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TOPIC 1: NUMBER AND ALGEBRA APPROXIMATION AND ESTIMATION Rounding numbers ‘© Irthe digit after the one being rounded is es than 5, round down. ‘© IF the digit after the one being rounded is 5 or more, round up. Significant figures are counted From the first non-zero digi from the leh. Forexample: S413 3.41 (to 2decimal places) (0.03456 = .0346¢to 8 significant figures) 26,5 © 287 (tothe nearest whole number) ‘You are expected to give answers cither exactly’ or rounded 1 3 significant figves unless otherwise specified inthe question ‘A measurement is ccurate to +4 ofthe smallest division onthe scale. An approxima Anes 3m i a value given to number which is elose to, but aot equal, its re value isa value which is found by judgement or prediction instead of carrying out a more accurate measurement. Ifthe exact value is Vi andthe approximate value is Vi then: ahalute error = [Va = Val parentage ror = WA=VEl 5 100% SCIENTIFIC NOTATION (STANDARD FORM) ‘A number is in selenife notation ifitis writen inthe form x 10° where 1< a < 10 and kez, ‘SEQUENCES AND SERIES A number sequence isa set of numbers defined by a rule. Often, the rule is a formula for the general term oF sequence term ofthe ‘A sequence which continues forever scaled an infinite sequence, A sequence which terminates is called a finite sequence. Arithmetic sequences In an arithmetic sequence, each term differs from the previous one by the same fixed number trast ty =A forall m © Z*, where ds a constant called the common diference. Foranavithmetie sequence with fst tm uy and common dfeenee dhe mh tem is te =u + (0 AY Geometric sequences Ina geometric sequence, cach tem is obtained from the previous one by multiplying by the same non-zero constant, calle the © forall n eZ tug = Pgs $0 We can find» Fora geometic sequence with fist tem x and common ratio the mh erm is ty = war! Compound interest The value of a compound interest investment afer time periods is ty = wl +8)" were ug is the inl value ofthe investment and (isthe interest rate per compounding period To find the real value ofthe investment, we divs bythe ination multiplier each year You shouldbe abl to use the TVM solver on your caleulator to solve problems involving compound interest investments and foans. Depreciation Depreet the loss in vale of an item overtime. ‘The value ofan item aflern years is ty = voll —d)® where tui the intial value of the item tnd dis the rate of deprecation per year. POLYNOMIAL EQUATIONS The highest power of »in a polynomial equation is called egree. 1a polynomial equation has degree n then it may have up to 1. eal solutions ‘You shouldbe able to use your graphies ealeuator to solve polynar equations, EXPONENTIALS AND LOGARITHMS La x0 ed wd Ee aby" = a" ‘The logarithm in base 10 of positive number is the power that 10 must be raised to in order fo obtain that number. If 10° =b for b> 0, wesay that «is the logarithm of b in base 10, and write 2° = log, log 10? = # and 10°" = x forany 2 > 0, ‘The matural logarithm is the logarithm in base ¢. The natural logarithm of x is writen as In 2 oF log, 2. Ine? = and elt =a forall 2 > 0.

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