
LN 7l stundurds.
Morc capacitv
\th our nev uctorv, our duv producton cupuctv
hus ncreused to 20,000 bus. 1o eurn more, send
us un e-mu toduv.
WaI-Mart and Targct rcIv on our quaIitv
we have focused on connectlne quallty buyers wlth
Asla's best quallty Sports & Lelsure Product suppllers
for 0 years.
Today we offer you the most comprehenslve sourclne
lnformatlon across multl-channels: onllne, prlnt
and face-to-face. Plus, we elve you four advantaees:
Comprehenslve Search: 0lobal Sources 0nllne 2.0
dellvers search results from our verlfled suppllers
and unverlfled suppllers
Speclallzed Channels: our multlmedla channels are
all hlehly speclallzed by lndustry
Suppller kanklne: our suppllers are ranked from one
to slx stars to help you qulckly short-llst
Suppller verlflcatlon: our suppllers are pre-screened
and verlfled by trusted thlrd-partles
To flnd verlfled suppllers you can rely on, vlslt today.
verified supp|iers
fer qua|ity buyers
0lobal Sources 0nllne Trade shows
Maeazlnes kesearch
All publlshlne rlehts and copyrlehts are held by
Trade Medla Ltd, 0rand Cayman, Cayman lslands,
8rltlsh west lndles. ChPlFC number 782-0001.
lune 2010 volume 3]humber 8

Printed by: C&C 0ffset Prlntlne Co. Ltd
1-9]F C&C 8ulldlne, 36 Tlne Lal koad, Tal Po,
hew Terrltorles, hone Kone
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Ccpvricht bv 5SBEF.FEJB-UE. All rlehts reserved.
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Sports & Leisure June 2010 6 - Choose veried suppliers
Product range for all purposes
Pump up your gym with over 300 models of tness
equipment. Our strength machines come in ve
series with varying prices. We also make treadmills
and elliptical trainers, as well as spinning, recumbent
and upright bikes. In addition to the average tness
club, our products are also suitable for homes,
hotels, resorts, schools and military gyms.
Production equipment fromJapan and Germany
Each series of our strength machines is comprised of
40 to 50 models, for exercising different parts of the
body. Trust our nine years of ODM/OEM experience,
and R&D equipment from Japan and Germany we
can have your sample ready in 30 days.
Quality and safety approved
We source transducers from Mitsubishi and follow
ISO 9001:2000 guidelines. Our materials and nished
products undergo ve rounds of testing. And our
products meet CE, RoHS and ISO 20957-1:2005
safety guidelines. Contact us today.
Strengthen your supply with
an all-encompassing range
Over 300 models of strength
and cardio htness equipment
Beijing Body Strong Fitness Co. Ltd
Rm. 2204, Tower A, Fortune Center Ao City, Tianlangyuan, South
Hongjunying Rd., Beiyuan Rd., Chaoyang, Beijing 100107, China
Tel: (86-10) 8492 8405 Fax: (86-10) 8493 1216
S-series triceps press
with electronic counter
Elliptical trainer powered by a
self-generating electric motor
75kg exercise bicycle,
with a sweat- and
corrosion-resistant casing
Recumbent bike with LED
dynamic numeric display
Handles can monitor heart rate
Automatically adjusts
resistance levels according
to heart rate
Commercial-use treadmill
LED dynamic digital display
with 7 windows showing
function parameters
Running belt sourced from
Siegling of Germany
C0vR 510R
Sportlne 0oods & Fltness Fqulpment 17
kew preducts 23
A selectlon of sports equlpment and ftness accessorles, lncludlne:
- 8lcycle bells that feature fashlne LFus
- Fxerclse blkes wlth S-level maenetlc reslstance
- PvC volleyballs wlth butyl bladders
Camplne & Lelsure 55
kew preducts 59
8each and plcnlc supplles, camplne eear, and fshlne accessorles,
- Alumlnum fashllehts that use llthlum batterles
- Cooler baes that double as portable seats
- Party tents made of cotton
0ptics 63
To ealn better marelns and revlve export sales, companles are releaslne
more deslens wlth 8AK prlsms and multlcoated lenses.
Advertiser tndex by Preduct 75
Advertiser tndex 79
Protectlve eear 29
The forecast upturn ln trade compels
makers to offer a varlety of "ereener"
hleh-performance products.
0n the cover: Knee pads and helmet from
F&h Sports &Lelsure Co. Ltd, paee 29;
blnoculars fromChoneqlne uontop 0ptlcs
Co. Ltd, paee 63; both of Chlna
h0TF T0 kFAuFkS: All prlces quoted ln thls maeazlne are ln uS dollars, unless otherwlse speclfed. F08 prlces were provlded by the companles lntervlewed only as reference prlces at the
tlme of the lntervlew and may have chaneed. keaders seeklne frm quotes on products mentloned ln thls maeazlne should contact the manufacturers]traders dlrectly. All product lmaees
are provlded by the companles lntervlewed and are for reference purposes only. Those product lmaees featurlne products wlth trademarks, brand names or loeos are not lntended for
sale. Products that are not the speclfc toplcs of edltorlal artlcles are shown for lllustratlve and]or demonstratlve purposes only. we, our affllates, and our affllates' respectlve dlrectors,
offcers, employees, representatlves, aeents or contractors do not accept and wlll not have any responslblllty or llablllty for product lmaees (or any part thereof ) whlch lnfrlnee on any
lntellectual property or other rlehts of a thlrd party.
All publlshlne rlehts and copyrlehts are held by Trade Medla Ltd.
Sourclne Maeazlnes
Chlna Sourclne keports
0nllne how! 0et the latest product lnformatlon-updated every day.
lnslehts lnto the latest supply-market trends
hew product lnformatlon, lncludlne full-color photos
Contact detalls for quallfed advertlsers from 0reater Chlna
Conclse profles of featured suppllers
To subscrlbe, eo to:
verlfed Chlna manufacturers' profles
Product and prlclne forecasts
lnformatlon on supply centers and market trends
To see a complete llst of all our Chlna Sourclne keports, eo to:
ftk PR0UC15 Flnd thousands of top quallty products-ln your market,
on your PC.
C0k1AC1 5UPPLtR5 Connect wlth leadlne suppllers from Chlna and other
export hubs ln Asla and around the world.
PR0UC1 ALR15 Source dlrect from your desktop wlth free personallzed
e-mall updates on new products and suppllers.
1RA 5B0W Ck1R Suppllers, products, prevlews and detalled euldes
to hundreds of shows.
C|eba| 5eurces en|ine metrics
Track buyer and suppller trends
for hleh-demand products
0nllne metrlcs are taken from buyer and
suppller actlvlty ln hundreds of hleh-demand
product eroups on
In this issue:
Cardio & strenth trainin pae
Near l y ever yt hi ng
pr oduced i n- house
We have more than 10 year s in electric vehicles
Except for controllers and chargers, all other components of our
vehicles are made in-house. Our group has a total production
area of 200,000m
and can produce materials, frames, motors
and cables, as well as perform bake varnishing. This is to ensure
that everything is done consistently without adding outsourcing-
related costs to your budget.
Turning out up to 500,000 units per year, our vehicle factory
alone employs more than 1,000 workers. Over 30 of them are
R&D specialists, who help us to keep your selection fresh. We
can also create a completely new product for you in just 20
days. Put our more than 10 years of electric vehicle experience
to your advantage. Contact us today.
Chi na Xi ngyue El ect r i c Vehi cl e Co. Lt d
Gushan Industrial Zone, Yongkang, Zhejiang 321307, China
Tel: (86-579) 8926 9126 Fax: (86-579) 8926 9125
Contact Person: Ms. Joancy Jiang Mobile: (86) 150 5858 9017
1,000W EEC-approved electric scooter
800W electric bike,
with 160kg load capacity
250W CE-approved electric bike,
with alloy frame and lithium battery Our ofce building
Wc arc an lCTl-ccrticatcd
Zhejiang Jinbang Sports Equipment Co. Ltd
255 Qingchuan Rd., Huzhen, Jinyun, Zhejiang 321404, China
Tel: (86-578) 355 6498 Fax: (86-578) 355 6426
ICTIs main objective is childrens safety. So it says a lot that
our manufacturing procedures and facilities have passed
audits by the organization. Less than 20 toy makers in
mainland China have ICTI certication. In our 100m
lab, more than 20 staff members inspect our goods
according to ASTMF 963: 07 guidelines. This attention
to safety is why Decathlon, Mattel, Argos, Kmart,
Walmart and Tesco source kick scooters and other
products from us.
All OEM orders are ready in 30 days. Our 240,000m
houses 12 production lines with more than 200 advanced
machines. This gives us a daily capacity of 5,000 kick
scooters, 7,200 pairs of ashing roller skates and 10,000
skateboards. Standard samples are nished in only one
day, and custom samples take seven to 15 days.
Every year, youll be able to choose from 23 new items.
Orders start at just 1,000 units. Visit our Global Sources
Online showroom to see more of our products today.
Our QC system complies with ASTMF 963:07 regulations
Flashing roller skates
Caster board/swing board
find new and up-and-ceming heme preduct trends this fa||. visit China 5eurcing fair:
Beme Preducts fer innevative preduct updates te draw mere custemers te yeur stere.
1he fair epens at Beng Keng's AsiaWer|d-xpe en 0cteber 20 te 23, 2010. P|us,
breaden yeur preduct cheices at the ce-|ecated tndia 5eurcing fair: Beme Preducts.
1he fair wi|| a|se unvei| in 5ingapere this year. P|an fer anether preductive seurcing
trip at the new Beme Preducts fair at 5untec 5ingapere tnt'| Cenventien & xhibitien
Centre en kevember 22 te 24, 2010.
Register kew at
Sports & Leisure June 2010 12 - Choose veried suppliers

Cheese frem a wide variety ef heme preductsI
China 5eurcing fair: Beme Preducts showcases an
extenslve array of home products popular ln the market
today. The recent sprlne staelne thls year covered
16 product pavlllons wlth new cateeorles lncludlne
bakeware & cookware, wlne & bar accessorles and sports
baes & travel eoods. The event teemed wlth thousands
of elobal buyers optlmlstlc over thls year's expected
economlc upturn. They found the Falr an ldeal platform to
catch the latest market trends, meet potentlal suppllers
and connect wlth other buyers ln the lndustry.
5eurce frem veried and cempetitive supp|iers
kest assured that the Chlna Sourclne Falrs wlll lntroduce
you to rellable and professlonal manufacturers ln the
lndustry. 0lobal Sources' verlfed Suppller provldes
lnformatlon on a suppller's ranklne, credlt check, plus
Suppller Capablllty Assessments and Product lnspectlons
upon your request.
Flnd potentlal buslness partners from malnland Chlnese
suppllers, who offer the lowest prlce polnts ln the market.
Fxpand your sourclne optlons wlth more suppllers from
hone Kone, Talwan and other emerelne Aslan markets.
xperience efcient seurcing
As each of the Chlna Sourclne Falrs ls 100% focused
on the lndustry, ease your search wlth products relevant
to your buslness.
Plan ahead for a productlve sourclne at the Falrs thls year!
0et your free entry badee to the Falr lf you slen up now at
0cteber 20-23, 2010
AsiaWer|d-xpe, Beng Keng
kevember 22-24, 2010
5untec 5ingapere tnt'| Cenventien
& xhibitien Centre, 5ingapere
5eurce new preducts
frem these categeries
Kitchenware & tab|eware
akeware & ceekware
Wine & bar accesseries
C|assware, Ceramics & perce|ain
Beusehe|d preducts
5terage, Laundry & c|eaning
athreem accesseries
Bea|th & persena| care preducts
Arts & crafts, Beme dcer
Beme texti|es
Carden & eutdeer
5perts & |eisure
5perts bags & trave| geeds
XBtt10R5 fR0M
Malnland Chlna, hone Kone, Talwan,
lndla, Korea and more.
Trade 0nly
Free wlth pre-reelstratlon at
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 13 More new products -
\hv source rom us: ecuuse our seecton s constuntv beng upduted vth nev exercse
und sports equpment. Cur R&D teum members brng un uveruge o 20 veurs' experence
nto puv vhen desgnng products. ln uct, thev creute munv nev tems euch seuson. 1hs
procencv s one reuson vhv the urgest retuer n the LS chooses to source rom us.
Snce l976, ve huve been servng the needs o cents n the LS, Lurope und lupun. And
our tvo 250,000m
uctores n Muuvsu cun cover vour voume needs. lor CLM/CDM
nqures, contuct us toduv.
New designs that always
meet your requirements
We create products in-house every season
T.K. Chi n Co. Lt d
7l, No. 227 Roosevet Rd., Sec. 3, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: (886-2) 2363 9ll6 (5 nes), 2362 8828 (3 nes) lux: (886-2) 2362 6409, 2363 77l7
L-mu: \ebste: -
Multiplay swing and slide set
Trampoline with enclosure
Ramp set
Portable basketball set
20,000 el ect r i c bi kes
manuf act ur ed mont hl y
Suzhou Rununion Motivity Co. Ltd
29 Hongxi Rd., Xushuguan, New District, Suzhou,
Jiangsu 215151, China
Tel: (86-512) 6616 2859, 6671 8125 Fax: (86-512) 6671 8117
Customers from Western Europe, North America
and Southeast Asia come to us to fill their high volume
orders for electric bikes. And you can join them. Our
ISO 9001: 2000-certified factory, four
production lines and 230 employees ensure a high
production rate of 20,000 electric bikes monthly.
To make sure that our bikes are attuned
with the latest trends, our team
of 12 R&D members creates
new items every 20 days. Our
product range includes electric
bikes, electric scooters and
electric motorcycles, all CE-,
EMC- and EN-approved. We
can finish a sample according
to your OEM requirements in
seven to 20 days. Orders are
ready for shipping in 15 to 30 days.
Our 15-member QC staff makes
sure our products comply with
GB 17761-1999 and EN 15194:2009
standards. And because we send
samples to TV for inspections,
buyers can rest assured knowing that
only quality products will reach them.
E-mail us today to learn more.
New products every 20 days
Electric bike powered by a Li-ion battery
CE-, EMC- and EN-approved
electric bikes
If you're in the market for golf equipment, you won't have
to look further than us. Rather than spreading our energy
too thin on several product lines, we've concentrated on
developing golf bags, club head covers and gloves only.
And we have been doing this since 1999. This specialized
manufacturing ensures that we can give the undivided
attention your order deserves and why golf accessory
outlets in Europe, the Americas and Australia rely on us.
To keep abreast with golf product trends, our 20 designers
create two new models each month. Helping you meet
market demand is not a problem with our monthly capacity
of 5,000 bags, 80,000 gloves and 100,000 club head covers.
All of our items are made using the nest PU from Taiwan
and South Korea, as well as sheepskin from Indonesia, for
quality you can rely on.
For more details on our golf equipment,
visit our Global Sources website today.
Gostar Sporting Goods Co. ltd
2nd lndustru Zone, Shgu, 1ungxu, Dongguun, Cuungdong 5237l9, Chnu
1e: (86-769) 8792 60l2 lux: (86-769) 8792 60l3
L-mu: -
\ebste: -
We've been
focusing on
golf equipment
for 10 years
Golf bag
Golf glove Polar bear-shaped
club head cover Sunday golf bag
Boston bag Head cover
for wood
kew preducts 23
A selection of sports equipment and ftness accessories,
- Bicycle bells that feature fashing LEDs
- Exercise bikes with 8-level magnetic resistance
- PVC volleyballs with butyl bladders
Pretective gear 29
The forecast upturn in trade compels makers to offer a
variety of 'greener high-performance products.
C|eba| 5eurces en|ine metrics 49
Cardio & strength training equipment
Find thousands of products and
suppliers in an easy to compare
formatupdated daily
Product Alert-receive e-mails
when new products go online
Inquiry Basket-send inquiries
quickly to multiple suppliers
5portin 0oods &
fitness fquipment
icycles & parts
Pocket bikes & scooters
5ports equipment
5ports safetyJprotection ear
1raininJtness equipment & accessories
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 17 More new products -
The sports products sought
by international athletes
We supplied the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
Want sporting goods good enough to use at the Olympics? Check out our
selection. Our balls were used in the World Table Tennis Championships,
and at the Sydney and Athens Olympic Games. Athletes lifted our IWF-
approved barbells at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Our shuttlecocks
are BWF-approved.
If you want an experienced supplier, youll be glad to know that we
have been in the business since 1959. Weve exported our products
to buyers in Europe, the US and Southeast Asia, so you can count on
us to get your order done right.
You can bring us your custom projects too. We have
60 designers to develop products and packaging
for your market. Send us an e-mail today.
Shanghai Double Happiness Co. Ltd
258 Zhizaoju Rd., Shanghai 200023, China
Tel: (86-21) 2326 7053, 2326 7058 Fax: (86-21) 2326 7059
Table tennis equipment used in
the 2008 Bejing Olympic Games
Barbell used in the 2008
Beijing Olympic Games
Goose-feather shuttlecocks and
carbon-ber badminton racket
Our carbon trekking poles are
rigorously tested
Cur trekkng poes ure mude vth curbon ber muterus, vhch
muke them strong und rgd enough or hetv users. Adustube
odng ucton uso enubes the poe to be eusv compucted
und stoved uvuv. 1o ensure durubtv und u deect rute ess
thun 2 percent, euch tem s subected to rgorous hurdness
und shock testng.
Leudng compunes n Austru, lnund und the LS come to
us or trekkng poes und vukng stcks. ln uct, ve serve the
vord's urgest muker o trekkng poes vth our extensve
customzuton und product desgn ubtes. L-mu us nov.
5C23 1\1C, No. 5 Hsn-Y Roud, Sec. 5, 1upe ll0, 1uvun
1e: (886-2) 8780 5ll0 lux: (886-2) 8780 403l
L-mu: -
Fai rmi nded Indust ri es Inc.
Dcfcct ratc Icss than 2%
Carbon fiber Nordic
walking sticks with
adjustable length functions, also
available in aluminum
Carbon fiber trekking poles
3-section design shown
Neoprene straps and cork grips
Sports & Leisure June 2010 18 - Choose veried suppliers
One of the largest makers of electric
vehicles in mainland China
With an annual capacity of 2.2 million units
Come to us for electric scooters, hybrid scooters, electric bikes,
motorcycles, electric tricycles, golf carts and more. Our production
bases in Jiangsu, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Tianjian have a combined
area of 660,000m
of operating space. We can create up to 2.2 million
units each year to ll volume orders. This capacity makes us one of
the largest manufacturers in mainland China. And it has led to annual
sales of $450 million.
Our QC team inspects our products to ensure they meet CE, EN 15914
and DOT guidelines. We also inspect each component during production
and before packaging. And to top it all off, all key components come
with one-year warranties.
To keep clients updated, our designers add two to three new designs to
our selection of 200 styles each month. We are also ready to work on
your custom projects. To learn more, visit our Global Sources Online
showroom today.
Jiangsu Yadea Technical Development Co. Ltd
Headquarters: 1 Yadi Rd., New Century Industrial Zone,
Zhaqiao, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214104, China
Tel: (86 510) 8810 0071 Fax: (86 510) 8810 0267
Mobile: (86) 137 7153 7603
Zhejiang base: 288 Binhai Ave., New Hangzhou Bay,
Cixi, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315336, China
Electric scooter with EEC certifcation
Golf cart
Electric bike with EN 15194 approval
Promo items for the
2010 FIFA World Cup
South Africa
Elans Sporting Goods Co. Ltd
Rm. 521, 5/F, Jinzhou Mansion, Plot 3 of Zhanqian Area,
Wenzhou Rd., Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325000, China
Rm. 608, Huaxing Century Tower, 317 Wantang Rd., Xihu,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310000, China
Tel: (86-571) 8971 2578/2579/2580, 8971 2581 ext. 801
Fax: (86-571) 8971 2582
Full-sized and mini soccer balls
for promotions
For big buyers of promotional balls and other sporting items, the rule is
simple: whoever responds the fastest gets the order. Were quick, so FIFA
licensees ask us to produce promotional items for the 2010 FIFA World Cup
South Africa. Weve been manufacturing sports balls, soccer goals and
sports bottles since 2002.
Most of our clients purchase different items, so it helps that we have ve
partner factories manufacturing a variety of goods. We can also provide
sample drawings in just one day and complete samples in three to seven
days at least two days faster than the competition.
Our monthly capacity includes 300,000 soccer balls, 200,000 goals and
500,000 bottles. Check out our latest promotional items. Contact us today.
Soccer bag Soccer goal Sports bottles
Superior yoga and exercise mats,
plus weighted fitness products
\e specuze n products desgned or use n
sports und tness. 1hese ncude u vde seecton o
vogu und exercse muts, us ve us veghted products or
cross-trunng. \e oer u u runge o unctonu, hgh-
quutv muts vth unque desgns. \e use mutumnutng
technoogv or our excusve mutcouted vogu und exercse
muts. 1hev're sp-resstunt, durube und comortube. 1hev're
uso eusv-to-ceun, und huve nonstck suruces.
Lstubshed n l975, ve vecome CLM/CDM orders.
Lverv month, our uctorv provdes more thun 50,000 unts
to murkets uround the vord. lor udded reussurunce, ve oer
one-veur guuruntees on u our products. \e dever sumpes
n l4 duvs und cun compete orders n 30 duvs. l vou ure tred
o sourcng run-o-the-m muts und vunt to source better ones,
contuct us toduv.
