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Organic Food BD is a reputed organic food seller in Bangladesh.

They deliver healthy vegetables, honey,

fruits etc. to the fans. Today we will learn more about their marketing. The appeal of organic food is
rooted in the common misconception that equates natural production with ethical production. For me,
organic food is simply a marketing ploy to convince consumers to purchase more expensive food. While
people will benefit from eating more produce, organic produce may not be the way to go. 47% of
household shoppers buy organic food for their households at least some of the time. 12% say they do so
“all of the time.” Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no
antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides;
fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation.

1. What is organic food marketing?

Marketing organic produce requires a sound knowledge of your product, the market and your target
audience. Organic growers can receive significant price premiums for their product, but like any product,
organics needs to be correctly marketed to the relevant audience to be successful.

2. What is the best marketing strategy?

I. Educate with your content.
II. Personalize your marketing messages.
III. Let data drive your creative.
IV. Invest in original research.
V. Update your content.
VI. Try subscribing to HARO.
VII. Expand your guest blogging opportunities.
VIII. Use more video.
3. Who is the target market for organic food?

The Organic Trade Association notes that a full 81% percent of families with kids say they purchase
organic products at least sometimes. When asked why they buy organic, parents note reasons such as
better health and the desire to avoid toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers.

The appeal of organic food is rooted in the common misconception that equates natural production with
ethical production. For me, organic food is simply a marketing ploy to convince consumers to purchase
more expensive food. While people will benefit from eating more produce, organic produce may not be
the way to go.

4. How do you sell organic products?

I. Research on the Demand.
II. Make a Website.
III. Make a Social Media Account.
IV. Take Behind-the-Scenes Pictures.
V. Provide Home Delivery.
VI. Post Testimonials.
VII. Sell via Different Websites.
VIII. Boost Production.

5. Define what you mean by value & develop the value proposition of your offering for this
target market?

A value proposition stands as a promise by a company to a customer or market segment. A value

proposition should clearly explain how a product fills a need, communicate the specifics of its added
benefit, and state the reason why it's better than similar products on the market.

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