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Vowels: "a" "ya" "eo" "yeo" "o"

second category is casual, intimate or informal language. Most sentences that ending "yo" or "ni-da"... So "yo" and "ni-da" is polite and formal language...We should learn polite language before we learn informal language, so we might not get in trouble. =) 2. (gam-sa-hap-ni-da) Thank You can also be broken down into (gam-sa) and (hap-ni-da). "d" or "t" " r " or " l " "m" gam-sa means "appreciate" or "thanking someone", hap-ni-da means "I do" (in the most polite way). So it is a polite language, because it is ending with (ni-da)... ^^

"yo" "oo" or "u" "yoo" or "yu" Consonants:



"g" or "k"


"b" or "p"


" ch "

" ch' " In english, people can say "thanks"...But usually most of the time, people say "thank (you)"... In korean, we don't have to say gam-sa-hap-ni-da (you), or (you) gam-sa-hap-ni-da... xD So we just say gam-sa-hap-ni-da~ ^^

" g'" or" k'"

" d' "

" p' "


P/S: Note that " ' " means the letter is aspirated, i.e a sharp sound. pronounced HanGuk meaning Korea + + = han h a n + + = guk g u k Lesson 1:

In korean, there are many more korean expresion that are not inclusive the subject in the sentence... We no need to say the subject, because we are probably understand we were actually refering to each other. ^^ Lesson 2:

In this lesson, you can learn how to say Korean.

Hello. in . [ne] = Yes. . [aniyo] = No Ne and a-ni-yo is formal language.But in Korean, when people say , it is not the same as saying Yes. in English. The same goes for too. This is because the Korean expresses your agreement to what the other person said. And expresses your disagreement or denial to what the other person said. (ne) is "that's right", "I'm agree", "sound good" OR what you said is correct. (aniyo) is "that's not right", "I'm not agree" OR what you said is not correct. Example: A: Do you like coffee? B: , . (Ne, joh-a-hae-yo) Yes, I like coffee. A: You don't like coffee? B: , . (Ne, an-joh-a-hae-yo) Yes, I don't like coffee.


(An-nyeong-ha-se-yo) Hello

For example: This morning when you meet your friend, you should say (Hello)~ [an-nyeong-ha-se-yo] is the most common way to greet people in korean. So can be broken down into (an-nyeong) and (ha-se-yo). An-nyeong means "peace" or "well-being".Ha-se-yo means "you do" or "do you", depending on whether is a question or noun... When you write it, you can write it as . OR ? (with question mark). Either of them is okay...It was a originally question asking "are you doing well?", "are you at peace?", "are well?" xD But seems it is an expression that is SO commonly used, people kind of started not expected any special answer anymore... Example: When you ask your friend "what's up?", do you really expect your friend's answer about what is going on? You might also hear back "What's up?" too, right? So when you say you also.. ^^ to your friend, your friend might say to

But, before you learn anymore, pls REMEMBER that in korean there are a fewpoliteness level...

Therefore, when you ask "you don't like coffee?" in korean, if the person answering doesn't like coffee, he or she will say "No" in english but "Yes"(ne) in korean... Because he or she agree into what you just said... If the person does like coffee, he or she will say "Yes" in english but "No"(aniyo) in korean.. Because he or she disagree into what you just said... It was quite confusing, but after practice, you will get use to it.. ^^

It is very important to know this politeness level... But sometimes it is intimidating for beginners to find out that there are politeness level, but is not difficult to master... Politeness level can divided them mainly into two category: First category is polite or formal language.

Yes(ne) can use in many places... So it doesn't really mean "yes" or "you're right"...Yes(ne) it can mean "ok","ya","oh","I got it","ah ha","Oh I see","I understand" or "I'm here"....

So korean ppl say Yes(ne), even when they don't mean to said "yes" or "you're right"... If you watch korean movie or TV show, you will see that ppl keep saying "ne" whatever they can... xD

If you say "Joe-song-hap-ni-da" when you hear some bad new from someone, they will look at you and think, why you want to say sorry to them?? xD They might think you really apolozing and they might assume that something whatever happened was your fault... So (Joe-song-hap-ni-da) is only means "I'm sorry","I'm apologize", "Excuse me", "I shouldn't have done that" or "It was my bad".. When you talk to a stranger OR order something in a restaurant, you will say in english "excuse me.".. In korean, we don't say "Joe-song-hap-ni-da", although "excuse me" is also "Joe-song-hap-ni-da". >__< In this situation, korean ppl will say " " (Jeo-gi-yo)... Jeo-gi means "hey you", "over there" or "look at me".... So, is what I say when someone is not looking at me, I need to talk to that person... To sum up, So, when you wanna apologize, you should say (Joesong-hap-ni-da). When you want to say "excuse me" but if want to get someone attention by saying that, you should say " " (Jeo-gi-yo).