Yansn Co. Ltd
No. 66 lndustru 20th Rd., 1upng Ctv, 1uchung 4ll, 1uvun
1e: (886-4) 227l 0456 lux: (886-4) 227l 0580 L-mu: - -
fxpcricnccd manufacturcr of 35 vcars
yoga mats
Six-part folding
yoga mat
Various yoga mats to meet your specications
Sports & Leisure June 2010 20 - Choose veried suppliers
Up t o 5 new pr oduct s a year
Addcd to our 12 scrics of tncss cquipmcnt
Your customers demund vuretv und nnovuton. \e suppv t. \e huve
l2 seres o CL-, LL-, cLL-, RoHS-, LMC- und lDA-upproved tness
equpment, ncudng modes vth derent hunde burs, motors, buses
und eectromugnetc pover runges. \e uso oer vbruton und oscuton
equpment. And becuuse our eght R&D techncuns udd three to ve
nev tems to ths st per veur, vour optons or tness equpment v
never run out.
Cur monthv cupuctv s 20,000 unts, so ve cun eusv hunde vour
voume orders. And our no-MCC pocv meuns thut vou cun trv out
our products vthout mukng u urge, costv commtment. lus, ree
spure purts ure uso uvuube.
Cur procent sues teum v provde vou vth utersues
servces, too. And euch o our products comes vth
one- to tvo-veur vurruntes. \e vecome vour CLM
proects, und cun compete vour sumpes n our to
seven duvs. Deverv tukes l5 duvs. lnqure nov.
1,000Wmassager with 2hp plates
Mini vibration plate Electromagnetic full-body
vibration machine
Zhej i ang Ji nt uo Mechani cal & El ect r i cal Co. Lt d
22 Lust lnshun Rd., Lconomc Deveopment Zone,
Yongkung, Zheung 32l300, Chnu
1e: (86-579) 8723 4992/3562/4575
lux: (86-579) 8723 356l
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks) are for reference purposes
only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to
manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
ISO 9001:2001 ISO 1401:2004
hFw Pk0uuCTS
icyc|e be|| features
hashing L |ights
|ite Century 1echne|egy Ltd
(malnland Chlna)
Mede|: F8-001
M00: 1,000 unlts
e|ivery: 30 days
escriptien: 8lcycle bell; flashlne LFus; plays
tones for 10s; runs on three AAA batterles;
wlth cllp mount, rubber lnsert; 75x5x38mm
xercise ba||s meet A51M,
k 71 standards
Buisheng (Xiamen) 5perts quipment
Ce. Ltd
(malnland Chlna)
Mede|: P-lS5011-Pu
M00: 10,000 pleces
e|ivery: 7 days
Price: $0.75
escriptien: Fxerclse ball; rubber; 57, 63 or
72mm; 61 to 125e; ASTM, Fh 71, CF
xercise bike with 8-|eve|
magnetic resistance
kingbe R.M. fitness quipment Ce. Ltd
(malnland Chlna)
Mede|: k86307
M00: 100 unlts
e|ivery: 5 days
escriptien: uprleht exerclse blke; console
dlsplays tlme, speed, dlstance and calorles
burned; 8-level maenetlc reslstance
system; ad|ustable handlebar and seat
heleht; 110ke maxlmum user weleht;
800x60x1,00mm set-up dlmenslons;
28ke; CF, Fh 957
Caster beard tted
with AC-5 bearings
engkang Bifitness tndustry Ce. Ltd
(malnland Chlna)
Mede|: SK-003
M00: 500 pleces
e|ivery: 10 days
|ectric inhatien pump
with 120L{min airhew
engguan Pengke |ectric 1echne|egy
Ce. Ltd
(malnland Chlna)
Mede|: PK-30
M00: 300 unlts
e|ivery: 25 days
PvC ve||eyba||
features buty| b|adder
ehari La| & Ce.
Mede|: 8elco uSCh0772
M00: 10 pleces
e|ivery: 60 days
Price: $30
escriptien: volleyball; soft-touch PvC cover;
cotton-polyester llnlne; butyl bladder; cross-
lamlnated, compressed; offlclal slze, weleht;
polybae, carton packaelne
escriptien: Flectrlc lnflatlon pump;
12vuC; 5 to 10psl maxlmum pressure;
120L]mln alrflow; screw nozzle; portable;
rechareeable; for lndoor or outdoor use;
colored box packaelne; 27x16x25cm; kohS,
escriptien: Caster board; A8S, PP deck;
sandblasted flnlsh; 80mm elastlc, Pu
wheels wlth flashlne red, yellow, blue llehts;
A8FC-5 bearlne, preclslon-sealed; hardened
nylon, sprlne-loaded rotatlne torslon bar
system; 85ke maxlmum load capaclty;
comes wlth carry bae, shoulder belt, user
manual, vCu
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 23 More new products -
Rehabilitation exercise machines with
independent seat bases
Cur utest eg-press muchne und recumbent bke ure desgned to strengthen
users' egs or rehubtuton, us ve us tness. 1hev ure mude vth hgh-
mpuct stee rumes or enhunced durubtv. Cur products uso come vth
hvbrd generutor svstems, bue LCD consoes und hund puse sensors. Lven
the ndependent seut buses cun be removed to uccommodute vheechurs.
A o our muchnes come vth tvo-veur rume vurruntes, und one-veur
vurruntes or secondurv purts. \e uso provde compmenturv repucement
purts vth everv order. lnqures regurdng murket-excusve dstrbutorshps
ure vecomed. L-mu us toduv.
No. 38 lhe Rd., Shn Dstrct, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: (886-2) 2886 8558 lux: (886-2) 2885 09l4
L-mu: -
luctorv: No. 4 long 9th Rd., Ln lou lnd. lurk ll, Ln lou, 1upe, 1uvun
Gee Hoo Indust ri al Corp.
Shippcd with compIimcntarv rcpIaccmcnt parts
Recumbent bike
Leg-press machine
ISO 9001:2000
Removable seat base to
fit wheelchairs
Patents pending
Body boards delivered in 1 week
Quotes for special designs in just 7 days
When you fnd the product you need, you want it as soon as possible, and thats why
we deliver in just seven days. We can ship 10 containers of our in-house models
every week, in an assortment of sizes and styles that provide the fexibility you need.
For a custom design, just give us your requirements, and we will have a quote for
you within seven days.
Our boards are exported to some of the largest retailers and volume importers in
Europe and the Americas. The stylish images, vibrant colors and durable materials
have made our products a hit with users, resulting in repeat orders from many of our
biggest customers.
View our selection of kick, swim and body boards online. Address all inquiries to
Polly So.
EPS body boards with aquatic and
fancy prints in vibrant colors
Zinoki Ltd
Unit 15, 9/F, Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Rd., Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2521 5225 Fax: (852) 2810 0191 E-mail:
Sports & Leisure June 2010 24 - Choose veried suppliers
Your customers satisfaction is important to us.
Thats why our ve R&D engineers, pumped up by
an annual budget of up to $100,000, keep updating
our product line to give you more choices. We have
100 kinds of products for you to choose from,
including sports balls, gymballs and yoga mats.
We have our headquarters in Shanghai and three
factories in Jiangsu. With 350 production employees,
we can turn out up to 600,000 balls per month.
Delivery takes 19 days on average, and orders start at
1,000 units.
Many big buyers from around
the world source from us. To
meet their requirements, we
use 6P-free materials. Our
goods carry EN 71 marks.
E-mail us today.
Choosc from 100 kinds
of sporting goods
Rm. A1609, Lvzhou Plaza, 3064 North Zhongshan Rd.,
Shanghai 200063, China
Tel: (86-21) 6111 1626 Fax: (86-21) 6111 1638
Shanghai Zhensheng Stationery &Sports Goods Co. Ltd
Volleyball, soccer ball and
basketball, made to FIVB,
FIFA and FIBA standards,
PVC yoga mat and gym ball
Our team of 10 R&D staff members launches
two new electric scooter designs per month
to keep your catalog fresh. When you source
from us, we not only offer you this ingenuity
but also the capacity to satisfy demand. We
can produce 300,000 units per year a total
output volume worth $500 million.
We couple 10 years of manufacturing
experience with the best tools in the trade.
We have one factory that focuses on
electrical scooters, one on electrical bicycles
and one on motors. We use production
equipment from Germany. And to ensure our
products reach you in the best quality, eight
QC staff members monitor production at four
stages between raw materials entering the
factory and product packaging. Inquire today.
Two new ideas a
month that go
the distance
Hengshangqiao Industrial Zone,
Changzhou, Jiangsu 213117, China
Tel: (86-519) 8866 6082
Fax: (86-519) 8866 2691
Jiangsu Lvneng Electrical Bicycle Technology Co. Ltd
EN 15194-standard electric bicycle
Electric scooter with 350, 500 or 800Wmotor
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 25 More new products -
All kayaking equipment
produced entirely in-house
1o ensure thut our kuvukng equpment s o hgh
quutv, ve keep u producton processes n-house.
Come to us or kuvuk curts, seut bucks, rucks, drv bugs,
buovuncv bugs, spruv decks, pudde eushes
und eght derent tvpes o puddes
evervthng vour customers coud possbv
need or uture kuvukng trps.
Cents rom Lurope, the Amercus und
Austruu ureudv benet rom our CLM
servces. Sumpes tuke 20 duvs und u
orders ure reudv to shp vthn u month.
Crders sturt ut 500 unts. lnqure nov.
Ningbo Yinzhou RMAO Leisure Industry Ltd
Yuve, \uxung, Ynzhou, Nngbo,
Zheung 3l5lll, Chnu
1e: (86-574) 8833 5322
lux: (86-574) 8302 6535
vvv.ukuvuk.usu -
Aluminum kayak trolley
Kayak paddle, made
of PP and berglass
3F, No. 126-2 Jhongdong St., Sinsing District,
Kaohsiung City 800, Taiwan
Tel: (886-7) 224 1003 Fax: (886-7) 223 1215
East er n Eagl e Int er nat i onal Lt d
Innovat i ve exer ci se
equi pment t hat i s
pat ent ed i n t he US
Ideal for TV-shopping channels or mail-orders
The Officiser is a seat-mountable device that allows users to exercise
while sitting at work or home even while reading a book or surfing
the Internet. This innovative exercise equipment holds patents in both
the US and Japan and is pending in Europe. Multiple exercises can be
performed with the same product. A perfect item for TV-shopping and
infomercials, the Officiser is lightweight and compact, adding
convenience for the consumer and saving you on shipping costs.
Orders for one 20-foot container worth of products are welcome. We
accept inquiries from agents seeking exclusive rights. Contact us today.
Officiser exercise machine
Suitable for aerobic exercise and
strength training
Compact for convenient storage
Mini treadmill
We dellver cusIomlzed
moIors ln as fasI
as 10 days
Select from our CE- and
UL-approved electric
bicycle motors, electric
bicycle conversion kits,
hub motors and solar water
heaters. Our facilities are
ISO 9001:2000- and ISO 14001:2004-certied,
and our goods meet EN 15194 standards.We accept OEM/ODM orders, and can
deliver orders in 10 to 20 days ve days faster than our competitors.
Our six designers add two new products monthly to our 3,000-item catalog.
Orders start at 100 units. Join our list of buyers from Europe, Australia, the
Americas and India by contacting us today.
85 Huayuan St., Wujin, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213161, China
Tel: (86-519) 8961 7366 Fax: (86-519) 8961 5366
Electric bike
conversion kit
Changzhou Saint fIcctrics Co. ltd
Capturing a large market
share in South Korea
Our sports masks are well-received both locally and internationally.
In fact, we hold a large portion of the market share in South Korea
for these products. Featuring breathable and nonslip materials, our
patented masks are perfect for the sports enthusiasts in your target
market. These items are commonly used for skiing, snowboarding,
motorcycling, biking, hiking and more. Source our branded items,
or re|ay your OEM spec|fcat|ons to our team, and we w||| create a
sample for you. For more information, contact us today.
X-band ventilating sports mask
Cold weather protection
200 x 300mm, 160g
Patent No. 10-0614184
Rm. 617, Ssangyong Building, 1445-13 Seocho-dong,
Seocho-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Tel: (82-2) 3474 9776 Fax: (82-2) 3474 9771
Sports & Leisure June 2010 26 - Choose veried suppliers
60mm Ibln e-blke converslon klIs
wlIb 2-year warranIles
Golden Motor Technology Co. Ltd
No. 608, Suncity Business Center, 367 Central Tongjiang Rd.,
Changzhou, Jiangsu 213000, China
Tel: (86-519) 8208 0666 Fax: (86-519) 8207 7166
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
MagicPie e-bike conversion kit,
accepts 24, 36 and 48V
We have been specialists in the electric bike industry since 2000. Our newest
product is the e-bike conversion kit pictured here, which accepts different
voltages to achieve different speeds. It converts a pedal-powered bike into
an electric one using a 60mm thin hub motor.
Our brushless and gearless hub motors feature:
Maintenance-free built-in controller Regen braking and cruise control
60mm thin hub for common bike frames Accepts 24/36/48Vwithsame motor
Programmable controller via PC User-friendly connectors
We develop key components, such as controllers, motors and battery
packs, ourselves to ensure consistent quality. To show our condence in
the quality of our products, we offer a two-year warranty for all key
components. Contact us today to begin.
l4l-4, No. 206 luung Hvu lst Roud, luohsung, 1uvun
1e: (886-7) 229 026l lux: (886-7) 229 0263 L-mu: -
SD-2019 Vibration exercise machine with
3/4hp motor and 550W power rating
Exercise bike with adjustable
saddle bar and handlebars
Slam Dunk Enterprise Co. Ltd
\th over 2l veurs o producng exercse equpment, ve oer durube vbruton
exercse muchnes thut ure both stute-o-the-urt und comortube to use. 1hut's vhv the
eutured vbruton exercse muchne s ergonomcuv desgned to ncreuse crcuuton
und mprove strength. lt's ust one tem rom our compete runge o hgh-quutv tness
products, vhch uso ncudes rovers, exercse bkes und more.
You cun rest ussured thut our products ure sue, eusv-to-use und desgned vth the
end-user n mnd. A o our goods come vth CL, lCC und LL upprovus, us ve us
other murks requred or vurous murkets. Your
CLM/CDM orders ure vecome, so contuct
us toduv - ve v respond vthn 24 hours.
Foldable magnetic fan rower with special
spring design for smoother flexibility
St ylish vibrat ion machines
t hat resonat e wit h consumers
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 27 More new products -
Or der s fi ni shed wi t hi n 2 weeks
Why waste time sourcing fromother boat manufacturers? We can
fnish your orders twice as fast as the industry standard, which is
40 days. We complete orders in only two weeks. Our prices are
also about 5 percent lower than our competitors, and one-year
warranties are provided.
Come to us for CE-certifed, fshing, work and surf boats all of which
we own the design patents for. Our operations are ISO14001: 2004-,
ISO 122173- and GB/T 28001-compliant. So make the choice of
Lacroix Ruggieri and contact us today.
Shanghai Hande Ji ngj un Imp. & Exp. Co. Lt d
Rm. 608, Dongtiyuhui Rd., Hongkou, Shanghai 200437, China
Tel: (86-21) 2281 6938 Fax: (86-21) 2301 0309
14.5-foot fshing boat
Fol dabl e magnet i c bi kes wi t h
GS appr oval s
We manufacture sports and tness products under
our own Puko brand. Our product range includes
foldable magnetic, exercise, recumbent
and elliptical bikes, as well
as other exercise equipment.
All of these TV-inspected
items carry GS approvals.
Our factory is ISO 9001:2000-
and ISO 14001:2001-certied
and covers an area of 52,000m
And our 500 employees help
us achieve a 1.5 million-unit
annual capacity. This large
production ability allows
us to get you your orders
within 25 days. Samples
are nished in three to
seven days. Inquire now.
Foldable magnetic bike (917 E)
Magnetic bike
ZhejiangChunfengFitness Equipment Co. Ltd
999 Keyuan Rd., Hardware Industrial Zone,
Yongkang, Zhejiang 321300, China
Tel: (86-579) 87152298 Fax: (86-579) 87151729
Our products meet the quality
standards of Ikea and Walmart
Major retailers such as Ikea and Walmart know they can rely on
us for consistent quality. We have 15 QC inspectors who oversee
all production processes and performextensive tests to ensure
that our ftness equipment is built to last. Production of our
goods, including the featured hula chair, takes place at our three
factories measuring a total of 65,000m
. And with our own molding
department, our R&D engineers can construct a sample for you in
as fast as three days. To facilitate communication, we have 10 sales
representatives, including one based in the US. Inquire today.
Hula chair with remote control
Xintang, Fengnan, Tong'an, Xiamen, Fujian 361100, China
Tel: (86-592) 593 2966 Fax: (86-592) 593 2611
Xiamen Aifei Metal Mfg Co. Ltd
One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation
of a product and not an actual photograph of the product.
250 machines from Japan
and Taiwan
Come to us for wetsuits and surng suits
made from TV-approved neoprene, nylon
or spandexmaterials.Wealsooffer rashguards,
boots, socks, hoods, life jackets and gloves for
diving, shing or hunting. Our eight production
lines and 250 machines from Japan
and Taiwan produce up to 50,000
wetsuits monthly.
Up to eight R&D members are
ready for your custom projects.
They can nish samples within ve
days. Shipments are delivered in
25 to 40 days. Orders start at 200
units per model. Inquire now.
Wetsuit for men, custom
logos are available
Surng wetsuit
for women
Jesn Enterprises Pte Ltd
Bldg. 158, Lane 377, Chenhui Rd., Pudong New Area,
Shanghai 201203, China
Tel: (86-21) 5027 7708 Fax: (86-21) 5027 7707
Sports & Leisure June 2010 28 - Choose veried suppliers
China suppliers of sports protective gear are maximizing
product development amid escalating raw material costs
and concern over the environmental impact of the line.
In doing so, many are reviewing and adjusting the critical
components and competencies required in turning out
suitable models for the current market.
Designs in general follow global trends and adopt the
latest constructions and high-quality materials. A preferred
option is Kevlar, which has a strong hard-to-corrode weave.
Although light and soft, it is resistant to normal wear and
tear, and has no melting point.
Textiles treated with anti-microbial agents that inhibit the
growth of odor-causing bacteria are also on offer. Recent
releases in these fabrics boast germ-fghting properties that
last even with repeated washing.
Spacer mesh, meanwhile, is being adopted to enhance
wearability. This is commonly sewn with neoprene to
increase breathability and wicking. The material contains at
least 10 percent spandex.
A growing number of businesses are also taking
the green route, which is critical in boosting product
penetration in a wider international market. Suppliers
comply usually with EN and REACH requirements, and
send their products to SGS and Intertek for additional
In creating new models, design teams consult OEM
partners or research institutions on popular styles through
various tradeshows. Product development, nonetheless, is
mainly done in-house. Shenzhen City U-lucky Sporting
esign upgrades track
mainstream trends
The forecast upturn ln trade
compels makers to offer a
varlety of "ereener" hleh-
performance products.
Cover Story
centinued en page 32 W
5uppliers interviewed for this report:

Cheer 0reat lndustrlal Ltd F&h Sports & Lelsure Co. Ltd
Foshan hanhal llu|lane lladeshl helmet Co. Ltd 0lobal Mfe
0roup Ltd Shenzhen Clty u-lucky Sportlne 0oods Co. Ltd
Goods Co. Ltd, for instance, conducts its own tests to fne-
tune the ft. The latest releases have improved absorption
and grips.
Some manufacturers are also augmenting R&D
capability. Cheer Great Industrial Ltd, for example, has
doubled the number of specialists and plans to introduce
new models more often.
In the meantime, many suppliers are initiating
straightforward strategies to increase sales. Some plan to
negotiate directly with buyers and provide lower quotes than
what trading companies would offer.
Many enterprises are promoting products via B2B sites
and participating more in trade and sourcing fairs. A few
intend to visit customers abroad.
Thanks to these measures, Chinas relatively small sports
protective gear industry emerged mostly unscathed from the
recent fnancial slump, with some suppliers even posting 5
to 15 percent sales growth. The widespread outlook in 2010,
therefore, is auspicious as makers expect primary markets to
bounce back and increase spending.
A modest uptick, however, is predicted since rising
manufacturing outlay will likely erode revenue. The average
cost of raw requirements increased 5 to 15 percent in the
latter half of 2009 and is expected to surge further in the
next 12 months. The current spending on ABS, for instance,
has climbed nearly 30 percent from last year. Latex rates
have jumped 10 to 15 percent in the past three months.
To deal with these changes while maintaining
competitiveness, some enterprises choose only cost-effcient
Shln euards from
Shenzhen Clty u-lucky
have a resln shell
and a 5mm-thlck FvA
back wlth an elastlc
polyester strap.
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 29 More new products -
A mont hl y capaci t y of over 12,000
uni t s t o cover your bul k or der s
With a monthly capacity of 10,000 foosball tables and 2,500
billiard tables, we can handle your bulk orders. Our two factories
spanning 12,000m
and two production lines can ll 15 forty-foot
containers monthly, with a minimumorder of just one 20-foot
container. All of our products meet EN 71 standards and come with
CE marks. If you have specic requests, our 10-member R&D team
with over eight years experience can have a new sample made for
you in only ve days. For additional information, contact us today.
