Essay Movies Today Are Better Than They Were in Our Parent's Generation

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Autor: Carmen Elena Santamaría Sequera 29.554.000 S.001

Movies today are better than they were in our parent's generation… Or
maybe not…

When we talk about art in general we are totally subject to the

interpretation of the viewer, but if there is something clear is that all works of art
were created in order to express something, but, what happens if we stop for a
moment to evaluate the evolution of a particular art before giving our personal
opinion? Well, if we stop to do this, it will be possible to compare the present with
the bases. With this I come to the question: Are today's films better than those of
our parents' time?

We can define art as the application of human creativity and imagination to

convey an emotional message through beauty. Cinema is a technique born in the
late nineteenth and early twentieth century to capture, assemble and project
frames quickly and successively giving the impression of movement, but is it
considered art? Actually yes, because it tells a story created by man, it transmits
feelings and emotions.

A good film is not only determined by the effects in it, it’s also determined
by the sense and organization of its plot, since like all art, it seeks to project a
clear message to the viewer. Today's films have impressive productions with
great proposals but inconsistencies in the development of the stories or characters
being these their biggest failures creating meaningless films, or with too much or
too little editing, and although the technology of effects, no doubt, has improved,
the contradictions are unforgivable.
Tell just the half of the story, making it unintelligible to the viewer, plot
holes, even the music is important, this because of the consistency of the message,
and yes, there are millions of themes, adventure, comedy, romance, etc, but all
these must make sense with its plot, even more so if the story is shaped between
different films, a notable example is STAR WARS and its first 2 trilogies, which
are consistent between them telling the story, until the modern trilogy, in which
we find script holes with a main character that breaks with the pre-established by
and for the film, villains without apparent motivations, characters that return
without any explanation, etc.

With all this we can conclude that although the analysis of a film can be
personal, it does have aspects to evaluate, when talking about audiovisual
production we can say that without a doubt there is a considerable increase in the
ability to generate effects thanks to technology, but for the same reason, the sense
and the current plot of the same films has been strongly neglected, and could be

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