Korean ppl often add this expression (ma-ja-yo) after (ne). So, they often say , (Ne, majayo). In english that's mean "Yes, that's right." This is in order to express more strongly and clearly that you are said "you're right" rather than sounding like you are just nodding... (Ne, majayo.) can show you that I really wanna said "Yes" rather than "ah ha","I got it"... Lesson 3: After this lesson, you can say Good-bye or See you in Korean. In polite/formal Korean, there are two basic ways to say Goodbye. One is when you are the one who is leaving. And the other is when you are the one who is staying. If you are leaving, and the other person is (or the other people are) staying, you can say: . [an-nyeong-hi gye-se-yo] If you are staying, and the other person is (or the other people are) leaving, you can say: . [an-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo] If both people are leaving, we should say: . [an-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo] Addition note: (jal ga) is an informal and casual way of saying good-bye ... Only use it to a close friend.. =) Lesson 4: I'm sorry / I'm apologize = (Joe-song-hap-ni-da) [p/s: We pronounce "Joe-song-hap-ni-da" as "Joe-song-haM-nida"... So, both of it is the same...^^] Joesonghapnida can be broken down into two part too, which is "Joe-song" and "hap-ni-da". Joe-song means "apology", "being sorry" or "feeling a shame"; and hap-in-da means "I do".. So means I'm sorry or I'm apologize. ^^ BUT!! Joe-song-hap-ni-da is not always "I'm sorry."... So, eventhough is basically "I'm sorry.", you can never use when you wanna say "I'm sorry to hear that." Example: If I tell you that I lose my wallet, in english you will say "I'm sorry to hear that." But in korean, you can't say "Joe-song-hap-ni-da"... It doesn't make sense.. >< In korean, they will say " ?! ?!" (oh,jinjja?! eotteogeyo?!)... It means "Oh really? What you will suppose to do?"... and they don't say " " or " " (mi-an-hap-ni-da) which is "I'm sorry" in informal language...

By now, I know that many ppl will ask how to say "excuse me" when you wanna pass through a group of people, so in this situation we should say " "(Jam-si-manyo) OR " "(Jam-kkan-man-yo)... Which means "Just a moment" or "Just a second"... And of course you can say " " (Joe-song-hap-ni-da).. ^^ NEW vocabulary Really (Jinjja) how (eo-tteo-ge) Lesson 5: If you wanna say "This is my sister","This is coffee","This is my car" OR "This is water", you can say either ""(ye-yo) and ""(i-e-yo). So ""(ye-yo) and ""(i-e-yo) have a similar role to that of the english verb "to be", but the sentence structure that they used it is different. Example: In english if you wanna say (A is B), you used the verb "to be" which is "IS" in this case, between those two noun. So in english we say "Linda is a student", in korean is a little bit different, you will say "Linda student is"... S(ubject) V(erb) O(bject) = SVO (English pattern of a sentence) and SOV (Korean pattern). But don''t worry, we will learn this more details in further lesson... ^^ Now, let have a simple example: Water in korean is " "(mul), so if you wanna say "It's water", you can say " "(mul-i-e-yo). So we add (i-e-yo) after (mul), NOT before (mul). Bag in korean is " you can say " "(ka-bang), so if you wanna say "Is a bag", "(ka-bang-i-e-yo).

Me or I in korean is " "(Jeo), if you wanna say "It's me", you can say " "(Jeo-ye-yo).

To determine whether a word follow by ""(i-e-yo) is very simple. ^^

"(ye-yo) or ""what" in korean is (mwo). If you wanna say "What is it?" or "What's that?" in korean, you can say " ?" (mwo-ye-yo?). So, if you wanna say "What is THIS?" in korean, you can say " ?" (I-geo-mwo-ye-yo?). Example: A: What is this? " B: This is a coffee. " NEW vocabulary Book (chaeg) Camera (ka-me-ra) Coffee (keo-pi) Lesson 7: In this lesson, you can learn how to say this that it and the in Korean. In English, this and that can work as both modifiers and pronouns, but you need to use different words in Korean. ?" (I-geo-mwo-ye-yo?) " (I-geo-keo-pi-ye-yo.)