Jiujiang Jiuxing Sports Facility Co. Ltd
Park Zone 3, 186-5 Bingjiang East Rd., Chengdong Industrial Base,
Xunyang, Jiujiang, Jiangxi, China
Tel: (86-792) 899 2008 ext. 188 Fax: (86-792) 899 2007
Billiard table
Foosball table
Maki ng game t abl es f or 13 years
No. l5-5 Zhongshun Rd., Xnsh 1ovnshp,
1unun Countv 744, 1uvun
1e: (86-596) 83l 8l96 lux: (86-596) 83l 8l99
Zhuyi Sport i ng Goods Co. Lt d Changt ai Fuj i an
Table tennis
customized on
CAD software
\e huve l3 veurs o experence mukng gume tubes, ncudng
tube tenns equpment, poo tubes, oosbu tubes und
mutgume tubes. Cur R&D stu reeuse 20 nev desgns
quurterv und cun u u monthv cupuctv o 200 contuners
vorth o products. \e utze tvo 900m hgh-temperuture
bukng puntng nes, vhereus most compettors onv possess
one. \e cun shp rom the ports o Xumen n luun, munund
Chnu or luohsung n 1uvun. lor products vth one-veur
guuruntees, contuct us nov.
I t 's t i me you pi ck
f r om 140- pl us
w at ch model s
Our collection features more
than 100 models of sports watches
and 40 models of stopwatches. This
range expands with up to six new
products added by our 20 R&Dspecialists
each month. All of our items are patented
in mainland China, and are made with
components sourced fromJapan and
Taiwan. With two ISO9001:2000-certifed
factories, we have no problemproducing
up to 120,000 CE- and RoHS-marked
units monthly. Our delivery lead time is
normally 30 days. E-mail us today.
Shenzhen JUNSD I ndust r y Co. Lt d
3/F, Bldg. 2, 3 Kaifeng Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518049, China
Tel: (86-755) 8311 2455, 8331 3026 Fax: (86-755) 8317 4394
Altimeter with compass (JS-716A)
Altitude alarm
Measures climbing speed
Precision: 1m
Waterproof heart rate monitor
Measures pulse with transmitter
Clock, calendar, timer and
stopwatch capabilities
LED bicycle light, PRC Patent
No. 200930170090.9
80 model s of LED pr oduct s
Looking to let some light into your market? Then work with
us. We offer 50 models of LED ashlights and 30 models
of LED headlamps. Our CE- and RoHS-marked items are
made at our 3,000m
factory which produces 200,000 units
monthly. If you have a design in mind, our engineers can
have a sample ready within a month. Currently, our main
export markets are in the US and Europe. And for orders of
10,000 units or less, our lead time is only 15 days. For more
information, contact us now.
3/F, Bldg. D, Huale Industrial Zone, Baoan,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518101, China
Tel: (86-755) 2806 3120 Fax: (86-755) 2806 2250
Ambitech (Shenzhen) Electronic Co. Ltd
Sports & Leisure June 2010 30 - Choose veried suppliers
Trust our 48-hour inspcctions
We create a new item every three days
The rigorous 48-hour inspections that our sports balls undergo
are sure to make an impact on your customers. We test to ensure
strong stitching, optimumpressure and zero air leakage for every
ball that we turn out. And there sure are a lot of them up to
40,000 units daily. Coca-Cola and Nestl rely on our monstrous
capacity to ll promotional orders fast.
With a newcreation added to our catalog every three days,
there are always plenty of options to refresh your selection
from our 10 R&D specialists. Besides balls, we also offer speed
bags, basketball stands and other sporting goods. Custom
samples take one week when molding is not required.
Our own factory is located in Wuxi, and we have 30 partner
facotries in Jiangsu and Guangdong to help us handle your
orders as well. Call today.
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners,
and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Wuxi Xinfda International Corp.
West Xigang Rd., Gangxia, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214199, China
Tel: (86-510) 8835 1203, 8835 1207 Fax: (86-510) 8835 1073
Mobile: (86) 139 0151 3890
PU laminated basketball
and PVC handsewn
soccer balls
Soccer goal
Fuzhou Lucky Star Cooperation Ltd
Make a splash in your market
with our neoprene wetsuits
Whatever kind of neoprene wetsuit you
need, we're ready to manufacture it for you.
Our OEM-ready range already includes 200
UL-marked neoprene shorty and full suits,
hooded diving suits, headgear, shoes and
accessories. And our 20 designers are ready
and waiting to perfect an ODMdesign for
you, nishing samples in only 10 days.
Long-term partnerships with material
suppliers and freight forwarders help
guarantee on-time delivery. Our monthly
capacity is $1 million worth of goods. To get
a clearer picture of how our wetsuits and
other diving accessories will look in your
inventory, visit our website today.
surfng suit
Rm. 1111, Post Plaza, 101 Gutian Rd.,
Fuzhou, Fujian 350005, China
Tel: (86-591) 8330 6881 Fax: (86-591) 8330 6883
Neoprene suit
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 31 More new products -
Knee and elbow pads are in nylon fabric with foam
padding and PP or TPR caps. These can be printed or
embroidered with logos. The plastic shells are either spray-
painted or plated. Versions in more expensive transparent PP
are also available.
Low-end and midrange kneepads go for $0.50 to $1.50
and $1.60 to $5, respectively. Variants for the high end are
from $5.25 to $10.
Sports helmets have ABS, PP and PVC shells. The frst
is standard while the latter two are more upscale. EPS and
EVA are often utilized as lining because of their impact-
absorbing attributes.
Most helmets have adjustable chinstraps and quick-
release buckles. Air vents are added in certain models to
allow extra cooling. Basic designs in this category are less
than $3 while midrange variants are $3 to $6. Quotes for
high-end counterparts are between $6 and $20.
Wrist supporters are $0.35 to $2. Sets that include knee,
elbow and palm pads are usually marked $1 to $10.
In the sports gloves section, stitching is a basis for pricing
aside from the material. Expensive designs have topstitches
while economical ones do not. EVA is adopted in the low
end, while PVC and PU are for the midrange. Latex and
mesh are employed in certain upscale models.
At Shenzhen City U-lucky, gloves for soccer goalkeepers
are available at $2 to $3, $3.10 to $5 and $5.10 to $12 for the
low-end, midrange and high-end segments, respectively.
products. Others plan to establish ties with providers and
bargain for discounts.
Raw material reserves are expected to cover adequately
immediate production needs. For most businesses, inputs
have been readied for the remainder of 1H10.
Requirements can be procured domestically, particularly
from the Pearl and Yangtze River Delta regions. Purchasing
from nearby suppliers cuts down transportation cost and
shortens time to market. Moreover, returning or exchanging
defective materials also becomes easier.
Preducts & prices
Padding and helmets comprise the bulk of Chinas sports
protective gear shipment. The former is utilized in skating,
soccer, basketball, volleyball and skiing, covering the knees,
elbows, hands and wrists, shins and ankles, and back and
spine. Helmets, meanwhile, are targeted at various skating
and cycling activities.
Midrange designs account for 60 percent of the countrys
total yield. The rest of output is evenly divided between the
low and high end.
Manufacturing inputs and design determine pricing. Raw
materials represent 60 percent of total outlay, while labor
costs share 25 percent.
Body paddings are mainly made of polyester, cotton,
nylon, neoprene, PP and TPR. The frst two are usually seen
in lower-end models. Neoprene with nylon lamination is
adopted in the high end. centinued en page 34 W
verified supp|iers fer qua|ity buyers
we have focused on connectlne quallty
buyers wlth Asla's best quallty suppllers
for 0 years. we offer you sourclne
lnformatlon across multl-channels. Plus,
we elve you four advantaees:
Cemprehensive 5earch: 0lobal Sources
0nllne 2.0 dellvers search results from
our verlfled suppllers and unverlfled
5pecia|ized Channe|s: our multlmedla
channels are all hlehly speclallzed by
5upp|ier Ranking: our suppllers are
ranked from one to slx stars to help you
qulckly short-llst
5upp|ier vericatien: our suppllers are
pre-screened and verlfled by trusted
To flnd verlfled suppllers you can rely on,
vlslt today.
0lobal Sources 0nllne Trade shows
Maeazlnes kesearch
Sports & Leisure June 2010 32 - Choose veried suppliers
All of our lIems
carry TV approvals
Zhcjiang Sopop lndustriaI Co. ltd
Duhou lndustru Zone, Yongkung, Zheung 32l300, Chnu
1e: (86-579) 8750 89l3 lux: (86-579) 8750 8880
L-mu: -
Contuct lerson: Mr. Aun L Mobe: (86) l38 5893 7700
Elliptical exercise machine
16-level resistance Maximum load: 286lbs.
LCD screen displays time, speed, distance, calories, pulse and power
ltness equpment suppers oten huve to outsource stee und uumnum
tubng beore producton. Ceneruv, thev von't do so unt vour request
comes n. ut vhen vou puce vour order vth us, ve're ureudv prepured
to munuucture 1LV-upproved exercse bkes und other exercse products.
\e produce our ovn tubes n-house, suvng tme und uovng us to
dever vour order vthn 40 duvs.
Lverv veur, our R&D experts uttend trude shovs n Coogne und
Lus Vegus to brng vou the utest nnovutons. Cur 50,000m
und eght ussembv nes enube us to produce 5,000 unts monthv.
\e huve u ub vhere ve ensure quutv bv conductng pover, sut-spruv,
temperuture-shock, trunsportuton-smuuton und heuvv-metu tests.
Contuct us toduv.
Wc producc tubcs in-housc
We offer balls with different
panels and quality levels
Make us your choice for competitive balls, especially when you need custom
logos applied. We make a wide range of balls in many different designs and
quality levels. Send us your logo, style, size, panel and weight requirements. We
will have a sample ready within three to four days. Both machine- and hand-
stitched balls are available.
Our PU, PVC andTPUmaterials are produced in-house. This allows us to better
control quality and lead time, as well as keep our prices competitive. Our
products are welcomed in the EU, the Americas and Africa. And because we
have no minimumorder requirement, you can try us out before making a large
commitment. Call us now.
Hightop Synthetic Leather Co. Ltd
558 Binwang Rd., Yiwu, Zhejiang 322000, China
Tel: (86-579) 8520 2461 Fax: (86-579) 8520 2462
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of
their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Soccer balls with
customized logo printing
Leather suitable for balls,
various styles and
quality-grades available
Samples ready in as fast as 3 days
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 33 More new products -
Product eallery, paee 39
More sourcin opportunities online
5ave time searchin
0ne search provldes you wlth quallty results from
0lobal Sources verlfed suppllers - plus hundreds of
other suppllers and search results from the entlre web.
5in up for Product Alert
Source from your desktop wlth free e-mall updates on new
products and suppllers ln the cateeorles you want.
The majority of suppliers intend to maintain prices at
present levels in coming months. Those that plan to raise
quotes will keep adjustments within 5 percent. Upcoming
models, however, will be more expensive than existing
designs. Quotes for regular clients will be relatively lower
than those offered to new buyers.
tndustry demegraphics
There are more than 100 makers of sports protective gear
in China, with privately owned ones comprising nearly
85 percent of the industry. Only a few specialize as the
majority offers other products, including bags, safety vests
and wetsuits. The line accounts for 5 to 50 percent of most
makers export sales.
OEM and ODM orders represent about 60 and 30
percent of overseas deliveries. The rest consists of model
bearing in-house brands, which only midsize and large
companies can turn out.
Small enterprises make up half of the supplier base.
They generate less than $3 million in annual sales and have
fewer than 200 workers.
Midsize companies represent about 40 percent of the
manufacturing pool. They hire 200 to 600 personnel and
achieve $3 million to $10 million annually.
With more than 600 full-time employees, large
businesses post over $10 million in sales every year.
Most makers are equipped with sewing machines but
only midsize and large ones have plastic-injection lines.
With more than a decade of experience in the line,
Guangdong province remains the biggest sourcing
hub. It has a complete supply chain and is situated near
technology centers. Neoprene providers also abound in the
area. Yields there are often for the high end.
Most suppliers in Guangdong have set up headquarters
and sales offces in Shenzhen. This is to facilitate overseas
trade and promotions through the various tradeshows held
within the city.
The factories, meanwhile, are being transferred to as far
as Zhejiang or Hunan province. Moving production inland
reduces manufacturing outlay as labor and other logistic
costs are lower there. Moreover, many workers prefer to
work in their hometowns rather than relocate.
Offer your European customers eco-conscious electric bicycles
as well as the long-termsupport theyre looking for. Our ofce in
Germany means we have aftersales in Europe covered. The main
components of our CE-approved bicycles motors, batteries,
chargers and controllers are all where you need them, and we can
send samples to you directly fromour warehouse in Hanover.
Our R&Dteamcan develop and release a completely
newmodel every four months. And if you want an
existing style of push-bike to be converted
into an electric one, we have the R&Dskills
youll need. Visit us online today.
With aftersales services
covering Europe, we go
the distance
Rm. 1908, Piao Ying Century Building,
578 Tianbao Rd., Shanghai 200086, China
Factory: 8 Zhongxing Rd., Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu 215600, China
Tel: (86) 400 880 0512 Mobile: (86) 151 5159 7979
Contact Person: Mr. Ding
BB-Leisger International GmbH,Germany
A03-B: 700c electric bicycle,
meets EN 15194 standards
A01-2: 20 foldable
electric bicycle
Quality raw materials from
Europe and South Korea
Jiangsu Haiya Trade Co. Ltd
101 North Zhongshan Rd., Nanjing, Jiangsu 210009, China
Tel: (86-25) 8663 0639 Fax: (86-25) 8663 0679
Neoprene wetsuit
Come visit our factory, as more
than 20 of our clients do each year.
Were condent that you will be
impressed by our attention to
quality. Our raw materials for
making neoprene and synthetic
rubber are carefully sourced
fromSouth Korea and Europe,
We export over $10 million worth of
wetsuits and other goods annually.
Calvin Klein, UBC and Dbest Products
place OEM orders with us. Samples
take one week. Send us an e-mail in
English or Japanese today,
and receive a response
within 24 hours.
Infatable boat
Sports & Leisure June 2010 34 - Choose veried suppliers
CNS- appr oved Sur f boar ds Suppl i ed t o
For t une 500 Ret ai l er s
Gct SampIcs in 10 Davs
Taiwan Maxam Ind. Corp.
\e utze 20 veurs o experence to se to retung gunts.
ln uct, our epoxv-nshed, CNS-upproved surng geur s
sod to lortune 500 buvers n \estern Lurope, Austruu und
North Amercu.
Munuucturng n u 20,000m
uctorv n munund Chnu, ve
construct vour bourds usng the nest muterus rom Austruu.
1hs uovs us to muntun u ov deect rute o ust l percent.
And vou vunt to test our products n vour murket, vou'
be gud to eurn thut ve uccept smu und mxed orders. lor
sumpes n l0 duvs, contuct us toduv.
Rm. 245, No. 5 Hsn Y Rd., Sec. 5, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: (886-2) 2725 5544 lux: (886-2) 2723 7206
Munund Chnu uctorv: lun lun Muu, \u Lun Vuge,
Long Cung Dst., Shenzhen
1e: (86-755) 8990 2466 lux: (86-755) 8990 2324
New epoxy surfboards
Ding-resistant designs
Ideal for beginners
OEM stopwatches in
under four months
Up to 40% faster than the competition
As soon as you place your OEMorder, our clock starts ticking. We make sure we complete
your stopwatch orders in less than four months. Our competitors need up to seven months.
Howdo we do it? Whereas most suppliers require several different people to handle
sales, engineering and logistics, our personnel can handle all three. So the person you
communicate with will be the person that heads up
your products design and shipment. And some of them
have been doing it for 25 years.
We have three production lines and ASMbonding
machines fromthe US that help us make up to 450,000
units per month. To get your orders completed 40
percent faster, contact us today.
Bi-Challenge Mfg Co. Ltd
Flat 5, 15/F, Sunwise Industrial Building,
16-26 Wang Wo Tsai St., Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Mailing address: Tsuen Wan PO Box 1318
Tel: (852) 2407 7762 Fax: (852) 3740 3212
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners,
and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 35 More new products -
We ve suppor t ed our
gl obal cl i ent el e
f or mor e t han
13 year s
We supply neoprene and elasticated supports for sports and medical
uses. We are FDA-approved, and comply with a range of international
standards including REACHand ANSI. Our operations teambased
in Shenzhen oversees sample development, quality control and
production (conducted by wholly owned subsidiary factories of our
group).You can count on us to develop your products and have them
manufactured and delivered to your warehouse without any hassles.
For more information, contact us today.
Rm. 7A, Ocean Industrial Building, 29Tai Yip St.,
KwunTong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2460 9016 Fax: (852) 2463 0451
Knee stabilizer
2.5mm of neoprene
Patella hole with
stitched-in buttress
One size fts all
Gl obal Manuf act ur i ng Gr oup Lt d
European OutdoorTrade Fair
Friedrichshafen Messegelande, Germany
July 15-18, 2010
Booth No. B4-508
A new design every two months
Our company is owned by a group of investors fromBelgium.
Our R&D department works with designers and engineers from
Belgium to stay updated with the latest technologies and safety
regulations of Europe, creating a newdesign every two months. For
easy market entry, our bikes come with EN 15194, EMC
and CE approvals. Orders starting at 500 sets are
welcomed. Samples are ready in 15 days,
and we can have your products shipped
within 45 days. Contact us today for
more information.
Jinhua FDC Mechanism Co. Ltd
Bldg. 11 East Enterprises Investment Center, Jindong New District,
Jinhua, Zhejiang 321000, China
Tel: (86-579) 8215 8981 Fax: (86-579) 8215 8989
Womens electric bike with EN 15194 certifcation
Electric bike with lithiumbattery
Up to 15,000 tness bikes
per month
Cur lSC 900l:2008-
certed uctorv s reudv or
urge CLM/CDM orders. Cur
modng center, ll necton
muchnes, our robotc vedng
urms und three producton
nes cun turn out up to l5,000
tness bkes per month.
And vou cun count on
us to keep vour druvngs
or druts condentu.
lroducton s desgned to meet the strct stundurds o CL, the
RoHS Drectve und LN 957. Choose rom u neup thut ncudes
treudms, eptcu bkes und munv other tvpes o exercse
bkes. Cur R&D teum hus l0 veurs o experence und so do our
sues und munugement groups. Contuct us toduv to begn.
Newly designed
exercise bike
Ningbo R.M. Fitness Equipment Co. Ltd
585 Shzhu Rd., Lnvu lndustru Zone,
Zhenhu, Nngbo, Zheung 3l5207, Chnu
1e: (86-574) 8636 929l
lux: (86-574) 8636 9298
ISO 9001:2008 RoHS
EN 957
Source our oxygen systems
for tness centers
Des|gned part|cu|ar|y for ftness centers,
our award-winning oxygen systems are
one-of-a-k|nd. Now, users can app|y our
systems |ndoors, as we|| as on treadm|||s
and stationary bikes. When pumping out an
|ncreased amount of oxygen, our dev|ces
are great for reducing muscle fatigue when
exerc|s|ng, and he|ps burn more ca|or|es. To
work w|th a |eader |n the |ndustry, |nqu|re now.
Oxygen systemwith
12 outlets (RAK-U03R2)
Oxus Co. Ltd
No. 246, Oheonan-R|, Seorak-Myeon, Gapyeong-Gun,
Gyeongg|-Do, 477-851, South Korea
Te|: |82-31 477 5252 Fax: |82-31 477 0246
E-ma||: oxus|ntb|z@gma||.com
Webs|te: www.g|oba|
Oxygen systemwith
4 outlets (REX-253C)
Sports & Leisure June 2010 36 - Choose veried suppliers
FlIness equlpmenI
wlIb TV-C5 approvals
Cost-cffcctivcIv manufacturcd compIctcIv in-housc
\e've been munuucturng tness equpment or buvers n the LS und Lurope
or over 36 veurs. Lsng pustc, ron und uumnum sourced rom reputube
suppers, ve creute RoHS Drectve-compunt steppers, rovng muchnes, und
ubdomnu exercsers u o vhch shp vth 1LV-CS upprovus.
A the tness equpment ve produce s munuuctured competev n-house
to keep producton costs dovn. 1o keep ruv muterus stocked und or more
ecent deverv, ve muntun u 3,000m
vurehouse. Competng mukers
vthout such uctes run the rsk o shortng buvers vhen muteru scurctv
s un ssue. Vst us onne toduv.
RoHS ISO 9001:2000 4l-l, No. 242 1uchung lung Rd., Sec. l,
1uchung 40453, 1uvun
1e: (886-4) 2326 4227 lux: (886-4) 2326 8732
L-mu: -
AIItradc lntcrnationaI limitcd
8606 Ab Gym
Multigym training equipment
Arm rods adjustable to 3 strength levels
Seat adjustable to 3 tilt angles
Stretch rope adjustable to 3 resistance levels
Strengthens arms, chests, shoulders and
abdominal muscles
6603 Mini Twist
Exercise stepper
3603 Easy Bike
Mini exercise bike
2094 Ab Power
Multigym training
Specializing in neoprene
wetsuits and surf suits
20 new neoprene products monthly
Weve been manufacturing neoprene products for over 12 years, as well as
satisfying the OEM/ODM neoprene requests of top brands for eight years. Our
R&D department can develop 20 new products every month for your selection.
We only use raw materials with SGS approvals, and have a large selection of
accessories such as zippers for you to choose from.
Our ISO 9000:2004-certied, 8,000m
factory will satisfy your production
requests with its monthly capacity of 40,000 wetsuits. And for your exibility,
we have no minimum order quantity. Our professional sales representatives
are adept at handling inquiries from our clients in the US, Europe and
Australia and are ready to serve you too. Visit our Global Sources Online
showroom and then e-mail us today.
Wuxi HappySport Co. Ltd
Rms. 2203/2205, Baoxi Building, 58 Guangrui Rd.,
Wuxi, Jiangsu 214000, China
Tel: (86-510) 8261 2803, 8260 1603
Fax: (86-510) 8260 1602
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective
owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Illustrations shown here are drawings or other representations of products. They are not actual photographs of the products.
