匯賢智庫學苑 - 2011 Summer Program Orientation

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Savantas Liberal Arts Academy

- 2011 Summer Secondary School Program Orientation -

About Savantas Liberal Arts Academy (SLAA)

Founded by Mrs. Regina IP and her colleagues at Savantas Policy Institute in 2009 Held more than 10 programs in the past
FIVE programs for adults and FIVE programs for secondary school students Chinese History & Cultural Program

Educated over 250 students

Our Curriculum
Modeled on the liberal education curriculum in North American universities as part of the General Education Requirement for undergraduates

Sector Requirements (Fields of study)

Society History & Tradition Arts & Letters Humanities & Social Sciences Living World Physical World Natural Science and Mathematics

SLAA Follows a Similar Structure (1)

Field of Study

Foundational texts of the Classics

Politics and Society

Local Topics: education, health care reform, planning and the environment

Contemporary issues: globalization and the Innovative Economy

Core skills:

SLAA Follows a Similar Structure (2)

Critical Thinking Skills Writing Skills Self-presentation and communication skills

Visit to Ocean Park

Why Liberal Education?

Equip students with broad knowledge, strong sense of values and ethics

Provide students with broad exposure to multiple disciplines and learning strategies Enhance students critical thinking

Language Instructors (First Session)

Mr. Vincent CHAN, B.A., Dip. Ed., Chinese University of Hong Kong Ms. Margaret CHEN, M.A. in Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, B.A. in Child Development Psychology and International Relations, Mount Holyoke College Mr. LAI Chun-ho, A.B. Candidate in English, Yale University Mr. Tiger LAI, B.Ed. in Chinese Language Education, University of Hong Kong

Instructors (Second Session)

Mr. Francis LI, SLAA Program Director, B.A. Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Fellow of The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Mr. Matthew WONG, SLAA Program Administrator, B.A. in Government (with Distinction), Cornell University Dr. Glenn HUI, Instructor of the Department of Public and Social Administration, City University of Hong Kong Mr. Vincent YIU, M. Phil. in Politics, Oxford University, B.A. in International Relations, Stanford University Ms. Karita KAN, PhD Candidate, Oxford University Ms. Germaine LAU, B.A. (1st class honor) in Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong Mr. Tim LO, B.A. in Urban Studies & Planning and International Studies ( Economics), UC San Diego

Special Seminars on Saturday

Mrs. Regina IP LAU Suk Yee, SLAA Principal GBS, JP, M.A. East Asian Studies & M. Sc. Management, Stanford University, Master of Letters, University of Glasgow, B.A. (First Class Honors), University of Hong Kong
Dr. Dominic Chan, CEO & Founder at Decisive Consulting Limited, PhD in Digital Signal Processing at Cambridge University Ms. Cynthia Ip, Rising senior, University of Pennsylvania, Speaker, Undergraduate Assembly

Thank You!

Programme Overview
6-week summer program
2 parts 1) English & Chinese comprehension & composition 2) Various liberal arts subjects Upon completion of this program, students are expected to show improvement in English & Chinese comprehension & composition and to gain deeper understanding in the different liberal arts subjects.

Date Class A: 18th July 2011 24th August 2011 (Monday & Wednesday) Class B: 19th July 2011 25th August 2011 (Tuesday & Thursday)
Time 11:00 a.m. 12:00 noon (liberal studies session) 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. (language session)

Venue Savantas Liberal Arts Academy Shop C & D, 1/F, Loong Wan Building, North Point Road, North Point, Hong Kong

Class Schedule
Lecture 1 (18/19 July, 2011) Session 1: Language Class - English Lecturer: Ms. Margaret CHEN Session 2: Political Appointee System Lecturer: Mr. Matthew WONG Lecture 2 (20/21 July, 2011) Session 1: Language Class - English Lecturer: Ms. Margaret CHEN Session 2: Modern Chinese History Lecturer: Mr. Francis LI

Lecture 3 (25/26 July, 2011) Session 1: Language Class English Lecturer: Ms. Margaret CHEN Session 2: Logic Lecturer: Ms. Germaine LAU

Class Schedule
Lecture 4 (27/28 July, 2011) Session 1: Language Class - Chinese Lecturer: Mr. Vincent CHAN Session 2: History and Art Lecturer: Mr. Francis LI Lecture 5 (1/2 August, 2011) Session 1: Language Class Chinese Lecturer: Mr. Vincent CHAN Session 2: International Relations Lecturer: Mr. Vincent YIU

Lecture 6 (3/4 August, 2011) Session 1: Language Class - Chinese Lecturer: Mr. Tiger LAI Session 2: International Relations Lecturer: Mr. Vincent YIU

Class Schedule
Lecture 7 (8/9 August, 2011) Session 1: Language Class Chinese Lecturer: Mr. Tiger LAI Session 2: Personal Development Lecturer: Dr. Glenn HUI
Lecture 8 (10/11 August, 2011) Session 1: Language Class English Lecturer: Mr. LAI Chun-ho Session 2: Politics I Lecturer: Ms. Karita KAN Lecture 9 (15/16 August, 2011) Session 1: Language Class English Lecturer: LAI Chun-ho Session 2: Politics II Lecturer: Ms. Karita KAN

Class Schedule
Lecture 10 (17/18 August, 2011) Session 1: Language Class English
Lecturer: Mr. LAI Chun-ho

Session 2: Trash, Pollution, Energy Consumption and You Lecturer: Mr. Tim LO

Lecture 11 (22/23 August, 2011) Session 1: Language Class English Lecturer: Mr. LAI Chun-ho Session 2: Globalization: An economic development or a cultural destruction? Lecturer: Mr. Tim LO Lecture 12 (24/25 August, 2011) Session 1: Language Class Chinese Lecturer: Mr. Tiger LAI Session 2: Identity and Politics Lecturer: Mr. Matthew WONG

Special Seminars on Saturday

Mrs. Regina IP LAU Suk Yee, SLAA Principal GBS, JP, M.A. East Asian Studies & M. Sc. Management, Stanford University, Master of Letters, University of Glasgow, B.A. (First Class Honors), University of Hong Kong
Mr. Dominic Chan (CEO & Founder at Decisive Consulting Limited, PhD in Digital Signal Processing at Cambridge University)

Ms. Cynthia Ip (University of Pennsylvania, Undergraduate Assembly - College Rep, Secretary, Benjamin Franklin Scholar)

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