If the last letter of the noun that comes before has a consonant, it is follow by ""(i-e-yo). If it doesn't have one, it is follow by ""(ye-yo). It is to make it easier to pronounce things. Example: If you put ""(i-e-yo) behind the word " "(Jeo), you might found that it is a lot of mouth movement. x) Let see more example: 1. Chair in korean is " "(ui-ja), if you wanna say "This is a chair", you can say " "(ui-ja-ye-yo). 2. Office in korean is " "(sa-mu-sil), if you wana say "It's an office", you can say " "(sa-mu-sil-i-e-yo). You can change this sentence into a question easily. You just add a question mark at the end of the sentence. Example: A: Is this a chair? " ?" (ui-ja-ye-yo?) B: Yes, this is a chair. " , ."(ne, ui-ja-ye-yo.)

Before the lesson end, I would like to introduce one phrase that is very useful in any conversation. That is "What is it?". In korean, we say " ?"(mwo-ye-yo?) " " is "what", is we add " What is it? ^^ Lesson 6: In this lesson you can review a little bit of what you learned in the previous lesson (very important stuff!). And you can also learn how to say this in Korean, how to ask What is this? and how to answer with This is ABC. This = [i-geo] or What is this? = [i-geot] ? [i-geo mwo-ye-yo?] ", it become " "(mwo-ye-yo)

Let us learn the MODIFIERS first. ^^ When THIS as a modifier, we use " "(i) this for something that is NEAR you when you're pointing something that in front of you. Example:When you wanna say "this coffee.", you can say " " (i-keo-pi). When you wanna say "this camera", you can say " " (i-kame-ra). When you wanna say "this bus.", you can say" " (i-beo-seu). When you wanna say "this pizza", you can say " " (i-pi-ja).

If you pointing something that FAR AWAY from you, you say "that" or "the" in english, but in korean we say " "(jeo). " "(jeo) is a modifiers, it is follow by something else... [p/s: remember, "that" is a modifier.] =) Example: When you wanna say "that computer", you can say " " (jeokeom-pyu-teo). When you wanna say "that restaurant", you can say " " (jeo-re-seu-to-rang). When you wanna say "that table", you can say " " (jeo-te-ibeul). But actually, there is ONE MORE WORD that you can use to talk about something far away from you. That is " " (keu). So what is the different between " " (jeo) and " " (keu)?? " " (keu) is used when you talking to the other person and that object is near that other person and far away from you. " " (jeo) is used to refering something that is far away from both of you. Example: Let's say you and me are standing together, we see a car passing by, and we look at the car and say "the car" or "that car". The modifier that we use here is "that" (jeo), cause it is far away. Car in korean is " " (cha). So we should say " " (jeo-cha). Because the car is far away from both of us.

This ( [i-geo] or [i-geot]) are the same thing, but korean ppl usually used [i-geo]. It's more easier to pronounce~ ^^ But here the word This ( [i-geo] or [i-geot]) is a prenoun, not a modifies... So we are not saying "This" ( [i-geo] or [i-geot]) as "This beautiful girl","This handsome boy","This book" or "This man"... So here with "This" ( [i-geo] or [i-geot]), we introducing the pre-noun, "this item","this thing","this one"... Example: 1. A book in korean is (chaeg). If you wanna say "It's a book", you can say " "(chaeg-i-e-yo). If you wanna say "This is a book", you can say " " (Igeo chaeg-i-e-yo). 2. A camera in korean is (ka-me-ra). If you wanna say "It's a camera", you can say " " (Ka-me-ra-ye-yo). If you wanna say "This is a camera", you can say " "(I-geo ka-me-ra-ye-yo). p/s: If you don't remember the root behind (chaeg) being follow by (i-e-yo) and (ka-me-ra) being follow by (ye-yo), please go and refer to the note "Level 1 Lesson 5"... =)

Now, we are ready to talk about "this","that" and "it" as a PRENOUNS in korean. It is very easy, just add the word " "(geo) or " " (geot) after the modifier. But usually korean ppl use " " (geo), they don't pronounce the last consonant, which is " " (geot), the "t" sound. So before this " "(geo) or " " (geot), you just add one of the modifier. So when you wanna say "this" as a pre-nouns, we will say (i) + (geo) = " " (i-geo) or " " (i-geot) *** you can't say " " (i-geo) when you point at a person.*** When you wanna say "that" or "it" as a pre-nouns, we will say " " (keu-geo) or " " (keu-geot). If the object is far away from both of us, we will say " " (jeogeo) or " " (jeo-geot). BUT!!!! there is one more important thing that we need to cover before the lesson end. If we didnt see that things, that objects, that person in our sight. What if it is not there, we can't point it!! >__< So how to say that??! HEHE. It's easy, just use the word " =D " (keu-geo) or " " (keu-geot).