Neoprene wetsuits,
available in sizes for adults
Neoprene wetsuit, available
in sizes for children
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 37 More new products -
0lobal Sources Privctc Scrrirc
Fvcrts and c-scrrirc proeram
help you flnd verlfled suppllers
and products faster.
These excluslve, face-to-face
events enable you to meet a ranee
of suppllers already pre-screened
based on your requlrements and
ours. Many of the world's top
buyers are already use Privctc
Scrrirc Fvcrts to flnd quallty
suppllers and products.
0lobal Sources' c-scrrirc
proeram enables emerelne market
buyers to conduct the entlre
sourclne process onllne. These
events are ldeal for emerelne
market buyers wlthout a
permanent sourclne offlce ln Asla.
Flnd better products and
suppllers from Asla. vlslt
today to apply.
5tream|ine yeur Asia seurcing
- en|ine er face-te-face
A selectlon of sports protectlve eear from Chlna
centinued en page 42 W
f&B 5perts & Leisure Ce. Ltd
Mede|: PP206
M00: 500 sets per color
e|ivery: 15 days
escriptien: Knee and elbow pads; mesh,
A8S; S and M slzes; comes wlth eloves; ln
black, blue, plnk, yellow or red; mesh bae
f&B 5perts & Leisure Ce. Ltd
Mede|: PP10
M00: 500 sets per color
e|ivery: 15 days
escriptien: Knee and elbow pads; 170d
nylon, A8S; S and M slzes; comes wlth
eloves; ln black, blue, yellow or red; mesh
bae packaelne
f&B 5perts & Leisure Ce Ltd
Mede|: PP207
M00: 500 sets per color
e|ivery: 15 days
Price: $.50
escriptien: Knee and elbow pads; black
mesh, eray A8S; S and M slzes; comes wlth
eloves; ln black, blue, plnk, yellow or red;
fabrlc bae packaelne
f&B 5perts & Leisure Ce Ltd
Mede|: helmet
M00: 500 pleces per color
e|ivery: 15 days
escriptien: helmet; A8S shell; foam llnlne;
PP bae packaelne
C|eba| Mfg Creup Ltd
Mede|: 7007 Knee Stablllzer
M00: 1,000 pleces
e|ivery: 5 days
escriptien: Knee brace; 2.5mm-thlck
neoprene; |acquard plush llnlne; ad|ustable
strap; patella hole wlth stltched-ln buttress;
flts all slzes
f&B 5perts & Leisure Ce. Ltd
Mede|: PP20
M00: 500 sets per color
e|ivery: 15 days
escriptien: Knee and elbow pads; 17d black
nylon, eray A8S; S and M slzes; comes wlth
eloves; mesh bae packaelne
Cover Story
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 39 More new products -
We l l have your shoe
sampl e r eady i n
onl y 7 days
Have a design in mind and need it realized
fast? Then work with us. We have experienced
R&D engineers, some whove worked for Nike
and Adidas, on hand to complete samples in
only seven days. Meanwhile, the same team
creates up to 80 newdesigns annually to
keep our collection up to date. Production is
carried out at 10 diferent factories where we
can turn out 270,000 pairs of footwear every
month. Our minimumorder quantity is
600 pairs. For more information, inquire now.
Casual shoes
(HD-1079, HD-1068)
Putian Hongda Footwear Co. Ltd
Rm. B-604, Bldg. 11, Dongyuan East Rd., Putian, Fujian, China
Tel: (86-594) 239 0105 Fax: (86-594) 222 6589
Athletic shoe (HD-1088)
PU/mesh upper and mesh lining
Available in white or blue
We hold 30% of the domestic
market share
Buyers are pleased with the
features that weve added to
our golf carts. So its no
wonder we have 30 percent
of the domestic market
share. Our golf carts LED
gauges are more elaborate
than what is currently
on the market. Tey
include voltage and
power meters, speed
and odometers. And
unlike the competition,
weve outftted our carts
with LED taillights.
Our 50,000m
factory and two production
lines turn out up to 50 units per day.
Minimumorders start at one
unit. Contact us today.
Jiangsu Jewel Electrodynamic Technology Co. Ltd
Donggang Industrial Park, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214000, China
Tel/Fax: (86-510) 8879 9089
Golf car t wit h headlight s and
LED br ake and signal light s
sight seeing bus
500-plus bicycle models
to choose from
For over 10 years, weve been offering a wide range of high-quality
bicycles thanks to a team of experienced designers and QC
engineers. Currently, we have more than 500 models to choose
from. lf you can't fnd the design you have in mind, we will create an
entirely new bike for you using technology from Japan. Production
takes place at our factory, with a monthly capacity of 60,000
units. We welcome small orders to cater to small buyers. For more
information, call our 24-hour hotline today.

Mountain bicycle, available
in hundreds of models
Kespor International Group Ltd
268 Baogang Ave., Guangzhou, Guangdong 510240, China
Tel: (86-20) 3438 3990 Fax: (86-20) 2203 6198
English hotline: (86) 138 2506 3986
Treadmi l l s equi pped wi t h
handsf ree f ol di ng
syst ems
\e've specuzed n producng motorzed treudms or 25
veurs. 1he eutured mode bousts hundsree odng unctonutv,
u euture sure to uppeu to vour customers vho operute tness
studos. \hen muchnes uren't n use, users smpv press u button
und the muchne ods to vthn 35cm o the vu. Lke u o our
products, ths treudm shps vth CL und 1LV murks or drect
pussuge rom our uctes to vour shovroom. And ve cun turn
out us munv us l5,000 unts monthv. Vst us onne toduv.
No. 42, Lune l2, Shen Ln Rd., Shen lung Hsung, 1uchung, 1uvun
1e: (886-4) 2563 l222 lux: (886-4) 256l l78l
Munund Chnu uctorv: Shenzhen
1e: (86-755) 8l49 92l4-5 lux: (86-755) 2728 0263
3.0hp foldable, space-saving treadmill
Soft-drop lowering system
Handrail speed and incline control
Deck thickness: 18mm
Speed: 0.8-22kph
Power Fi rst Fi t ness Int ernat i onal Co. Lt d
Sports & Leisure June 2010 40 - Choose veried suppliers
Pepsi, Coca-Cola and
Donnay mark our balls
Annual capacity of 3 million PVC exercise balls
We have been producing PVC exercise and other sports balls for major
clients for over two decades. Just ask Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Donnay they
have been marking our balls with their names for more than three years.
Your samples can be shipped in only one day. It takes us two to three
weeks if they need molding.
Our 250,000m
factory has four workshops, 100 production lines and
1,000 employees that turn out up to 100,000 units daily. You can come
to us for volleyballs, basketballs, soccer balls, exercise balls, and even
badminton and tennis rackets. We manufacture everything in
accordance with ISO 9001:2000 guidelines. To see some of our designs,
log on to our Global Sources Online showroom today.
Double & Lili Sports Industry Co. Ltd
18 Huadong Rd., Huashi, Jiangyin, Jiangsu 214421, China
Tel: (86-510) 8606 3738 Fax: (86-510) 8606 5188
Mobile: (86) 138 6160 5611
Exercise ball made
of burst-resistant PVC
Badminton racket Rubber medicine ball
\etsuts und other dvng geur must be tough enough to survve undervuter condtons.
1o mprove the perormunce und durubtv o our products, ve munuucture our neoprene
muteru und currv out everv munuucturng step n-house. Most other suppers outsource
producton. CLM sumpes ure reudv n ust one duv. \e use Yll zppers, und our neoprene
compes vth LN 7l stundurds und hus been nspected bv SCS. 1hut's vhv buvers such us
Metro, lCS und lus choose us.
Cur nevest oerng ure bcvce seut covers. \e cun huve u sumpe reudv n one to tvo
duvs. Cur stu cun vour voume orders vth our monthv cupuctv o 200,000 bcvce
seuts thut ure sutube or uduts und chdren. Avuube muterus ncude nvon, lVC und
neoprene. L-mu us toduv.
l64-l Lungx Rd., nhu, \ux, lungsu 2l4063, Chnu
1e: (86-5l0) 8552 088l lux: (86-5l0) 858l 8565
Wuxi Super-strong Sports Products Co. Ltd
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their
respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Mens wetsuit made with
neoprene produced in-house
Nylon/PVC bicycle seat covers
OEM samples ready in 1 day
Wc makc our
ncoprcnc in-housc
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 41 More new products -
Product allery
5henzhen City U-|ucky 5perting Ceeds
Ce. Ltd
Mede|: A0038
M00: 1,000 palrs per slze
e|ivery: 60 days
Price: $2.50
escriptien: 0oalkeeper elove; 3mm
embossed FvA back; latex palm; PK fabrlc
body; 7 to 11ln; whlte; polybae packaelne
wlth header card
5henzhen City U-|ucky 5perting Ceeds
Ce. Ltd
Mede|: A0076
M00: 1,000 palrs per slze
e|ivery: 60 days
Price: $3.75
escriptien: 0oalkeeper elove; 3mm-thlck
embossed PvC back; latex palm wlth 3mm-
thlck sponee flller; Pu body; 7 to 11ln; whlte;
polybae packaelne wlth header card
C|eba| Mfg Creup Ltd
Mede|: 002 Flastlc wrlst Support
M00: 1,000 pleces
e|ivery: 5 days
escriptien: wrlst support; soft elastlc
materlals; removable alumlnum spllnt;
contoured deslen
5henzhen City U-|ucky 5perting Ceeds
Ce. Ltd
Mede|: AS010
M00: 600 palrs per slze
e|ivery: 60 days
Price: $1.28
escriptien: Shln euard; PP shell; 5mm-thlck
black FvA back wlth elastlc polyester strap;
S and M slzes; ln red or royal blue; polybae
packaelne wlth header card
5henzhen City U-|ucky 5perting Ceeds
Ce. Ltd
Mede|: AS022
M00: 600 palrs per slze
e|ivery: 60 days
Price: $2.58
escriptien: Shln euard; K-resln shell; 5mm-
thlck black FvA back wlth elastlc polyester
strap; S and M slzes; transparent; polybae
packaelne wlth header card
5henzhen City U-|ucky 5perting Ceeds
Ce. Ltd
Mede|: AC001
M00: 500 palrs per slze
e|ivery: 60 days
Price: $1.28
escriptien: Flbow paddlne; 2.5mm-thlck
Sports & Leisure June 2010 42 - Choose veried suppliers
State-of-the-art exercise equipment from a 30-company conglomerate
Offering you a wide selection of state-of-the-art exercise equipment is no
sweat for us. Established in 1983, we a 30-company conglomerate now
carry exercise bikes, treadmills, abdominal training machines, multigym
equipment and more. We have a nancial backing of $956 million
to help facilitate advanced payments to keep production running
smoothly, even during economic downturns.
3/F, Lianfa Building, 31 Huli Rd., Xiamen, Fujian 361006, China
Tel: (86-592) 603 7633 Fax: (86-592) 602 3466
Xiamen Lianfa (Group) Forever Co. Ltd
As for quality control, we conduct a rigorous
regimen that begins at the design and raw
materials procurement phase, and continues
until pre-shipment evaluations. And to ensure
hassle-free distribution, all of our products
come with CE, FCC, RoHS and UL logos. For
more information, contact our English-speaking
representatives today theyll reply within
24 hours.
Elliptical trainer
Step machine
$956 million worth of fnancial backing
Int ernat i onal Paci f i c Indust ri al Corporat i on
l0l, No. l55 leeung Rd., Sec. l, 1upe ll0, 1uvun
1e: (886-2) 2763 8328 lux: (886-2) 2756 8727
L-mu: - -
Cur tness equpment v uov vour customers to suev muxmze
ther vorkout resuts. 1hut's becuuse our R&D stu desgns n
couboruton vth proessonu tness consutunts.
\e oer over l00 products vth CL, LL, 1LV und LMl upprovus.
And brunch oces n both Austruu und munund Chnu uov
eusv sourcng or buvers n both countres. lor deveres n 30 duvs,
contuct us nov.
Free motion cable gym
with ergonomic design
Outdoor trampoline
Magnetic elliptical
trainer with track
Fi tness gear desi gned
by i ndustry professi onal s
Ovcr 100 itcms to scIcct from
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 43 More new products -
Samples ready within 7 days
We make artifcial turf for gardens, roofs, decoration, tennis
courts, racetracks and soccer felds over 20 diferent varieties
to choose from. Our teamuses nylon, PE and PP to make up to
of turf each month. We have been taking on OEM
projects for over fve years and can turn your specifcations for
height and density into a sample within seven days. For more
information, visit our Global Sources Online showroom and
send us an e-mail today.
Junhong International Trade Co. Ltd
Rm. 602, Industrial Building 2, East Peoples Rd.,
Wuxi, Jiangsu 214007, China
Tel: (86-510) 8282 6722 Fax: (86-510) 8546 7077
Artifcial turf, diferent heights and densities available
1 Xinbao Rd., Daming St., Xiqing, Tianjin 300000, China
Tel: (86-22) 8771 8192 Fax: (86-22) 8771 9582
Tianjin Tianrui Weisheng Sport Apparatus Co. Ltd
\e'e been in the BMX bike industrv or e vears and now can
produce 20,000 bicvcles or export monthlv. Painting and assemblv
are done in-house with the help o our production line rom 1aiwan.
Backed bv 20 vears o industrv experience, our R&D sta can turn
out vour sample in 15 davs. And, we hae oer 100 models o BMX
bicvcles or vour selection. \e can een make 20-inch bicvcle wheels
with oer 140 spoke holes. (all our trade representaties to hear
about our eight new products each month. Place a minimum order
o one 20-oot container todav.
5 year s of speci al i zi ng
i n BMX bi kes
20 BMX bicycle
\e export our products to
murkets n 35 countres und
regons, munv n Lurope und
Asu. Cur customers, ncudng
\u-Murt, source rom our over
30 derent tvpes o tness
equpment. \hv not gve our
steppers, treudms, ubdomnu
trunng equpment und other
exercse muchnes u trv:
\e huve three uctores vth
u totu ureu o l80,000m
l,500 sked empovees. Cur
monthv cupuctv s l00,000
unts, und orders sturt ut l00
unts or one 20-oot contuner.
L-mu us toduv to eurn more.
Destined for 35 markets in
Europe and Asia
uhuushun lndustru Areu, \uv, Zheung 32l200, Chnu
1e: (86-579) 876l 6755 lux: (86-579) 876l 2956
Zhcjiang Hotai Machincrv Mfg Co. ltd
Cardio twister with bidirectional
stepping motion and counter
ISO 9001:2000
ISO 14001:2004
Full in-house production for roller skis
\e keep durubtv und unctonutv n mnd vhen desgnng
products. And to contro quutv und costs, ve keep
producton entrev n-house. lrom desgn und modng
to producton und ussembv ve do t u. Cur R&D
stu members euch huve over l0 veurs o experence,
und thev ure reudv to customze unv product
to vour speccutons. L-mu us toduv or
more normuton.
Freewind Sports Co. Ltd
No. 47-l luung lu Rd., Sec. 2, Sun
Chung Ctv, 1upe Countv, 1uvun
1e: (886-2) 2995 6949 lux: (886-2) 2995 6946
L-mu: -
PC Sport sunglasses with UV400 polycarbonate
decentered lens and adjustable nose pads
Aluminum roller skis using bearings
from INA Germany
Sports & Leisure June 2010 44 - Choose veried suppliers
A wave of new
product releases
from a 13-vcar manufacturcr
No. 4l3, Dehuu St., North Dstrct,
1uchung Ctv 40447, 1uvun
1e: (886-4) 2207 9536 lux: (886-4) 2205 0296
Munund Chnu uctorv:
\oodund (Shen Zhen) Mg Corp.
Woodland Network Co. Ltd
Source rom us to tuke udvuntuge o our ov o nev product reeuses.
\th l3 veurs o experence, ve oer u u ne o lL und epoxv
surbourds, sot bourds, stund-up pudde bourds, und vood und
epoxv skmbourds. 1hese bourds ure u customzube to sut vour
shupe, gruphc und ogo speccutons.
\th un AlS3000 shupng muchne, ve cun produce bourds to
unv shupe. And our producton teum, vhch ncudes l2 shupers
vth un uveruge l0 veurs' experence euch, cun shupe up to 50
bourds per duv. \e vecome CLM/CDM orders. Contuct
us toduv.
Various surfboards
We support full-sized surfboards and paddleboards
Made with EPS, PU core, epoxy or polyurethane resin
Materials: Glass fiber or carbon fber
40 stvIcs of inatabIc boats
to choosc from
\e huve 40 derent stves o nutube bouts. Cur product runge
ncudes modes vth vood, berguss or uumnum oors. \e use
eco-rendv lVC muterus thut ure ree o phthuutes und heuvv
metus. And thev u currv CL und CS murks, ure compunt vth
lSC 6l85:200l stundurds und huve been nspected bv 1LV. Cur
monthv producton cupuctv s l,000 unts und our unnuu export
sues reuch Sl0 mon. \e huve enough storuge cupuctv to keep
3,000 nutube bouts n stock, und cun nsh orders vthn 30 duvs.
lnqure nov.
Infatable boat,
560 x 225cm
Shanghai Shibaiqi lmp. & fxp. Co. ltd
Rms. 27l6-27l7, l088 Nev lnquo Rd., ludong,
Shunghu 20l206, Chnu
1e: (86-2l) 6l50 5558 lux: (86-2l) 5l86 l766
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 45 More new products -
Manufacturing aluminum boats
for 16 years
\e huve been specuzng n the producton o uumnum bouts
or l6 veurs. uvers rom North Amercu, Lurope, Austruu,
lupun und other countres und regons upprecute our experence
und consstentv come buck to us. \e muke CL-upproved
ut-bottomed bouts vth L-shuped rumes or V-shuped bovs,
us ve us V-bottomed bouts n szes rom 3 to 4.4 meters. Cur
monthv cupuctv o bouts s l50 unts. Sumpes ure nshed n
one veek. lnqure nov.
Aluminum boat, available
in lengths from 3 to 4.4m
Sunncr Group WorIdwidc
Sutes 706-707, Hutu Munson, 898 1ongpu Rd.,
Shunghu 200333, Chnu
1e: (86-2l) 5l69 3839, 52l0 0l90
lux: (86-2l) 52l0 0l84, 52l0 0l86 -
PbIbalaIe-free swlmmlnq
producIs wlIb FN 71 approvals
You won't have a hard time distributing our swimming goggles,
caps and accessories in eco-conscious markets. All of our items
are phthalate-free and are made with silica gel, PC and other
eco-friendly materials sourced from the US, Japan and Taiwan.
And as an added guarantee, they're inspected according to
EN 71 and CE regulations. Disney and Wal-Mart choose from
our collection of 100 models and you can too. With a monthly
capacity of 300,000 swimming goggles and 50,000 swimming
caps, we are ready for your bulk orders. Inquire today.
Silicone swimming goggles
with adjustable nose bridge,
OEMorders are welcome
Dongguan Youcan Sports Articles Co. Ltd
Unit C1, Sima Industrial District, Changping,
Dongguan, Guangdong 523570, China
Tel: (86-769) 8108 1016 Fax: (86-769) 8108 1036
1,000 exercise products to
choose from
Ofer your customers more
ways to stay ft source
fromour catalog of nearly
1,000 exercise and sports
products. We ofer dumbbells,
exercise balls and mats,
foamrollers, boules sets,
dartboards, jump ropes,
steppers, bikes, sleeping
bags and more. Small,
mixed orders are welcome,
and delivery takes 20 days.
Our three semi-automated production
lines and two factories produce up to 600
tons of goods per month. For ease of import,
most of our products carry CE, GS, TV
and RoHS marks. Send us your custom
specs today.
Hefei Merrybody Sports Co. Ltd
18/F, Baowen International Building,
Zhanxi Rd., Hefei, Anhui 230011, China
Tel: (86-551) 424 2221 Fax: (86-551) 425 4446
Chrome dumbbells, available in
sets of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 50kg
PVC yoga ball, available in
diferent sizes and colors
Xian Transportation University helps
develop our bikes
Our R&Ddepartment works with the XianTransportation University
to help bring you some of the best electric bikes on the road. We
develop up to ve new CE-marked products each month and are
ready to work on your custom projects as well. Samples take 10 to
15 days to complete. And for your volume orders, we can produce
over 10,000 units each month. Contact us nowand well reply in less
than 12 hours.
Hangzhou Dayong Industry & Trading Co. Ltd
Hangzhou Morakot Electric Vehicle Manufacture Co. Ltd
73021 Army Zone, South Qianjiang
Second Bridge, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou,
Zhejiang 311231, China
Tel: (86-571) 8283 0910
Fax: (86-571) 8283 1573
Electric bike,
available in different
designs and colors
Electric bike, 20 to 80kph
and available with
180 to 3,000Wmotors
Sports & Leisure June 2010 46 - Choose veried suppliers
Over 30 product series to
choose from
Wc introducc 4 ncw itcms monthIv
Don't vuste tme deung vth mutpe suppers
vhen vou need sportng und esure products. \e huve
over 30 optons or vou to choose rom, ncudng soccer bus,
busketbus, voevbus, beuch puddes, tenns ruckets, vogu products,
ump ropes und more. \e cun customze muterus, szes und unctons
uccordng to vour requrements. lt onv tukes us 30 to 40 duvs to nsh
u orders.
A stu o 200 empovees ucheves u duv cupuctv o 20,000 soccer bus,
2,000 vogu muts und l2,000 ruckets. Aongsde ths stu s our R&D teum.
