Ramon Apreza Zepeda: AWS Solutions Architect / CLOUD Engineer

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Ramon Apreza Zepeda

AWS Solutions Architect / CLOUD Engineer

Email: pritesh.patel@epikso.com

Phone: (925) 310-8250


After working for more than Eight years at Information Technology industry, spanning from designing,
developing, building and implementing web applications to cloud native solutions, my goal is to be a cloud
engineer specialized in cloud solutions using only fully managed and serverless services with any cloud service


Ramon Apreza Zepeda has been using his autonomous learning skill for 8+ years to get new knowledge to face
every challenge provided by his clients or employers to attend from minor issues like to log into a server to keep
the productive application running to migrating to new software architectures like Jamstack (JavaScript API and
Markup) or moving really fast from cloud computing models (from Infrastructure as a Service –IaaS– to a platform
as a service –PaaS– and finally to a Software as Service –SaaS–)

● Hands on experience with Amazon Web Services (AWS)

● Developing Proof Of Concepts (POCs) with EC2, EKS and Lambda
● Creating architecture diagrams considering differents cloud computing models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and
cloud computing deployment models (MultiCloud and Hybrid)
● Building and deploying applications supported by DevOps practices such as Continuous Integration (CI),
Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD) and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and tools
● Deploy applications with Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling with data layer on Amazon RDS
● Hands On experience troubleshooting issues in build and deploy stage
● Hands On experience working in operations
● Hands On experience with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools such as AWS CloudFormation, AWS
CloudFormer, Serverless framework
● Hands On experience with version control system such as Git
● Hands On experience with developers platforms such as GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, AWS CodePipeline,
AWS CodeStar
● Hands On experience with Docker ecosystem: Docker compose, Images, Containers, Registries
● Hands On experience automating build and deploy stages with CodePipeline and Bitbucket Pipelines
● Designing and implementing software solutions at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud
Platform (GCP)
● Hands On experience working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
using CLI, Web management consoles, SDKs and Cloud shells
● Designing and setting up Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs)
● Setting up AWS Organizations
● Documenting with Confluence and Google suite
● Hands On experience with security practices, Auditing cloud accounts, Auditing operating systems and
Implement least-privilege principle with IAM
● Hands On experience with multiple operating systems: Unix, Linux, Windows and MacOS
● Hands On experience with Atlassian productivity tools: Confluence and Jira
● Hands On experience with Jamstack Architecture
● Hands On experience with Serverless (Architecture and Frameworks -Serverless Amazon Model (SAM)
and Serverless Framework)
● Hands On experience working with GraphQL in the full stack with Apollo
● Hands On experience developing applications with JavaScript in the full stack


AWS Solutions Architect by A Cloud Guru

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation
Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services
Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation
Certificate of completion: Java Course
Confluence Fundamentals Badge
Jira Fundamentals Badge


Cloud Service Providers Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud

Platform (GCP)

Operating Systems Unix,Linux, Windows

Programming Languages Java, JavaScript

Version Control System Git

DevOps AWS CloudFormation, Cloudformer, Serverless

Framework, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK),
AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeStar, Docker,

Web Servers Apache, Tomcat, Nginx

FrontEnd Libraries, Frameworks React, Gatsby, Jade/Pug

BackEnd ExpressJS

Editors & IDEs Vim, VSCode, Cloud9

Shell Bash, AWS CloudShell, GCP Cloud Shell

SQL Databases MySQL/MariaDB, PostgresQL

NoSQL Databases MongoDB/DocumentDB, DynamoDB

Productivity Confluence, Jira, Google Workspace


Cloud engineer - Epik Solutions, PLEASANT HILL, CA June 2022 - To


Responsibilities and duties:

● Design and build a Catholic social network with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and this technological
stack: Gatsby (React framework), AWS Amplify Hosting (fully managed CI/CD and hosting service),
GraphQL(Apollo), JavaScript, TypeScript, Jamstack architecture, Serverless, NoSQL and SQL databases.