2. "milk" in korean is " " (u-yu). If you wanna say "It's not milk", you can say " " (u-yu-a-ni-e-yo). 3. "water" in korean is " " (mul). If you wanna say "It's not water", you can say " " (mul-a-ni-e-yo). But how to say "This is not my water","That is not my friend","I'm not a student","It is not a cat"?? It is very simple, you can just add the word at the beginning of the sentence. ^^ Example: 1. "This" in korean is " " (i-geot). If you wanna say "This is not milk", you can say " ." (i-geo-u-yu-a-ni-e-yo). 2. "Student" in korean is " " (hak-saeng). If you wanna say "I'm not a student", you can say " ." (jeo-hak-saeng-a-ni-eyo). 3. "It" in korean is " " (geu-geot). "Cat" in korean is " " (goyang-i). If you wanna say "It's not a cat.", you can say " ." (geu-geo-go-yang-i-a-ni-e-yo). Addition note: When someone say "thank you" to you, you will say "you're welcome" right? In dictionary, "you're welcome" in korean is " " (cheonman-e-yo). BUT!!! Korean ppl usually will say " " (a-ni-e-yo). Vocabulary: Milk " " (u-yu) water " " (mul) Student " " (hak-saeng) Cat " " (go-yang-i) Lesson 9: In this lesson, you are going to learn about the topic marking particles and the subject marking particles in Korean. Most languages don t have subject marking particles or topic marking particles in their sentences, so the concept might be very new, but once you get used to them, knowing how to use these particles will come very much in handy.

So, let's see one example: "person" in korean is " " (sa-ram). If you wanna say "this person", you can say " " (i-sa-ram). If you wanna say "that person" that far away from both of us, you can say " " (jeo-sa-ram). What if you wanna say "that person" who is either near other person but far away from you OR just not there, you can say " " (geu-sa-ram). ^^ NEW vocabulary: Person (sa-ram) Table (jeo-te-i-beul) Restauant (jeo-re-seu-to-rang) Computer (jeo-keom-pyu-teo) Pizza (i-pi-ja) Bus (i-beo-seu) Lesson 8: In this lesson, we are going to have a look at one way to make a negative sentence. Here, you can learn how to say that something is NOT something, like It s not me. or It s not a book. In Korean, if you want to say that something is NOT something you say the noun and add the expression [a-ni-e-yo]at the end. So [a-ni-e-yo] is the present tense form in the formal language of the verb (a-ni-da), it's mean "it's not,"you're not","I'm not","there're not"... If you say a noun + noun)"... [a-ni-e-yo], you can say "It's not (the

Topic marking particles [eun] / [neun] The main role of topic marking particles is letting the other people know what you are talking about or going to talk about, and topic marking particles are attached after nouns. Words ending with a last consonant + -

Examples: [ga-bang] + [jeo] = I + [neun] =

[eun] as the subject of the sentence.

[jeo-neun] = as for me / (I am talking) me

But the uniqueness of the Korean language can be found in the following sample sentence.

Example: 1. "Me" in korean is " " (jeo). If you wanna say "It's not me", you can say " " (jeo-a-ni-e-yo).

[nae-il-eun jeo-neun il-hae-yo] = As for tomorrow, I work.

Here, [nae-il], tomorrow, is followed by [eun], is a topic, but not the subject of the erb [il-ha-da], to work because it is not tomorrow that works but I that work.

For example, if you want to say The weather s nice today. in Korean, you can say it in many ways. (Don t worry about the entire sentence here. Just focus on the use of / .) 1) . [o-neul nal-ssi jot-ne-yo] The weather s good today. 2) . [o-neul-EUN nal-ssi jot-ne-yo] (The weather hasn t been so good lately, but TODAY, it s good.) 3) . [o-neul nal-ssi-NEUN jot-ne-yo] (Today, not necessarily everything else too, but at least the weather is good.)

Subject marking particles [i] / [ga] The role of subject marking particles is relatively simple compared to that of role of topic marking articles.