1hev deveop our nev products euch month or vour seecton. Cur goods
come vth CL und LN 7l upprovus. Contuct us nov or more normuton.
Soccer ball, volleyball
and basketball
Yoga mat, made of
various materials
Our newly designed
beach paddles
Zhcjiang AMP GIobc Co. ltd
l99 1u'un Rd., Hungzhou, Zheung 3l0052, Chnu
1e: (86-57l) 8766 l52l, 8766 l522 lux: (86-57l) 8766 l530
L-mu: -
All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners,
and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks.
Products with EN 957, CE, RoHS and TV approvals
\e huve been specuzng n the producton o mugnetc bkes, spnnng
bkes, eptcu truners, home gvms, dumbbes und other tness products
snce l990. 1he entretv o our output goes to customers n the LS, Lurope,
Austruu, Arcu, the Mdde Lust und Southeust Asu. 1o muke murket entrv
euser, our products currv LN 957, CL, RoHS und 1LV upprovus.
1o keep our customers upduted, ve udd up to ve nev tems monthv. Cur
mussve monthv cupuctv s 5 mon peces. \e uso uccept CLM requests,
vth sumpes nshed n seven to
60 duvs, dependng on vour
speccutons. Sturt vth un
order or us ev us l,000 unts.
lor more normuton, vst our
Cobu Sources Cnne
shovroom toduv.
Hangzhou Concord Leisure Goods Co. Ltd
Ducun lndustru lurk, Xuoshun, Hungzhou, Zheung 3ll200, Chnu
1e: (86-57l) 228l 2l98/2l97 lux: (86-57l) 228l 2l90
L-mu: -
Multifunctional foldable home gym equipment,
53 x 63cm when folded, ts in closet
Spin bike Magnetic elliptical trainer
From a 20-year tness products expert
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 47 More new products -
More than 390 dinnerware
from India, Taiwan, Hong
Kong and Vietnam
More than 1,500 sunglasses
Over 1,200 winter hats
66 promotional products
Over 1,000 USB flash
drives posted monthly
Over 120 verified
suppliers of sweaters
Source with more confidence at
Global Sources Online
Stay ahead of your competitors with our comprehensive
range of new products
Pinpoint qualified suppliers in your industry by finding
those products that meet your specialized needs
Save time sourcing with just one search that includes
Global Sources verified suppliers and search results from
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you need
Over 200 six-star suppliers
of CCTV cameras
More than 5,000 mobile
phones from China suppliers
Over 2,000 products related
to multimedia players
Over 53 pliers
from export-ready
0nllne metrlcs
Cardio & strenth trainin equipment
0nllne metrlcs are taken from buyer and suppller actlvlty ln the featured product eroup on
ln the month precedlne publlcatlon of thls maeazlne.
uyer requests track total lnqulrles from our lndependently verlfled worldwlde communlty of more than 880,000 buyers.
Product profiles represent the total number of unlque products avallable from export-ready suppllers ln our easlly
searchable cataloes.
hew product postins lndlcate the number of new product proflles added to our webslte by suppllers durlne the perlod.
For these and thousands of other cateeorles, vlslt 0lobal Sources onllne and slen up for Product Alert to recelve the latest suppller
postlnes. use the webslte's Product Search functlon to flnd hundreds of products and send lnqulrles dlrectly to verlfled exporters.
uyer inquiries by reion
1op new product postins 1op buyer requests 1op product proles
Percent of all onllne actlvlty for thls product eroup
37.0% 20.9% 22.3%
fltness equlpment
Streneth tralnlne
uprleht exerclse
Abdomlnal tralnlne
Free welehts
vlbratlon exerclse
Fxerclse steppers
Cross tralners]
Foldable treadmllls
fltness equlpment
uprleht exerclse
Cross tralners]
Streneth tralnlne
vlbratlon exerclse
Fxerclse steppers
Free welehts
Splnnlne exerclse
Abdomlnal tralnlne
2.9% 6.6%
fltness equlpment
Streneth tralnlne
uprleht exerclse
vlbratlon exerclse
Fxerclse steppers
Abdomlnal tralnlne
Cross tralners]
Free welehts
Foldable treadmllls
5.8% 6.7%
2.0% 5.2%
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 49 More new products -
Yoga mats free of
phthalates and
heavy metals
Cur lSC 900l:2000-certed uctorv hus been nspected bv
SCS or compunce vth LN 7l reguutons und to ensure our
products ure 6l-ree. ln uct, u o our products ure ree o
phthuutes und heuvv metus. \e creute up to ve nev desgns
euch month, und our R&D teum cun nsh u sumpe n three
to ve duvs. Cur duv cupuctv o 20,000 vogu muts s ve
tmes greuter thun the ndustrv uveruge. Crders ure reudv or
shppng n l5 to 20 duvs. lnqure toduv.
Yoga mat, available in PER, TPE, EVAand NBR
EVAyoga brick and
latex exercise bands
Shanghai Jian & Mei Industry and Trade Co. Ltd
Rm. l304, Lust Coden 1over, 729 luun Rd.,
ludong, Shunghu 200l27, Chnu
1e: (86-2l) 3l33 9l2l lux: (86-2l) 6l46 0l36
Our sports equipment was used
in the 2008 Beijing Olympics
We partner with CBA, are
certied by FIBA and IAAF,
and are the only partner of
FIBA in Asia. We also supplied
track and eld, swimming
and soccer equipment for the
2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
Jiangsu Jinling Sports Equipment Co. Ltd
8 Changxing Rd., Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu 215600, China
Tel: (86-512) 5868 8888/5898 3912 Fax: (86-512) 5862 3888
Foldable and movable basketball
hoop with 24-second shot clock
Specializing in sports equipment for over 20
years, we offer sporting goods such as basketball,
football, volleyball, track and eld, swimming,
hockey, and handball sporting equipment. Our
products make up 95 percent of the high-end
basketball market in mainland China. Inquire
now and get your answers within 24 hours.
You are on our mind
when we design our
sports balls
We put ourselves in your shoes when developing our hand- and
machine-stitched volleyballs, footballs, soccer balls and other
sports balls. For instance, we use different materials to match your
price requirements. And we make sure that the rawmaterials we
use comply with CPSIA and EN 71 standards as well as meet EU
regulations on PAH content. Our monthly capacity is 150,000 units,
and we have four engineers who can create samples in as fast as
three days. To work with a buyer-focused supplier, inquire today.
38 Tangdu Rd., Xiniu Po Industrial Estate, Dalang, Dongguan,
Guangdong 523799, China
Tel: (86-769) 8112 7158 Fax: (86-769) 8112 7157
Dongguan Three Runners Sporting Goods Co. Ltd
We make 3 newsports
balls monthly
ISO 9001:2008
10 years of precision
And many patented designs
Since 1999, we have been manufacturing precision-made
pedometers, stopwatches and other sports measurement
instruments. Our pedometer sensors have received several patents
in Hong Kong and mainland China and our stopwatches have
received 10. All of our products are developed with a precision of
+/-5 percent. Most of our accessories are manufactured in-house,
enabling our quality control staff to oversee each step of the
production process. We have obtained CMC certication from the
State Metrological Bureau, and our products have CE and RoHS
marks. Contact us today for quality, precision and ingenuity.
98 Xiashanmen Rd., Songgang, Baoan, Shenzhen,
Guangdong 518105, China
Tel: (86-755) 3366 3118 Fax: (86-755) 3392 5026
Million Concept Electronic (Shenzhen) Ltd
Multisensor watch with barometer,
altimeter and digital compass
Pedometer and earphones
Sports & Leisure June 2010 50 - Choose veried suppliers
Fit ness equipment from
a 30- year OEM
\e huve been deverng tness equpment to muor
sports stores n North Amercu, Lurope, Austruu und
Asu snce l979. \th neurv three decudes o trudng
experence, ve knov the derent needs und concerns
o murkets vordvde hepng vou uvod ptus thut
ess experenced suppers huve dcutv nuvgutng.
And our goods ure shpped vth CS und RoHS murks,
or smped mportuton to Lurope.
Cur ltmun-brund products ncude vrst und unke
veghts, veght benches, dumbbes und more. \e
cun customze ths equpment to vour speccutons.
\e uso oer ogo prntng und puckugng desgn
servces. CLM orders or unv o our exercse products
ure competed n ust 30 duvs. Contuct us toduv.
Heavy hand grip, available
in various colors
Two-handle weight,
weighs 6lbs
6l, No. l90, Sung Chung Rd., 1upe, 1uvun
1e: (886-2) 2563 2838 lux: (886-2) 252l 344l
\ebste: -
Big Unit ed Co. Lt d
10kg dumbbell set
With GS and RoHS approvals
Jump rope
Fitness bike with chain
transmission system, suits
commercial use
Order as few as
20 qarmenIs
We produce up to 20,000
specialized clothing pieces
monthly. And we accept orders
for as few as 20 garments. A
new addition to our product
range is a specialized cycling
garment with specially woven,
moisture-wicking Coolmesh
fabric, and a design thats
permanently dyed into the
fabric for color that lasts your
customers will love it. Contact
us nowand well even help you
source particularly hard-to-nd
Nanjing Binki Co. Ltd
Rm. 306, Bldg. 4, 36 Jiefang Rd.,
Nanjing, Jiangsu 210016, China
Tel: (86-25) 8448 0003
Fax: (86-25) 8449 7855
Cycling suit with
sublimation printing
Cycling shirt
A large range of
fitness equipment
to choose from
l0l-8, No. 4l5 Hsn Y Roud, Sec. 4, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: (886-2) 2758 6677 lux: (886-2) 2758 803l
L-mu: -
Munund Chnu uctorv: Songung Areu, Shunghu
Taiwan Sunbanker Enterprise Co. Ltd
\e huve more thun 20 desgners to vork on
vour deu tness equpment. \hether vou're
ookng to creute treudms, veght benches,
exercse bkes or steppers, ve huve t here. Cur
muor buvers ncude 1V shoppng chunnes n
the LS, vord's urgest retuers und numerous
other hvpermurket chuns. 1o sturt benetng
rom our R&D strength, contuct us toduv.
Mini stepper
with handle bar
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 51 More new products -
Designing, developing and
manufacturing hundreds of
diving products
lrovdng exbe CLM/CDM
und turnkev servces, ve've
been desgnng, deveopng
und munuucturng dvng
geur n 1uvun snce l989.
uvers n the LS, Lurope und
lupun rev on us becuuse ve
udhere to strct CC meusures such us
testng u o our reguutors on ANS1l
muchnes pror to shpment. 1o
expore our servces, contuct us toduv.
Multinational Company Ltd
No. l03 lungshng Roud, Duu, Luu,
1uovuun 338, 1uvun
1e: (886-3) 323 l660
lux: (886-3) 323 l77l
ISO 9001:2000
Hundreds of items available, including:
Masks Snorkels Fins
Regulators Valves
Diving lights Diving knives
Buoyancy compensators
Other accessories
9/F, Century Huaxia Cyber City, Buji, Longgang,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518112, China
Tel: (86-755) 8470 4571 Fax: (86-755) 6135 1387
Cheer Great Industrial Ltd
We'll ship your order in one week
With 18 production lines, our
ISO 9001:2000-certied factory can
meet your volume needs. However, we
also accept orders for as few as 500
units, and can have your orders ready
for shipment within one week. During
the manufacturing process of water
bottles and other sports-related plastic
items, we employ a strict QC process to
ensure that all products are defect-free
and comply with FDA regulations. And
we utilize a variety of QC equipment,
including metal detectors, vernier
calipers and color cards from the US.
Contact our English-speaking R&D team
to get started on your projects today.
Shaker bottle made of PP or HDPE
coin bank
\hen bg buvers Curreour sought
u hgh-voume supper o vbrutng
tness equpment, thev turned
to us. lve vorkshops und sx
producton nes hep us turn out
up to l0,000 unts monthv. \e're
lSC 900l:2000-certed, und our
products ure uvuube vth CL,
RoHS, LN 957-l, CS und L1L
murks. lteen CC ocers check
durng everv producton stuge.
Lverv month, our 20 R&D teum
members deveop ve to l0 nev
products. 1hev ure uso reudv to
hunde vour CLM requests.
lnqure toduv.
236 North edou Rd., Nnghu, Nngbo,
Zheung 3l5600, Chnu
1e: (86-574) 6522 l926 lux: (86-574) 6522 l909
Carrefour trusts us
Vibration tness machine,
emits negative ions
Vibration tness
machine, uses 6
AAA batteries
Illustrations shown here are drawings or other representations of products.
They are not actual photographs of the products.
Ningbo Bright Mechanical &
Electrical Co. Ltd
Innovative golf trolleys
that are above par
Jinhua Honest Mechanical
Manufacturing Co. Ltd
Dongmei Industrial Park, Duohu St., Jindong,
Jinhua, Zhejiang 321000, China
Tel: (86-579) 8216 0155/1040 Fax: (86-579) 8216 0270
Remote controlled
golf trolley, with
patented LCD design
Weve designed and exported golf
trolleys since 2006. Our innovative designs
include patented LCDs. Its our R&D and
insistence on quality that allow us to count
the UKs top golf distributor as a client.
We implement IQC, OQC and QA quality
control requirements and welcome
SGS inspections before
shipment. Benet from
one-year warranties. Our
aftersales team responds
to inquiries within 36 hours
and sends out spare parts within
a week. In seven days time your
sample order could be ready.
Inquire now.
LCD on handle, showing
ve modes of speed-control,
and stroke-recording
Sports & Leisure June 2010 52 - Choose veried suppliers
9l, No. 26 Mn Chuun L. Rd., Sec. 2, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: (886-2) 2537 3397 lux: (886-2) 252l 4956
L-mu: - -
Jih Kao Enterprise Co. Ltd
\e're one o 1uvun's premer munuucturers vhen t comes to tness equpments.
\e've been dong t or over 29 veurs und source purts ocuv. Cur eutured
treudms come vth heuvv-dutv uumnum ront posts und rugged constructon,
mukng t deu or ght commercu use. Cur home-use treudms ure 95 percent
preussembed, mukng t eusv or vour customers to put together. A products ure
shpped vth one-veur vurruntes und cun be devered n ust one tvo veeks.
Cur consstent quutv, ust deverv und user-rendv products huve heped us
eurn u spot on 1uvun's st o top exporter or the ust tvo decudes. You cun
sturt vth u mxed order or one 40-oot contuner. Contuct us toduv.
Treadmills and fitness equipment
from a 29-year maker
Turbo 7750
DC motorized
treadmill, preassembled
for home use
Modern 7950
DC motorized treadmill,
patented auto-folding
Alpha X1.0
AC servo motorized treadmill
Motor: 4HP AC servo motor
5 preset programs oer over
350 exercise modes for option,
3 target programs and
2 HRC programs
Heavy duty aluminum
front post
DIY conversion kit converts a bike
to an electric bike in 20 minutes
Our electric bike conversion kits allow end-users to change pedal-
powered bikes to electric bikes themselves. Using a manual and CD,
converting the bike takes 20 minutes. Our engines are built entirely
in-house, and are gearless, brushless and do not require maintenance.
Engines ranging from 180 to 1,000W, plus Li-ion and lead-acid
batteries are all available. Our 0.1 percent defect rate and six years
of experience is why clients from Italy, Australia, Austria and other
countries and regions reorder from us. Inquire today.
Bldg. 5, 128 Hanjiang Rd., New Area, Changzhou,
Jiangsu 213000, China
Tel: (86-519) 8560 3751 Fax: (86-519) 8560 3861
Mobile: (86) 134 0158 0887
Electric bike conversion kit, converts
a push bike to an electric bike,
suitable for 16 to 28wheels
Changzhou Trotter Electricity Machinery Co. Ltd
700c e-bike with 3-speed
inner gears
Pat ent ed di rect -pri nt i ng
t echnol ogy f or
EVA f oam mat s
With 25 years of experience,
we are adept at developing
newtechnology that makes
our EVA mats and other
foam products superior to
competitors. Our patented
direct-printing technology
involves the removal of oily top
layers on foam cells enhancing the binding with prime-coat
inks. A UV-resistant and waterproof layer is then applied to our
foamproducts to protect inks fromdiscoloration and abrasion.
To start benefting fromour R&D expertise, e-mail us today.
Printed foam mats,
customizable colors and logos
Sol arsport Ent erpri se Co. Lt d
No. 46, Lane287, ChungShanRd., Sec. 3, TanTzu, Taichung42749, Taiwan
Tel: (886-4) 2533 7828 Fax: (886-4) 2533 7829
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 53 More new products -
Organize, protect and
carry kitchenware better
10 partner factories for
cost-effective supplies
Let us help bring the convenience of the modern kitchen to the
great outdoors. Our polyester picnic baskets are made to carry
and organize kitchen supplies. The basket is large enough to
store a cutting board and two 9-inch plates, and sturdy enough
to protect two wine glasses.
Since 1995, weve specialized in producing a wide range of
products, including bags, bottles, camping cookware and knives.
Buyers from the US, Canada, Europe, South America and the
Middle East know that when they source fromus, theyre
sourcing from a company that utilizes 10 partner factories for
cost-effective materials.
All production is handled in-house to better control quality. We
Wenzhou Times Co. Ltd
Rms. A1-A2, 5/F, Times Square, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325000, China
Tel: (86-577) 2890 2890, 2890 2891 Fax: (86-577) 2890 2899
Picnic basket s, made of 600D polyest er
personally handle plastic injection, welding, painting, assembly
and packaging on our premises. This hands-on facilitating allows
us to make sure our deliveries are sent out when we say so, and
no later. For more information, e-mail us today.
kew preducts 59
The latest in beach and picnic supplies, camping gear, and
fshing accessories, including:
- Aluminum fashlights that use lithium batteries
Cooler bags that double as portable seats
Party tents made of cotton
0ptics 63
To gain better margins and revive export sales, makers are
releasing more designs with BAK4 prisms and multicoated
Find thousands of products and
suppliers in an easy to compare
formatupdated daily
Product Alert-receive e-mails
when new products go online
Inquiry Basket-send inquiries
quickly to multiple suppliers
Campin & Leisure
Campin equipment
fishin ear & accessories
Recreational optics
0utdoor leisure supplies
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 55 More new products -
Benefit from
our 26 years
of experience
And 1,000-model optical product range
Our 26 years' experience in exporting telescopes, binoculars,
microscopes and other optical products mean we know what
makes a superior product. We strive to supply our clients with
lenses that provide sharp, clear images and accurate color
rendition, as well as durable exteriors. Through our network of
20 partner factories, we offer you over 1,000 models with these
features and more.
Choose from models ranging from professional-grade to
promotional. Your OEM orders will be customized with your logo
and choice of packaging after being checked by our QC team
of nearly 1,000 inspectors. And with a 90-percent repeat order
rate, we're sure you'|| be sat|sfed w|th the products you order
from us. Find out why Leed' s and Shinsegae come to us for their
binoculars, telescopes and microscopes. Contact us now.
8 x 42mmwaterproof
open hinge binoculars
Oriental Industries Co. Ltd
Suite 15-8A, Hualin Palace, 4 Hebian Lane, Hualin Rd.,
Fuzhou, Fujian 350003 China
Tel: (86-591) 8785 0326, 8783 9013 Fax: (86-591) 8782 2733
Spotting scope with prismatic focus system
10-30 x 50mm binoculars
with 200m range
5 x 40mm promotional binoculars Outdoor tool kit: binoculars,
compass, fashlight and pocket knife
Our 20 QC specialists ensure the quality of our branded ashlights
Since our establishment in 2002, we have been taking extra measures to
provide you with high-quality outdoor gear. We've put together a team of 20
QC members with at least ve years of experience each. We then assign four
of themto each production line to keep track of every detail. This attention to
quality is a major reason why our Sunnecko-branded products are the choice
of lawenforcement agencies in mainland China.
We also design and manufacture CCTV products, LCD DVRs, LCD monitors and
more. Outtted with SMT production lines and other advanced equipment,
our 20,000m
factory is ready for your volume orders. To benet from our QC
focus and industry know-how, which has earned us the business of respected
buyers, contact us today.
Sunnecko Co. Ltd
382 Yangdong Industrial Rd., Yangjiang,
Guangdong 529500, China
Tel: (86-662) 666 2929 Fax: (86-662) 666 2996
LED fashlight (LED-SL10)
6061-T6 aluminumalloy
2 rechargeable Li-ion batteries
Cree Q5 bulb, 320lm
LED fashlight (LED-SYS1)
6061-T6 aluminumalloy
2 rechargeable Li-ion
Cree Q5 bulb, 320lm
Sports & Leisure June 2010 56 - Choose veried suppliers
Start sourcing our new Poseidon line of fshing pliers. We craft the body out of
lightweight anodized aluminum, and the jaws are made of rugged stainless
steel. And to allow them to cut through braided lines and wires, we form the
teeth using tungsten carbide. You wont fnd many other factories ofering
these pliers we are one of the few suppliers from mainland China with them
in our catalog.
We have exported our products to the US, Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle
East and South Africa for over 15 years. Our 30,000m
factory houses fve
assembly lines with 10 injection molding machines and other advanced
equipment. These resources allow our 300 staf members to fnish up to
300,000 units each month. To ensure quality, our 18 QC inspectors make
inspections during the production process. For more information, contact
our representatives today.
