Activity 6

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Traditional Techniques to Contemporary Art Creations Week 12

Activity 1:

Gaining Insights

1. Tattooing is an art, a tradition, that we had inherited from the early Filipinos. What evidence are you aware
of which shows that tattooing still exists and flourishes today?


2. What can you say about the pottery industry today?


3. What is your opinion on Elito Circa's use of blood in his painting?


4. Do you remember the two boy/kid contestants of “The Voice” ? They used recycled musical instruments
they called “Diode” . What can you say about the creativity and resources of the father of the two kids in
coming up with such musical instruments?

5. What example of Filipino rock or Filipino hip-hop do you know? Give and describe.

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Traditional Techniques to Contemporary Art Creations Week 12


6. How would you characterize some modern nipa huts built atop residential houses?

Art Appreciation Exercise 1.

Direction: Answer the following question.
1. Research on Elito Circa. Draw at least 2 of his masterpieces.

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Traditional Techniques to Contemporary Art Creations Week 12

1. Describe and give the distinguishing features of the church in your locality.

Art Appreciation Exercise 2.

Direction: Draw a “SARIMANOK” and comment on its features.

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Traditional Techniques to Contemporary Art Creations Week 12


Art Appreciation Exercise 3.

Direction: Compare and contrast Filipino rock and Filipino hip-hop. What do you prefer between the two?
Come up with an explanation for your choice. Write it below.

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Traditional Techniques to Contemporary Art Creations Week 12


Enriching the Minds

Output 1. Search for a particular artwork of any contemporary artist. You may search the websites or web
pages of an art association, if possible, of different regions. Choose one artwork and answer the following

1. What is the work about?


2. What techniques were applied in the production of the artwork?


3. What traditional techniques do you see in the artwork?


4. What is your comment on the artwork?


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