Words ending with a last consonant + Words ending with a vowel + -

So THAT s how powerful and useful the topic marking particles ( / ) can be in changing the nuance of your Korean sentences! ^^ Let s look at some examples of (2). [jo-a-yo] = it s good / [mwo] = what / / [i/ga] = subject marking particles Imagine that one says . [jo-a-yo] and that means It s good. or I like it. But if you are not quite sure WHAT is good, you can ask WHAT is good? or What are you talking about? In order to express your curiosity as to WHAT is good, you can ask: ? [mwo-GA jo-a-yo?] Here the word [ga] emphasize what the subject of the verb to be / is. If one says, ABC . [ABC jo-a-yo] = ABC is good. And if you disagree and you think XYZ is good, not ABC. You can express your opinion that the subject of being good should be XYZ, not ABC, by saying: ABC ? XYZ ! [ABC jo-a-yo? XYZ-GA jo-a-yo] So, with and , you can add more flavor and more concrete meanings to your Korean sentences when you want to emphasize WHO did something, WHICH ONE is good, and etc. As you can see from above, / and / both have different roles, but the roles of / as a contrast factor is much stronger, because you can change the topic of a sentence with / . So, when you form complex sentences (i.e. I think the book that you bought is more interesting than the book I bought.), in general, / is not so commonly used all over the sentences. Often times / / / can be dropped, but when you need particles to clarify the meaning, / will be more commonly used. Lesson 10: In this lesson, we are going to have a look at the expressions [i-sseo-yo] and [eop-sseo-yo]. When you want to talk about what people HAVE/DON T HAVE, and also about things that EXISTS/DOESN T EXIST, you can use these expressions.

Examples: [ga-bang] + [hak-gyo] +

[i] [ga]

So, basically, topic marking particles ( / ) express what the topic of the sentence is, and subject marking particles ( / ) show what the subject of the sentence is, but that s not everything.

What more is there about the particles / / / ?

(1) In addition to marking topics, [eun] / [neun] has the nuance of about something, as for something, or even unlike other things or different from other things. (2) In addition to marking subjects, [i] / [ga] has the nuance of none other than nothing but and also, when used inside a complex sentence, the role of marking the subject without emphasizing it too much.

Let s look at some examples of (1). [i-geo] = this / [sa-gwa] = apple / [ye-yo] = to be / is . [i-geo sa-gwa-ye-yo] = This is an apple. You can add / to this, and in this case the subject, , ends in a vowel, so add - . . [i-geo-NEUN sa-gwa-ye-yo] = (The other things are not apples, but) THIS is an apple.

So you can imagine someone talking like this: . [i-geo keo-pi-ye-yo] (= This is coffee) . [i-geo-NEUN mul-i-e-yo] (= That was coffee, but THIS ONE, it s water.) . [i-geo-NEUN o-ren-ji-ju-seu-ye-yo] (= And THIS ONE, it s different again, it s orange juice.) ? [i-geo-NEUN mwo-ye-yo?] (= And what about this one? What is it?)

As you can see from this example, / has the role of emphasizing the topic of the sentence by giving it the nuance of that one is ... and/but THIS ONE is... So sometime it is unnatural to used / in every sentence you say. So in Korean, although and are generally topic marking particles, people often save / for really emphasizing the topic in contrast to the other parts of the sentence.

[i-sseo-yo] comes from [it-da], and it basically expresses that something exists. If you are talking about someone or something existing in a specific place, it means "TO BE".

Ex) I am here. / It s over there. / I am at home now. If you are talking about something (or someone in some cases) in your possession, it means to have Ex) I have a sister. / I have eleven dogs. / Do you have a private airplane? And [eop-sseo-yo] is the opposite, and it comes from the verb [eop-da]. Even though there IS a way to say the same thing, using and making into a negative sentence, since there is this independent verb in Korean ( ) for expression non-existence, it s more convenient to use rather than saying or (we ll learn these form in a later lesson to come.) So, in conclusion, <--> [i-sseo-yo] [eop-sseo-yo] Let s look at more examples! [i-sseo-yo] And in our examples, let s use the following words: [mul] = water / [chin-gu] = friend / [si-gan] = time You simply add to. at the end of the noun that you are referring

question by saying TIME. Time is what I don t have. and that can be expressed through . and can be used to form many interesting and frequently used expressions in Korean. [jae-mi] = fun + = literally means fun exists but it means to be interesting **Notice how the two words are even written without any space inbetween. That s because it has already become an expression used daily. Example) TTMIK interesting! Lesson 11: In this lesson we are going to study how to ask Do you have ...? or Is there ...? and also how to say Give me .... please. or I d like to have ... please. Do you remember how to say I have ... You have ... or There is ... ? . [i-sseo-yo] I have ... You have ... There is ... . [eop-seo-yo] I don t have ... You don t have ... There isn t ... Examples [sa-gwa] = apple [sa-gwa i-sseo-yo] = I have an apple. There are apples. They have some apples. [sa-gwa eop-seo-yo] = I don t have an apple. There is no apple.

