ECG Microproject

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Government Polytechnic, Karad


Third Year Diploma Engineering - I Scheme

Project on

Renewable and Non- renewable energy sources

Submitted By:

2134-Pawar Akshad Sanjay

2135-Pawar Sanika Kisan.
2136-Salave Vishakha Dadaso.

Project Guide:

Government Polytechnic, Karad. Page 1

Micro project proposal

Title/Aim - Prepare a report on renewable and nonrenewable energy sources.

Course outcomes -

1) To Identify the different types of energy sources.

Aim of project-

To study about renewable and nonrenewable energy sources by using a chart.

Proposed Methodology-

1) Discussion about given topic

2) Selection of group leader and distribution of responsibilities
3) Collection of information using different resources
4) Analysis of information as per formats given
5) Representation of information in required formats
6) Preparation of project report
7) Completion of assigned task.

Start Date Finish Date
Details of activity Members

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Discussion and finalization of project topic. 01-10-2021 03-10-2021 All members
Preparation and submission of point. 06-10-2021 All Members

Litrature Review. 10-10- All members

Student wise Classification and collection of
11-10-2021 15-10-2021 All members
relavant data.

Editing and proof reading of containt 16-10-2021 20-10-2021 All members

Complation of report for presentation 13-11-2021 All members
All members
Micro-project presentation On power point 14-11-2021 14-11-2021

Final submission of project 15-11-2021 15-11-2021 All members

Resources Required-

Resources Required Specification Quantity

Reference books in
Books technical publications -

Internet -

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Team members-

Name of Team Members
Mr. Pawar Akshad Sanjay
Miss. Pawar Sanika Kisan
Miss. Salave Vishakha Dadaso

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This is to certify that as part of the partial fulfillment of the three year Diploma Engineering
Courses for the Semester Fifth the bonafied students studying in Third Year Diploma (civil).I
Scheme, Mr. Pawar Akshad Sanjay, Miss.Pawar Sanika Kisan , Miss. Salve Vishakha Dadaso,
has completed the project report as “Renewable and Nonrenewable energy sources ”for the
subject- Energy Conservation and Green Building (22506 ECG) under the guidance of
Mr.K.M.Bagwan Lecturer in Civil Department of submitted it to Department of Civil and
Govt.Polytechnic, Karad.


Head Of Department (Guide)


Place:Govt. Polytechnic,Karad

Government Polytechnic, Karad. Page 5


We take this opportunity to thank all those who have directly and indirectly inspired, directed
and assisted us towards successful completion of this project. We express our sincer thanks to
the principal,Dr.Prof.R. K. Patil and the Head Of Department, Prof.K.M.Bagwan, for having
us allowed to submit this report as part of our academics learning.We express our sincere thanks
to Mr.K.M.Bagwan Lecturer in Civil Department of Govt.Polytechnic,Karad for his
encouragement throughout this project report and guide line in designing and working out this

We are also grateful to team of,“ Renewable and Nonrenewable energy sources ” for their
highly encouragement and co-operative attitude.We express our sense of gratitude towards our
friends and parents for their constant moral support during project.

Yours sincerely,

1) Pawar Akshad Sanjay

2) Pawar Sanika Kisan
3) Salave Vishakha Dadaso

Government Polytechnic, Karad. Page 6

Micro project report
Rationale- A layered structure supported by the subgrde soil to from the carriageway of a
road is called a road pavement. A pavement is essentially constructed in order to fulfil the two
basic requirements of the road, namely the strength and a good riding surface. Thus, with the
provision of pavement, the load can carry heavy wheel loads of vehicular traffic and provide a
smooth riding surface.


To study about renewable and nonrenewable energy sources by using a chart.

Course outcomes addressed-

1) To Identify the different types of energy sources.

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Actually methodology followed-

Energy is used to power the devices we use for heat and light in our homes, for transportation
and for the manufacture of all kinds of products. The primary use of these different sources of
energy is to produce electricity. All these different sources of energy add to the store of
electrical power that is then sent out to different locations via high powered lines

The classical description of energy is the ability of a system to perform work, but as energy
exists in so many forms, it is hard to find one comprehensive definition. It is the property of an
object that can be transferred from one object to another or converted to different forms but
cannot be created or destroyed. There are numerous sources of energy.
The sun is the main source of energy on Earth. Other energy sources include coal, geothermal
energy, wind energy, biomass, petrol, nuclear energy, and many more. Energy is classified into
various types based on sustainability as renewable sources of energy and non-renewable sources
of energy.