Onc of thc fcw
cxportcrs of aIuminum
shing pIicrs
Up to 300,000 units each month
19 Jinsha Rd., Zhoujiaqiao Industrial Zone, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu 215600, China
Tel: (86-512) 5690 3066 Fax: (86-512) 5690 3077
The Richy Group Limited
Multipurpose aluminum fshing pliers
188mm 015kg and 178mm 018kg
Multipurpose fshing pliers
made of heat-treated aluminum
alloy 204mm in length
Devel opi ng pr oduct s based on
your l i ght i ng needs
With ofces located in various countries worldwide, were able
to keep up with the latest trends on the market. Our team of 17
engineers takes client feedback into account when developing
newmodels. Each month, they add six newitems to our catalog of
100-plus LED fashlights, lanterns and spotlights. If you cant fnd
what youre looking for fromour selection, well create a sample
according to your specifcations within two weeks. We welcome
orders starting at 500 units. Inquire now.
Xiaopenggang Industrial Park, Longxi, Huizhou,
Guangdong 516121, China
Tel: (86-752) 6158 866, 6158 899 Fax: (86-752) 6158 989
Sagal i t e Co. Lt d
Flashlights with square
LED lights, IP67-rated
12 years' exper|eoce prod0c|og
camp|og prod0cts
Cumpgrounds ure second nuture to us. \hen t comes to
cumpng shoves, contuners und shover bugs, us ve us outdoor
beds und more, vou cun trust our l2 veurs o experence. Cur
, lSC 900l:2000-certed uctorv s ube to produce
50,000 cumpng beds per month. \e use puntng muchnes
rom Cermunv n our producton ne to get consstent coors
thut don't run. Sumpes tuke ust three to sx duvs to compete.
lor more normuton, e-mu us toduv.
Yongkang Sifang TooI factorv
98 Huuxu Rd., Lconomc & Deveopment Zone, Yongkung,
Zheung 32l300, Chnu
1e: (86-579) 87l7 5986 - lux: (86-579) 87l7 4986
Foldable camping bed,
made of 600D polyest er
Orders nished in as fast
as 20 days
For the past eight years, weve been producing tents, gazebos, beach
chairs and other outdoor furniture. Our 15,000m
factory has 200
personnel and a monthly output of 50,000 tents. Each product that
leaves our factory carries EN 71 and RoHS marks. Our 20-member
QC staff is experienced in locating defective units. We already export
to the US, Japan and Europe, and we can deliver to you too. Your
orders can be nished in 20 to 30 days. E-mail us today.
29 East Huancheng Rd., Baiyangdu Industrial
Zone, Wuyi, Zhejiang, 321200, China
Tel: (86-579) 8763 1662
Fax: (86-579) 8763 1655
Camping tent
Zhejiang Wuyi Nanyang Industry Trade Co. Ltd
Kids tent
Our sampl e l ead t i me
i s j ust 15 days
Established in 1985, we
have provided repeat OEM/ODM
services to our international clientele,
includingWal-Mart, Tesco, Target and others.
One reason is our timely sample lead
time of just 15 days. Our lineup
includes multi-tools, pocket knives,
promotional knives and other
outdoor tools. We have an 8,000m

factory that enables us to turn out up to 200,000 units monthly,
but our minimumorder quantity is just 1,200 items. Customizations are
easily accomplished thanks to our own molding facility and teamof
skilled engineers. Our factory is ISO9001:2000-certifed. Inquire today.
Max- Source Tool s I ndust ry & Trade Co. Lt d (MST)
54 Six Rd., 4th Industrial District, Yangdong, Yangjiang,
Guangdong 529931, China
Tel: (86-662) 688 1699 Fax: (86-662) 688 1396
Sports & Leisure June 2010 58 - Choose veried suppliers
hFw Pk0uuCTS
A|uminum hash|ight uses
rechargeab|e |ithium battery
Bt Lighting Ce. Ltd (1erch ept)
(hone Kone)
Mede|: Fh2
M00: 50 unlts
e|ivery: 20 days
Price: $135
escriptien: Flashlleht; alumlnum; 20w;
1,000 lumens; s500m lrradlatlon dlstance;
3,000hr bulb servlce llfe; 120mln llehtlne
tlme; water-reslstant; rechareeable llthlum
battery; 1.1ke; ln black and eray; alumlnum
box packaelne; lPX-3 ratlne; CF, Tuv
Cee|er bag deub|es
as pertab|e seat
kingbe Bemeeasy ai|yuse
Manufacture Ce. Ltd
(malnland Chlna)
Mede|: l831
M00: 2,000 pleces
e|ivery: 30 days
Price: $3.90
escriptien: Cooler bae; 600d nylon; PvC
or foll llnlne; wooden board lnsert for seat;
ad|ustable shoulder strap; fully collapslble;
keeps food cold for more than 3 hours;
Party tent
made ef cetten
AR Pe|ymers Pvt. Ltd
Mede|: Fxtendable Tent
M00: TFu
e|ivery: 5 days
escriptien: Tent; cotton outer and
lnner layers; alumlnum lnterlor frame;
slx wlndows; two doors; comes wlth
rope and stakes; water-reslstant;
0.75x0.50m wlndows; 1.83x1.25m door;
.05x.62x2.85m overall dlmenslons
Meet i ng US and EU regul at i ons
on azo dyes and cadmi um
We have been manufacturing picnic bags and mats,
cooler bags and other outdoor items since 1999. Our
products compliance with FDA and LFGB standards as
well as California Proposition 65 proves our commitment
to consumer safety. Plus, at our 6,000m
factory, we use
materials that are free of azo dyes and lowin cadmium
to turn out 60,000 picnic bags, 120,000 cooler bags and
120,000 mats monthly.
We develop 100 newdesigns a month and can create
custom samples in one week. Our minimum order quantity
is $10,000 worth of goods. For more information regarding
our products and services, contact us today.
Xiamcn Tawa fntcrprisc Co. ltd
No. 5, lndustru udng, lunghu lnd. Zone,
Hu, Xumen, luun, Chnu
1e: (86-592) 576 0ll7 - lux: (86-592) 577 2448
L-mu: -
4-person picnic bags (TWPB-3141A36R)
30L cooler bag (TWCB-1640B16) 2-person wine bag (TWPB-3231A35)
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 59 More new products -
25 years of shing equipment
and multi-tool expertise
Established in
1985, we have
the experience
necessary to
provide you with
comprehensive shing
equipment solutions.
And with a 23,000m
220 skilled workers and a monthly
capacity of 1 million units, we have
what it takes to accommodate your
volume needs. We offer shing pliers,
knives and other accessories, as well as
multi-tools, diving knives and promotional
hardware and gifts. Customized samples, made
at our own molding workshop, can be completed
within 15 days. Plus we offer tailor-made packaging
thanks to our design team. Inquire now.
Xinjiang South Rd., Yangdong, Yangjiang,
Guangdong 529500, China
Tel: (86-662) 633 6789
Fax: (86-662) 662 9789
Fish grip
Glee Outdoor Products Co., Ltd.
Yangjiang Yongjiang Trading Co., Ltd.
Dome tent, 200 x 200 x 130cm
10 vcars of OfM scrvicc
lor the pust l0 veurs, ve've been deveopng quutv outdoor CLM
products. Cur extensve cutuog hus u vuretv o products, ncudng
tents, seepng bugs, beuch und gurden umbreus, cumpng churs,
outdoor urnture und much more. Sumpes or these products
cun be mude n three to seven duvs. Cur 5,000m
enterprse s
lSC l90ll:2000-certed und exports S4 mon vorth o products
unnuuv. 1uke udvuntuge o our monthv cupuctv o l00,000 unts
bv cung us toduv.
Hangzhou kcvinv Co. ltd
Rm. 80D, dg. l, Cuodu Deveopng udng, l82 Zhuohu Rd.,
Hungzhou, Zheung 3l00l4, Chnu
1e: (86-57l) 8779 95ll lux: (86-57l) 8779 9522
L-mu: -
Choose from over 100
fashlight models
Choose us for variety and reliability.
When you partner with us, you ll
have over 100 models of LED
a|um|num fash||ghts, emergency
||ghts, camp|ng ||ghts and more to
se|ect from. lf you have a des|gn
|n m|nd, our team of des|gners w|||
work c|ose|y w|th you to create a
custom|zed samp|e w|th|n
15 days. We prov|de packag|ng
serv|ces upon request and
guarantee a|| of our |tems for one
year. Our m|n|mum order quant|ty
|s 500 un|ts. lnqu|re today.
LED fashlights
Hengguang Industrial Building, Hubing Rd., Qishi,
Dongguan, Guangdong 523560, China
Tel: (86-769) 8666 1133 Fax: (86-769) 8671 6633
Shengqi Lighting Technology Co. Ltd
Scrving WaI-Mart
for 2 vcars
Six years ago, we began making
beach chairs and exporting
them throughout the world.
Our products have achieved
particular prominence in
the markets of Europe, the US,
Southeast Asia and Japan. And
Wal-Mart has been sourcing
from us for the past two years.
Choose fromour 80 leisure and
outdoor products, including folding
chairs, directors chairs, beach
chairs and more. We welcome
your OEMorders and your sample
will be ready within three to ve
days. Start with an MOQ of 500
sets. Inquire today.
Yongkang Dasheng Industry & Trade Co. Ltd
10 First Rd., Huangtang Industrial Zone,
Yongkang, Zhejiang 321300, China
Tel: (86-579) 8753 2838, 8753 2839
Fax: (86-579) 8715 8595
Camping chair
with soft mesh
Polyester folding
chair with steel frame
Sports & Leisure June 2010 60 - Choose veried suppliers
I nnovat i on t hat br i ngs
you l i ght i ng pr oduct s w i t h
char gi ng f unct i ons
Jetfast Portable Lighting Co. Ltd
18 Nantou Ave. East, Nantou, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528427, China
Tel: (86-760) 2323 2303 Fax: (86-760) 2323 9090
Jetfast International Holdings Ltd
13/F, China Hong Kong Centre, 122-126 Canton Rd.,
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2710 7808 Fax: (852) 2783 8708
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the
property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Innovations that add convenience to daily life. Thats what we
strive to create, and it shows in the products shown here. Take for
example the featured fashlights, these models do more than just
show the way in the dark, they can also be used to charge Apple
iPhones to up to 95 percent capacity. Most ordinary chargers on
the market can only reach 70 percent.
Our catalog is replete with standalone chargers, as well as
lanterns and search lights that charge a wide variety of handheld
devices. They are made using high-fux Cree LEDs and deep dish
refectors that provide ranges of up to 350 meters, luminous fuxes
of up to 230 lumens and operating times of up to 240 hours.
These products integrate new technologies including one-
button microprocessor tailcap switches with eight settings that
have been patented in the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, the EU,
Taiwan and mainland China.
Quality is another one of our strong suits. We put every item we
make through high-voltage, static, beam, submersion and drop
tests to ensure the level of performance that international markets
demand. To put our creativity to work for you, contact us today.
Flashlight with
conversion heads,
converts to ood
light or lantern
Flashlights with DC charging
option for Apple iPhones/iPods
Flashlight battery
for charging Apple
iPhones and other
electronic devices
Lamp tripod
Floatable lantern
when top buyers llke you source onllne, you want to knowwhether suppllers:
Arc trstwcrthv, rclicblc crJfircrricllv stcblc
Ccr ncct vcr spcrifir rccircncrts fcr prcJrt ncrfcrtrirccrJJclivcrv
hcvc pctcrticl tc bc lcrc-tcrntrcJircpcrtrcrs
0lobal Sources has partnered wlth lndependent thlrd-partles to provlde you wlth tools
that verlfy suppllers and help you make better sourclne declslons.
Credit Check:
Conflrms a suppller's status as a leeally reelstered buslness
Covers up to 12 key flnanclal and leeal metrlcs-more than anyone
ln the lndustry
All facts and fleures are eathered fromeovernment aeencles by
Slnotrust and Flrst Advantaee-two of Asla's most trusted buslness
credlt reportlne provlders
5upp|ier Capabi|ity Assessment:
Conflrms detalls about a suppller's operatlons, productlon capabllltles,
0C processes and manaeement throueh factory tours, manaeement
lntervlews and documentatlon revlews
0ffered throueh 8ureau verltas, the world's leadlne conformlty
assessment and certlflcatlon servlces provlder
Plus, request your customcompany and product lnspectlons
we knowyou want to source fromsuppllers that have been verlfled by thlrd-partles,
and we have made lt easler for you to flnd them. vlslt www.elobalsources.comto learn
more today.
Use third-party verified tee|s fer mere cenfidence
and peace ef mind when finding supp|iersI
China suppliers of optics are inching their way toward the
high end in view of challenges and opportunities that have
unfolded over the past several months.
Manufacturers, for one, are looking to sustain
profitability as material and component costs have been
spiraling upward since January. Overall expenses, in fact,
are now 15 to 25 percent higher compared with last year.
Companies are also determined to revive export sales,
which plunged between 15 and 20 percent in 2009. Most
focused on midrange models then, steering clear of premium
designs due to cautious spending among end-users.
But with demand in the upscale segment starting to
recover, suppliers are realigning their R&D priorities
accordingly. This is because catering to the market gives
them a better chance at shoring up losses and ensuring long-
term viability.
The focus of design work, as a result, is shifting from the
integration of extra functions to the improvement of optical
For clearer and brighter images, companies are equipping
new military- and residential-use models with BAK4 prisms.
This alternative is made of high-density barium crown
glass. Compared with the traditional BK7 option, it has a
refractive index of 90 to 95 percent and consequently, better
light transmission. The exit pupils are round and evenly
Anti-reflective coatings are being factored in as well to
deliver crisper and higher-contrast images.
For the latest releases, multiple layers of coating are
Cere functien impreves
amid upmarket shift
To ealn better marelns and revlve
export sales, makers are releaslne
more deslens wlth 8AK prlsms
and multlcoated lenses.
Sourclne update
centinued en page 64 W
Price uide: inoculars
Price rane
(per palr)
asic features
8elow $10 A8S and alumlnum or all-A8S tube, natural
fnlsh or spray coatlne; domestlc 8K7 elass
lens, porro prlsm, blue or red coatlne; 3 to
6x maenlfcatlon; 20 to 30mm ob|ectlve
dlameter; no addltlonal functlons; for lelsure
$11 to $50 A8S and alumlnum tube, spray coatlne
or electroplatlne; domestlc 8AK elass
lens, porro prlsm, multlcoatlne; 6 to 12x
maenlfcatlon; 20 to 50mm ob|ectlve
dlameter; zoom functlon; LFu dlsplay; water-
reslstant; for lelsure, camplne, outdoor and
mllltary actlvltles
$80 to $300 Alumlnum tube, spray coatlne or
electroplatlne, rubber coverlne; 8AK elass
lens, roof prlsm, full or full broadband
multlcoatlne; 8 to 12x maenlfcatlon; 0 to
50mm ob|ectlve dlameter; zoom functlon; LFu
dlsplay; water-reslstant; for camplne, outdoor
and mllltary actlvltles
5uppliers interviewed for this report:

Catlc Fu|lan Co. Ltd Catlc Fu|lan (Photoelectronlc ulvlslon)
Choneqlne uontop 0ptlcs Co. Ltd laxy 0ptlcal lnstrument
Co. Ltd 0rlental lndustrles Co. Ltd
applied on two sides of the lenses or on all air-to-glass
surfaces. The latter treatment reduces haze and increases
luminosity further.
A green sheen is generally preferred, as this allows for a
more natural color reproduction than blue or red coating.
To complement the upgrades, suppliers are increasing
magnification power for a wider view angle.
The 8TC]7X50 model
fromChoneqlne uontop
has multlcoated lenses
wlth a ereen sheen.
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 63 More new products -
10 percent in the months ahead due to the higher cost of key
manufacturing inputs.
Binoculars: This segment accounts for 70 percent of
output in the optics industry. The best-selling designs are
fitted with 20 to 50mm lenses and have a magnification
range of 6 to 12x.
Binoculars are classified into porro and roof models, with
the former priced 30 to 50 percent higher.
Companies taking the high-end route, however, are not
yet ready to expand the digital line. Most feel they lack the
technological expertise to roll out models at par with those
under top foreign brands.
Among domestic enterprises that are engaged in
production, units with a photo and video recorder account
for no more than 5 percent of output. While it may take
a few more years, the segment is projected to boom in
Shenzhen, where the mature electronics supply chain can
support R&D initiatives.
Even with the attention being given to high-end models,
manufacturers plan to keep their midrange selections strong
since these remain the primary driver of sales.
Currently, designs in the middle of the price spectrum
represent 70 percent of the industrys turnout. Between 10
and 20 percent target the upper scale.
Preducts & prices
China offers a range of products under the optics line.
Binoculars lead the general-purpose selection. Specialized
types include astronomical and spotting scopes.
More than 90 percent of models fall in the $1 to $300
price range. Designs are suitable for camping, hunting, and
bird and sports watching.
Digital units go for between $500 and $800. These
often have an LED display, MP3 player, AM/FM radio and
Quotes for existing models are expected to increase 5 to
centinued en page 66 W
Price uide: Monoculars
Price rane
(per plece)
asic features
$1 to $5 A8S and alumlnum or all-A8S tube,
natural fnlsh or spray coatlne; domestlc
8K7 elass lens, blue or red coatlne; 3 to
8x maenlfcatlon; 30 to 50mm ob|ectlve
dlameter; no addltlonal functlons
$6 to $30 A8S and alumlnum or all-A8S tube, natural
fnlsh, spray coatlne or electroplatlne;
domestlc 8AK elass lens, multlcoatlne;
6 to 12x maenlfcatlon; 50 to 70mm
ob|ectlve dlameter; zoom functlon; LFu
dlsplay; water-reslstant
$31 to $200 Alumlnum tube, spray coatlne or
electroplatlne, rubber coverlne; 8AK elass
lenses, full or full broadband multlcoatlne;
8 to 15x or lareer maenlfcatlon; 0 to 70mm
ob|ectlve dlameter; zoom functlon; LFu
dlsplay; water-reslstant
0o0ot oo o0r 12 years
oI exper|eoce
Lstubshed n l998,
our 30,000m
equpped vth urge-scue
CNC too muchnes und more thun
300 empovees, cun produce Sl mon
vorth o goods monthv. Cur nspecton
ubs huve endurunce und brghtness testng
scues, us ve us ntegrutng spheres
to nspect our products. More thun 20
R&D engneers creute up to l2 nev stves
monthv or vou to choose rom. \e ure
lSC 900l:2000- und lSC l4000:2004-
certed und u o our products compv
vth CL und RoHS Drectve stundurds.
lnqure nov.
60o||o hardware & |ectr|c App||aoce 0o. Ltd
Ynzhou, Nngbo, Zheung 3l5l59, Chnu
1e: (86-574) 8734 8l77 - lux: (86-574) 8734 2377
L-mu: - -
ashlight, uses
Cree XR-E LEDs
ashlight, 365nm
to 415nm
Focus ashlight,
uses Cree Q5 LEDs
Uni que st yl es backed by
t he l at est LED t echnol og y
Come to us for multifunctional,
weather-resistant fashlights We
manufacture our LEDs using the latest
in electronics, optical and mechanical
technologies Our three production lines
turn out up to 2 million RoHS Directive-
compliant and CE-approved lights every year
Keep your sourcing plan fexible with our
low 1000-unit minimum order requirement
Delivery takes 30 days
Twice a year our trade team contacts our
buyers for feedback on their orders helping
us to improve our products and services
Visit our Global Sources
Online showroom today
Ni ngbo Sun-l i t e I nt er nat i onal Lt d
Unit 1101, North Kirin Mansion, 1501 North
Tiantong Rd Ningbo Zhejiang 315192 China
Tel: (86-574) 8773 5631 Fax: (86-574) 8773 5667
E-mail: max@sun-litenet
wwwsun-litenet RoHS
Mult ifunct ional met al
wor klight powered by
t hree AAA bat t er ies
Hong Kong
April 20- 23, 2010
Booth No. 8D09
N at ional Hardware Show
LasVegas, USA
May 4-6, 2010
Boot h N o. Chinese Zone 310
Sports & Leisure June 2010 64 - Choose veried suppliers
Usi ng equi pment f r om
Sout h Kor ea
We specialize in making aluminum ashlights, LED ashlights and
camping lanterns. To handle the volume demands of clients from around
the world, our 300 employees efciently manage our 28,000m
Using equipment sourced from South Korea, we achieve a daily capacity of
10,000 units. CNC lathes, punching machines and other advanced equipment
also play vital production roles.
Need a custom product? Our R&D team is ready. We have our own
computerized injection and precision molding workshops to handle OEM
orders. And if you are short on ideas, thats not a problem. We release three new
items a month that can be customized according to your requirements.
To ensure constant improvement, we manage our operations using ISO9001:2000-
and ISO14001:2004-certied guidelines.Visit our Global Sources Online showroom
and send us an e-mail today.
Ni ngbo Hongf u Al umi ni um & Pl ast i c
El ect r i c Appl i ance Co. Lt d
Youjia, Xidian, Ninghai, Zhejiang 315613, China
Tel: (86-574) 8732 4900, 8731 9884
Fax: (86-574) 8732 0227
Aluminum rechargeable fashlight
High-powered fashlights
Camping lantern, uses Ni-Mh
rechargeable batteries
To nish up to 10,000 units per day
Hong Kong
April 20- 23, 2010
Booth No. 7S32
Product eallery, paee 71
More sourcin opportunities online
5ave time searchin
0ne search provldes you wlth quallty results from
0lobal Sources verlfed suppllers - plus hundreds of
other suppllers and search results from the entlre web.
5in up for Product Alert
Source from your desktop wlth free e-mall updates on new
products and suppllers ln the cateeorles you want.
Quotes range generally from $1 to $150, although
some releases reach $300. Basic designs for the gifts and
premiums market are positioned at the low end. Upscale
counterparts are water-resistant and made with zoom
capability and electronic functions.