! [jae-mi-i-sseo-yo] = TTMIK is fun! / TTMIK is

1. . [mul i-sseo-yo] = There is water. / Water exists. / I have water. / They have water. 2. ? [mul i-sseo-yo?] = Is there water? / Do you have water? / Do they have water? 3. . [chin-gu i-sseo-yo] = I have friends. / I have a friend. / There are friends. 4. ? [chin-gu i-sseo-yo?] = Do you have friends? / Do they have friends? 5. . [si-gan i-sseo-yo] = There is time. / I have time. / They have time. 6. ? [si-gan i-sseo-yo?] = Is there time? / Do you have time? / Do they have time? And just by replacing [i-sseo-yo] with [eops-eo-yo] you get sentences in the opposite meanings. [eop-sseo-yo] 1. . [si-gan eop-sseo-yo] = There is no time. / I don t have time. / We don t have time. 2. . [chin-gu eop-sseo-yo] = I don t have friends. ----------- Review Time ------------Do you remember the usages of / [eun/neun], the topic marking particles and / [i/ga], the subject marking particles? and mark the topic of a sentence, and at the same time emphasize the contrast between the topic of the sentence and the other things. So if you say . [si-gan eops-eo-yo] that means I don t have time. and if you want to say, I have other things but just TIME is not what I have. you can say that simply by add [eun] or [neun] at the end of [si-gan] (but in this case, ends with a last consonant so is used), that becomes . And if someone asks you What is it that you don t have? What are you saying that you don t have? you can answer that

[o-ren-ji] = orange [o-ren-ji i-sseo-yo] = I have an orange. There is an orange. [o-ren-ji eop-seo-yo] = I don t have an orange. There is no orange. Now, if you want to ask whether someone has something or not or whether something exsits? Simply by raising the tone at the end of the sentence, you can make it a question. ? [i-sseo-yo?] = Do you have ...? Is there ...? ? [eop-seo-yo?] = Don t you have ...? There isn t ...? Examples [sa-gwa i-sseo-yo] = I have an apple. There are some apples. ? [sa-gwa i-sseo-yo] = Do you have an apple? Do you have apples? ? [sa-gwa i-sseo-yo] = You don t have any apple? There is no apple? Let s take some other nouns for example. [si-gan] = time ? [si-gan i-sseo-yo?] = Do you have some time? ? [si-gan eop-seo-yo?] = You don t have time?

[keo-pi] = coffee ? [keo-pi i-sseo-yo?] = Do you have coffee? ? [keo-pi eop-seo-yo?] = Don t you have coffee? You don t have coffee? Now, after figuring whether someone has something or not, you might as well want to ask for some of it, by saying Please give me ... or I d like to have ... please. [ju-se-yo] = Please give me

[mat] = taste [mat] means taste in Korean. Now, do you remember how to say there is or I have ? Yes! [i-sseo-yo] is the expression. So by putting and together, you get the expression [ma-si-sseo-yo] which means It s delicious. [ma-si-sseo-yo] = It s tasty. It s delicious. Examples