Types of energy sources

Energy sources are Broadly classified into the following two basic types -
1) Renewable Energy Source
2) Nonrenewable Energy Source

Government Polytechnic, Karad. Page 8

Renewable Energy Sources
It is the type of energy obtained from the resources which do not deplete or replenish
themselves within a human's lifetime. It is opposite to the energy obtained from depleting
fossil fuels.

A renewable resource, also known as a flow resource,is a natural resource which will
replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption, either through
natural reproduction or other recurring processes in a finite amount of time in a human
time scale. When the recovery rate of resources is unlikely to ever exceed a human time
scale, these are called perpetual resources.Renewable resources are a part of Earth's
natural environment and the largest components of its ecosphere. A positive life-cycle
assessment is a key indicator of a resource's sustainability.

Definitions of renewable resources may also include agricultural production, as in

agricultural products and to an extent water resources.In 1962, Paul Alfred Weiss defined
renewable resources as: "The total range of living organisms providing man with life,
fibres, etc...".Another type of renewable resources is renewable energy resources.
Common sources of renewable energy include solar, geothermal and wind power, which
are all categorized as renewable resources. Fresh water is an example of renewable

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•Sources of Renewable Energy
The most widespread sources of renewable energy include:
Wind: This takes advantage of wind motion to generate electricity. The
heat brings about wind motion from the sun, and rotation of the earth,
mainly via the Coriolis Effect.
Solar: It taps heat from the sun to produce electricity, heating, lighting
homes and commercial buildings.
Hydropower: Utilises moving water to produce electricity. Moving water
creates high energy that can be harnessed and turned into power.
Ocean: Takes advantage of the rising and falling of tides to generate
Geothermal: Leverages heat from underneath the earth to generate

•Characteristics of Renewable Energy Sources

- Renewable resources have the capacity to restore themselves easily.
- Ecological developments for a definite time period are required by
renewable resources to regenerate themselves.
- Renewable energy can become non-renewable energy if it is utilised in
an extreme amount, that is, higher than the environment’s ability to restore

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•Advantages of Renewable energy
- Renewable energy won’t run out

- Renewable energy has lower maintenance requirements

- Renewables save money

- Renewable energy has numerous environmental benefits

- Renewables lower reliance on foreign energy sources

- Renewable energy leads to cleaner water and air

- Renewable energy creates jobs

- Renewable energy can cut down on waste

•Disadvantages of Renewable energy

- Renewable energy has high upfront costs

- Renewable energy is intermittent

- Renewables have storage capabilities

- Renewable energy sources have geographic limitations

- Renewables aren’t always 100% carbon-free.

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Non-renewable Energy Sources
A non-renewable resource (also called a finite resource) is a natural resource that cannot
be readily replaced by natural means at a pace quick enough to keep up with
consumption.An example is carbon-based fossil fuels. The original organic matter, with
the aid of heat and pressure, becomes a fuel such as oil or gas. Earth minerals and metal
ores, fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, natural gas) and groundwater in certain aquifers are all
considered non-renewable resources, though individual elements are always conserved
(except in nuclear reactions, nuclear decay or atmospheric escape).

Conversely, resources such as timber (when harvested sustainably) and wind (used to
power energy conversion systems) are considered renewable resources, largely because
their localized replenishment can occur within time frames meaningful to humans as

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•Characteristics of Non-Renewable Energy Sources
- Non-renewable energy sources are also known as stock resources because they are not
obtainable in high quantities.

- Non-renewable energy generally exists in the form of minerals which are present in
various forms in the lithosphere of the earth.

- Non-renewable resources can be obtained in solids, liquids or gases, that is, all the three
states of matter, for instance, coal, petroleum and natural gas.

•Advantages of Non-renewable energy

- The non-renewable source of energy is affordable. For instance diesel and oil.

- It is easily accessible and more compatible.

- The non-renewable source of energy is easy to store.

•Disadvantages of Non-renewable energy

- Non-renewable energy cannot be replaced once its energy source is used up.

- The by-products of non-renewable energy cause environmental damage. It also increases

greenhouse gases.

- Transporting fossil fuels, Mining and extraction activities can cause accidents and result in oil
spills, nuclear meltdowns, pipeline leaks, and even explosions which cause harmful effects on
the environment.


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Most of the energy that we use is derived from fossil fuels, so that makes the
chances of a bright and developing future without these resources (non renewable)
quite bleak. However there are more and more alternative sources of energy being
discovered in today's time to help us become prepared for a future where in fossil
fuels aren't there anymore.

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