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Oral Presentation
information ACHIEVEMENTS
about Selects information.
linguistic Reads information.
diversity. Rehearses giving a presentation.
Gives a presentation.

Grade: 1st. Subject: English Term: 3rd



1. How many countries have English as the official language? Write them on the
following lines do it with a peer if possible.
________________________ ____________________________
________________________ ____________________________
________________________ ____________________________
________________________ ____________________________
________________________ ____________________________
2. Where do you think English was born?
3. Where do you look for information if you are doing a research?
4. Have you ever given a presentation? Who was your audience? Were you
nervous? What do you do when you give a presentation?


1. Your English teacher gave you an assignment, you are going to work in teams of 4
and give a presentation about language diversity.
2. Complete the graphic organizer by filling it out where do you look for information
when you must do some research.

. .

. .
To look for information you use search engines like Google, academic search tools like
LibrarySearch, books, journals, etc.

a) First of all, you must identify the keywords or phrases, to look for information on
the internet.
b) Then you must set limits, a particular time, frame, geographical region or to a
particular field.
c) After that review and revise if you have found enough good results that are
relevant to your topic. Maybe you can use synonyms, think if your key words are
too broad.
3. Again, in groups of 4, complete the following chart about:

What makes a good presentation?

➢ ➢

➢ ➢

➢ ➢

4. Read the following information about the golden rules for Power point.
You give the presentation not the computer.
Power point slides should only contain an outline of the presentation with
keywords to help you remember the points you want to make.
Make your presentation as unique as possible by customizing your slides.
Customizing slides, basic rules.
a) The background in presentations need to be dark and the foreground text
needs to be light.
b) The font needs to be clear so use san serif fonts like Arial, Futura, Avant
c) The fonts need to be able to be read from the back of a room so use 36
points or bigger.
d) Use bold to emphasize important words or phrases.
e) Allow lot of blank space around the text to make it easier to read.
Don´t put too much text on a slide.
Do not use too many slides.
Be prepared. Think about who the presentation is for. Time your presentation a
couple of times. Set up your equipment before time and make sure everything is
If you want to stimulate discussion put a quote or a picture in part of your
presentation and use it to raise issues.
5. Discuss with your team any words that you might not know the meaning of,
look it up in a dictionary or use your phone. Do you agree or disagree with the
information you´ve just read?

1. Now it´s time to do your research about language diversity, you can do it about
English, Spanish or any other language you are interested in.


PEERS OBSERVED: __________________________________________

DATE: ______________________________________________________
1. Is the presentation clear and well-structured?

2. Do they speak clearly and understandably?

3. Do they use a good range of vocabulary?

4. Do they engage the audience? Are they entertaining and / or informative?

5. Do they seem confident and in control?

6. Is there anything else you would like to add?

• Provea a los estudiantes suficiente tiempo para reflexionar sobre cómo aprender a:

o formular preguntas para guiar su búsqueda de información;

o definir criterios de selección de fuentes;

o evaluar la función de componentes del texto (por ejemplo: índice,

encabezados, notas a pie de página, bibliografía, glosario, etcétera);

o localizar información que ayude a responder preguntas;

o usar estrategias para encontrar información (por ejemplo: revisar índice,

títulos, imágenes, etcétera);

o generar diversas propuestas que promuevan consensos.

• Promueva la reflexión sobre cómo vincular lo que saben hacer con la lengua para
que sus estudiantes aprendan a:

o definir propósitos de lectura;

o conectar conocimientos previos con el texto;

o detectar palabras frecuentes para anticipar sentido general;

o aplicar estrategias de lectura (por ejemplo: determinar la información más

importante del texto, releer información, inferir información implícita,
• Transmita confianza y seguridad en sus estudiantes para que logren:

o preparar notas o recursos gráficos que apoyen la exposición;

o clasificar y comparar recursos prosódicos (por ejemplo: volumen, ritmo,


o definir el registro del habla;

o revisar y practicar lenguaje no verbal (por ejemplo: expresiones faciales,

postura corporal, contacto visual, gestos, etcétera);

o abrir espacios para que sus estudiantes practiquen exposiciones orales.

Crosscurricular Geography, Spanish, F C y E, habilidades socioecmocionales.


Fuentes de Programa Aprendizajes Clave Para la educación Integral Lengua Extranjera / Inglés.

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