[ju-se-yo] comes from the verb [ju-da] which means to give so literally, only means please give in the polite/formal language regardless of to whom or by whom. Examples A: ? [sa-gwa i-sseo-yo?] = Do yo have apples? B: . . [ne. sa-gwa i-sseo-yo] = Yes, we have apples. A: . [sa-gwa ju-se-yo.] = Give me (an/some) apple(s). ** Please note that there is no strict disctinction between plural and singular in Korean nouns. A: ? [keo-pi i-sseo-yo?] = Do you have coffee? B: . . [an-i-yo. keo-pi eop-seo-yo] = No, we don t have coffee. A: ? [u-yu i-sseo-yo?] = Do you have milk? B: . . [ne. u-yu i-sseo-yo.] = Yes, we have milk. A: . [u-yu ju-se-yo.] = Give me some milk, please. [ju-se-yo] can be used in many different situations: when you ask someone to hand something over to you, when you are ordering something in a restaurant, when are asking for an item in a shop, or, when attached to a verb (which we will learn how to do in a later lesson) , to ask someone to do something for you. More Examples [a-i-seu-keu-rim ju-se-yo] = Please give me some ice cream. [haem-beo-geo ju-se-yo] = Please give me a hamburger. [gim-chi ju-se-yo] = Please give me some kimchi. [bul-go-gi ju-se-yo] = Please give me some bulgogi. [bap ju-se-yo] = Please give me rice. Please give me food. Lesson 12: In the previous lesson, we learned how to say Please give me ... or I d like to have ... please in Korean. Do you remember the expression? [ju-se-yo] = Please give me ... / I d like to have ... And you can use this expression ( ) to order something in a restaurant or to ask for more side dishes while you are eating. . [gim-bap ju-se-yo] = Kimbap, please. (when ordering in a restaurant) . [bul-go-gi ju-se-yo] = Bulgogi, please. (when ordering in a restaurant) . [gim-chi ju-se-yo] = Please give us some kimchi here. (when asking for some (more) side dishes in a restaurant)

. [i-geo ma-si-sseo-yo] = This is delicious. . [jeo ke-ik ma-si-sseo-yo] = That cake is delicious. . [sam-gyeop-sal ma-si-sseo-yo] = Samgyupsal (Korean barbecue) is delicious. ? [mwo-ga ma-si-sseo-yo?] = What s delicious? Now, do you also remember how to say there isn t or I don t have in Korean? Yes, [eop-seo-yo] is the expression. So by putting and together, you get the expression [ma-deop-seo-yo], which means It doesn t taste good. [mad-eop-seo-yo] = It s not tasty. It s not delicious. It tastes awful. Note that the pronunciation of the last letter in , which is , changes according to the word that follows it. When it is NOT followed by any word, it s pronounced as [t], ending the word there. When it is followed by , it becomes an [S] sound, making pronounced as [ma-si-sseo-yo]. When it is followed by , it becomes a [D] sound, making pronounced as [ma-deop-seo-yo]. Examples ? [i-geo ma-deop-seo-yo?] = Does this taste awful? . [i cha ma-deop-seo-yo] = This tea tastes awful. Now, you know how to say It s delicious. and It s not delicious. It s time to learn a phrase that you can say to thank for a meal before and after you eat. This is very important especially if someone is treating you or if you are invited to someone s house. . [jal meok-ge-sseum-ni-da] [jal meok-ge-sseum-ni-da] literally means I am going to eat well. or I will eat well. (Don t worry about the grammar that is used here yet. Just learn this as a set phrase for the time being.) And this expression is used very frequently among Koreans when they are about to start eating a meal, usually regardless who s paying for the meal. But in case someone in particular is paying for the meal for the other(s), the other(s) will say to the person who s buying. When you eat with your friends to whom you don t use polite/formal language, and when you want to joke that your friend should buy you food, you can also say ! [jal meogeul-ge!] which implies that you are thanking them because they are going to treat you. . [jal meo-geo-sseum-ni-da] Once you have finished a meal, if you want to thank someone for the meal, or just thank for the meal in general, you can use this expression. literally means I have eaten well (Again, don t worry about the grammar here.) but it really means Thank you for the food.

In this lesson, let us have a look at how to say It tastes good. It is delicious. and also how to thank for a meal or food before and after the meal.

Lesson 13: In this lesson, we are going to study how to say I want to... in Korean. In the previous lessons, we learned how to say that something is delicious, and also how to thank for the food you are going to eat. . [ma-si-sseo-yo] = It s delicious. . [jal meok-ge-sseum-ni-da] = Thank you for the food. I will enjoy it. But before you order something in a restaurant in a coffee shop, you might as well ask your friends what they want to eat, and also tell them what you want to eat. In English, you add the expression want to before the verb, but in Korean, you need to change the end of the verb. But don t worry. It s not too difficult to do. [-go si-peo-yo] = I want to ...

