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ISSN 2229-4554 ETTo UO U CORSA SETURL Synttiesis and Applications Mirren {NCSANM-2013) aC) mune Dr. S. J. Dhoble Dr. K. B. Ghormare Dr. L. P. Damodare Cel) Shri Nagpur Gujarati Mandal's Proceeding of National Conference on ‘Synthesis & Applications of Novel Materials (NCSANM-2013) Acoustical study of platinum dispersed aqueous solutions at 318 K KK. Nemade, S.A. Wagnuley™ Department of Physi, Sant Gage Baba Amravati Universi, Ameavat 444602, nda -sandeepwaghuley@sgbauacin MoD ABSTRACT: ‘Present work reports the acoustical stay of platinum dispersed aqueous solution a 318 K. Ultrasone velocity, density and viscosiy of solons were measured to manipulate the acoustical parameters such as specific acoustic impedance, adiabatic Compress, intemal prestre, viscous relation ime, relative association, Gibbs fe energy, intermolecular elena, The results weredscusedand compared with experimental an theoretical ats ‘Keywords: Acoustical study, Platinum, Aqueoussoution, INTRODUCTIO® Currently, researchers are constraining prediction techniques for acoustic characteristics of porous material based onthe Biot model. By applying this technique, itis possible to measure or predict the basi parameter ofthe materials and estimate the acoustic absor performance and the sound insulation performance of the materials, We have already developed a facility and measurement technology to measure almost all the ‘material parameter sed by the Biot mode, to characterize the acoustic performance of material. Gibiat etal reported velocity measurements for low ultrasonic frequencies show thatthe low-density aerogelscan exhibitunexpecied attenuation for well-defined frequency bands. “Measurements ofthe acoustical impedance of samples in the audible range show that the rerules depend dramatically on the geometry and/or the boundary ‘conditions imposed to the samples. The ‘attenuation’ bands in which dhe samples present an unexpected igh attenuation are related to the serogel density. These particular results are discussed in two ways; first for pplication purposes and eecond in terms ofa possible ‘theoretical explanation. Neither the classical theory of propagation in @ homogeneous material nor the Biot ‘theory fr porous material can explain theres (1) In the present work, itis planned to find out the scoustcal properties of platinum dispersed aqueous solution through staightlorwardtechnique. EXPERIMENTAL: ‘To prepare the platinum dispersed aqueous solution, platinum metallicum (Rxhomeo) was used as platinum [J 00 commerce, 47 Arse Scie Clee, Neiman Noe Noo 08 no ff] A Wee source, The solutions were prepared hy varying molar concentration (0.1-04 M) of Pt content medicine. The ‘ultrasonic velocity in solution was measured using an ‘eseonic interferometer (Mital Make, India) at feed frequency (2 MHz) witha tolerance of + 0.005% at room temperature 318 K. The measuring cell was a specially designed double walled vessel with provision for temperature constancy, The high frequency generator excites a quartz cxysal fixed at the bottom of the ‘measuring cell at ts resonant frequency. The density of solution was measured using specific gravity botle, The Viscosity was measured using Ostwalds. viscometer calibrated with doubly distilled water. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The specific acoustical impedance is the confrontation to travel the sound wave encounter as it passes through a medium, The dependence of ultrasonic velcityon density lead tothe acousticimpedance.Asthe density of system inereass, so does acoustic impedance. ‘Therefore, acoustic impedance is diretly proportional to the density, which sin very well agreement with present investigation. The acoustic impedance was found to be increase with increase of ultrasonic velocity as represented in figure I (a). The adiabatic compressibility ‘the fractional decrease of volume per unit nerease of pressure, when no heat flows in or out It ean also be calculated from te ultrasonic velocity (u) andthe density of te medium (p) using Newton-Laplace eyuation [2] with increasing ultrasonic