Annotated Bibliography

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Kaitlyn 1

Kaitlyn Holland

Professor Williams

English 111

November 3, 2022

Annotated Bibliography

Gray, Kerry. “Take Online Courses. Earn College Credit. Research Schools, Degrees &

Careers.” | Take Online Courses. Earn College Credit. Research Schools,

Degrees & Careers,



The significance of this article is that it talks about the purpose of writing children's

books and how it is helpful to learn and grow as they get older. Throughout this article, Gray

goes over how persuading it can be for kids. For example, the Author uses “Green Eggs and

Ham by Dr. Seuss, Sam-I-Am” which goes to great lengths to convince the narrator to try green

eggs and ham, despite the narrator's objections. When the narrator finally tries them, he realizes

that he likes them. The purpose of the text is to persuade the reader to try new things. Persuasive

writers develop logical arguments that draw readers to the author's intended conclusion.
Kaitlyn 1

Bennett, Kymberley K, et al. “Children's Acquisition of Early Literacy Skills: Examining

Family Contributions.” Early Childhood Research Quarterly, JAI, 14 Aug. 2002,

The purpose of this article is to explain why you should write and how it helps you grow

as a writer. This article explains that Writing children's books and reading them to children may

impact childrens academic success greatly. It shows that language abilitiews are most vuluranble

in grades 1-3 and having read childreans books increases their vocabulary later down the road.

So, you might write childrens books to increase vocabulary, language, and literacy skills. Quote

“The most important aspect of emergent literacy is that it is a process-one that continues and

grows over time. Hence, childrens need to communicate, their curiosity, and their skills for

making sense of the world drive them to gain many literacy-related skills long before they

encounter formal reading and writing instruction in school.

Jones, Eevi. “How to Write a Children's Book in 9 Easy Steps [2022].” Kindlepreneur, 24 May

Kaitlyn 1

The purpose of this article is to explain how to write a childrens book. So children are the

ones who you want to keep in mind as you write , they're the ones who will make this book

worth writing. And to write a book for them, you'll need to come up with a great idea. Chose the

age group. It's important to know what your target audience's age range is so that you can speak

directly to them. However, age isn't the only factor here! You also need to think about what your

readers will expect in terms of topic, length, style, and complexity. Another helpful way is to

start the book quickly, Many unpublished children’s books fail to grab the child’s attention and

that’s because they start too slow. If your story is about a child joining a circus, they should join

on the first or second page. Lastly, make sure you know why you picked this topic to write about,

your main point of the story, make sure a lesson is learned, make sure the main character is old

than the audience. Then there you go you have your book!

“Reading and Storytelling with Babies and Children.” Raising Children Network, 14 Dec.



The purpose of this article is to explain the outcome of writing a childrens book and how

it helps your childs development in many ways, and not only brain development but also
Kaitlyn 1

relationship development. This article explains how it sparks your childs imagination ands

timulates curiosity, helps develop your childs brain, ability, social skills and communication

skills. Helps your child learn about the world, their own culture, and others as well. In addition,

using different langaunges in childreans books might increase communication within your child.

“3 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Children's Book.” 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing

a Children's Book, 7 May 2018,

The purpose of this article is that it gives reasons of what you should never do

while writing a childrens book. Writing for children is amazing and

challenging. There are many things you should do, but there are quite a few

things you should never do. First is too never make them wait, Kids don’t

have patience. In the past I have read books that were slow to start and I’ve

waited them out until they picked up. Kids don’t do that. Grab them with the

first word, the first sentence, on the first page. Secondly, never forget about

the age range you are writing too. Your word count, the type of story, and

the number of pictures in your book are all influenced by the age of your

reader. Babies have board books with pictures and maybe a word on the

page. Picture books for three- to five-year-olds have large images with 500

– 600 words (give or take). Early chapter books for seven- to ten-year-olds
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have about 10 000 words with a few pictures often at the beginning of the

chapter. It varies. Lastly, never over write in a picture book. According to

Emma Walton Hamilton “a best-selling children’s book author and editor, a

standard children’s picture book length is thirty-two pages and no more than

1,000 words. Instead of writing out what the illustrations show, Hamilton

recommends letting the pictures and text inform one another rather than

mirroring each other. Also, avoid an excessive use of adjectives and try to

show the story through character action rather than telling’’

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