In our previous lesson, we learned how to say I want to in Korean. In this lesson, we will practice using the structure I want to in context through more sample conversations. First, let s look at 5 verbs. Don t worry if they are new to you. At this point, knowing how to use them is more important than memorizing each and every one of them. [ha-da] = to do [bo-da] = to see [meok-da] = to eat [sa-da] = to buy [ma-si-da] = to drink Do you remember how to change a verb into the I want to + verb form? + (disapeared) + [go si-peo-yo] after

Yes. [da] disappears and you add the verb. --> --> --> --> -->

Now, let s practice. Here are some frequently used Korean verbs. [ga-da] = to go [bo-da] = to see [meok-da] = to eat And changing these verbs into the form is very simple. Just drop the [da] (the last letter in all Korean verbs) and add [-go sipeoyo]. to go = [ga-da] ---> + [ga-go si-peo-yo] I want to go. to see =

[ha-go si-peo-yo] = I want to do ... [bo-go si-peo-yo] = I want to see ... [meok-go si-peo-yo] = I want to eat ... [sa-go si-peo-yo] = I want to buy ... [ma-si-go si-peo-yo] = I want to drink ...

Do you remember how to say WHAT in Korean? [mwo] = what Sample conversations: ** Remember: In Korean, objects come before verbs. A: ? [mwo ha-go si-peo-yo?] = What do you want to do? B: . [tel-le-bi-jeon bo-go si-peo-yo] = I want to watch TV. A: ? [tel-le-bi-jeon bo-go si-peo-yo?] = You want to watch TV? B: . [ne] = Yeah. A: ? [mwo bo-go si-peo-yo] = What do you want to watch? B: . [nyu-seu bo-go si-peo-yo] = I want to watch the news. A: . [i-geo sa-go si-peo-yo] = I want to buy this. B: ? [i-geo-yo?] = This one? A: . . [ne. i-geo meok-go si-peo-yo] = Yeah. I want to eat this. B: ? [i-geo mwo-ye-yo?] = What is this? A: . [i-geo gim-bap-i-e-yo] = This is gimbap.

[bo-da] ---> + [bo-go si-peo-yo] I want to see/look/watch. [meok-da] ---> + [meok-go si-peo-yo] I want to eat. Sample conversation A: ? [mwo meok-go si-peo-yo?] = What do you want to eat? B: . [haem-beo-geo meok-go si-peo-yo] = I want to eat a hamburger. Here s a useful word to know. [deo] = more Now that you know how to say I want to eat (it) you can say I want to eat more. using this word ( ). . [meok-go si-peo-yo] = I want to eat it. . [deo meok-go si-peo-yo] = I want to eat more. ** Note the word order here. Lesson 14: to see =

Some more useful verbs [ilg-da] = to read / [il-ggo si-peo-yo] = I want to read ... [ja-da] = to sleep / [ja-go si-peo-yo] = I want to sleep. [nol-da] = to hang out, to play / [nol-go si-peo-yo] = I want to play. [swi-da] = to rest / [swi-go si-peo-yo] = I want to rest. [il-ha-da] = to work / [il-ha-go si-peo-yo] = I want to work.

Lesson 15: In this lesson, we are going to talk about NUMBERS! We wish we could say that there is a very easy way to learn the Korean numbers once and never forget them, but the truth is, there isn t. As far as the numbers are concerned, you will have to keep practicing using them until they stick. So in this lesson we will introduce the sino-Korean numbers up to 1000.

Sino-Korean numbers We will use the term sino-Korean when a Korean word is based on the Chinese language. Since Korea has received a lot of influence from China, many words in the Korean language have their roots in the Chinese language. So over the course of time, Korean people started using both the sino-Korean number system and the native Korean number system. And the situations and the contexts in which each system is used are different, but don t worry. You will get used to the two systems and how to differentiate between these two by practicing with us! 1 3 5 7 9 [il] [sam] [o] [chil] [gu] 2 [i] 4 [sa] 6 [ryuk] or 8 [pal] 10 [sip]


And the rest is easy. In Korean, if you want to say 11, you just say TEN + ONE. If you want to say 33, you just say THREE + TEN + THREE. If you want to say 99, you say NINE + TEN + NINE. 100 [baek] 1,000 [cheon]

Can you guess how to say 312 in Korean? THREE + HUNDRED + TEN + TWO + + + [sam-baek-sip-i]

Some more examples: 1,234 = 1,000 ( ) cheon + 2 ( ) i + 100 ( ) baek + 3 ( ) sam + 10 ( ) sip + 4 ( ) sa 512 = 5 ( ) o + 100 ( ) baek + 10 ( ) sip + 2 ( ) i Note that for 1,000, 100, and 10, you don t have to say one ( ) il + thousand ( ) cehon , il-baek or il-sip

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