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The Effects of Dyslexia in the Teaching of Foreign Languages in Venezuelan

Secondary Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic


Carmen E. Santamaría S. 29.554.000 Sec.001

Tomás Velazque 26.713.027 Sec.002

Maracay, November 28th 2022


Learn about dyslexia and how dyslexia affects second language learning,
with a focus on the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ideas for each paragraph:

1 .- Among the background that can be found to the investigation, within

Latin America, reference is made to the author Alexandra Pérez Velázquez. Her
methodological proposal: "Methodological strategies to work on functional
dyslexia in children in the 4th year of basic A of the Agustín Crespo Heredia
Educational Unit" (2017) was carried out in Cuenca, Ecuador and was born from
the needs observed in the classroom, seeks to provide work strategies that can be
implemented to help students with dyslexia.

2.- It also addresses some of the factors that can make it more or less
difficult to successfully learn a new language. And it emphasizes that the creation
of new mental structures can be a complete challenge for dyslexic people, both
intellectually and even emotionally.

3.- Dyslexia is a common neural disorder that affects language skills,

which is why it is considered a learning disorder. Dyslexia has a special influence
on the development of speech, writing and reading. But it can also affect some
reasoning skills, interpretation, memory, orientation, content acquisition and

4.- This disorder presents an added difficulty to the learning process of

L.2, especially when it is not diagnosed in time, favoring the development of
negative feelings in the student such as frustration and anxiety when trying to
learn the second language, forcing the teacher to modify and alter the previous
methodology and planning to adapt to the student with this problem.

5.- When learning a second language, this is essential, since the learning
process requires constant and even methodical interaction in its first instances.
Álvarez also points out that learning another language, in his particular case,
English, begins with the observation and repetition of previously established
patterns, thus understanding the vocabulary and its particular pronunciation, and
the grammatical structures that make up the language. Therefore, if the teacher
gives students the opportunity to observe the responses generated in specific
situations, either by formulating a specific question, they will then be able to deal
with similar situations.

Possible Quotations:

1.- The Andalusian Association of Dyslexia (2010), which points out that
the necessary adaptations for students with dyslexia can be divided into three

a) Offer alternatives to teaching through the written text, for example,

through the auditory or visual channel

b) Provide them with computer resources and assisted technology that

already exists at the moment.

e) Increase the time required to do certain tasks that involve written

language, such as exams. (p.49)

2.- According to the International Dyslexia Association (2002), this is a

specific learning difficulty that has its origin in the neurological system and that is
distinguished due to the deficit it presents for the recognition of written words, as
well as problems in reading and spelling.

3.- The Andalusian Association of Dyslexia, ASANDIS, in its general

guide on dyslexia (2010) recognizes these factors in the form of consequences,
some of which are: loss of motivation, poor grades and, in the worst scenario,
school dropout.

4.-Alexandra Pérez Velázquez. Her methodological proposal:

"Methodological strategies to work on functional dyslexia in children in the 4th
year of basic A of the Agustín Crespo Heredia Educational Unit" (2017)

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