11-21-2022 383 Music Team PD Notes

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Professional Learning Monday November 21st-

1. shared props and books we use in lessons

2. presented on sessions we attended at National Orff Conference

States and Capitals video

· Tour the States - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E2CNZIlVIg

Listening Timbre Jars (Gretchen) - putting different items in small glass jars (rice, oatmeal, legos, etc.)
Share the jars with students and put on the music stand (turn around so students can’t see). Have
individual students shake the jar behind the stand and have the class tell you the material that is being

Thanksgiving Dinner Meter Game (Haley) - TeacherpayTeachers resources


Play Dough (Heather) -

Otamatone – electronic bobo/pitch matching

· Great for end of class/extra time filler/reward for lining up nicely. Can use for pitch
matching with younger ones to sing with him.

· 4th grade treble clef review game – place the note on the staff, split the class into two
teams. Teams compete to be the first team to buzz in to answer the name of the note it’s on
after you place it on the staff.
Online Scoreboard
Instrument Hand Drum/Bean Bag game – have a variety of hand drums and bean bags. Each team has 4
hand drums lined up in

Deedle Diddle Dumpling –

· if you don’t want student to take off and use their own shoes, at the end of summer
season go to walmart when flip flops are on clearance and purchase enough shoes for a class

· Students wear one shoe and then have one shoe off, walking the beat around the room
(shoe foot=strong beat, sock foot= weak beat)

· Pair with story “My Son John” by Jim Aylesworth

Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See Book- sing to the tune of “Twinkle Twinkle”
1. Teacher sings it all the way through

2. Kids sing the question (brown bear brown bear what do you see?) , Teacher sings the
answer (I see a red bird looking at me)

3. Sit in a circle, each student with a beanie baby, class sings “white lamb white lamb what
do you see?” student with white lamb sings “I see a brown deer looking at me” then class
“brown deer brown deer what do you see”, student with brown deer sings to another animal
etc etc etc

Over in the Meadow book- teacher is the “mom” student is the baby animal
Love Can Build a Bridge- book to sing and talk about random act of kindness
Metronome Game- “Metronome, metronome listen to the metronome, can you play one time after four
beats” (change number)

Recorder blowing-

· don't use your doorbell finger, use the pad

· Blow like blowing on a bowl of soup, blowing bubbles, hot air vs cold air

· Improvising on E, G, and B with background music

· Patting recorders on hand for steady beat

· Read book Possum Come A-Knockin'

Movement- students stand in a diamond/square. They all face the same direction, toward one student. The
student that they are facing is the leader and the other three copy them. If they turn to another student then
that student is the new leader

Teacher leads a train of students. Teacher plays something on an instrument and they walk by instrument
and play what the teacher played and add on. As each student walks by the different instruments they play

Instrument Play Alongs

· Funky Veggies - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Hb5_TK6Uks

· Bouncing Ball Beat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MNLqJRXtGw

-Gretchen’s Notes--------
Rhythm imposter
Bean bags in hand drums
Leaves or “snowballs” in parachute
Paper fan hair bow, mustache, bow tie
Strong beat with shoe foot and weak beat with sock foot

Love can build a bridge

Bouncing ball beat percussion home edition

Funky veggies – percussion

Change speed on youtube!

STOMP unit

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