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Objectives 2
Introduction 3
Types of Entrepreneurship 3-6
Innovation And Entrepreneurship 7
Conclusion 8

● the ability to identify entrepreneurial opportunities that exist, those that
represent untapped markets and underserved markets, and those that can be
created by applying existing technologies to new fields and new markets
● the ability to create entrepreneurial opportunities through the invention,
development and exploitation of entirely new ideas, products and services,
and/or the creation of new industries, infrastructures, and ways of doing
Entrepreneur [an-tre-pre-ner]
An individual who creates a new business bearingmost of the risks and enjoying
most of the reward
The ability and action of an entrepreneur are known as entrepreneurship. On the
other hand, Entrepreneurship is the study of taking a calculative risk in both
creating new enterprise and managing the enterprise effectively and efficiently.
According to Khanka – “Entrepreneurship is a process involving various actions to
be undertaken to establish an enterprise.”
Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new
business it has been defined as the “…capacity and willingness to develop,
organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to
make a profit.” Entrepreneurship is now a matter of debate and discussion. It is
defined differently by different authors
Types of Entrepreneurship:
● Small Business Entrepreneurship:-
Small business is defined as a privately owned corporation, partnership, or sole
proprietorship that has fewer employees and less annual revenue than a corporation
or regular-sized business. The definition of "small"—in terms of being able to
apply for government support and qualify for preferential tax policyvaries by
country and industry. The U.S. Small Business Administration defines a small
business according to a set of standards based on specific industries. While small
businesses often can implement
the same quality management systems found in larger corporations, they may face
different challenges along the way. For instance, small businesses tend to have
fewer human resources and less up-front capital to dedicate to quality initiatives.
Upper management commitment and accessibility, however, can be stronger in a
smaller business, and internal communications can be more straightforward.
The values perceived by small business personnel tend to become common factors
in the personnel’s behavior and can become important factors that generate good
long-term performance. Upper management can contribute significantly to small
business culture development if they can express values and ideas to help guide the
efforts of personnel. Ideas that describe part of the culture are typically known as
organizational values and are expressed by concepts such as values, mission,
vision, policies, and objectives. Typically, these concepts are established by the
leadership and adopted by the personnel.

● Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship:-

Scalable startup entrepreneurship can be defined as a business model where an
organization is started on the basis of a unique idea. It involved everything that
ranges from creating a plan to all the way up launching the business. This form of
Entrepreneurship involved a great sort of work, education, and experience.This
type of entrepreneurship commences with a vision that they can make some
changes in the world. Their investment comes from the venture capitalist as well as
by employing efficient employees. Their goal is to find out the repeatable and
scalable business model. Once they find that model, they further started raising
funds from venture capitalists for the growth of the business. A small proportion of
all trades are made up of scalable startups because of the risk capital and outsize
return. Facebook, Instagram and online shopping for electronics are the few
examples of the scalable startup business.
● Large company entrepreneurship:-
The concept of this type of entrepreneurship refers to the advancement of new
opportunities and ideas within larger and already established companies. This
development is seen later on in the life of a company. Some forms of this include
creating a new design or product in order to compete with surrounding new
technologies and legislation among competitors. Large company entrepreneurship
can be seen as an adaption to environment expansions.
● Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is all about recognizing the social problems and
achieving a social change by employing entrepreneurial principles,
processes and operations. It is all about making a research to completely
define a particular social problem and then organizing, creating and
managing a social venture to attain the desired change. The change may
or may not include a thorough elimination of a social problem. It may be
a lifetime process focusing on the improvement of the existing
circumstances. While a general and common business entrepreneurship
means taking a lead to open up a new business or diversifying the
existing business, social entrepreneurship mainly focuses on creating
social capital without measuring the performance in profit or return in
monetary terms. The entrepreneurs in this field are associated with non-
profit sectors and organizations. But this does not eliminate the need of
making profit. After all entrepreneurs need capital to carry on with the
process and bring a positive change in the society.
Along with social problems, social entrepreneurship also focuses on
environmental problems. Child Rights foundations, plants for treatment
of waste products and women empowerment foundations are few
examples of social ventures. Social entrepreneurs can be those
individuals who are associated with non-profit and non-government
organizations that raise funds through community events and
activities.In the modern world, there are several well known social
entrepreneurs who have contributed a lot towards the society. The
founder and manager of Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus is a
contemporary social entrepreneur who has been awarded a Nobel Peace
Prize for his venture in the year 2006. The venture has been
continuously growing and benefiting a large section of the society.

Innovation And Entrepreneurship:

Innovation is the particular means of entrepreneurs, by which they utilize change
as an opportunity for a various business sector or a several services. Entrepreneurs
require looking for meaningful sources of innovation, changes and their evidences
that present opportunities for productive innovation.
Entrepreneurs innovate and hence entrepreneurship uses innovation as a
peculiar instrument. The play empowers resources with fresh ability to
make wealth. Innovation surely produces resource. Innovation does not
need to be technical. Many technical innovations can match in terms of
influence with social innovations such as the newspaper or term
insurance. The healthcare facility in its modern ability is a social
innovation of the sophistication of the eighteenth century by making
bigger impact on healthcare than numerous proposals in medicine.

Entrepreneurship is a mind-set, an attitude; it is taking a particular approach to
doing things.
The motivations for becoming an entrepreneur are diverse and can include the
potential for financial reward, the pursuit of personal values and interests, and the
interest in social change.
“To win without risk is to triumph without glory.”
- Corneille
"The True entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer"
- Nolan bushnell

1.What inspired you to develop your idea?
Entrepreneurs are individuals who successfully transformed an idea from theory into reality.
Executing an idea can require confidence, commitment and determination. Learning what
motivated an entrepreneur to take action toward implementing their idea can help you evaluate
your own ideas, motivators and challenges.
2.What is unique about your business?
A key quality of many entrepreneurs is their innovation, or ability to offer something interesting
and new. Their ingenuity can help them rise above the competition and find success in their own,
unique way. Learning what unique strategies an entrepreneur employs can help you understand
what differentiates successful new businesses from their competitors.
3.What are the qualities of a good entrepreneur?
Creativity,Eager to Learn,Team Building,Passion,Communication,Risk-taking
4.How long did it take you to find success?
Entrepreneurship can be a long and involved process. Many new ventures experience initial
setbacks and unexpected deviations from their original goal. Entrepreneurs that can adapt and
remain flexible often find new opportunities that allow them to grow into something unique and
effective. Referring to their answer later on in your own journey can help you remember
successful businesses don't always have linear trajectories.
5.What strategies did you first use to market your business?
For a business to grow, it's often important for them to connect with and expand their audience.
Marketing can be an investment, and using your money wisely can help you raise awareness of a
product or service without spending all your resources early on. Incorporating established
marketing practices that led others to success can help you focus your efforts and develop
marketing plans that accomplish as much as possible.
6.How did you first select your employees?
As companies grow and teams expand, many entrepreneurs find they need help. Deciding who to
bring with you in the first part of your journey can have a large impact on the direction your
business goes. Especially as a new business with a small team, individual's contributions can
shape your company. By asking what early steps an entrepreneur took to develop his team, you
can determine important hiring and partnership considerations.
● World's greatest Entrepreneurs

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