● Setting up AWS Organizations

● Worked with developers platforms such as GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeStar
● Experience developing applications with JavaScript in the full stack
● Handling cloud applications

AWS Solutions architect - Kairos Digital Solutions , Mexico March 2022 -

June 2022

Responsibilities and duties:

● Designing and building a developer portal to expose the APIs to clients' developers, monitoring the
resources usage, tracing bottlenecks and errors with AWS, Gatsby, AWS Amplify Hosting, TypeScript,
Jamstack architecture, Serverless, GraphQL, CodePipeline (CD service), NoSQL and SQL databases
● Designing and leading the team to build a buy now pay later solution with AWS, Next.js, Cypress, Koa
and SQL databases
● Creating architecture diagrams considering EC2, EKS or Lambda
● Provisioning EKS clusters for POCs
● Experience with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools such as AWS CloudFormation, AWS CloudFormer,
Serverless framework
● Troubleshooting issues in build and deploy stage
● Coordinating and working in operations

Cloud Engineer - SantaTrinidad Solutions, Mexico March 2021 -

March 2022

Responsibilities and duties:

● Designing and building a Catholic matchmaking platform with AWS, Jamstack architecture, Serverless
framework(Lambda, CloudFormation)
● Creating APIs (Rest and GraphQL) with Amazon API Gateway and Apollo
● Monitoring AWS resources with Amazon CloudWatch
● Monitoring microservices with AWS X-Ray
● Building and deploying with AWS Amplify
● Enabling authentication and authorization with Amazon Cognito
● Automating deployment with AWS CodePipeline
● Creating UI with Gatsby,
● Enforcing development best practices such as Trunk based development (Git workflow)
● Creating NoSQL and SQL databases with RDS and DynamoDB

Cloud Architect - Salinas Group, Mexico January 2021

- March 2021

Responsibilities and duties:

● Architecting AWS solutions or migrating On Premises solutions with AWS Lambda, Amazon API
Gateway, Amazon S3, Amazon DocumentDB, Amazon VPC, Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, Amazon ECR,
Amazon RDS, Amazon Route 53
● Creating architecture diagrams considering EC2, EKS or Lambda
● Provisioning EKS clusters for POCs
● Taking care of Cloud issues
● Creating postmortems of cloud issues
● Monitoring of Cloud infrastructure
● Monitoring of provisioned Cloud resources
● Monitoring of Cloud applications

Cloud Engineer - Creze ,Mexico October 2018 - January 2021

Responsibilities and duties:

● Designing, developing, building and implementing a platform to provide notary services for a diocese with
● Designing Relational databases managed on Amazon RDS
● Enabling Authentication and authorization of final users and administrators with Amazon Cognito and
● Integrating Serverless API and mobile UI with AWS Amplify
● Creating CI/CD pipelines with Amazon EC2, Amazon ECR, AWS CodePipeline and Bitbucket pipelines
● Migrating a web app to a cloud native app
● Give advice about software tools to produce multiple streamings
● Make live streamings on Facebook and YouTube

Software Cloud Engineer - Creze, Mexico

March 2017 - October 2018

Responsibilities and duties:

● Designing, building and implementing solutions of Data warehousing and Big Data with AWS, Teradata
Kylo, Nifi, Scoop and QuickSight
● Designing, developing and implementing a Disaster Recovery Process with AWS Cloudformation and
● Implementing logical organization with AWS organizations
● Building CI/CD pipelines with Bitbucket, Bitbucket pipelines, custom docker images and Amazon ECR
● Migrating data from data warehouse to data lake
● Porting services to serverless architecture
● Managing and monitoring of Amazon Web Services resources
● Creating or modifying services of Creze's distributed system

Software Cloud Engineer - Lady of Guadalupe Parish, México

February 2015 - February 2016

Responsibilities and duties:

● Gather and refine specifications and requirements based on client needs

● Communicate ideas clearly to non-tech personnel.
● Design and develop a web app using NodeJS, Express, MySQL, Bootstrap and Jade/Pug

System Administrator Assistant - NIECC, México August

2014 - February 2015

Responsibilities and duties:

● Performs initial setup and software installation of computers

● Give UNIX, LINUX and Windows users technical support
● Prepares documentation of activities from servers and sites for permanent records
● Provide briefing notes on social networks
● Convert and optimize databases files to show them appropriately on the internet
● Convert spreadsheets files to html to feed CMS
● Monitors systems backup procedures
● Additional duties as assigned

National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico — B. S. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

June 2014

National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico — A. S. in Automated Systems Technician

June 2004

AD Systems, Mexico — A. S. in Microcomputer Support Specialist

July 2002

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