The housings can come entirely in ABS or aluminum,
or a combination of the two. Surface finish options include
spray coating and electroplating. Rubber covering is added
for a secure grip.
The lenses are made of glass with blue or red sheen, or a
multicoat surface.
Monoculars: There are three subcategories under
General-use models are the most economical, with quotes
from $1 to $30. Their lens system is similar to those utilized
in binoculars.
Spotting scopes are between $5 and $200. The least
expensive designs have a 3 to 8x magnifying power and a
30 to 50mm objective diameter. High-end versions are fitted
with low-dispersion glass lenses from Germany or Japan.
Astronomical telescopes often begin at $7 but can reach
$300 or even $2,000 for professional-use models. The
selection consists of reflectors, refractors and catadioptrics.
tndustry demegraphics
Chinas optics industry has 300 to 400 suppliers, with 90
percent privately owned. Factories are scattered throughout
Chongqing, and the provinces of Yunnan, Sichuan, Zhejiang,
Fujian, Shaanxi, Henan, Jiangsu and Guangdong.
Almost all companies are SMEs with a monthly capacity
below 100,000 units and annual revenue not exceeding $10
million. The smallest operations generate only $1 million
per year and turn out fewer than 10,000 telescopes each
Regardless of size, it is a common for manufacturers
to test-run materials and components prior to sourcing.
The practice involves purchasing samples from potential
suppliers and using these to produce one or two trial designs.
More than 95 percent of Chinas output in the optics
line is sent aboard. Traditional markets, including the US,
Europe, Australia and Japan, absorb 60 to 90 percent of
exports. The rest goes mostly to India and Brazil.
3-year warranties
on all key components
Patented 3 to 5W
rechargeable LED
Don't euve vour customers n the durk. Source our LLD ushghts
thut come vth three-veur vurruntes. Cur vurruntes cover u kev
components, ncudng the Cree-brund LLD bubs thut ve use.
Lverv month our R&D teum creutes up to sx nev desgns. Cur
desgn experts huve ut eust ve veurs o experence turnng desgns
nto vorkng sumpes, vhch tuke l0 duvs to compete. \e ure ube
to produce l00,000 unts euch month or vour voume orders.
lnqure toduv.
Ninghai Aoxiang Electric Plastic Co. Ltd
l ungxung, Xdun, Nnghu, Nngbo, Zheung 3l56l3, Chnu
1e: (86-574) 65l8 l968 lux: (86-574) 65l8 6658
L-mu: -
Waterproof HD sports
DVRs with high-speed
dynamic video
Introduce your sports enthusiasts
to our latest waterproof HD DVR
shown here. Measuring just 82.6
by 42.7 by 34.7 millimeters, this
device features a 2MP camera that
records at an exceptional 30 frames per
second. And equipped with high-speed
dynamic video functions, it ofers instant
responses to dark and bright settings. Plus,
your end-users can also use this device as
a PC camera. We release two newproducts
monthly and can develop customsamples in
only 10 days. Inquire now.
Redleaf Technology (HK) Industry Co. Ltd
Redleaf Electronic Fty
Block A2, Hangcheng Industry Park, Xixiang,
Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518102, China
Tel: (86-755) 2747 9943 Fax: (86-755) 8320 8897
Waterproof HD
sports DVR with
camera function
Sports & Leisure June 2010 66 - Choose veried suppliers
We have 28 year s exper i ence i n out door gas appl i ances
With 28 years of experience in the outdoor gas appliance
industry, its no wonder that our products are well-received
in more than 30 countries. We only source high-quality
components from South Korea, ensuring that our 60-plus
models of gas stoves, lamps, torches and more perform at
their best.
We can turn out up to 70,000 units monthly at our
ISO 9001:2000-certifed factory. Our brand distributors in
more than 20 countries value our KOVEA line. To become a
member of our family, contact our representatives today.
No. 401, BucheonTechnopark 202, 192Yakdae-dong,
Wonmi-gu, Bucheon, Gyenggi, South Korea
Tel: (82-32) 621 2170 ext. 114 Fax: (82-32) 621 2175
Contact person: Mr. Shane Kim
Gas stove
gas stove
fueled gas
gas torch
Kovea Co. Lt d
2-level IenIs
for weddlnqs
\e oer bg purtv tents, veddng tents, pugodu tents und odube
(guzebo) tents. ln 2009, ve've deveoped u tvo-eve purtv tent
vhch vou cun't get unvvhere ese n munund Chnu. 1hs purtcuur
product vus desgned bv our eght experenced engneers.
Cur three uctores cover 36,000m
und huve u monthv output o
3,000 odube (guzebo) tents, 200 pugodu tents und 30 other tvpes
o purtv tents vth 20m vdths. Luch one o our products comes
vth u 1LV certcuton und s nspected pror to shpment. lor more
normuton regurdng our purtv tents, contuct us nov.
Dongguan UpaI Outdoors Mfv ltd
1unguo, Chushun, Dongguun, Cuungdong 523lll, Chnu
1e: (86-769) 8459 6l93
lux: (86-769) 8459 6l83
L-mu: -
2-level party tent
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 67 More new products -
Yamaha, Lidl, Aldi and
TCM choose us
Munv bg buvers, ncudng Yumuhu,
Ad, Ld und 1CM, choose rom our
n-house desgns or puce custom orders
vth us. Cur R&D teum members brng
l5 veurs o CLM/CDM experence to
creutng 300 nev tems per veur. \th
such experence buckng us up, ve huve
murkets n lupun, the Amercus, Lurope
und Austruu n the bug.
Firstclub Outdoor &Sports Co. Ltd
369 Chungsheng Rd., lnghu,
Zheung 3l4200, Chnu
1e: (86-573) 8509 2629, 8509 0538
lux: (86-573) 8509 6878
Motorcycle tank bag
with magnetic straps
Ripstop backpack with
1.8/2.4Wsolar panel
Come to us or motorcvce tunk bugs,
sour buckpucks und rucksucks, us ve
us bourd, bcvce, huntng, shng und
cooer bugs. \e huve pussed uudts bv
SCl. L-mu us toduv.
Suppl yi ng Mast er Cut l er y
f or 10 year s
Master Cutlery knows they can rely on us for quality
knives. Thats why theyve been placing orders with us for the past
decade. You too can benet from the same kind of quality by selecting
from our range of 1,000 knives, scissors, multi-pliers, manicure sets and
BBQ items. Or bring us your specications, and our English-speaking
R&D engineers will create a sample for you within seven days. If you
have bulk orders, we can easily ll them with our monthly output of
300,000 pieces. Our lead time is 30 days. Contact us today.
52 Yudong Rd., Industrial Zone, Yangdong,
Yangjiang, Guangdong 529500, China
Tel: (86-662) 612 2800 ext. 2800, 612 2866 ext. 2866
Fax: (86-662) 612 2899
Yangjiang Precision Industries Co. Ltd
Pocket knife with aluminum
handle and mini multitool
with stainless steel handle.
Sour ce our t op- end f i shi ng r eel s
Lure in your customers by sourcing our top-of-the-line fshing reels.
Since 1997, we, and our 20 partner suppliers, have been ofering
our clients a one-stop fshing accessory source. With their help, we
can also ofer you foats, lines and lures. We have 16 designers who
can customize products according to your specifcations, and 15 QC
inspectors to oversee every aspect of production according to various
international standards. For more information, inquire now.
Pow dee Fi shi ng Tackl e Co. Lt d
3/F, Longtoushan Industry, Huoju East Rd.,
Xiamen, Fujian 361009, China
Tel: (86-592) 571 0919/0896 Fax: (86-592) 523 4088
Mobile: (86) 138 0603 6648 (Peter Gui)
Fishing reel
Aluminumframe Centrifugal brake system
10 high-precision ball bearings
Left-handed version available
ashIights with
Crcc lfDs
Cur products ure extru-brght snce ve onv
use LLDs rom Cree o the LS. 1he brghtness
never uters due to constunt-current crcuts.
Cur rumes don't corrode becuuse ve use
urcrut-grude uumnum. Choose products
thut meet CL und RoHS Drectve requrements.
Lverv one o the 500,000 unts ve creute
euch month undergoes un nspecton beore
shpment. Cver the ust l0 veurs, ve've
guned cents n the LS, lupun und Lurope.
lnqure toduv.
Ningbo Sanfcng fIcctricaI Co. ltd
l0 \ungung Rd., Xdun, Nnghu,
Nngbo, Zheung 3l56l3, Chnu
1e: (86-574) 2887 8988
lux: (86-574) 2887 8978
ashlight with
18650 Li-ion battery
ashlights with
adjustable beams
Sports & Leisure June 2010 68 - Choose veried suppliers
Tents Guaranteed for One Year
Delivery in 15 days
If it' s lasting quality that you' re after, you' ve turned to the right
page. Our Uv-protected, fre-resistant tents are ready to stand
up to anything Mother Nature throws at them. By stationing
two QC offcers on each of our three production lines, we
ensure the durability and consistency you demand. And we
offer one-year guarantees on all of our models.
Our R&D engineers each have more than eight years of
experience developing sturdy party, exhibition, promotional
and sporting tents. They introduce one new design to our
catalog every month. We can also handle your custom
requests. Give us 20 days, and you' ll have a sample product
to examine. Approve the sample, and your full order will be
ready in just 15 days. To learn more, contact us today.
Tianrun Industrial Park, Zhangkengjing, Guanlan, Bao' an,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518109, China
Tel: (86-755) 2803 3381 Fax: (86-755) 2803 3382 ext. 802
Shenzhen Yashang Tents Co. Ltd
Clear span tent with windows
Weihai Kum Yang Fishing Tool Co. Ltd
S&T Industrial Garden, Pudong Rd., Weihai, Shandong 264205, China
Tel: (86-631) 599 7012, 596 6006 Fax: (86-631) 592 1705, 598 7061
Big buyers come to us for our superior R&D capabilities. Our team
from South Korea has 10 years of experience and designs many
products carrying our popular Kumyang brand. So rest and relax
your order will be in capable hands.
You can choose from 1,000 rods and 500 reels, or design a new
product. We can create a mold, manufacture your items using
equipment from Japan and South Korea, print your packaging and
deliver your order in 45 days. Our monthly capacity is 150,000
rods and 80,000 reels, but you can place an order for just 300 units.
Samples take two weeks. Visit our Global Sources Online showroom
and e-mail us today.
Over 500 hshing reels to choose from
We R&D so your
customers can R&R
Weihai Xin Xing Fishing Tackle Co. Ltd
Front drag fshing reel:
Nine stainless steel ball
bearings plus one-way clutch
Two-tone aluminum spool
Machined cut handle
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 69 More new products -
Target and Li & Fung
like our selection
\e huve more thun
20 veurs o nternutonu
trudng experence und
l0 veurs o sports und esure
ndustrv expertse. 1hut's vhv bg
buvers ncudng 1urget und L & lung choose us or ther custom
survvu kts und other cumpng products. \e've but u netvork
o 20 suppers thut hep us provde vou vth outdoor products.
Choose rom tems such us bnocuurs, LLD ushghts, compusses,
uttv knves, run geur und other survvu equpment u n u
convenent bet pouch. Contuct us toduv.
Zhejiang Newne Industry Co. Ltd
2538 \est Dongsheng Rd., luxng, Zheung 3l400l, Chnu
1e: (86-573) 822l 864l - lux: (86-573) 822l 8l76
Outdoor survival kit with binoculars,
LED ashlight, compass, utility
knife, raincoat, carabiner and
whistle packs into a belt pouch
Laser range f inders with
patented technology
Our R&D team partners with Chinas Ministry of Public Security
as well as Zhejiang University. This allows us to develop high-
performance, precision laser equipment, like the laser range fnder
pictured here. Its rubber-coated, waterproof battery cover design
has a mainland China patent.
We create one new product every two months, and we can develop
custom items. Samples take 15 to 45 days depending on their
complexity. Our monthly capacity is 6,000 units, and we export to
over 20 countries. Inquire today.
Jinhua LanHai Photoelectricity Technology Co. Ltd
358 Jidao St., Jinhua Industrial Zone, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321016, China
Tel: (86-579) 8227 2429 Fax: (86-579) 8227 2553
|aso ao,o ooo .|t| .atoooo
stoctoo. |asts oo to 5.000 osos
.|t| /// battov
HID f lashlights with 160-minute
battery life spans
We offer HID ashlights that showcase
a variety of functional features. Some of the
component attributes include lightweight materials and rechargeable
lithium-ion batteries that can handle up to 160 minutes of continuous
usage. Our TV-certied products are also waterproof and can oat
features that are sure to be valued in your sports enthusiast market. We
followan ERP management systemand are ISO 9001:2000- and
ISO/TS 16949:2002-certied. Inquire now.
Various HID fashlights
HID Lighting Co. Ltd (Torch Dept.)
Rms. 1708-09, 17/F, Tower A, Regent Centre,
63 Wo Yi Hop Rd., Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
Factory: Niujiao Industrial District, Fusha,
Zhongshan, Guangdong 528434, China
Tel: (852) 2424 1718 Fax: (852) 2429 8483
ln onllne, prlnt and at trade shows, 0lobal Sources
brlnes you new products and verlfled suppllers
from 0reater Chlna.

vlslt today!
uan Katz
Manaelne ulrector
Mostech Ltd
"C|eba| 5eurces
is a true users'
guide te fantastic
Sports & Leisure June 2010 70 - Choose veried suppliers
A selectlon of optlcs from Chlna
centinued en page 72 W
Sourclne update
Catic fujian Ce. Ltd
Mede|: u1025TSw
M00: 200 palrs
e|ivery: 30 days
escriptien: 8lnoculars; 10x maenlflcatlon;
25mm ob|ectlve dlameter; uCF; 5.5-deeree
anele of vlew; blue- or ruby-coated lenses;
alumlnum houslne; LFu dlsplay for date,
temperature and humldlty
Catic fujian (Phetee|ectrenic ivisien)
Mede|: 0T208K100
M00: 50 palrs
e|ivery: 25 days
escriptien: 8lnoculars; 8x maenlflcatlon;
2mm ob|ectlve dlameter; 7-deeree anele
of vlew; 367ft]1,000 yards fleld of vlew;
5.1mm exlt pupll; 17.2mm eye rellef; 2.5m
mlnlmum observlne dlstance; water-
reslstant, rubber-coated houslne; for elfts
and premlums seement
Catic fujian (Phetee|ectrenic ivisien)
Mede|: 0T102CF
M00: 100 palrs
e|ivery: 25 days
escriptien: 8lnoculars; 10x maenlflcatlon;
2mm ob|ectlve dlameter; 5.8-deeree anele
of vlew; 101m]303ft fleld of vlew; fully
coated lenses; nltroeen-fllled, rubber-
coated houslne; lPX6 ratlne
lmaee: S03309
lmaee: F8001
lmaee: F800
Chengqing entep 0ptics Ce. Ltd
Mede|: X]8X2
M00: 60 palrs
e|ivery: 25 days
escriptien: 8lnoculars; 8x maenlflcatlon;
2mm ob|ectlve dlameter; 110]1,000m fleld
of vlew; ereen multlcoated roof prlsm;
lmaee: hA-001
Chengqing entep 0ptics Ce. Ltd
Mede|: u810258
M00: 300 palrs
e|ivery: 35 days
escriptien: 8lnoculars; 10x maenlflcatlon;
25mm ob|ectlve dlameter; 96m fleld of vlew;
roof prlsm; dleltal photo recorder; water-
lmaee: hA-003
Iaxy 0ptica| tnstrument Ce. Ltd
Mede|: wu82k
M00: 500 palrs
e|ivery: 30 days
escriptien: 8lnoculars; 8x maenlflcatlon;
2mm ob|ectlve dlameter; fully multlcoated
roof prlsm; alumlnum and A8S houslne
lmaee: S03603
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 71 More new products -
Product allery
Iaxy 0ptica| tnstrument Ce. Ltd
Mede|: w0010
M00: 20,000 palrs
e|ivery: 30 days
escriptien: 8lnoculars; 3x maenlflcatlon;
30mm ob|ectlve dlameter; 11-deeree anele
of vlew; football deslen
lmaee: F8001
0rienta| tndustries Ce. Ltd
Mede|: Fw39082525
M00: 300 palrs
e|ivery: 30 days
escriptien: Monocular; 8 to 25x
maenlflcatlon; 25mm ob|ectlve dlameter;
0.3m close focus; hleh-transmlsslon,
multlcoated 8K7 roof prlsm; rubber-coated
metal houslne; 118mm leneth; trlpod]
monopod compatlble
lmaee: hA-001
0rienta| tndustries Ce. Ltd
Mede|: Fw71082
M00: 300 palrs
e|ivery: 30 days
escriptien: 8lnoculars; 8x maenlflcatlon;
2mm ob|ectlve dlameter; 6m close focus;
hleh-transmlsslon, multlcoated K9 porro
prlsm; rubber-coated houslne; water- and
lmaee: hA-003
Bag samples ready
in 1 to 3 days
Our sample-making team is led by
two designers, one with seven years
experience and the other with 12.
Three sewing experts, who were
handpicked fromour production staff
for their attention to detail, complete
the team. They can turn your ideas
into reality in one to three days if
fabrics are available. We handle all
aspects of production in-house, and
our four lines turn out up to 60,000
bags each month. Delivery takes
20 to 25 days. Contact us now.
Bestmade Trading Co. Ltd
Bestmade Industry Co. Ltd
TradingandSample ofce:
No. 75-1, Mingshiliting, Jishigang,Yinzhou, Ningbo, Zhejiang315171, China
Tel: (86-574) 8190 1581, 8190 1583 Fax: (86-574) 8189 9929
Solar laptop backpack with
mesh side and front pockets
Sling bag,
made of nylon
Sampl es f i ni shed i n 3 worki ng days
Join big buyers like Michelin by using our OEM service. Well have
a sample ready in only three working days After confrmation we
only need three to fve weeks to complete your orders Our monthly
capacity is 10000 units but orders start at only 500 pieces We
release fve to 10 new designs each month Our tents are available in
various colors are easy to set up and offer UV protection They also
have CE approvals and have been inspected by SGS. Contact us today.
Shanghai Eversuccess Industries Co. Ltd
Rm E2 5/F Zengze Plaza 1590 West Yan`an Rd
Shanghai 200052 China
Tel: (86-21) 6283 7716 Fax: (86 21) 6283 6037
E-mail: sheversuccess@vip163com
Mobile: (86) 135 6479 6686
Pop-up tent,
comfortably ts 3 people
Sports & Leisure June 2010 72 - Choose veried suppliers
Car r ef our , OBI and Li & Fung sour ce f r om
our si zzl i ng col l ect i on
Our sales consistently exceed $3 million annually. Thats because year in and
out, we offer products such as the barbecue tool sets featured here that
are high in quality. In fact, we manufacture our goods using stainless steel for
maximum durability. This aspect also applies to our collection of more than
600 kitchen utensils, scissors, utility knives and gardening tools.
Rms. 901-906, Dengbao Building, 2 Nanxin Rd.,
Yangchun, Guangdong 529600, China
Tel: (86-662) 772 9366, 771 3552 Fax: (86-662) 771 7686
Contact person: Mark Li (86) 138 0972 3721
YangchunSilver Star TradingCo. Ltd
Carrefour, OBI and Li & Fung
are among many companies
sourcing from us. We keep
them satisfed and are ready
to do the same for you too.
Our monthly capacity is
50,000 units and our lead
time is 30 days. For more
information, send us an e-
mail today.
5-piece stainless steel BBQ set with grid handles (BBQ09011)
8-piece stainless steel BBQ set (BBQ09010)
For the newest LED ashlights and other LED
products, take a look at the collection on our Global Sources
Online showroom. There, youll nd some of the 10 new items we
create every year including models with powerful Cree-brand LEDs.
Our Twoboys trademark is registered in the US, and all of our lights
carry CE approval and comply with the RoHS Directive. Every
expert on our 15-member R&D teamhas more than ve years of
experience. Our 20 QC staff members have more than three years
on the job, and we check all orders according to ISO 9001:2000-
certied standards.
We can manufacture up to 500,000 units every month.
Delivery takes just 20 days, and we welcome minimum
orders for just 1,000 units.
Inquire today.
Binhai Industrial Zone, Xidian, Ninghai,
Ningbo, Zhejiang 315613, China
Tel: (86-574) 6517 1018, 6517 3577
Fax: (86-574) 6517 1987, 6517 3579
Ningbo Shuangtong Electric
Appliance Co. Ltd
5W Cree LED rechargeable aluminumashlight,
functions: 50% light, 100% light, SOS ash
16 super bright LED
aluminumcamping lantern
12 super bright LED
aluminumcamping lantern
7 super bright LED
ISO 9001:2000
ISO 14001:2004
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 73 More new products -
To buy direct from verified China manufacturers, we invite you to step inside China
factories with Global Sources China Sourcing Reports.
Youll find page after page of details on verified manufacturers of specific
products. Plus, benchmark your suppliers against these factories capabilities
and prices.
Choose from the following list of titles:
To experience the difference that working with verified suppliers can make to
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To see all titles, go to
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Advertiser tndex by Preduct
Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking
0lobal Sources' unlque Suppller kanklne system comblnes best-of-breed, thlrd-party suppller verlfcatlon wlth comprehenslve
buslness lnformatlon, allowlne you to narrow down the huee number of suppllers qulckly and effclently.
The hleher a suppller's ranklne, the more buslness lnformatlon you'll have access to from that suppller.
