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Vitamin Water or Dietary Major Symptoms of

Lipid Sources Functions in Deficiency
Soluble? Body

B1 Lipid -Soluble Fish, Green Helps the cells Loss of appetite,

Peas, Yogurt, body change vomiting,
Sunflower carbohydrates nausea, nerves
Seeds, Enriched into energy are damaging,
Cereals, breads, fatigue, and
noodles, etc, blurry vision.
and Pork

B2 Water-soluble Dairy, lean beef Helps body lesions of the

& pork, organ convert food lips and mucosa
meats, salmon, (carbs) into fuel of the mouth,
chicken breast (glucose) which glossitis,
is used to conjunctivitis,
produce energy seborrheic
dermatitis, and

B3 (Cecilia Water-soluble Beef, Liver, Converting Headache , a

Velazquez) eggs, avocados, carbohydrates pigmented rash
fish, dairy into glucose. exposed from
products, seeds, Metabolizing fats the sun, fatigue,
poultry, and proteins. circulatory
legumes, whole Maintaining the problems
grains nervous system

B5 (Kenneth Water Soluble Chicken breast, Converts food to Headache,

Turcios) Mushrooms, glucose, muscle cramps,
Avocado, nuts, synthesizes fatigue,
seeds, dairy milk cholesterol, disturbed sleep,
forms sex and nausea and
stress-related vomiting
makes red blood

B6 Water soluble Beef liver, Tuna, Vitamin B6 helps Skin rashes,

(Sophia Salmon, maintain a cracked and
Knowlton) Chickpeas, normal amount sore lips, sore
Poultry. Some of this amino and glossy
vegetables and acid in your tongue, mood
fruits, especially blood. Another changes,
dark leafy function would weakened
greens, be turning food immune
bananas, into energy to function,
papayas, help create tiredness and
oranges, and neurotransmitter low energy,
cantaloupe. -s. tingling pain in
hands and feet,
and seizures.

(Biotin) Water soluble red meat, major function of appear gradually

eggs, seeds, uplifting skin, and can include
and nuts hair and nail thinning hair with
health progression to
loss of all hair on
the body; scaly,
red rash around
body openings
(eyes, nose,
mouth, and

B9 (Folic acid) Water soluble Beans, Peanuts, Helps convert Anemia, higher
seeds, whole food into fuel risk of heart
grain, liver, and energy disease

B12 Water soluble Foods of animal Forms red blood No symptoms

(Meghan origin, fortified cells and DNA. but anemia, poor
Bernard) breakfast Helps brain and balance, and
cereals and nerve cells memory loss are
fortified development common
nutritional yeast

C (Destinee Water-soluble Citrus fruits, Protein Fatigue, malaise

Bennett) tomatoes, metabolism, (general
potatoes, wound healing, discomfort),
red/green aids in immune inflammation of
peppers, kiwi, function the gums, joint
broccoli, pain, poor
strawberries, wound healing,
Brussel sprouts, weak connective
cantaloupe tissue

D (Luis Loza) Lipid Soluble Variety of fish Protecting and Fatigue, bone
(Tuna, Sardines, fortifying the pain, muscle
Salmon), egg bones, calcium aches, muscle
yolks, absorption, weakness,
mushrooms, muscle and muscle cramps,
fortified foods heart health mood swings
and drinks

E Fat Soluble Plant based oils, Helps absorb fat Retinopathy,

(Ayre’Yauna nuts, seeds, properly, ataxia,
Wilson) fruits, and enhances peripheral
vegetables. immune neuropathy, and
functions, and decreased
prevents clots immune
from forming in function.
heart arteries.

K Fat Soluble Green leafy Helps make Bleeding

vegetables, many proteins (hemorrhage)
soybean, canola that is needed into skin
oil for blood clotting (causing bruise )
and building of from nose,
the bones stomach,

Mineral Dietary Sources Major Functions Symptoms of

in Body Deficiency

Ca (Aaniyah Cook) Dairy, cheese, yogurt, Blood clotting, help Extreme fatigue,
almonds, salmon with muscle insomnia,
contraction, and lightheadedness,
regulating normal brain fog, and
heart rhythm and dizziness.
nerve functions.

Cl Found in table salt or Keeping the balance Fluid loss,

sea salt of our bodies fluides dehydration, fatigue,
Seaweed, rye, (help regulate our difficulty breathing,
tomatoes, lettuces, blood pressure) as diarrhea or vomiting.
celery, and olives well as the Ph

K (Daniela Castelan) Avocados, spinach, Maintains normal Fatigue, muscle

bananas, oranges, levels of fluid inside paralysis, irregular
salmon, chicken cells, helps muscles heart rate,
contact constipation
S Turkey, beef, eggs, Build and fix Dna acne, arthritis, brittle
fish, and chicken. and protect your cells nails and hair,
Seeds, nuts. from damage. convulsions.

Mg Greens, nuts, seeds, Helps maintain Loss of appetite,

-Rebecca Oliva dry beans, whole normal nerve and nausea and vomiting,
grains, wheat germ, muscle function, fatigue and
wheat and oat bran supports a healthy weakness, shaking,
immune system, pins and needles,
keeps heartbeat muscle spasms,
steady, helps bones hyperexcitability,
remain strong, and is sleepiness, and
needed for more than abnormal heart
300 biochemical rhythms
reactions within the

Na Breads and rolls A minimal amount of Nausea and vomiting.

Pizza sodium is necessary Headache.
(Logan Lewicki) Sandwiches for nerve impulses, Confusion.
Cold cuts and cured contraction and Loss of energy,
meats relaxation of the drowsiness and
Soups muscles and fatigue.
Burritos and tacos retaining the balance Restlessness and
Savory snacks* of water and irritability.
Chicken minerals. Muscle weakness,
Cheese spasms or cramps.
Eggs and Omelets Seizures.

P Beef, chicken, fish, Helps formation of Loss of appetite,

(Alivia Landor) milk ,eggs, dairy teeth and bones bone pains, fragile
foods, beans, grains, bones, stiff joints,
nuts and seeds such fatigue, unbalanced
as almonds and numbness, and
cashews. weakness. (could
lead to anemia)

F (Fluoride) Seafood, Wine, Assis in the formation Cavities(decay of

(Kennedy House) Juice, Grapes, of teeth by teeth enamel)
Raisins, Fruit, strengthening tooth Weak and Brittle
Potatoes, Coffee, and enamel during bones (more prone to
Black Tea growth/development bone fractures)
and stabilizes the
structure of bones

Fe (Kevin Lopez) Red Meat, Beans, Makes hemoglobin, a Extreme Fatigue,

Liver, Nuts protein in red blood Pale Skin,
cells that carries Weakness, Chest
oxygen from the Pain, Headaches
lungs to all parts of
the body, and
myoglobin, a protein
that provides oxygen
to muscles.

Zn (Jacorian Bell) Whole grains, milk Needed for the Growth retardation,
products, Breakfast body's defensive loss of appetite,
Cereals, oysters, red system to work. Cell impaired immune
meat, poultry, nuts, division, cell growth, function.
baked beans, and healing damaged
chickpeas tissue, breakdown of

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