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Medi-Caps University, Indore

To tuoy th be havioy o ComLi kone) beam wndlo
1o understand the concept of unsymmetrical bending benu wa
Unsymmetrical bending apparatus.
member may be
subjected to a bending moment which acts on plane inclined to the principal axis
(say). This type of bending does not occur in a plane of the cross section, it is called unsymmetrical
Dending. Since the problem related to flexure in general differs from symmetrical bending, it may be
termed as skew
One of the basic assumption in deriving the flexural formula f is that lane of the load is
perpendicular to the neutral axis. Every cross section has got two mutually perpendicular principal axis
of inertia, about of which the
othera minimum. It can be shown that a symmetric axis of crow
section is one of the principaB axes and
one at right angles to the same will be the other principal axis.
For beams having unsymmetrical cross section such as angle (L) or channel (i) sections, if the lane of
loading is not coincident with or parallel to one of the principal axis, the bending is not simple. In that
case it is said to be unsymmetrical or non-uniplanar bending
In the present
experiment for acantilever beam an angle section, the lane of loading is always kept

vertical and the angle iron cantilever beam itself is rotated through angles in steps of 45.
Considering the position of angle iron wherein the plane ofloading makes an angle with V-V axis of
section. The components of the vertical load ip along v-y and U-U axis are pcos o and psin

The deflection A U and AV along U-U and V-V axis respectively are given by
AU=Psin az

And its direction is given by ß =tan AU

Where, B is the inclination of the resultant displacement is perpendicular to the neutral axis n-n but not
in the plane of the load P.


Medi-Caps University, Indore

o'Q AU
P cos 0.L3
AV 0'P 3EI,
Tan uu_
AU OP P sin 0.L3

ve cot
taDIes of
For the angle section used in the present experiment Im and Ivy can be known from the
Bueau of Indian Standards hand book for properties of standard sections. Therefore for a give aug

the magnitude of angle B can be found out

basis or tne
Ihe horizontal and vertical components of the deflectión can be calculated on, the
geometry available as shown in fig. it can be seen:
AX Acos (¢+P)
AY A sin (+8)
AX=Acos -AV sin B
AY Asin -AV cos pP
Therefore, the procedure of calculating the deflections would be
Calcufate AU and A V using equations (3).

Compute ß using equations (4) and to check the

values by using thie equation (5).
Calculate the required valúes of AXand AYusingequations (5) and(separately
Apparatus description:- Apparatus consists of an angle of size 1"xl"xl/8" of an equivalent metric units
of length 80 om is tied as a cantilever beam. The beam is fixed at one end such that the rotation of 45
degrees intervals can be given and clamped such that the principal axis of its cross section may be

inclined at any angle with the horizontal and vertical lanes. Also arrangement is provided to appl

vertical load at the free end of the cantilever and to measure horizontal and vertical deflection of th
free end. A dial gauge with magnetic base is supplied with the apparatus.
Medi-Caps University, Indore
p Clamp the beam at zero position and width of 500 gms (5 N) on the
loading on the beam to activate the member.
put a
e dtal gauges to zero reading to measure vertical and horizontal displacement atthe free

end of the beam.

the beam in
PLOad step of I kg.(10ON) up to 4kg. And notethe vertical end horizontal deflection
each time.
ep 4 Repeat the steps (1) to (3) turning to beam through 45 degree intervals. Problem of
y irical bending will arise only in those cases where the legs of the angle section are

norizontal and vertical positions. In those case both vertical and horizontai deflections


Observation table:
Leg position Observed deflectionCaleulated Deflection
S. Load in
Horizontal &
No. kg Vertical Horizontal | Vertical Horizontal

Result:- It is seen in the experiment that when the loading is applied an axis of symmetry i.e.,

side movement & horizontal deflection is 0. It shows that in

symmetrical loading there is no

in the member/beam.
unsymmetrícal bending there is torsion developed
Precautions: KnOvdierdoa
Take care to see thát you do hnot exért force.on the free end of the cantilever beam.

Put the load on the hanger gradually without any jerk.

. Perform the test at a location, which is free from vibration.

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