velocity 2s displayed figure 1 (). This shows good agreement with the theorstcal alysis. The dereasein compressibility implies that iy there i an enhanced molecular interaction in this system ‘with increased solte content. Thenew entities formed are become compact and less compressible du to molecular association. This shows an added support forthe structure | Je Synthesi ‘rane vey (ms) Proceeding of National Conference on Seances SN Itensitying property ofthe Pt solution. Asaesul, solutes may gain mobility and have more probability of contacting solvent molecules, which ead to enhance the interaction between oluteandsolvent molecules. eran vec (ms) Figure 1. Variation of) specific acoustical impedance and (b) adiabatic ‘compressibility with ultrasonic velocity. ‘The internal pressure isthe cohesive force, which isa resultant of force of atraction and force of repulsion between the molecules [3]. The intemal pressure was found to be increases with ultrasonic velocity as well as density as shown in igure 2 (a. Italo gives an idea about the solubility characteristics [4]. Relation time i the lime taken for the excitation energy to appear as transnational energy and it depends on temperature and impurities. The relaxation time was found tobe decreases ‘wit increasing ultrasonic velocity displayed figure 2), This may be due to a modification in the nature ofthe ‘molecular interaction a “ ~ ) ee ©) ts o as . iw i i | js. fas : : ‘os ss ams ees SES tasonle velocity (ms) ‘Uraonievlaty (ms) Flgue 2, Vartion ofa internal pressre and (t) viscous relaxation time with ultasonic velo, Relative association isintluenced by two factors breaking up of associated solvent molecules on addition of solute and the salvation of slut {5} Relative association can be ivenasinequation 1. RCo uye)"” o where, prdensity of solvent, urultrasonic velocity of Aislled water In present finding, the relative association ‘was found tobe decreases with increase in ultrasonic MAAN 20 nr, ts nt cence Clee, Wetman Ngo ago e400 anu ‘velocity as shown in figure 3 (a) Aste relaxation time is related to the activation ie ener. I abe estima sing equation2 AG*=KTlogivKTH @ (errs Proceeding of National Conference on ‘Synthesis & Applications of Novel Materials (NCSANM-2013) Bell ‘Where, K-Boltzman costan,T- temperature relaxation time and Plank constant. The GIDDS fee energy was found to be decreases with increase in ulrasonic velocity (gure 3 (b). This leads to the formation of an Intermediate compound (6) a 1 sty igure 5.vanaton of (2) reaiveasoeaton ana (Gib ee eer with taste velety ‘The adiabutic compresbiliy of solution can_be cxrestedin term ofthe interno lengh The Gisance beeen the surhces of the neighboring ileus ie iniemolesar fe length was observe te decreased with increne in ultsote velo (gue 4). is predominant factor in dtemining the variation ofulsone veloc nid CONCLUSIONS: The ultrasonic technique isan easy technique to study the acoustical properties of solutions. The specifi acoustic impedance and internal pressure of nanoflids ‘were found to be increase with increase in ultrasonic velocity. The adiabatic compressibility viscousrelaxation time and relative association were found tobe decreases with inerease in ultrasonic velocity. Consequently, the Gibbs's fee energy and intermolecular fe length was also decreses Acknowledgments: Authorsare very much thankful to Head, Department (of Physics Sant Gadge aba Amravati University, Amravati forproviding necessary facilities resent veety (a) Figure 4. Vasation of ree length with tronic velo References (0 ¥. Gibiat, 0. Lefeave, T. Woignie, J. Pelos, 3. PhalippouJ Non-Cryst Solis, 186, 288(1955). [2] Vi Mincheako, VA. Khokilov and LV. Kori, as. Metal, €2,734(2011). 1B) VK. Syl, A. Chauhan nd. Chauhan, J Pure Appl ‘Uason, 27,61 2005). [8] EB. Bagley, TP.Nelson and 1M. Seghino, Pint Tahal, 38(19) (5) SA. Mita, PP, Pavar and GK. Bile, Ach ‘Appl Sei Res, 3,233 201). (6) KR. Nemade and S.A. Waghuley, Int J. Res. Rev. ‘Pharm. Appl Sei, 2, 442 2012). 1207 Commer, MT Anand HP Sic Cae erhannNo: Narr 0 of] J

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