For more detalls, please vlslt]SlTF]0uALlT.hTM
@ For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
Supplier Ranking
3 or more face-to-face visits
by Global Sources team
Credit Check business
registration details
Bureau Veritas Supplier
Capability Assessment
9 9 9
9 9 9
9 9
9 9
9 9
Bicycle accessories
Changzhou Saint Electrics Co. Ltd 26 ++,,,,
Changzhou Trotter Electricity Machinery Co. Ltd 53 ++,,,,
Golden Motor Technology Co. Ltd 27 +++,,,
Nanjing Binki Co. Ltd 51 ++,,,,
Bicycle lights
Ambitech (Shenzhen) Electronic Co. Ltd 30 ++,,,,
BMX bikes
Tianjin Tianrui Weisheng Sport Apparatus Co. Ltd 44 ++,,,,
Electric bikes
BB-Leisger International GmbH,Germany 34 ++,,,,
Hangzhou Dayong Industry & Trading Co. Ltd 46 ++,,,,
Jiangsu Daicao Electric Bicycle Technology Co. Ltd C-3 +++++,
Jinhua FDC Mechanism Co. Ltd 36 ++,,,,
Suzhou Rununion Motivity Co. Ltd 15 ++++,,
Mountain bikes
Kespor International Group Ltd 40 ++,,,,
Barbecue tool sets
Yangchun Silver Star Trading Co. Ltd 73 +++++,
Camping accessories
Xiamen Rong Xing Da Bag's Co. Ltd 3 ++++++
Camping beds
Yongkang Sifang Tool Factory 58 +++,,,
Camping cookware
Wenzhou Times Co. Ltd 54 ++++++
Camping furniture
Yongkang Dasheng Industry & Trade Co. Ltd 60 ++,,,,
Camping head lamps
Ningbo Shuangtong Electric Appliance Co. Ltd 73 +++,,,
Camping lanterns
Kovea Co. Ltd 67 +++,,,
Camping stoves
Kovea Co. Ltd 67 +++,,,
Guolin Hardware & Electric Appliance Co. Ltd 64 +++,,,
HID Lighting Co. Ltd (Torch Dept) 70 ++,,,,
Jetfast Portable Lighting Co. Ltd 61 ++++,,
Ningbo Hongfu Aluminium & Plastic Electric Appliance Co. Ltd 65 +++,,,
Ningbo Sanfeng Electrical Co. Ltd 68 ++,,,,
Sunnecko Co. Ltd 56 ++++,,
LED ashlights
Ningbo Shuangtong Electric Appliance Co. Ltd 73 +++,,,
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 75 More new products -

Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking
@ For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
Ningbo Sun-Lite International Ltd 64 ++,,,,
Ninghai Aoxiang Electric Plastic Co. Ltd 66 ++,,,,
Sagalite (China) Co. Ltd 58 ++,,,,
Shengqi Lighting Technology Co. Ltd 60 ++,,,,
Max-Source Tools Industry & Trade Co. Ltd 58 ++,,,,
Bestmade Trading Co. Ltd 72 ++,,,,
Firstclub Outdoor & Sports Co. Ltd 68 ++,,,,
Survival kits
Zhejiang Newne Industry Co. Ltd 70 ++,,,,
Dongguan Upal Outdoors Manufactory Ltd 67 +++,,,
Hangzhou Keviny Co. Ltd 60 ++,,,,
Shanghai Eversuccess Industries Co. Ltd 72 ++,,,,
Shenzhen Yashang Tents Co. Ltd 69 +++,,,
Zhejiang Wuyi Nanyang Industry trade Co. Ltd 58 ++,,,,
Cross trainers/ellipticals
Jih Kao Enterprise Co. Ltd 53 ++++,,
Zhejiang Sopop Industrial Co. Ltd 33 +++++,
Exercise steppers
Taiwan Sunbanker Enterprise Co. Ltd 51 ++,,,,
Zhejiang Hotai (Hengtai) Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd 44 ++,,,,
Recumbent exercise bikes
Gee Hoo Industrial Corp. 24 +++,,,
Spinning exercise bikes
Xiamen Lianfa (Group) Forever Co. Ltd 43 +++,,,
Jih Kao Enterprise Co. Ltd 53 ++++,,
Power First Fitness International Co. Ltd 40 ++,,,,
Upright exercise bikes
Big United Co. Ltd 51 +++,,,
Ningbo R.M.Fitness Equipment Co. Ltd 36 ++,,,,
Slam Dunk Enterprise Co. Ltd 27 +++,,,
Fishing equipment
Powdee Fishing Tackle Co. Ltd 68 ++,,,,
Fishing pliers
Glee Outdoor Products Co. Ltd 60 ++,,,,
The Richy Group Limited 57 ++++++
Fishing reels
Weihai Xin Xing Fishing Tackle Co. Ltd 69 +++++,
Fishing rods
Weihai Xin Xing Fishing Tackle Co. Ltd 69 +++++,
Exercise balls
Double & Lili Sports Industry Co. Ltd 41 ++++,,
Shanghai Nancy Sporting Goods Co. Ltd 4,5 ++++++
Exercise mats
Solarsport Enterprise Co. Ltd 53 ++,,,,
Yansn Co. Ltd 20 +++,,,
Bichallenge Mfg Co. Ltd 35 +++,,,
Million Concept Electronic (Shenzhen) Ltd 50 ++,,,,
Yoga mats
Shanghai Jian & Mei Industry and Trade Co. Ltd 50 ++,,,,
Sports & Leisure June 2010 76 - Choose veried suppliers
Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking
@ For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
Golf carts
Jiangsu Jewel Electrodynamic Technology Co. Ltd 40 ++,,,,
Golf gloves
Gostar Sporting Goods Co. Ltd 16 ++++,,
Golf trolleys
Jinhua Honest Mechanical Manufacturing Co. Ltd 52 ++,,,,
Oriental Industries Co. Ltd 56 +++++,
Cooler bags
Xiamen Rong Xing Da Bag's Co. Ltd 3 ++++++
Xiamen Tawa Enterprise Co. Ltd 59 ++++,,
Picnicware & supplies
Xiamen Rong Xing Da Bag's Co. Ltd 3 ++++++
Xiamen Tawa Enterprise Co. Ltd 59 ++++,,
Pocket knives
Yangjiang Precision Industries Co. Ltd 68 ++,,,,
Sports cameras
Redleaf Technology (HK) Industry Co. Ltd 66 ++,,,,
Spotting scopes
Jinhua Lanhai Photoelectricity Technology Co. Ltd 70 ++,,,,
Electric scooters
China Xingyue Electric Vehicle Co. Ltd 10 ++++++
Jiangsu Lvneng Electrical Bicycle Technology Co. Ltd 25 +++,,,
Jiangsu Yadea Technical Development Co. Ltd 19 +++,,,
Suzhou Rununion Motivity Co. Ltd 15 ++++,,
Kick scooters
Zhejiang Jinbang Sports Equipment Co. Ltd 11 +++,,,
Fishing boats
Shanghai Hande Jingjun Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 28 ++,,,,
Inatable boats
Shanghai Shibaiqi Import & Export Co. Ltd 45 +++,,,
Sunner Group Worldwide 46 ++,,,,
Inline skates
Hi Mark International Co. Ltd 80 ++++,,
Athletic shoes
Putian Hongda Footwear Co. Ltd 40 ++,,,,
Knee supports
Global Manufacturing Group Ltd 36 ++,,,,
Sports goggles & masks
Naroo CEM Co. Ltd 26 ++,,,,
Bichallenge Mfg Co. Ltd 35 +++,,,
Shenzhen Junsd Industry Co. Ltd 30 ++,,,,
Water bottles
Cheer Great Industrial Ltd 52 ++,,,,
Articial turf
Junhong International Trade Co. Ltd 44 ++,,,,
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 77 More new products -
Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking
@ For more lnformatlon, vlslt thls suppller's webslte.
Basketball backboards
Jiangsu Jinling Sports Equipment Co. Ltd 50 ++,,,,
T.K. Chin Co. Ltd 14 ++++,,
Shanghai Zhensheng Stationery & Sports Goods Co. Ltd 25 +++,,,
United Rings Enterprise C-4 ++++,,
Wuxi Xinfda International Corp. 31 ++++,,
Gymnastics equipment
Hangzhou Concord Leisure Goods Co. Ltd 47 +++,,,
Pool tables
Jiujiang Jiuxing Sports Facility Co. Ltd 30 ++,,,,
Soccer balls
Dongguan Three Runners Sporting Goods Co. Ltd 50 ++,,,,
Elans Sporting Goods Co. Ltd 20 +++++,
Hightop Synthetic Leather Co. Ltd 33 +++,,,
Shanghai Zhensheng Stationery & Sports Goods Co. Ltd 25 +++,,,
Zhejiang AMP Globe Co. Ltd 47 +++,,,
Table tennis equipment
Shanghai Double Happiness Co. Ltd 18 ++++,,
Zhuyi Sporting Goods Co. Ltd Changtai Fujian 30 ++,,,,
Trekking poles
Fairminded Industries Inc. 18 +++,,,
Winter sports equipment
Freewind Sports Co. Ltd 44 ++,,,,
Free weights
Hefei Merrybody Sports Co. Ltd 46 ++,,,,
Multigym training/tness equipment
Alltrade International Ltd 37 +++,,,
Beijing Body Strong Fitness Co. Ltd 7 ++++,,
Eastern Eagle International Ltd 26 ++,,,,
International Pacic Industrial Corp. 43 +++,,,
Oxus Co. Ltd 36 ++,,,,
Xiamen Aifei Metal Manufacturing Co. Ltd 28 ++,,,,
Zhejiang Chunfeng Fitness Equipment Co. Ltd 28 ++,,,,
Zhejiang Jintuo Mechanical & Electrical Co. Ltd 21 +++++,
Strength training sets
Shanghai Pisces Sporting & Leisure Products Co. Ltd 2 ++++,,
Vibration exercise machines
Ningbo Bright Mechanical & Electronical Co. Ltd 52 ++,,,,
Slam Dunk Enterprise Co. Ltd 27 +++,,,
Diving gear
Multinational Co. Ltd 52 ++,,,,
Ningbo Tenglong Outdoor Implement Co. Ltd C-2,1 ++++++
Ningbo Yinzhou Rmao Leisure Industry Ltd 26 ++,,,,
Taiwan Maxam Ind. Corp. 35 ++++,,
Woodland Network Co. Ltd 45 ++++,,
Zinoki Ltd 24
Swimming goggles
Dongguan Youcan Sports Articles Co. Ltd 46 ++,,,,
Fuzhou Lucky Star Corp. Ltd 31 +++,,,
Jesn Enterprises Pte Ltd 28 ++,,,,
Jiangsu Haiya Trade Co. Ltd 34 ++,,,,
Wuxi Happysport Co. Ltd 37 ++++++
Wuxi Super-Strong Sports Products Co. Ltd 41 +++,,,
Sports & Leisure June 2010 78 - Choose veried suppliers
Advertisers Pae Advertisers Pae
Advertiser tndex
Alltrade International Ltd 37
Ambitech (Shenzhen) Electronic Co. Ltd 30
BB-Leisger International GmbH,Germany 34
Beijing Body Strong Fitness Co. Ltd 7
Bestmade Trading Co. Ltd 72
Bichallenge Mfg Co. Ltd 35
Big United Co. Ltd 51
Changzhou Saint Electrics Co. Ltd 26
Changzhou Trotter Electricity Machinery Co. Ltd 53
Cheer Great Industrial Ltd 52
China Xingyue Electric Vehicle Co. Ltd 10
Dongguan Three Runners Sporting Goods Co. Ltd 50
Dongguan Upal Outdoors Manufactory Ltd 67
Dongguan Youcan Sports Articles Co. Ltd 46
Double & Lili Sports Industry Co. Ltd 41
Eastern Eagle International Ltd 26
Elans Sporting Goods Co. Ltd 20
Fairminded Industries Inc. 18
Firstclub Outdoor & Sports Co. Ltd 68
Freewind Sports Co. Ltd 44
Fuzhou Lucky Star Corp. Ltd 31
Gee Hoo Industrial Corp. 24
Glee Outdoor Products Co. Ltd 60
Global Manufacturing Group Ltd 36
Golden Motor Technology Co. Ltd 27
Gostar Sporting Goods Co. Ltd 16
Guolin Hardware & Electric Appliance Co. Ltd 64
Hangzhou Concord Leisure Goods Co. Ltd 47
Hangzhou Dayong Industry & Trading Co. Ltd 46
Hangzhou Keviny Co. Ltd 60
Hefei Merrybody Sports Co. Ltd 46
Hi Mark International Co. Ltd 80
HID Lighting Co. Ltd (Torch Dept) 70
Hightop Synthetic Leather Co. Ltd 33
International Pacic Industrial Corp. 43
Jesn Enterprises Pte Ltd 28
Jetfast Portable Lighting Co. Ltd 61
Jiangsu Daicao Electric Bicycle Technology Co. Ltd C-3
Jiangsu Haiya Trade Co. Ltd 34
Jiangsu Jewel Electrodynamic Technology Co. Ltd 40
Jiangsu Jinling Sports Equipment Co. Ltd 50
Jiangsu Lvneng Electrical Bicycle Technology Co. Ltd 25
Jiangsu Yadea Technical Development Co. Ltd 19
Jih Kao Enterprise Co. Ltd 53
Jinhua FDC Mechanism Co. Ltd 36
Jinhua Honest Mechanical Manufacturing Co. Ltd 52
Jinhua Lanhai Photoelectricity Technology Co. Ltd 70
Jiujiang Jiuxing Sports Facility Co. Ltd 30
Junhong International Trade Co. Ltd 44
Kespor International Group Ltd 40
Kovea Co. Ltd 67
Max-Source Tools Industry & Trade Co. Ltd 58
Million Concept Electronic (Shenzhen) Ltd 50
Multinational Co. Ltd 52
Nanjing Binki Co. Ltd 51
Naroo CEM Co. Ltd 26
Ningbo Bright Mechanical & Electronical Co. Ltd 52
Ningbo Hongfu Aluminium & Plastic Electric Appliance Co. Ltd 65
Ningbo R.M.Fitness Equipment Co. Ltd 36
Ningbo Sanfeng Electrical Co. Ltd 68
Ningbo Shuangtong Electric Appliance Co. Ltd 73
Ningbo Sun-Lite International Ltd 64
Ningbo Tenglong Outdoor Implement Co. Ltd C-2,1
Ningbo Yinzhou Rmao Leisure Industry Ltd 26
Ninghai Aoxiang Electric Plastic Co. Ltd 66
Oriental Industries Co. Ltd 56
Oxus Co. Ltd 36
Powdee Fishing Tackle Co. Ltd 68
Power First Fitness International Co. Ltd 40
Putian Hongda Footwear Co. Ltd 40
Redleaf Technology (HK) Industry Co. Ltd 66
Sagalite (China) Co. Ltd 58
Shanghai Double Happiness Co. Ltd 18
Shanghai Eversuccess Industries Co. Ltd 72
Shanghai Hande Jingjun Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd 28
Shanghai Jian & Mei Industry and Trade Co. Ltd 50
Shanghai Nancy Sporting Goods Co. Ltd 4,5
Shanghai Pisces Sporting & Leisure Products Co. Ltd 2
Shanghai Shibaiqi Import & Export Co. Ltd 45
Shanghai Zhensheng Stationery & Sports Goods Co. Ltd 25
Shengqi Lighting Technology Co. Ltd 60
Shenzhen Junsd Industry Co. Ltd 30
Shenzhen Yashang Tents Co. Ltd 69
Slam Dunk Enterprise Co. Ltd 27
Solarsport Enterprise Co. Ltd 53
Sunnecko Co. Ltd 56
Sunner Group Worldwide 46
Suzhou Rununion Motivity Co. Ltd 15
T.K. Chin Co. Ltd 14
Taiwan Maxam Ind. Corp. 35
Taiwan Sunbanker Enterprise Co. Ltd 51
The Richy Group Limited 57
Tianjin Tianrui Weisheng Sport Apparatus Co. Ltd 44
United Rings Enterprise C-4
Weihai Xin Xing Fishing Tackle Co. Ltd 69
Wenzhou Times Co. Ltd 54
Woodland Network Co. Ltd 45
Wuxi Happysport Co. Ltd 37
Wuxi Super-Strong Sports Products Co. Ltd 41
Wuxi Xinfda International Corp. 31
Xiamen Aifei Metal Manufacturing Co. Ltd 28
Xiamen Lianfa (Group) Forever Co. Ltd 43
Xiamen Rong Xing Da Bag's Co. Ltd 3
Xiamen Tawa Enterprise Co. Ltd 59
Yangchun Silver Star Trading Co. Ltd 73
Yangjiang Precision Industries Co. Ltd 68
Yansn Co. Ltd 20
Yongkang Dasheng Industry & Trade Co. Ltd 60
Yongkang Sifang Tool Factory 58
Zhejiang AMP Globe Co. Ltd 47
Zhejiang Chunfeng Fitness Equipment Co. Ltd 28
Zhejiang Hotai (Hengtai) Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd 44
Zhejiang Jinbang Sports Equipment Co. Ltd 11
Zhejiang Jintuo Mechanical & Electrical Co. Ltd 21
Zhejiang Newne Industry Co. Ltd 70
Zhejiang Sopop Industrial Co. Ltd 33
Zhejiang Wuyi Nanyang Industry trade Co. Ltd 58
Zhuyi Sporting Goods Co. Ltd Changtai Fujian 30
Zinoki Ltd 24
June 2010 Sports & Leisure 79 More new products -
One of t he bi ggest pr oducer s
of i nl i ne skat es i n t he wor l d
lv nto the nev nne skutes eru vth us! Lstubshed n l977,
ve're nov one o the bggest nne skutes uctores n the vord.
Cur dverse R&D teum s ube to ntroduce 30 to 50 nev modes
unnuuv, more thun vhut our compettors cun provde. You'
uvuvs nd vhut vou're ookng or und stuv uheud n vour murket
vth nnovutve und creutve desgns.
Cur 75,000 squure-meter uctorv s one o the urgest skute
uctores n Chnu. lt's equpped vth l8 producton nes und hus
u cupuctv to produce l00,000 purs monthv. \e cun eusv cuter
to urge voume requrements. lon customers vordvde vho ure
reupng the benets o our 33 veurs o munuucturng experence.
L-mu us toduv.
7l, No. l49 Roosevet Rd., Sec. 3, 1upe, 1uvun
1e: (886-2) 2362 3232 lux: (886-2) 2362 8272
L-mu: -
Hi Mark International Co. Ltd
Extruded aluminum chassis,
82A PU cast high rebound
wheels, ABEC-7 bearings
19172, 19171
90mm large-wheeled inline skates, one-piece aluminum chassis,
82A PU cast high rebound wheels, ABEC-7 bearings
19957B, 19957G
One-piece, extruded aluminum chassis, adjustable in three sizes,
82A high rebound PU cast wheels, ABEC-7 bearings
19061B, 19061G:
Adjustable in four sizes, two-piece aluminum chassis,
82A high rebound PU cast wheels, ABEC-7 bearings
Sampl es r eady
i n 7 days
We use batteries with
longer lifespans
Dont have enough time to wait around for your samples? Then come to us. Simply
send us your ideas or designs and we will have a sample ready in just seven days. And
after your sample is nished, it will be delivered to you in 20 days.
Our specialized R&D lab focuses on combining superior quality batteries with our
products. So we equip our bikes with very thin and light 3.5kg lithium batteries. They
have a lifespan of three years, which is one year more than normal batteries.
Choose from our product range of electric scooters and bikes, as well as DIY electric
bicycle kits. And all of our products carry CE, GS, ECC, CMA and CNAL approvals.
Take advantage of our daily production capacity of 200 units. You can start by placing
an order for as few as 100 units. Visit our Global Sources Online showroom and then
contact us today to learn more.
Ji angsu Dai cao El ect r i c Bi cycl e Technol ogy Co. Lt d
Lijia, Wujin, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213000, China
Tel: (86-519) 8623 9266 Fax: (86-519) 8623 3073
ISO 9001:2000
ISO 14001:2004
All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (Marks) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks
are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party.
Electric bicycle with thin lithiumbattery
Lithium battery
Electric bike wheel
Up Io 35,000
balls dally
Unitcd Rings fntcrprisc
Rm. l208-2, 1mes Squure udng, l59 Zhongshun Rd.,
\ux, lungsu 2l4000, Chnu
1e: (86-5l0) 8273 9l06 lux: (86-5l0) 8273 9067
Rubber volleyball, also
available in PU and leather
\hut does t tuke to produce up to 35,000 busketbus und other
tvpes o bus euch duv: \e uccompsh thut eut bv huvng our
uctores. And becuuse thev ure u ocuted n munund Chnu, our
goods' prces ure consderubv over thun the ndustrv uveruge.
Cur products ure desgned to meet the strct stundurds o eugue
competton, us ve us ust or normu use n the purk. An n-house
CC stu nspects our soccer bus n uccordunce vth lllA
gudenes. 1hs teum hus l0 veurs' experence, und so do our
sues und munugement groups.
Come to us or u o vour sportng bu needs. Choose rom u neup
thut ncudes busketbus, soccer bus, voevbus und munv other
tvpes o bus n euther, rubber or lL. \e uso munuucture dumbbes,
veght goves, unke veghts und much more. rng us vour CLM
requrements und ve' compete u custom sumpe n seven to l5
duvs. Contuct us toduv to begn.
lntcrnaI tcams with morc than
10 vcars' cxpcricncc
Rubber soccer ball, also
available in PU and leather
Rubber basketball, also
available in PU and leather
Rubber basketball,
also available in leather

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